Interstellar Impregnation Pt. 04

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Sarah and Reese (with Owen and Clair).
6.1k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 03/24/2022
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Everyone in this story is over the age of 18.

Sarah's situation couldn't get any worse.

The gorgeous blonde girl was completely on display, naked, in front of the entire school. Sarah was proud of her body (as a busty blonde with a flat tummy and slim hips, she was well aware of how others saw her), but that didn't mean she wanted every single person she knew (and some she didn't) to see her displayed like this.

Worse, she was bent over for breeding like a crazed beast. Her tits hung down, her pussy and ass stuck up. This was beyond humiliating. Sarah had sex -- sometimes she even liked it. But being trussed up like a slut made her skin crawl.

And, of course, she'd been shot up with hormones, aphrodisiacs and who knew what else to make her fertile as fuck. So, she wasn't just getting violated publicly, the aliens (or whatever they were) had ensured that she was about to be impregnated against her will in front of everyone as well.

But all of that would have been OK. Sarah could have lived with the exposure, the embarrassment, and the insemination if not for two intertwined issues.

First, her beloved boyfriend, Owen -- the man she'd already decided to marry -- was not in the stall with her. In a cruel bit of luck, they'd paired Sarah's soulmate with her best friend, Clair. Worse, Owen and Clair were setup right across from Sarah. So not only was the love of her life about to have sex with her petite, brunette BFF, Sarah was going to have to watch the whole thing happen. Clair's brown eyes staring right back at her.

That inevitably led to the second problem: the boy they'd placed in Sarah's stall instead of Owen: Reese. Reese was somewhat attractive -- Sarah could concede that -- except for that stuck-up grin he was always wearing. He had short, curly brown hair, and bright, green eyes that always seemed to be smiling about a secret joke. He was tall and trim, though not athletic like Owen. Reese was fine, aesthetically. His looks weren't his defining feature, anyway.

It was his personality that put him in Sarah's bad books. To put it simply, Reese was a sludge dumpster. He was well known throughout the school as someone who took advantage of girls whenever possible. He ran through women like tissue paper, an apt metaphor since most of his conquests needed boxes of them when Reese moved on.

Sarah didn't like to judge. She found that most people were perfectly nice once you got to know them. Even weirdos like Lucas or potheads like Gabe could be good guys if you gave them time. But Sarah knew that Reese was unforgivable.

A boy like Sarah's boyfriend Owen -- kind and caring, handsome and strong -- was rare. Unique. Reese, on the other hand, was easy to find. He was the fuckboy doing your sister, or your best friend, or some other girl he'd just met. And then tossing them to the side when the next girl came along.

Sarah didn't know what made her feel sicker to her stomach. That she was about to be carrying that creature's offspring, or that her best friend was about to be the recipient of a child from her own Owen at the same time.

Well, at least I know things can't get any worse, Sarah thought to herself.

Sarah glanced behind her. Reese, that cocky, self-centered, misogynistic asshole was standing right next to her, also completely naked, appreciating the view that should have been reserved for Sarah's soulmate. He was grinning like a lunatic, clearly enjoying every aspect of her abject humiliation.

But Sarah had bigger things in mind than her own situation. Her boyfriend and her best friend were right across from her, and she knew she needed to be there for both of them. While Reese slowly surveyed his prize, Sarah looked up and locked eyes with Clair. The cute brunette stared back, looking puppy dog sad.

"It's not your fault," Sarah said.

"I know," Clair said, "But it feels so wrong."

She did look legitimately remorseful; Sarah couldn't argue that. But she also couldn't miss the little sparkle in Clair's eyes whenever she glanced over at Owen. Sarah's soulmate was standing back, completely silent. He seemed unable to look at Clair and unwilling to look at Sarah. Equally torn and horrified.

"Owen will take good care of you," Sarah whispered, "I promise." The thought made her feel weirdly good. Almost proud. Like Owen's kindness with another woman reflected well on Sarah, herself.

"I know," Clair said, but she didn't seem all that comforted.

Sarah decided that she needed to prove her point. She did her best to lift her head up and called out to her boyfriend. "Right, Owen? You'll be there for our little Clair-bear?"

Owen grimaced. Even as he responded, he wouldn't meet Sarah's eye. "I mean. Of course, babe. I just... Is now really the time for this?"

Sarah smiled to herself, ruefully. Her big, tough, football boyfriend was clearly upset. It was cute, but not necessary.

Sarah had been friends with Clair since middle school when Clair's mother had taken her out of Catholic Regional. As soon as they met, the two of them had bonded immediately. Clair was probably the nicest person Sarah had ever met. She was like the sister Sarah had always wanted (unlike her actual sister, LeeAnn, who was a total bitch).

