In My Life


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As Emerson rode up to the Jordans', he saw Cathy by the corrals and swung his gelding that way. "Well, cowboy, you couldn't stay away. I am flattered. I just hope you aren't going to tell me there is some other reason for your visit!" Cathy Jordan had a way of making Emerson feel at ease. He knew she would make a good friend.

"Miss Jordan, a man would ride across this great country just for one of your smiles. I certainly need no other reason to visit, but as long as I'm here, I'd like to speak with your father." Emerson lifted his hat as he spoke.

"Emerson Trask, you have some line! You let a girl down so easy she doesn't even realize what is happening. If you want to meet Dad, just turn around and I'll introduce you."

Turning, Emerson would have known the approaching man was Cathy's father even if she hadn't told him. He had gray hair and a ready smile, but his strength of character was evident. Not a large man, he was close to sixty and seemed in good health.

"Dad, this sweet talker is Emerson Trask. His mother is Molly Hernandez. He rode over just to see me but seems anxious to talk to you. I hope he isn't being fast and loose with me. Emerson, this is my dad, Vernon Jordan."

Emerson dismounted and shook the man's hand. "Mr. Jordan, that was some introduction! Is she always so brief?"

Vernon Jordan showed a smile. "That was really pretty good for Cathy. I just hope some day she'll overcome her shyness. Otherwise, I may wind up with an old maid on my hands. How are you, Emerson?"

The father was a great deal like the daughter, and that wasn't a bad thing, Emerson thought. "Sir, I would like to discuss some business with you. The KC is going to throw a herd on the trail with one from the MM. I just left Pat Casey and he assured me he would be ready with a herd in a week. We'll take the Benson Trail and I will be in charge. I'll be responsible for Gustin's gang and any other problems that come up. I'm here to ask you to throw in with us."

Vernon Jordan was clearly surprised. "I can hardly believe what you are telling me! After all the trouble he had, Pat Casey is going to try the Benson Trail again, with you running the show?"

"Dad, you know I've been trying to talk you into the same thing. Let's throw in with them. There is greater strength in numbers. We are way over stocked and we sure can use the money."

Emerson turned and saw a male version of Cathy standing next to her, and he had been the one urging Vern Jordan to make the drive. Jordan made the introduction. "Emerson, my son Bob. He is a lot younger and less wise than his father. You must realize that death will ride this trail. I'll have to give this some thought. There is nothing fun or exciting about men dying."

Emerson could see this was not a man to push. Stepping into the saddle, Emerson tipped his hat. "Mr. Jordan, I understand your reluctance. It is your decision. We plan on hitting the trail one week from tomorrow and would like to have you with us. However, your decision will be respected, regardless. It has been a pleasure." With that Emerson started his horse toward the next ranch.

As he rode, he could hear the Jordans discussing the drive. Emerson found himself hoping no harm would come to this fine family, but they would have to market some animals if they were going to keep the ranch going. Of that, he was certain.

Vernon Jordan found himself hounded by his offspring. Both wanted him to join with Trask and Casey. He listened to them as long as he could and then fell back on an old ruse. He sent them to town with the wagon for supplies. It wasn't Saturday but they always were happy to go, and that would give him time to think.

As she climbed up along side Bob, Cathy spoke again to her father. "It's sure funny how you always think of things you need from town when we're having a powwow. We'll finish it when we get back."

Maria Casey had been upset that her father had sided with Emerson so quickly, but decided to help anyway she could. She loved her father and her mother's talk about Pat trying that trail again made sense. He needed all the help he could get.

With that in mind, Maria headed for Morgantown to order a list of things they would need for the next several weeks. Ernie Hooker would pick it up in the wagon that evening.

At the same time Tom Taylor was getting a report from Red Gately. The day had begun nicely, but the clod Gately was ruining it.

"Are you sure Ray Brown had the story right? He wasn't drunk or something?" Taylor was giving the messenger a hard time.

"Boss," Red licked his lips and held his hat in his large hands, "I'm real sure. Hell, it was ten in the morning. Miguel Hernandez and that Trask have decided to take a herd over the Benson Trail. They are going to try to get the other ranchers to join them. They hope to leave in a week. That's all he knew."

"They probably won't make it, but what would happen to my plans if they do?" Tom Taylor was annoyed. Things had been going according to his plans and he had been content to play the waiting game. He had to be sure they continued to go his way.

"Cole, perhaps you could discourage others from joining this dangerous venture. A few threats and some muscle in the right places could make quite a difference, don't you think?" Taylor was smiling as he spoke to his ramrod.

When his name was mentioned, Cole Lang left the wall he had been leaning against and moved catlike across the room. He was a thin quiet man, with all the charm of a snake. He had no friends and wanted none. Long ago he realized that fear of his gun was all he could rely on in other men. That fear was his livelihood and his pleasure.

"Sure thing, Mr. Taylor. I'll ride into town with Hogan and a couple of the other boys and spread some discouragement around. Is there anyone in particular you want us to persuade?" Lang showed a rare smile. This was the sort of work he loved.

Tom Taylor saw the pleasure in Lang's face and knew a slight doubt. "I don't much care who you see as long as it involves a rancher. Just don't kill anybody! I only want to give them something to think about. This trail drive could be dangerous, especially if they can't protect themselves in town. How could they ever face Bob Gustin's bunch?" Taylor then added, "Take Red. Maybe he can give someone else an eye as colorful as his own."

It was afternoon when Emerson rode into town. As he approached the general store, he saw a crowd had gathered. He climbed off his horse and worked his way through the small crowd. As he got to the front, he saw Bob Jordan lying on the ground. He appeared to be badly beaten. Cathy Jordan was sitting in the street near Bob, holding her cheek.

