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The first period of silence during our luncheon followed. I broke the tension with "Can we have lunch again sometime next week – I truly enjoy your company."

"Uh...well...I'm afraid not, Rob," she stammered, flicking her eyes alternately among me, the table, and something far off in space.

"Why not?" I gently asked.

"You're too adorable – it makes me uncomfortable," she replied after a long pause while she continued to flick around her eyes.

"I haven't been called adorable by anyone since my mother when I was five years old, before my first growth spurt," I chuckled.

She laughed, and then did make intense eye contact. "You liar. You know that you're adorable. Neither of us has ever cheated, but I see warning signs along the road ahead – so I need to detour and not see you one-on-one again. S—s—s—sorry; but you know that I'm right."

After a pregnant pause I had an inspiration. As the lead-up to it I said "I've gotten used to calling you and chatting you up – and telling you a story or two. I'm not sure that I can give that up. I think that I'll have to keep contacting you – short of stalking you, of course," I smiled.

"Please don't," she plead, squeezing the hand I was holding hers with under the table.

I pretended like I had a Eureka moment. "There is one thing that will keep me from ever contacting you – no one-on-one time ever again."

"What?" she suspiciously asked.

"If you take off your panties right now, as we sit here at this private table, and give them to me. I promise never to contact you again."

"Are you serious?" she inquired. When I smiled and nodded my head "yes" she got this perplexed look and said "I... can't do that."

"Why not?" I asked. "You do have panties on, don't you?"

"Of course I do, you pervert," she jokingly snapped, again squeezing my hand under the table. "There's a good reason, though."

"Tell me what it is," I snickered, squeezing her hand.

"Well; this is embarrassing – they're wet."

"Did you pee them?" I asked, pretending to be serious.

"No, you asshole," she shot back, pulling her hand from mine and crossing her arms. However her face indicated humor, not anger.

"Hey, I'd like them even better moist than dry."

"You are such an asshole," she snickered as she looked around. Then suddenly both of her hands were inside her sophisticated business skirt, she quickly lifted her ass off the chair, and she obviously pulled her panties off. She bent over as her legs moved, obviously sliding them down to her ankles, and then removing them from her legs.

With her right hand under the table she groused "All right; they're off; take them from my hand under the table and put them in your jacket pocket – and don't complain about their condition or I'll take them back."

With a devilish grin I did as instructed – and yes, the crotch was damp – maybe even more than damp. That made me feel the best that I ever had (that is except for when I had a tit or pussy in my mouth, or when my cock was in a female orifice).

"Now don't ever contact me again – got it?" Gail snapped, with her arms folded.

"Got it," I said, rising since I had already satisfied the tab.

I moved the table so that she could easily exit. She surprised me as she took my hand as we wordlessly walked out of the restaurant. After we exited she grabbed my tie and pulled my face down to hers and planted a quick but meaningful kiss on my lips. "You make me wish that I was a slut," she mumbled before she kissed me a second time, then released my tie, and snipped "Don't call," over her shoulder as she sashayed away.

I felt the moist/wet panties in my pocket as I appreciated Gail's wiggling ass disappearing in the distance. I had mixed emotions.

Our chemistry was dangerously palpable and neither of us wanted to screw up our lives.

Then again, our chemistry was dangerously palpable and it made me feel more alive and excited than I could remember.

Gail was right – a clean break was necessary.

I kept her panties in my safe at the office. Pervert that I am I sniffed them on occasion.


So that was the end of it. We overcame our animal lust, acted responsibly, put each other out of our thoughts, and lived happily ever after with our spouses.

Oh wait – this a story on literotic; maybe not.


On a Thursday, fifteen days, two hours, and four minutes – not that I was keeping track – after Gail and I parted "forever" – my secretary said "Mrs. Preston on line 2."

I was flabbergasted.

"Hi Gail; I'm surprised to hear from you," was my unoriginal opening.

"Hi Rob. Yeah, I told you never to call me – but I didn't say I wouldn't call you," she laughed.

"You could drive a truck through that loophole, girl," I chuckled.

"Well, this is a special case; I'm not going to start harassing you like you threatened me with until I gave you my panties."

"What's up?"

