Interstellar Impregnation Pt. 03

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Beth and Lucas.
3.8k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 03/24/2022
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Everyone in this story is over the age of 18.

This is, like, so weird, Beth thought. She glanced over at the skinny, naked geek standing behind her.

Lucas was his name, she was pretty sure. How sad was it that this tiny dude who she'd never date -- wasn't even sure of his actual name -- was about to have sex with her and knock her up? She'd swear she was dreaming, if she'd ever actually had a dream as messed up as this one.

Beth thought his name was Lucas because she remembered being in Chemistry class with him and every time the teachers asked a question it was Lucas whose arm would shoot into the air. That kid knew everything.

Well, at least our baby will be smart, Beth thought to herself. She looked down at her tight, naked, cheerleader body. Smart and sexy. Maybe these dumb aliens are onto something after all.

"Uh, so. How do you want to go about this?" Lucas asked. His voice was nasal. He kept reaching to push his glasses up his nose, but the aliens had taken them from him so he was pushing at nothing. He had light brown hair. His ribs stuck out like he hadn't eaten in months. His arms and legs were like twigs. Beth worried, if he actually ever got around to fucking her, she might break him.

All around her, Beth heard the sounds of her classmates acting upset. Arguing and whining about this situation they'd been stuck in. She didn't see the point in it. Beth was used to being told what to do. Her Daddy. Her teachers. Her boyfriends. They handed out the orders and she followed them. It had worked out perfectly so far. So, the aliens told her to fuck. There were worse fates in this world. Beth didn't see how arguing about it was going to change anything.

"I don't see what the problem is, Lewis," Beth said. She blew her long, dark brown hair out of her eyes.

"My name is Lucas," Lucas said. Right. I knew that. Why did I suddenly think Lewis?

Beth was fairly sure it was all the stuff the aliens had pumped her body full of. She liked sex, usually. But she couldn't imagine being this worked up over a hot guy, let alone the too-smart scarecrow standing behind her. As it was, they were only about a minute in, and she was already humping the air behind her. Her legs were dripping with her own lubrication.

"Look, can you just stick it in me?" Beth asked. She was already impatient. "Let's get this over with."

"I don't want to hurt you," Lucas said. He again tried to fix his nonexistent glasses.

"Oh, don't worry, baby," Beth said, "Your little geek dick isn't going to do a thing to me."

"I don't have a little geek dick," Lucas spat back.

Actually, Beth wasn't able to turn her head enough to see what Lucas was packing. For all she knew, he had a Godzilla cock. But she was pretty sure he didn't. Nerds had small dicks, but they were really good at eating you out. Everyone knew that.

"You know, making fun of me isn't going to make this any easier," Lucas said. He sounded legit unhappy. Around them, most of the other kids had already surrendered to their urges. Beth could hear the grunts and groans of girls getting good and fucked. It reminded her of this one party a few months back where all the football guys had...

Anyway. She was already horny enough without thinking about crazy nights like that one.

"I don't see what's so hard about it," Beth said, "I thought you were smart and stuff."

"I am smart," Lucas said, defensively, "But I don't know what I'm doing. I've never done this before."

"It's pretty easy, babe. Just stick your cock in my pussy," Beth said.

"Sure, just like that," Lucas said, mumbling to himself.

"I don't see what the big deal is," Beth said with a sigh. "The faster you stick it in me, the sooner this will be over. Then I can go back to my friends, and you can go do... Well, whatever the heck it is you do with your free time. I'm guessing play videogames and watch cartoons where cheerleaders get fucked by tentacle monsters."

"I don't watch hentai," Lucas said. Like that was the thing to argue about.

"You don't even have to last long," Beth said, "You can put it in and fill me up. See? Simple."

"And if I told you that, in order to solve a quadratic equation, you merely need to factor the quadratic? Isn't that simple?" Lucas asked.

"The what-what?" Beth asked, "Why are you talking gibberish right now? I asked you to fuck me, not give me a math lesson."

"Well, at least she knows it's math," Lucas said under his breath, like Beth really couldn't hear him in that little stall. "See, it's not that simple."

"Whatever, you don't have to know anything more than 1 plus 1 equals 3," Beth said.

"Wait, what?" Lucas was flabbergasted.

"Because you put your one in my one and we make a baby," Beth said, "I'm being clever."

"Uh huh," Lucas said, "Look, I know that you spread your legs for every guy that asks but I've never done this before. I'm legit freaking out right now."

"Did you just call me a slut?" Beth asked.

Silence. All she could hear were the slaps of thighs and the cries of pleasure coming from the other stalls. Why couldn't that be her instead of being stuck with this loser?

