Intersexed Ch. 02 - Recruitment


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"I'm reading that one now," Rick acknowledged. "What do you make of the Agent's statement that one of the illegals reported an invisible craft piloted by Hollywood actor Tank Zaffra taking them to where they walked from?"

"That the woman has been watching too many Joss Whedon movies," Agent Benjie dismissed. "Isn't Zaffra filming some movie with Julie Angelina at the moment? That's one broad I'd like to get in the sack, you know?"

"I ain't answering that question in a Federal Government building, you Muppet," Charlesworth growled. "Nor should you be asking them!"

"Ahh, relax, Rick," Benjie dismissed. "It's just boy talk."

"Yeah?" Special Agent Rick replied. "It's the kind of boy talk that has you standing in front of HR explaining why they shouldn't yank your badge."

"There was a third camp destroyed up near the Washington/British Columbia border, too," Paxton said, reading from the overnight report. "Looks like some group's got it in for the Christian Fundamentalist groups in the good ole US of A."

"No one's claimed responsibility, though, have they?" Rick asked. "But, assuming the one out from Mountain City was an attack, too, that's four camps taken down without anyone seeing the perpetrators. We've scouted around that Supremacy base near the Tennessee/North Carolina border, and there's no sign of any damage to the protection fence."

"If it was an attack, maybe the invaders used choppers?" Benjie surmised.

"Choppers that no one saw or heard?" Charlesworth questioned, then shrugged. "Well, unless that Tennessee/North Carolina camp's commander admits it wasn't an accidental explosion that took the camp out, there's fuck all we can do."

Providian starship orbiting Earth.

Julie watched as the regeneration chamber's internal light changed from red to green. Then she heard the whir of the extraction fans, and the top opened. The young, ice-addicted woman slowly stood. Julie picked up a hospital gown and offered it to the youngster.

"You're Julie Angelina!" The woman disbelievingly stated as she accepted the gown and put it on.

"That I am," Julie smiled as she inspected the rail-thin youngster. The young woman showed no sign of the damage she'd caused herself the previous night. Her skin no longer had the pallid, waxy look it held and now glowed with perfect health. Glancing a little disbelievingly at the report the chamber had generated, Julie asked, "How do you feel?"

"Like I've just taken a hit of the good stuff," the woman answered. "Better than I have in years." She examined herself. "I don't have any needle marks in my arms," she said wonderingly. "And all the sores from where I've picked at my skin have disappeared." She looked around, "Where am I? Some kind of rehab facility, I guess. I can't afford this!"

"Some kind of, is correct, child," Julie explained. "Look, what's your name? I bet you're hungry, so let's go and get something to eat and drink and get to know each other."

"Umm, I'm Tiny Dancer. Please to meet you, umm, Ms Angelina."

"Really?" Ms Angelina asked exasperatedly. "What's your real name, honey?"

"Oh," the young woman blushed. "I've been on the street for so long, I've almost forgotten my real name. Umm, Tina Tanzer."

"Which is German for 'dancer', right?" Julie asked.

"My dad said it was," Tina said. "But he died before my thirteenth birthday, so I don't know."

"And how old are you now?" Ms Angelina queried.

"Twenty-one," Tina replied.

"You know that I'm going to check, right?"

"Nineteen," Tina corrected. "Just turned. My birthday was last week. I spent it on my back, trying to earn enough for my next hit, you know?" Tina tearfully added. "Why did Mom have to marry that pedo freak after Dad died?"

Julie didn't know how to answer, so she smiled and helped Tina into a seat in their usual cafeteria. "When was the last time you ate, honey?" She queried. Then, when Tina answered, Julie said she'd get them something to eat and walked to the counter.

Tank quietly entered the cafeteria and joined Julie at the counter. "How is she this morning?" He asked.

"Clean and sober," Julie responded. "She just doesn't realise it yet." She thought furiously before asking, "If you haven't eaten for a few days, what should you break your fast with?"

"A bone and lentil broth," Tank replied. "Something sugary to drink with lots of electrolytes. Regardless of what you feed her, she's likely to throw it up."

"How do you know that?" Julie wondered.

"General knowledge is a huge part of the Mastermind questions," Tank shrugged. "I must have read it somewhere while studying for the show."

Melinta was on the counter, and she smiled at Tank before turning to Julie. Melinta listened intently to Julie's food request before disappearing out the back to check with the chef. When she returned, Melinta said, "Taintor says the best he can do is a vegetable soup. He's uncertain what a bone broth even is."