"I forgot that Jackson gave me those panties as an anniversary present last year, and he asked that I wear them last Saturday when we went out. I told him that they were in the wash, and I didn't want to pull them out and wash them specially, but promised to wear them this Saturday night. He's taking our two kids out all morning and afternoon on Saturday, but that night he and I are going to a play with some friends."

"You really need them back?" I chortled. "What do I get in their place?"

"You little bastard...can you just be a good guy about it? Can you just be adorable?" she cackled.

I laughed. "I told you that I haven't been adorable since I was five."

"How about if I let you pick out another pair?"

"As long as they're used," I snickered.

"God, you are a pervert; OK, I guess that I don't have much choice. When can you bring them by?"

"How about Saturday morning – you'll have time to wash them before you get dressed for the play, and Cassandra has an event most of Saturday that I'm not required to attend."

"OK; Jackson and the kids will be gone about 9 a.m. and back about 4 p.m., so anytime between 10 and 2 would be best. The directions to my house are..."

After I wrote down the directions I said "See you at 10 a.m. Saturday," and then we said quick goodbyes.

I pulled the panties out of my safe, put them in an opaque plastic bag, and put the bag in my briefcase.

I fucked the shit out of Cassandra Thursday night and Friday morning. She could barely walk straight on Friday – although she certainly wasn't complaining.

"What got into you stud?" she asked as she stroked my balls shortly after I had deposited a liter of cum in her pussy Friday morning.

"I was imagining fucking Gail Preston," was my reply – fortunately just in my mind. Thankfully the filter between my brain and mouth worked perfectly. "Can't I just be enamored with my wife?" I asked between suckling her tits. "Does something have to have gotten into me?"

"No...I'm not complaining or interrogating," she laughed, and then jumped up to get a shower to wash off the seminal fluid trickling down her thighs.

Saturday morning I arrived at Gail's house at 9:45. As best that I could I checked around to be sure that Jackson was gone. I rang her doorbell about 9:55, carrying the opaque bag in my hand. Gail answered the door with shorts and a halter top on; no shoes, no makeup.

She looked so fucking hot – hotter than any other time that I had seen her.

"Sorry for my appearance – I've been doing a little cleaning."

"Holy shit – you look better than ever," I growled, that filter between my brain and mouth again out-of-service.

"Now I know that you are blind," she giggled. "Come on in. Want something to drink?"

"Drinking into your eyes is enough for me," I grinned.

"A bullshitter as well as blind, huh?" she snickered.

I was really, really enjoying looking at Gail. In her shorts I got a really good look at her thighs – they were world class. I started chit-chatting about inane things while trying to take in every curve and prominence of her body, oblivious to the fact that my cock was trying to burst my zipper. Finally we got around to the reason for my visit.

"So, Rob; did you bring my panties back?"

"Uh – yeah – sure," I stammered, holding out the plastic bag.

Gail approached me, retrieved the bag, looked inside, and then said "Thanks. Now I have three panties in my bedroom that you can choose from. I'll be right back."

Her ass wiggled as she did her consummately sexy walk to her bedroom. She returned a couple of minutes later holding three pairs of panties in her right hand. While she was gone I noticed the condition of my crotch. I'm sure most of my blood was there rather than in my brain because my thoughts were contrary to everything that I believed in.

"So here are three pairs that you can choose from," she smiled.

"Actually I want another pair," I said without even taking the three from her.

"What other pair?" she asked, perplexed. "You said you wanted one used, and these are the only three I have not washed."

"No; there's a fourth. The one you have on now," I said, staring at her.

"All right," she grumbled, as she turned to go back to her bedroom.

"No – I want you to take them off here so that I can be sure I get the one I want," I said with an edge and rasp to my voice.

I heard her mumble to herself "Oh, no – fuck no – oh shit." Then there was no doubt that her eyes went to my crotch. She stood there staring for what had to be thirty seconds, obviously batting forth in her mind whether to do what I was asking. I upped the ante by dropping my shorts and boxers, shortly followed by my T-shirt, my cock sticking upward it was so hard.

Gail mumbled "Oh shit – fuck no – Oh fuck," a couple of more times. Then she dropped the three panties in her hand, quickly pulled her shorts and the flowered panties that she was wearing down, stepped out of them, and threw the panties toward my face. I snatched them out of the air, dropped them on top of my discarded clothing, and approached her. She looked like a deer in the headlights until I started gently stroking her arms, then smoothly removed her top, and slickly detached her bra as we smashed our lips together. When we broke our first kiss it was off to the races.