"Look, I'm sorry," Lucas said, "I only meant that you know what you're doing here, and I don't. If they made us all do math or science or chess or whatever, I'd be helping you. I'm relying on the expert here. It's a compliment. Sort of."

"It's so easy," Beth said, "I don't see what the big deal is. Look, see this?" She wiggled her ass in the air. "Why don't you touch it?"

Obediently, Lucas placed his palm on her butt cheek. The heat of his hand almost put Beth over the top. She'd never been this horny in her life. It was breathtaking.

"It's, um, very nice," Lucas said. He gulped.

"Damn straight," Beth said. She'd spent all her free time in the gym, kept a strict diet, the whole thing. All so she could have this amazing bod. OK, she hadn't built it for boys like Lucas, but still. That ass was a monument to over a decade of effort and sacrifice. He'd better appreciate it.

"Now what?" Lucas asked.

Beth rolled her eyes. "Come on, you have a body. Just listen to it. The stuff they put in us is driving me crazy. I'm sure it's doing the same to you. Follow your instincts."

"That's the problem," Lucas whined, "The chemicals have me super worked up but it's making me all jumpy. I can barely stand still. Let alone do, you know. That."

"Oy gevalt," Beth said, repeating something her Dad's accountant always liked to say when things were looking bad. "I thought nerds were supposed to be all smart and that made them good at sex and stuff," Beth said.

"Where did you hear that?" Lucas asked.

"Porn," Beth said.

"Well, porn's not real life," Lucas said.

"I know that now!" Beth snapped back.

"Look, this is hard enough," Lucas said, "You judging me is only making it worse. Hell, even with all the stuff they put in me, everyone having an orgy around us, and the hottest girl in school bent over naked in front of me, I can only keep half a hard-on. You're making me nervous. You've got to help me out here, OK?"

Beth glanced back. Lucas' face looked pained. His chest and neck were red, like he was about to break out in hives. For a moment, she had to admit, she felt sorry for the poor guy. Sort of. He'd said it himself. He'd hit the (literal) fucking jackpot. Who won a trip to Hawaii and then didn't want to go? Lucas, apparently. Good Lord.

Beth knew she needed to do something. The problem was, she was so horny she could barely think. It didn't help that everyone around her was getting fucked, hard. The sounds, the smells, they were overpowering.

The girl in front of her -- a chubby drama chick with huge tits named Scarlett -- had her mouth hanging open in a permanent O-face. In the stall next to Beth was Courtney, one of the other cheerleaders. She was getting railed by a football player, Mason, and just like at cheer practice, she would not shut up.

"Uhhh...Oh! AH! Llllluh. Fuck. FUCK! Oh God. So good. Uhn... uhn... uhn..."

"Courtney, you're being super loud," Beth said, calling over the wall of the stall.

"Ah. Ah fuck. OhFUCK! Oh... Don't stop. Please. Just. Ah AH AH!"

"Courtney, come on. It's like, really distracting."

"Uh-uh-uh. Oh-oh-oh. OH! Oh YES, I'm... Oh GOD. Cuh-cuh-CUMMING!"

"Courtney, shut the fuck up!" Beth screamed. Fortunately, when the mouthy girl finally got over the top it made her go silent. For the moment. Mason was still stuffing her like he'd never stop. How was a girl supposed to concentrate with all that going on?!

Beth made herself take a deep breath.

"OK, Lucas," she said, "We can work through this together."

"Thanks," the geeky guy said. The relief in his voice was so clear, Beth almost felt bad.

"Look, think of it this way," Beth said, "You said you think I'm hot, right?"

"The hottest girl in school," Lucas said, "By far."

"Wait, even hotter than Sarah?" Beth asked, thinking of the skinny blonde with the big round tits who was dating the captain of the football team. The one with the girl-next-door face and the woman-from-another-planet body. Even Beth felt intimidated by that bitch.

"She's not even close," Lucas said.

"Wow," Beth said, "Thank you." She knew it'd be creepy if she found out some nerd had a crush on her back in school. But now, in this weirdest of weird situations, it did make her feel kind of nice.

"That's one of the reasons I'm freaking out," Lucas said, "Honestly."

"It's OK," Beth said, "I'm, like, literally tied to a bar and bent over naked. You can't mess this up."

"Only if I fuck you real fast with my tiny geek dick and cum in two seconds, right?" Lucas said.

Well, when he puts it like that...

"I'm sorry I said those things," Beth said, "I'm really fucking horny right now and it's messing with my mind. OK? We agreed. We're doing this together now, right?"

Lucas nodded vigorously.

