In the Service


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I half heard him in the shower, my consciousness dimmed by exhaustion. I next felt his arms around me and his lips on mine and then he was gone. I leapt to the window, only glimpsing him as slipped through the fence on his way toward the camp.

I never saw him again, never found out what became of him or what had so troubled him. I do know he was able to leave the emotion and anguish behind. He left me as a complete man.


"Did anyone ever give you trouble?" he asked as I refilled his glass.

"Only one and even that turned out alright in the end."

"Do tell..."


He was in most ways a typical soldier, young, trim and horny. He came up through the yard, greeted me and asked if he could get some 'head'. I invited him in. He chose to stand as I fellated him. At first he became very hard and seemed to be enjoying my attentions, encouraging me to 'suck that fat cock' and warning about the 'big load' he was going to give me. I had redoubled my efforts when suddenly his erection drooped. He shouted at me 'son of a bitch' and struck me hard across the face, knocking me to the floor. He fled into the yard. I lay on the floor in pain and confused. The blow had loosened some teeth and gave me a black eye that lasted weeks.

I don't know why he lost it or struck me. I'm confident that with all my experience I was a very good cocksucker.

With my mouth in some pain and being embarrassed by the black eye, I shunned visitors for a while until one morning I was working in my garden when several of my young men came in a group. Their spokesman approached asking if something was wrong. When I turned they saw the damage to my face. They went crazy, demanding to know who had hit me. Before I could say a word, they knew. I suppose I wasn't the only one to be abused by that soldier. They lived, worked and trained with him and could easily identify who could do this to me. I urged them to let it drop. They marched off as a group toward the camp, determination in every step.

The next day, my soldier assailant was again in my yard. I was startled to see him and even more surprised to hear the whirring of my push mower. He had nearly finished the yard. The edges of the walk had been trimmed and my vegetable garden was freshly weeded and hoed. When he saw me he stopped and sheepishly approached the porch where I was standing.

"I'm really sorry" he said, face downturned. "Sometimes I just snap and strike out, even if who I'm mad at isn't the one I hit."

When he raised his face to look at me I saw bruises and a black eye to match my own. His face was all contrition despite the markings.

"Yeah, the guys let me know I'd fucked up. Is there anything else I can do to apologize?"

"Just find out what drives you crazy and find a way to deal with your anger. You'll never be able to accept affection or return it until you do. I know you guys are in training for war, but when it's over, I wish you to have a fulfilling, peaceful life – with all the love and pleasure you deserve. Now how about some lemonade. You've been working hard."


"Did you ever do him again?" he asked.

"Oh yes, and he returned the favor many times. It seems he had more need to suck cock than he had been prepared to acknowledge, probably why he acted out. I got him straightened out in a couple of ways.

"Is that all the special ones? You mentioned the lad and the giant. Anyone else come to mind?"

"You know very well there was another."

"I still like to hear about it from you."

"At this point, I'm feeling quite slutty reciting my sordid history of sexual conquests."

"I rather think of it as an artist developing all the skill and talent required for his master work."

"You would think that, though I can't deny it.


It was in the last year of the war. The camp was reducing the number of trainees as an end of the war was expected and all effort was being made on both fronts. I was sitting on my front porch in the late afternoon catching up on the latest war news in the paper. A large, official car pulled up to the house. My nearest neighbors are at some distance, so there could be no mistake that the visit was intended for me. A driver exited the car and came up the walk to address me.

"Are you available to speak with the colonel?"

"Whatever for?"

"I don't know sir. He wants to meet with you."

"Yes, I will see him."

The driver returned to the car, opening the rear door. The man that emerged took my breath away. Tall, distinguished, trim, pressed, tightly shaved yet dark with an irrepressable beard, a man who commanded respect. He approached the walk, turned smartly and proceeded to the porch steps.

"Mr. Jameson?"


"I'd like to have a word, in private."

I held open the front door for him to enter, catching the masculine scent of man and aftershave as he passed. He entered the parlor and sat in the easy chair as if by right. I sat across from him on the sofa, wondering and fearing what this visit must mean.