I effortlessly lifted her 110 pound body up, turned her upside down, moved her pussy even with my mouth, and started licking and lipping up a storm. She grabbed my cock – readily accessible to her in this position – and almost immediately deep throated it. When she had her first orgasm after what seemed like only a minute, I turned her back over onto her feet, bent her over a padded chair in the living room, buried my cock in one thrust into her wet, tight pussy,

and as she screamed in ecstasy I furiously pistoned in and out.

I couldn't believe how good her snug cunt felt; I knew that I wouldn't last long and wanted her to cum with me, so I pinched a pencil-eraser hard nipple with one hand, and stuck the thumb of my other hand into her asshole. We came like freight trains. My knees got weak, and she alternately screamed and whimpered, as we were hit by out-of-sync aftershocks, each powerful enough to level a small city if they had been earthquakes of similar magnitude. Time seem suspended – my mind was devoid of thought – melatonin, pregnenolone, testosterone, and vasopressin, ran rampant through my body.

Eventually I collapsed onto the floor, pulling Gail on top of me. We feverishly kissed and stroked each other's bodies. Finally, while I was still busy sucking one of her impossibly sensitive perfectly sized nipples and she was fondling my testicles, she kissed my forehead and said "I'll be right back."

As her ass wiggled away pride filled me as I saw my man cream dribbling onto her creamy sculptured thighs. She returned with a bedsheet. She threw the cushions from her large living room couch onto the floor, covered them with the sheet, and then sat down.

I shinnied up to her, she grabbed my cock as I suckled her tits, and then she moaned "I hate you, I hate me, I hate what we're doing – and I've never felt more alive. Fuck me again; right now!"


When I put my clothes back on at 2:15, and stuffed the panties that she had been wearing into my shorts pocket, I was light-headed but, by an order of magnitude, more sexually fulfilled than at any other time in my life. The woman was a goddess, and got the best that I had – sexually – out of me. I really don't know how many different positions we fucked in, how many times I sucked her clit, how many times she cleaned my cock off with her mouth, or how much cum I deposited in her orifices. We tasted like sex when we kissed goodbye.

"This isn't over," I growled as I squeezed her ass.

"Better not be," she – still naked, with glistening thighs – growled back just before she planted a final kiss on me and I exited.


Over the next three years – until Gail and her family moved a thousand miles away – I found out many things about life, sex, and especially guilt.

While there were too many endorphins while I was fucking Gail – on average two different sessions, multiple fucks each session, a week – for me to think during our sexcapades, the rest of the time guilt was my constant companion. Rather than allowing it to eat away at me, however, I turned it into action.

A week before Gail moved, Cassandra summed up the results of my turning guilt into action as Cassandra and I lay in post-coital bliss after a vigorous fuck.

"Rob; you've got to be the best husband and lover in history. You're receptive to my every need, put up with my bullshit when I'm in a bad mood, and fuck me better than anyone else possibly could, even better than when we were first married. Plus, the kids – and all their friends, except for Brittany's boyfriends that is who are scared to death of you (Brittany our now eighteen year old daughter) – think that you're the coolest dad ever. I love you so much."

"You should thank Gail for that – she's turned me into a sex machine and my associated guilt has made me try harder than ever to be a good husband and father."

Well, actually, I didn't say what is in the previous paragraph – while true, the filter between my brain and mouth works better than to let something like that out. My real response was "You and the kids are so wonderful it's easy to reciprocate."

And then I fucked Cassandra again, thinking of Gail's sweet and energetic ass, thighs, and pussy.


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TotosRevengeTotosRevengeabout 2 years ago

Women get the wrath of hell visited on them for cheating. Men seem to seldom have consequences when they initiate cheating. Two sets of standards?

NitpicNitpicover 3 years ago

Pity he didn't get caught.

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago
Like he said

I hate cheaters too, especially the ones in some of your cute little stories.

ilimitadoilimitadoover 6 years ago
Off the Chart!!!

Nice. Very nice. Excellent. Amazing. Yep. I liked it, can you tell?

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 8 years ago

Thanks for the effort.

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