Julie deferred to Tank, who said a vegetable soup would be fine. Melinta offered Tank an electrolyte drink to check. When he read the ingredients, Tank realised it was pretty much a standard electrolyte replacement drink similar to PowerAde or Gatorade. He added it to Tina's meal. After putting their orders in, Tank and Julie joined Tina at her table.

"Fuck me!" Tina gasped. "You're Tank Zaffra! Now I know that I'm still coming down from my last high. Julie Angelina and Tank Zaffra sitting at my table? Not even Stoned Steven would believe me!"

"Well, Miss ... I'm sorry, but I don't know your name ... believe it, because it's true!"

"Okay," Tina said. "I'm just a drug fucked whore from San Antonio. How do I get to have Tank Zaffra and Julie Angelina showing an interest in me? Is this some kind of intervention TV show you're filming? Hollywood Stars Rescue Drug Addicts, maybe?"

Looking at the young woman intently, Julie asked, "Tina, do you feel like you're buzzing? Coming down from a high? Do you have any cravings?"

Tina closed her eyes and 'felt' her body before slowly saying, "No. I haven't even thought of taking a hit." She thought more. "That's weird," she admitted. "I normally need a fix as soon as I wake up."

"Well," Julie continued. "That box you woke up in is what's called a regeneration chamber." She asked, "I'm sure you've noticed that you don't have sores on your skin anymore?" Tina nodded, and Julie continued. "The chamber fixed those, too." Julie held up the report from the chamber. "According to the medical report, you had Hepatitis C, herpes, and HIV. In fact, without our intervention, you would have been dead within a week because your liver had failed."

"But I'm somehow okay now?" Tina asked.

"Yes!" Julie beamed. "The report says that you're dehydrated, underweight and malnourished, but it's nothing that a few days of good food and liquids won't fix. Add a few more sessions in the regen chamber, and you'll be as good as new."

"But how is that possible, Ms Angelina?" Tina asked. "Your liver and kidneys don't fix themselves, do they?"

"Your liver can," Julie explained. "Depending on what damaged it. But you're right; your kidneys cannot."

"Then how? This technology doesn't exist, does it?"

"Not on Earth," Julie said.

Tina thought before asking, "You're saying that we're not on Earth?"

"You're in an alien starship orbiting Earth, Tina," Tank told her.

Of course, Tina was equally as sceptical as they and everyone else were. But after Tank and Julie demonstrated their superhuman strength, she unwillingly accepted something beyond her ken was happening, which brought Tank and Julie to the point where they needed to ask.

"Okay, Tina," Julie said nervously. "This is where the rubber meets the road. Are you willing to join us in fighting against the alien invasion that's coming this way?"

"Why me?" Tina asked.

Major Tenerife, who had joined the conversation towards its conclusion, said, "Tina, will you look at this, please?" He showed her the DNA comparison between her and Julie."

"I don't know what that is," Tina confusedly stated after looking at the reports. "But they look the same."

"They are DNA reports showing that yours and Ms Angelina's are more than 75% the same," Tenerife explained.

"Wouldn't that mean we're related?" Tina asked.

"Yes," Tenerife confirmed.

"Wouldn't that mean I'd become like Ms Angelina if I took the enhancements?"


"I'm in!" Tina stated. "She's the most beautiful woman on the planet, and any woman would love to look like her."

Tenerife smiled and was about to ask Tina to come with him before Julie interrupted. "There are side effects you need to consider before you choose, Tina."

"Such as?"

"Come to the changerooms with me, and I'll show you."

Tina and Julie stood and left the cafeteria.

"That's the end of that," Tank said gloomily. "Major, are you sure there's no way to implement the changes without making everyone a hermaphrodite?"

"Yes," Tenerife firmly answered. "The extra chromosome strand is what makes the enhancements work."

Despite Tank's fears, Julie walked back into the cafeteria only a few minutes later. At Tenerife's and Tank's questioning looks, she shrugged and said, "Tina looked at what I had between my legs, giggled and asked how well it worked. When I said 'perfectly', she asked if I'd fucked Tank with it yet. Then, when I told her that was none of her business, Tina giggled again and said she'd always wanted to know what it was like to have one. We were returning here when we passed Researcher Anan, and Anan took her to the lab."

"Two more waiting to talk with you," Major Tenerife said a little impatiently. "I've got them in the same room, so shall we?"