"As commander of the camp, nothing evades my attention. I am responsible for every aspect of these soldier's lives. For some time I have been aware that many of my men have taken advantage of what might be called 'services' provided by you, Mr. Jameson. I'm not referring to those who frequent your store in the town, but rather those who visit you in your home."

Fear rose in my throat.

"In time of war, many things that are otherwise unacceptable go unnoticed. And it's a damn shame, damned shame. My soldiers, hell the entire US Army owes you debt of gratitude. Most of the town resented their presence, yet you offered the best kind of comfort, what the men needed. They benefited from your attentions, but more by your acceptance and kindness. I'd like to shake your hand."

He rose and crossed the room to me. I was dumbstruck, fearing being persecuted for crime yet instead being honored. I couldn't help noticing the heavy weight distorting the immaculate creases of his trousers as he walked. He grasped my hand tightly, gave it a crisp shake and returned to the easy chair.

He began again, "Now, I was wondering if I might, uh, experience, uh, some of what my men came to enjoy so much."

I hoped I wasn't drooling from my mouth, I surely was drooling from my cock. "I'd like that very much, Colonel." He smiled at me for the first time since his arrival, revealing his desire, even as the growing bulge in trousers revealed it more. He ceremoniously removed his jacket and tie, folding them. Socks and shoes followed. He removed his shirt exposing a heavy mat of dark hair across his chest, trailing down into his trousers. These came off next leaving only his briefs to poorly conceal his cock and balls. Here before me was a man in full maturity, expressing masculinity and confidence.

I knelt down in front of him as he removed his boxers, eye level with his cock and balls. Partially engorged, his cock hung fat and heavy over large, luxurious, hairy balls. This cock called to be serviced, patiently waiting to be pleasured. I opened my mouth wide to begin my dutiful worship. The head alone was heavy on my tongue. I sucked it. His cock hardened slowly, veins beginning to stand out along its length. As I tongued, sucked and swirled, it pushed toward then down my throat, pushing aside any obstacle, still growing. I had to pull back for air, shocked by the tremendous organ that emerged from my mouth. I paused to behold the object of my worship. It was nearly as large as that of my blond giant, more rugged than that of the elegant Frank. His balls exceeded even those of red Jim in size and evident fecundity. These genitals captured the best aspects of the many I had serviced. The head pulsed and swelled demanding my return to duty. I complied.

The Colonel sank into the easy chair, his cock pushing toward me. I applied every technique I had accumulated to pleasure him. I could feel his body relaxing as his cock grew harder. He reserved praise for moments of ecstasy, though rewarded me with soft moans as I delighted him.

His cock head swelled further, warning me of his approaching orgasm. I worked to draw it out of him. Suddenly, he pushed me away from his raging cock. I was shocked, dismayed that I had not satisfied him and would not receive my reward. But I had misunderstood his action. Now he drew me up to embrace me, kissing me fully on the lips, holding me to his chest, his cock still rock hard between us.

"Raif, you are amazing. This is pleasure beyond my imagining. And yet, I want more from you. I don't want you to service me. I want you to make love to me. Do you understand?"

His meaning came to me in a flood. My heart opened and my desire to serve and give pleasure grew to become a celebration of this my lover's masculinity. I returned to loving this man's cock and balls. My technique didn't change, but my joy in the act raised his pleasure to another sphere. We rode the wave of sensation as time seemed to stand still. His first spurt came as a surprise, thick, rich and voluminous. The next was a blast filling my mouth and throat. He pressed forward as I dove down, taking him fully into my throat in time for the next ejaculations. I could feel my stomach filling. Past the height of orgasm, I pulled back to accept more pulses into my mouth, overflowing with cum. I savored and swallowed, tonguing his slit in hopes for more of his semen. A second, gentler wave of orgasm answering my wish. I suckled on his cock, massaging his balls in tribute to his gift to me.

"Raif, take me to your bed" the Colonel requested rather than ordered.

"What about your driver?" I asked worried for the Colonel and me.

"He left a while ago and will come back when I call. Though I may choose to walk through the woods now that I know their enchantment."