"OK, so like, maybe we do a little pretend," Beth said, "Try to help get your mind off things. You're with Dr. Spock on a weird alien planet. And you find this super-hot Jedi chick tied up naked to a rock. And now the Captain is saying you have to fuck her."

"Oh my God," Lucas said.

"This is totally working, right?"

"Not even the littlest bit," Lucas said, "Seriously I'm almost flaccid now. That should be biologically impossible."

Beth groaned. She shook her head.

"OK, new tack," she said. If she was using her dad's sailing words then she was really falling apart. "Let's go back. You've got the hottest girl in school right now, naked, in front of you. Right?"

"Yes," Lucas said.

"Do you like that?" Beth asked.

"I mean, I guess," Lucas said.

"Watch my big titties," Beth said, shaking her chest. Actually, her boobs were barely a C-cup at best, but what did the nerd know? "Look at my perfect ass," Beth wiggled her butt. "Now look close, between my legs. What do you see?"

"Your, um, your vagina," Lucas said.

"My what?"

"Your pussy," Lucas said. His face went bright red.

"See how shiny my thighs are with my juices? See how the lips are so thick and spread open?" Beth asked, "Come on, get a good look in there. Do you see that little nub, poking out, at the top of my pussy? Like near the hole?"

"Your clitoris?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah, my clit," Beth said, "All of that means I'm aroused. Like, super-duper amped up. Just waiting for you to stick your dick in me."


"Oh yes," Beth said, making her voice all husky, "I want it so bad, baby. You're going to stick that big fuckstick in my pussy and I'm going to scream it'll feel so good. You're going to make me cum again and again. Slap my ass. Squeeze my tits. And then, when you've wrung every last bit of pleasure out of me, you're going to dump your huge, fertile load right into my waiting womb."

"Oh God," Lucas said.

"That sound hot? You want that?" Beth asked.

"No. I mean yes. But," Lucas paused, "You reminded me that it's not only sex. We're going to make a baby."

"I know," Beth said, "I know I should be upset about that, but it kind of turns me on. I always wanted lots of babies. You like that, Lukey?"


"See the hottest girl in school all swelled up because you came inside her? Watch my tits get full of milk? See our little baby in our arms. That perfect mix of you and me?"

"Our baby will be the two of us," Lucas said.

"I know right? Smart and sexy," Beth said.

"Actually, I was thinking more like ugly and stupid," Lucas said, "I don't think I can do that to a kid." He ran his hand through his hair.

"AAARRRGH!" Beth screamed at the top of her lungs. Even Scarlett and Courtney paused for a second to look.

"God, so loud," she heard Courtney grumble, "Keep it down, slut."

"That is IT!" Beth said, "I've had enough of this. I tried being nice about it, but I can't do it any longer."

"I'm sorry," Lucas said.

"I don't give a fuck what you are," Beth said, "Get your skinny butt over here."

Lucas shuffled up toward Beth's face.

"Show me your dick," Beth said. He held it up in his hands. To her surprise, Lucas' dick was kind of nice, actually. Not the biggest thing she'd seen in the world, but plenty thick and nicely tapered. Kinda perfect, actually.

As he presented his penis to her, like recommending a dessert for the table to share, Beth watched Lucas' dick stiffen. It had been a little soft before, she saw, but now it was filling out nicely.

"This getting you hot?" Beth asked.

"You kind of sound like my mom," Lucas said, "Yelling at me. It's turning me on."

"Oh, sweet baby Jesus," Beth said, "Alright, enough jabbering, it's time to jab me with your stick. Go around back."

Lucas shuffled around till he was behind her. He rested his palms on her backside.

"That's a boy," Beth said, "Now get a good look at my pussy again."

"It's super awesome," Lucas said.

"I'm super glad," Beth said, "You see the open part? You know the one with the big flashing sign that says, 'stick dick in here'? Yeah, do that."

"Right," Lucas said, "OK."

He took his cock in his hands, lined up the head, and slid forward. Nothing. Beth felt his shaft slip harmlessly under her pussy.

"Not that," she said.

Lucas tried again.


He lined it up a third time.

"That's my ass, don't you fucking dare!"


Fourth time's the charm? Not so much.

"Dammit, Lucas. From this position I can't reach back and help you. So, get it right this time and shove that cock in my cunt or so help me God I will... OH!"

There it was! His cockhead breached her pussy and slipped inside. And FUCK it felt so good!

"That's it, baby," Beth said, "Shove it in there. All the way."

"Holy fuck you feel awesome," Lucas said.

Beth's body rolled forward as she finally felt herself getting filled. Her pussy gripped that thick dick like it was never letting go.

"I know," Beth said, "Better than Star Trek, Star Wars, and Battlestar Galactica combined, right?"