"We shall indeed," Tank teased as he followed Tenerife from the cafeteria.

Tenerife led them to another hospital room, this one across from Tina. Upon entering, Tank and Julie saw twin teenage girls standing against the wall, holding hands.

"No!" The lieutenants shouted simultaneously. "Too young," Julie continued.

"Don't ... we ... get ... to ... decide ... that ..." the twins said alternately before finishing together, "for ourselves?" Then, the twin on the left added, "We'd already decided we wanted to be part of this, Mister Zaffra, Ms Angelina. We only held out because we wanted to meet you first."

"Major Tenerife told you we were part of this program?" A surprised Julie asked.

The twins started talking alternately again, "We were being bitches." They stopped, looked at each other, and giggled before simultaneously adding, "I think we had poor Major Tenerife so wound up, he just blurted out that you were on board without thinking. That's when we decided we wanted in." The teenage girls turned to Tank before blushing and looking down shyly, "We've had massive crushes on you since Dad took us to see The Turncoat. You know? The movie you got your Emmy nomination for."

"I still say 'no'," Tank growled, ignoring the sudden downcast looks on the twin's faces. "How old are you children, anyway?"

"We are not children!" The two girls snarled. Then, returning to speaking alternately, they added, "We turned eighteen two weeks ago." They glared at Tank before turning toward Tenerife and Julie and ignoring him. "Major," they simultaneously said. "We lost Mom years ago and Dad last year, and we have no family or friends to worry about us disappearing. We want to stay on this spaceship and join your army. Maybe we can find friends and family here. We don't care what Tank Zaffra says."

"Before you decide, you need to see this," Julie said intently, unzipping her jumpsuit and pulling it down. Her control briefs swiftly joined it around her thighs, and her thick, almost 12-inch cock dropped into view. "

"Cool!" The twins exclaimed excitedly. "Does it work? Can we get one, too?"

"This isn't a strap-on tool," Julie emphasised, shaking her enormous member. "This is what happens to you if you take Major Tenerife's mutagenic treatments!"

"Cool!" The teenagers repeated. "When can we start?"

Julie stared at the twins before turning to Tanking and throwing her hands in the air. "No point in us being here," she growled before turning on her heel and storming from the room.

"I thought she'd be cooler than that," One of the twins observed as they crowded closer to Tenerife.

"I'll see you in a few days when you've completed your first round of treatments," Tank told the girls before following Julie from the room.

As he walked past, Tank decided to check if Julie was in her room. She was, so he knocked and waited for her permission before entering. The hospital bed was the room's only furniture, so he pushed his back against the wall and sank to the ground.

"What the fuck were they thinking?" Julie growled. "Don't they know how dangerous this is?"

"Did you see their clothing?" Tank quietly asked. "I'd guess they're either living on the streets or bed-hopping between friends. How long before a pimp grabs them and addicts them to ice or heroin? How long before they're the same as Tina? This probably seems like an excellent alternative."

"They're eighteen, Tank," Julie said exasperatedly. "Eighteen! They're not old enough to make that kind of decision."

"And, of course, you did exactly as your parents told you to do at eighteen, right?" Tank grinned.

"Yeah," Julie replied reluctantly. "I see your point. But still, I worry for them!"

"And we'll worry even more when we send them on their first mission and more still until they return."

"You're right," Julie unwillingly agreed. "Want to go to the dojo and work off some frustration?"

"Sure," Tank replied.

Later, after three hours solid of practising their Karate Katas and spending time in Anan's gym working on their strength, the actors showered and met for dinner in their usual Cafeteria. After a few minutes, Roque, Envet, Alban, and Genet joined them.

"You three have been absent since we returned from the missions," Tank observed.

The three lieutenants seemed to simultaneously shiver before Alban answered, "We've undergone another round of mutagenic gas treatment and testing. Let me just say, I understand why you and Lieutenant Angelina often look grey and a little green around the edges."

That released the slight tension that had gathered in the group, and the captain and five lieutenants spent an enjoyable hour telling ever increasingly exaggerated tales of their experiences with the transforming gas as they ate.

After Genet and the lieutenants left, Julie and Tank spent an hour in the ship's library, looking through the histories. They weren't sure they were learning anything useful, but it helped them to understand what drove the Providians they worked with. According to what they read, the recorded history of the Providian people was a mixture of fleeing before the Aridians destroyed them and the world they inhabited and discovering new planets to colonise. Often, that colonisation was achieved by brutally eliminating the various species already living on the planet.