I took his hand and led him upstairs to my bedroom. He shed his shirt and came to help remove my clothing. I lay on the bed, not sure what he desired though knowing it would be my desire. He stood over me, his luxuriant cock beginning to stiffen again. My ass trembled with anticipation. I reached into the bedside table for some lubricant, applying it to his ever hardening cock. It felt larger in my hand than it had in my mouth.

"Raif, do you want this?" he asked sincerely.

"Yes, dammit, yes, fuck me Colonel."

He climbed onto the bed between my knees, grasping my legs, lifting me and drawing me nearer his cock. The fat head was hot and slick with precum as it began to spread my hole. I was silently thankful for my blond giant, proving to me that I could open to such a cock and be taken to joyful pleasure. I desired the Colonel even more, savoring the hardness that continued to stretch me open. He pushed into me slowly, so slowly yet not stopping. My body yielded to him, conforming to his cock. My ass was alight with sensation, my own cock surely as hard as his. Tension built throughout my body as he continued to enter me until at last I felt his pubes on my ass. There he stopped.

I opened my eyes to see him smiling down at me. "Are you okay, Raif?"

I couldn't speak, it felt as if his cock had penetrated me and was in my throat. I pleaded with my eyes for him to continue. He smiled broadly and began to fuck. Easy, short strokes at first then building, building into an all out frantic fuck. His body clenched as his orgasm neared, I felt his cock head flare and swell during the last strokes. With a roar he plunged into me, releasing his very being through his climax. He pressed deeper into me as his orgasm came spurt after spurt, burrowing into my ass.

"Sorry my love," he said softly, "I got too excited. I didn't mean to be unkind."

I didn't understand his words, he hadn't been unkind. He had given me his very essence, fully without reserve. I treasured the feeling of his still fat cock spreading me, the feel of his cum oozing throughout the interior of my body.

He gently lowered himself onto me, nuzzling my neck. My own cock raged hard between us. He made gentle movements with his torso, teasing my cock with the pressure and the hair on his stomach. He gasped and pushed a little deeper into me. I felt the pulses of after-orgasm, releasing the last of his cum.

He laughed gently, delighted with his completed orgasm. Slowly he withdrew his cock. As long as it had taken to penetrate me, he pulled out more slowly yet. His cock had become a part of me. My body ached for him to remain. I shuddered as my ass was again overwhelmed with the sensation of absence of him.

Yet he was not gone. He lay beside me, kissing me, caressing me. His placed his hand on my cock, gently rubbing the underside of the head with his thumb. He bent over me, placing a single kiss on my cock head when I began to cum. My entire body convulsed with orgasm, most especially my recently vacated ass. The cum shot everywhere, some landing on my own face, much on the Colonel's face and chest. He pumped my cock for more, laughing gleefully. It ended with a sticky kiss, cum dripping from his face onto mine. I was done.

I woke to his touch, he softly dabbed at the pools of cum on my body. I marveled at his hairy torso as he leaned over me. I could not resist reaching out to touch his cock and balls as they hung just within my reach. He lowered his balls into my hand, their weight somehow comforting to me. For the moment satisfied, his cock still felt hot against my hand.

"Will you come again?" I asked somewhat fearfully.

"Not today, dear one. I don't have anything left" he smirked. "I will be back, if you'll have me."

He did return many times over the next few months. Our encounters grew in intensity and affection. At the same time the population of the camp dwindled. I had no more young soldiers coming to be serviced. I was a little sad, yet had the Colonel all the more frequently as his duties at the camp also declined.

Then one day he came, not his usual confident, masculine self. He wore sadness on his sleeve. We lay together in my bed, touching, feeling arousal mount, yet his usual urgency lagged. After a gentle kiss, he began, "Dear one, I've been assigned to Europe. I leave Monday."

I should not have been surprised. For the first time in my life I felt pain in my heart. He pulled me to his chest, holding me tightly.

"Can you forgive me?"

I did not answer with words, rather I began to make love to this man with all my being. I spared him not a moment, not a sensation. I made love to him to last a lifetime and he returned the same to me.