Emerson looked around and found Len Hogan, near the store front and he had Maria Casey's shirt in his left hand. He was pulling her to him, trying to bring her face up to his. At that moment Maria scratched Hogan's face with both her hands.

Before Emerson could reach them, Hogan gave Maria a terrible backhand blow to the face, while still clutching her shirt. Maria was knocked back, her shirt tearing in Hogan's hand. As she staggered back, her hands came up to cover the part exposed by the tear.

It was then Maria saw Emerson. His expression was one she would never be able to forget. His face was dark and his lips curled back in a snarl. Anger consumed him. Maria saw the same look she had seen eight years ago inside the same store. Emerson would fight Hogan again!

Maria had met the Jordans as they were riding to Morgantown, and the three had ridden in together. Maria and Cathy decided to visit a friend at the edge of town while Bob took the wagon to the store.

Bob saw Hogan, Lang, and Red loafing nearby, but gave it no further thought. By the time he had gotten down from the wagon and tied the team, Hogan had placed himself in the doorway of the store.

"Would you mind letting me in, Hogan," asked Bob.

"You seem to be kinda pushy, don't you? Are you in a hurry? Maybe you're thinking about a trail drive," taunted the bigger man. "That could be a dangerous trip."

"I just want to go into the store," Bob replied.

"You look sorta yellow to me. Where's that good looking sister of yours?" Hogan asked.

Bob wasn't sure why he was being pushed, but he had determined that Hogan was looking to start something. Bob was eighteen and weighed at least seventy pounds less than Hogan, but was determined to not be bullied. He held little hope of faring well against Hogan, but he knew he was being tested and had to stand up to it.

Hogan never finished his next sentence. "I'd sure like to get my hands on your sister. I bet she'd really-" and Bob hit Hogan on the point of his chin.

Hogan laughed and smashed Bob in the mouth, knocking him back into the street. He then walked after Bob hitting him time and again. Finally, Hogan was holding Bob with one hand, smashing him with the other. That was when Cathy and Maria arrived.

Cathy charged Hogan, pounding him with her fists. Hogan dropped Bob like a doll and gave Cathy a resounding slap that knocked her down into the street, not far from where Bob lay.

By now Hogan had lost all reason. He was like a wolf that smelled blood, unable to control himself. When he saw Maria, a beautiful young woman that had always treated him like he was less than human, he swung toward her.

Maria was horrified as Hogan turned his attention on her. She backed up and found herself against the wall of the store. Hogan reached out and grabbed the front of her shirt, pulling her to him. Seeing his intention, Maria raked Hogan's face with her fingernails. Hogan gave a roar and slapped her face, knocking her back.

Maria felt her shirt give way and saw Hogan's eyes on her. Desperate, she searched the gathering crowd for help as she covered herself. That was when she saw Emerson work his way to the front.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

"Enemy of my enemy is my friend. " (Maria's desperate 'kismet or destiny' with Emerson Trask?)

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

5 Stars so far on a Great start GW . I hope it ends as well for everyone ..

DwarfLord50DwarfLord506 months ago

Absolutely enjoying this story and your writing style. Not a fan of the way you occasionally repeat yourself though. We didn’t need to hear about Maria scratching Hogan and getting her shirt torn twice.

LwcbyLwcbyalmost 2 years ago
Hogan would have been hung

A good story, except for the fact, that in the real old west. It wouldn't have mattered who his boss was, hogan would have been hung for assaulting a woma.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Damn this is a good story

linnearlinnearover 2 years ago

Amazing start and a wonderful story.

RanDog025RanDog025over 2 years ago

Excellent story! Love Westerns. 5 BIG FAT FLUFFY STARS!

DarknsDarknsover 2 years ago

Darnit, I’m loving this so far, pardner! Much obliged (tipping my hat to @Harddaysknight).

Now, onto Ch 2. Yeehaw!!

DarknsDarknsover 2 years ago

Darnit, I’m loving this so far, pardner! Much obliged (tipping my hat to @Harddaysknight).

Now, onto Ch 2. Yeeha!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

why dont western bitches carry small revolvers, like smart women todayt?

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartalmost 3 years ago

Not the biggest fans of westerns but not going to turn up a well written story no matter then genre. 5 stars so far.

The_Sheppards_CorrectionThe_Sheppards_Correctionabout 3 years ago

Sir, this is THE type of story which will always be Numero Uno on my “to read” list. I’m an oldie, yet born too late. My first chapter and not my last. I’ve read many of your stories and enjoyed them. There are so few of my preferred genre here, but that may be another discussion. Excellent writing, packed with action and intrigue. Well done, sir! Finn

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Well, this is starting out like a great read. Emerson has grown up and is a good man now. Yes, at eight years ago, there is always a lot of nasty things that can be said in the heat of the time. I am surprised that Maria is not married nor has she been taken by a bunch of testosterone lead boys. Same for Cathy. I certainly would not have thought to ride into town by myself if I was in her shoes. Good story and ready for chapter two.

SELSTIMSELSTIMalmost 4 years ago
Great Story So Far

Wasn't 22 a little old back then to have not been married? Hell, back then after a woman shed first blood she considered herself a woman ready to wed and start raisin youngins and often widowed by 23. Great characters, great action and fast pace = great story. Thank you Almighty Knight of Hard Days

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I quit reading after the 2nd page. Seemed like it was going to be a terrific story until he was turned into a "good two shoes" apologizing to Miguel Hernandez 1st thing. Just killed the story for me. I sort of thought it was going to happen but the 2nd page ???

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 4 years ago

Outstanding! This might be the best I’ve read of HDK’s writing.

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