Lucas rolled his eyes at her.

"Fine, whatever," Beth said, "Just keep pushing your dick in me till you can't go any further."

"Oh fuck. Oh yeah. That's... Wow, you're so wet and warm and... Oh God. Oh FUCK! I'm gonna..."

Beth felt Lucas' semen splash warm inside her. As he stuffed her with his sperm, she was filled with remorse. All that work to get to this point, and he hadn't even been able to get his cock completely in her pussy. Let alone make her cum. After everything she went through; she was still totally unsatisfied.

"Dammit, Lucas," Beth said. She let her head loll.

"I told you!" Lucas said, "I knew that was going to happen. But you said it was OK. That I was going to make you cum and cum."

"No, I know." Beth sighed. She rolled her hips. She could still feel Lucas' cock inside her. In fact, it was still hard.

Wait, he was still hard?

"Well, yeah, of course," Lucas said, "I came. I didn't die."

"You can go again?" Beth asked.

"I mean, I think so," Lucas said, "I don't believe it's contraindicated to do it more than once, right?"

"Stop speaking nonsense!"

"Yes, I can totally keep going," Lucas said, "Usually it takes me at least three times. To go. You know. Like when I..."


"Right, sorry," Lucas said.

He drew his dick back slightly, then he pushed forward again. It wasn't like Beth needed more lube, but his cum had made her even slipperier. Lucas' dick was definitely still hard, and now it was completely sheathed in her snatch.

The cheerleader and the geek both sighed as they finally connected completely.

"Fuck you feel so good," Lucas said.

"Your dick is actually kind of awesome," Beth said.

"So that's it?" Lucas asked, "You can cum now?"

"What?!" Beth said, "No! You have to fuck me."

"I thought this was fucking you," Lucas said.

"Fucking hell, I swear you're supposed to be smart," Beth said, "What the hell happened to you the day we had sex ed?"

"I was at college bowl," Lucas said.

"Oh my God."

"It's actually pretty awesome," Lucas said, "They set it up like Jeopardy with all these quiz questions and there's a host who isn't nearly as cool as Alex Trebek but it works. It was on TV and everything. My Mom can give you the Blu-Ray, if you want to see."

"Lucas," Beth said.

"Right," Lucas said, "Sorry."

He started thrusting again. Absently, Beth thought of all the cum he'd already shot in her and how his cock was now pushing it even deeper inside. All those dorky little sperm, probably wearing glasses and tripping over their own tails. They'd be asking for directions to the egg and end up inseminating her pancreas. It would be sort of adorable if it wasn't also pretty horrifying.

Dumb and ugly. Well, there was nothing she could do about it now.

Lucas moved slowly, like trying to absorb every inch of her pussy through his dick. It felt nice, sort of, but mostly it was torture. To be so close to orgasm and still be unable to get there.

"Faster Lucas," Beth said.


"Lucas. Faster," Beth said.

The boy started speeding up. He might be an idiot, but at least his dick was pretty nice. Beth felt her body building.

"Can I grab your tits?" Lucas asked.

"Only if you don't slow down," Beth said.

Lucas reached forward and hefted her breasts. He pinched her nipples and Beth squeaked. It felt pretty good, actually.

"Back to fucking, Lucas," she said, "Harder."

Lucas let go of her tits. His balls bounced against her clit. His hips slapped her ass. He rested his thumb on her asshole.

"Don't even think about it," Beth said.

Lucas moved his digit back to her butt cheek. He was slamming into her now. Making little grunts as he did.

"God. So. Good," Lucas said.

"Yes, faster," Beth said, "Harder. Come on. Fuck me. Fuck me good. Give it to me. Fuck your little cheerleader."

Cheerleader. Huh. That actually wasn't a bad idea.

"Fuck that slut," Beth said. Repeated it. "Fuck that slut! Fuck that slut! Fuck that slut!"

She pumped her arms. Bounced her ass. She tried to clap, but her hands remained stuck to the pole in front of her. Still, she went through her cheer.

"Fuck that slut. Harder! Fuck that slut. Faster!" Again and again.

Lucas was fully, finally, pounding her. His penis pistoned in and out of Beth's wanting pussy. She felt a tingle start in her vagina, raced up the walls and crash like a lightning storm over her clit. She shifted her hips, slightly, so that the tip of Lucas' dick was rubbing the right spot and...

"Oh! Oh fuck. I'm... Oh God. Finally. I'm gonna..."

Beth's body stiffened. The pleasure arced up from her sex, spread across her belly. Ripped across her arms and down her legs. It was heading right for her head when it started to slow.

So close...

"Oh, Beth I'm gonna blow!" Lucas cried out.