Early Monday morning I released the desiccated husk that had once been the Colonel back to the army. If they were surprised that the once robust Colonel was this diminished creature, I was confident he would return to his former self soon. In the meantime, I held the image of my absolutely loved lover in my mind.

In our final moment together, he stood on my threshold, pausing to kiss me. "I won't be able to write, they censor everything and I'd never be able to conceal my thoughts of you."

"I suppose I cannot write to you, either. You could be exposed. It would ruin your career, maybe even jail."

"Good bye, Raif." With that he stumbled out my back door and off into the woods. My heart was too full of his love to break.


"Did you ever see him again?" he teased.

"You know very well I did."

"What did you do after he left, after the camp shut down?

"With the camp closed, the town lapsed into an even sleepier form of itself with most of the young men gone to war. My store had prospered with the population explosion of soldiers. Now my stock gathered dust. I wasn't in financial distress, my partner had left me the building and several others providing me with income from the rentals. So closed the store and retreated to my now very lonely cottage."

How did you come to have the house and business anyway? You're a young guy.

"You want the whole story?"

"Might as well tell all. I don't think you can shock me after all you've already shared."


My father died when I was young. My mother remarried to a nice enough man, though I think he was more interested in the family farm than Mom. He treated me alright, so I had no complaints. My mother's death when I was 18. I had no reason to stay with my step-father on the farm, nothing to expect from him. The Depression had pretty much ruined any value. So I hit the road.

I wandered among the other displaced people for several months. Passing through this town and try to bum a job from Mr. Warren. He hired me and let me sleep in the back room. It was the first time I had a roof over my head for more than one night since I left the farm.

"What are you going to do about getting something to eat?" He asked me at the close of business one day.

"I don't know. Sometimes the churches have a soup kitchen. I've done pretty well there."

"Come on home with me. My housekeeper leaves a nice meal. It's always too much for me. You come and share it with me."

"Okay. Why not?"

He drove me home in his car. It was a nice little cottage, isolated, down by the river. Quiet place. I didn't know then that it would become my home. While we were having dinner, a big summer storm blew up. It rained as hard as I've ever seen it. We stood side-by-side at the front window staring out as the river as it rose. The cottage is on a little hill, so not in any danger, but the road soon disappeared under the rushing water.

He looked at me and said, "It looks like you're staying."

I shrugged my shoulders in acceptance. We sat in his parlor listening to the radio. He stood up, saying, "might as well head to bed. The bad news is I tossed out the spare bedroom set last year. Squirrels had gotten in through the chimney and chewed it all up. The divan isn't any good for sleeping – being one of the Victorian variety. I guess you'll have to bunk in with me."

I stayed in my chair, wondering what to do. He went ahead of me up the stairs. I waited a while and followed. He was already under the sheets and looked like he was asleep. I only had one pair of pants and a couple of shirts, so always slept in the raw. It was hot that night, despite the storm. I didn't want to wreck my pants any more than they already were, so I pulled of my shirt and shucked my pants and got into the bed.

That's how it started. Nothing demanded or expected, just two men together by chance offering a little comfort in a lonely world. As I mentioned he was a fair bit older than I, but all the parts worked okay. Our time together was nothing like I've known since the military camp came to town. I think the town knew about us, it is small place. No one seemed to mind much. They liked him. He was from an old family. I imagine they thought I'd drift along any time.

I missed him when he died. He treated me well. He left me well fixed financially, this house, some vacant lots and the whole bottom land by the river. Nobody wanted that anyway, he had told me. When he bought the cottage, the seller threw it in just to be done with it.

Now I was alone, like he had been. I might have taken up with someone if there'd been anyone to take up with. Almost all the young men had gone to war and I'd never had much interest in girls, nor they in me. Mr. Warren's housekeeper stayed on a while, but she died. I could take of myself, so I ran the store in the daytime and sat here in the evenings until that day when Jim the Red arrived. The whirlwind lasted almost three years, the camp shut down and the Colonel left too. And I was back to be alone. I didn't even have the store to run. The grocer rented space from me, so didn't mind delivering them once a week. For months on end he was the only one I saw. I wasn't a hermit, I just had no reason to go anywhere.