Innocent Sins Ch. 08


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"You say you love me..."

"I do, Jake," she said, perking up. She reached over and placed one of her hands on his leg and squeezed, a hopeful now look in her tearful eyes. "And deep down I know you still love me too."

"I do," he agreed, and she looked relieved to hear it. At least, until he added, "That's why I've decided to give you what you want. Or at least try to."

"What do you mean? All I want is to be with you."

He smiled slightly, and said, "Let's not kid ourselves, Heather. We both know that after the first time it gets easier and easier to cheat. But if we're going to try to make a real go of things, I'd rather not be worried about you sneaking around behind my back again. And if I see a woman I want to take to bed, I don't want to have to sneak around on you either."

"W-what?" she asked. She hadn't expected such an answer.

"We've both had a taste of other lovers now, and I think we need to come to terms with the fact that both of us are always going to want more out of a marriage than what we had before," he said and then glanced at the man who was still silently watching their exchange with fascination. Kurt smiled slightly and began caressing his hand further up Heather's leg. "I think Kurt here is just the man to help us get used to the idea."

"I don't understand..." she said almost in a daze, glancing at her old television hero without a clue what Jake meant.

"I'm giving you permission to sleep with him," Jake said. "And I think I'd like to stay and watch, if you both don't mind."

"I think that's a great idea," Kurt encouraged, looking like the cat who stole the cream. "Heather, why don't you come a little closer. I promise not to bite...unless you want me too, of course."

Heather was looking at Jake in confusion, practically ignoring the other man who was working his hand up her thigh and into her panties. Finally, her hand reached to stop his from climbing any higher.

"Are you sure?" Heather whispered to Jake, then glanced at the handsome actor. "Are you really sure this is what you want, Jake? For me to sleep with other men? And for you to sleep with other women?"

"I doubt I'll want to sleep with other women, but the possibility will always be there." Jake nodded, although he was secretly gritting his teeth to keep the truth from spilling out. "Yes," he finally managed. "I want you to be happy. But if this situation gets uncomfortable for either of us at any time, either of us has the right to ask for it to stop," he said, trying to sound like the willing cuckolds he had read in stories. Shesh, did he sound as stupid as he felt?

After several seconds, Heather tore her teary gaze from Jake and looked at the actor, and Jake could tell she was waging an inner battle with herself, struggling with the truth of her own personal desires and needs and struggling to accept what Jake now seemed to want. With a soft, weary sigh, she looked at jake again and even as a tear escaped her control, he could tell she had made her decision.

By this point, Kurt had leaned over and was nibbling on her ear as he pushed his fingers inside the elastic of her panties, urging her legs apart for easier entry. Heather closed her eyes and moaned something unintelligible when Kurt's other hand began to fondle her breast. Jake watched, gritting his teeth against a tide of rising anger, as the experienced older man managed to seduce Heather into a passionate kiss. All the while he was slowly working her out of her clothes, lowering the zip on the back of her dress to free her breasts and bunching it around her waist to expose her panties and bare thighs. For a few minutes, he used his lips and mouth to arouse her nipples and his right hand to finger-fuck her into submission.

Just when Jake thought he couldn't stand anymore, Heather turned her head toward him and breathed his name. "Jake...?" When she opened her eyes she looked straight at Jake...and she smiled at him.

At that moment, Jake knew their lives would never be the same again.

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