"I'm not sure if these Providians are the good guys," Tank observed. "But, sure as heck, the Aridians are worse."

"Well, at least as far as the Providian's recorded histories say they are," Julie rejoined doubtfully. She closed her book and added, "Anyway, I'm done for the night and going to bed."

"Sounds good to me," Tank grinned. "If only there weren't cameras in your room, I could join you."

"I'd like that," Julie blushed before leaning over and kissing Tank's cheek. "I'll see you for breakfast," she said as she walked out.

Tank waited until he was sure Julie was in her room and walked quietly but purposefully down the corridor towards Anan's exercise lab. Nearing the door down to the researchers' bedrooms, Tank looked around, ensuring he was alone. He smiled when he saw the 'Military Personnel Only' sign still lying on the floor beside the wall. But Tank figured he could argue that he was 'Military Personnel' if anyone questioned why he was in that area.

Counting off the doors, Tank knocked lightly on the fourth door on the right. A bleary-eyed Melinta opened the door.

"Lieutenant Zaffra!" She gasped. "Come in," she quickly added, dragging Tank through her door. Once Tank was inside, Melinta dropped her gown, revealing an exquisite body and a swiftly engorging, 8-inch cock. She took Tank's hand and guided it onto her penis as she rubbed Tank's over his jumpsuit. "Strip," Melinta demanded as she stepped back.

Ignoring Melinta's demand, Tank pursued her as she stepped back. Then, he locked lips with the beautiful Providian as he pumped her thick cock. Wrapping his powerful arms around Melinta's back, Tank squeezed her tightly as he explored her mouth with his tongue.

Melinta moaned as she returned Tank's kiss and embrace. She forced her hands between them and pulled Tank's jumpsuit zipper down. Then, peeling the item off Tank's shoulders, Melinta wrapped her dainty left hand around Tank's todger. "It's so big," she moaned as her thumb and fingers failed to meet.

Tank kissed Melinta again before exerting downward force on her svelte shoulders. Taking the hint, the gorgeous canteen worker dropped to her knees and took Tank's strainingly erect cock into her pouty-lipped mouth. Her left hand gently cupped his hefty balls as her right found his engorged clitoris.

"My first load will be quick," Tank gasped. "After that, I'll take care of you, okay?"

Melinta moaned in response before squeezing Tank's balls gently and lashing his big purple glans with her tongue. Taking advantage of all Providian's lack of a gag reflex, Tank grabbed the back of Melinta's head and brutally forced every inch of his stupendous cock down her throat.

Holding tightly, Tank face-fucked Melinta as viciously as he could. He suspected the beautiful Providian cafeteria worker was submissive at her core and would love being subjugated. Melinta's deep groan around his cock proved Tank was correct in his assessment. Melinta's left hand left Tank's balls and wrapped around her shaft. Then, stroking herself as viciously as Tank face-fucked her, Melinta worked to bring them both to fruition.

Only brief seconds later, the pair uttered deep groans as their thick cocks erupted. Swallowing eagerly, Melinta accepted Tank's gift down her slender throat before curling the finger she had inside Tank's pussy back and scraping its tip across his G-spot. Groaning again, Tank climaxed. This time, his pussy gushed fluids as his cock spat cum.

Tank's need was still urgently upon him, so he lifted the beautiful Providian off her knees and lowered her onto his throbbing cock. He got about seven inches into the squirming woman before he hit her cervix. Melinta's eyes flew open, and she mouthed, "No!" before Tank grinned mercilessly at her and pulled down on her shoulders. "Faaaarrrrrkkkkkk!" Melinta moaned as Tank's enormously long and thick tool opened her cervical canal and forced its way inside.

"Cum for me, my little Providian slut," Tank demanded as he held Melinta's clitoris tightly against his pelvis and rotated his hips.

Melinta moaned, "Faaaarrrrrkkkkkk!" again as her throbbing cock exploded between them, showering them both with thick ropes of semen.

Tank pulled back until he felt Melinta's cervix release his cock. Then he hesitated against her cervical opening before rapidly jamming his cock back into her. Melinta had basically passed out, and she hung limply in Tank's grasp as he pumped roughly into her. She mewled with every inward thrust and orgasmed every time Tank pulled out.

Melinta felt Tank thrusting faster and faster as his breath quickened and deepened. She tried to push Tank off before the inevitable happened, and he came inside her. However, it would have proven as useful to push against the starship's bulkhead for all the good her pushing did.
