Inherit My Heart Ch. 05


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Chase opened his eyes and looked down at her, "You have no idea." Chase gently kissed her and lay back down on the pillow. "I guess all those years of reading Cosmo paid off."

They both laughed. Elizabeth lay back down on his chest, her hand gently stroking his stomach. Chase was silent for several moments before he finally spoke. "You didn't have to do that you know. I mean, I didn't expect that because I went down on you last night that I expected you to do it to me or that you owed me."

Elizabeth lifted her head again, "I know Chase. I did it because I wanted to," she said smiling up at him and he could tell that she meant it-she really wanted to be there with him.

"I'm glad you did. And feel free to do it whenever you want because it really was incredible."

Elizabeth smacked his stomach and he grunted. He pulled her on top of him, her breasts rubbing across his chest. Chase cupped her face and kissed her tenderly at first, but with more passion as Elizabeth returned his kiss. Chase felt himself growing hard again. He wanted her right then and there, but knew he made a promise. He broke the kiss, both of them breathless. "Do you have a passport?"

"Why are you asking me this now?"

"Do you?"


Chase kissed her again and slid out from underneath her, standing up from the bed. "Go pack."

"What?" Elizabeth was shocked by this turn of developments.

"I said go get packed. We're going to go get married."

Elizabeth sat up, "Chase what are you talking about? Where are we going?"

Chase grabbed her hands and pulled her off the bed and into him. He placed another kiss on her lips, "Vegas baby!"


Sorry this chapter took a bit longer to get out. I got tied up with the holidays and my husband was home from before Xmas through New Years, and I can't write when he's around. Thanks as always to Michchick98 for her valuable assistance and feedback. Best of luck to everyone in the New Year, and keep reading and voting!

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PrincessErinPrincessErinover 16 years ago
Loved it.

Loved the realism of the characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
thanks for another great one..

i'm glad u were able to get this chapter written and posted i can hardly wait for more..

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Hey, out of the first 33 stories/updates on the front page, yours has one of the only two "H"'s! Congrats!<br><br>

I really love the interplay between them, and their growing affection and love. The morning scene was very hot yet tender - loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I really enjoyed this chapter. Every part of it was great. I really enjoy the relationship between the two characters, you are really showing them to be realistic people.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Love it!

Love it! Great chapter! Cant wait for the next one! Thanks for writing!

knitedreamsknitedreamsover 16 years ago

I love the chemistry between your two characters. Can't wait to read more!

sharonasharonaover 16 years ago

Fantastic chapter! Can't wait for more!!!! :D

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