When Sarah started dating Owen freshman year, she hadn't wanted Clair to feel left out, so she'd tried setting up her best friend with other guys. It never stuck. Clair's religious upbringing made her quiet and shy. She was afraid of her own body, let alone boys. But instead of getting jealous or feeling left out, Clair became a vital part of their relationship. She wasn't the third wheel at all, more like the third leg of a stool -- providing necessary support to the couple whenever they needed it. Things might be (literally) fucked up now, but that didn't change how Sarah felt about either of the two people she loved the most in this world.

"Owen, Clair, we didn't choose this," Sarah said, "I know it's terrible but together we'll get through it. Owen, you're still the love of my life. Clair, you're still my best friend. Nothing can change that. I promise."

Clair and Owen shared a look. Then they turned and nodded at Sarah.

"Thank you for being such a good friend," Clair said.

"I love you so much, babe," Owen said.

"We're going to be OK," Sarah said, "We'll get through it and it'll all go back to the way things were. Like it never happened."

"Right," Owen said.

"Of course," Clair said.

Seeing them both reassured made Sarah feel better already. Clair in particular. The poor girl had always been a bundle of anxiety. Even when she wasn't being forced to have unprotected sex with her best friend's boyfriend.

Sarah felt something near her and startled. She'd been so involved in helping her friends, she hadn't noticed Reese walking up to her. The reality of having a naked man standing beside her own prone body became very real.

Worse, Reese was holding his erect penis in his hand. Like offering her a piece of fruit. To her mortification, Sarah found herself staring at him. At it.

Reese's dick was about as long as Owen's, but way thicker. Sarah didn't like constantly comparing Reese to her boyfriend. But Owen's was the only one she'd seen in real life and so it was her only point of comparison.

Despite her lack of personal experience, Sarah knew that penises came in lots of different sizes. Something about Reese, though, shocked her. He had so much more girth than her boyfriend. Thicker than anything she'd ever imagined. Sarah's brain struggled to accept the fact that he wasn't lazily fondling a piece of plastic. As she continued to gawk, Reese's penis seemed to be grinning at her -- as if it was giving her the same cocksure smile that Reese, himself, had on.

"I love you so much, babe," Reese said, in a reasonable approximation of Owen's own deep voice.

"Shut up," Sarah said, "Love is one big joke to you, isn't it?"

Reese didn't respond. Instead, he turned his attention to the stall across from them.

"Nice get, dude," Reese said to Owen, holding out his hand for a high-five. "Shame she's got no tits. But I bet her tiny snatch will snap your dick right off."

Clair turned bright red. She lowered her head as far as she could. Sarah's heart went out to her friend. How horrifying.

"Shut up, man," Owen said, "That's not cool."

Sarah's boyfriend knelt next to Clair. He whispered in her ear, like the so-sweet-soul Sarah had fallen for.

Unbidden, Sarah felt a bit of jealousy rise up in her. Why wasn't Owen kneeling next to her, saying sweet things to calm her down? Sure, they were in different stalls, but couldn't he say something supportive, at least let her know that she was going to be OK? Sarah tried to tamp it down. She didn't want to be so selfish.

Reese, so in tune with Sarah's moment of distress, chose that moment to reach over and grab Sara's breast, roughly. Her ample titflesh spilled over his palms.

"Nice," he said to her, "You've got some great titties. Real big but nice and firm. Full but not, like, fake full, y'know? I bet your boy over there loves to fuck 'em."

Sarah didn't know what to say to that. She and Owen had never done any such thing. They did very standard, wholesome stuff. Like lovers should, Sarah thought confidently. The high school sweethearts had given each other their virginities on Sarah's eighteenth birthday. It had been wonderful. Loving and affectionate. Almost everything Sarah dreamt of.

The things that Reese was talking about? That was for sluts. Someone who loved her and respected her wasn't going to put their penis between her tits and... Why would they? Sarah told herself that she was perfectly satisfied with her sex life, and she knew Owen was, as well.

Reese continued to heft and pull at Sarah's breasts, like testing a new mattress. It tickled and hurt. Sarah wanted to make Reese stop molesting her, but in that trapped position she couldn't push him away. Instead, she had to hang there and let him fondle her. It made her want to scream.

"Will you get this over with already?!" Sarah said.

She was so upset, the words had slipped out of her. She felt embarrassed -- the last thing she wanted was to let her emotions overcome her. Not like this.

"Hold your horses, darling," Reese said, "I know you're feeling all excited about your chance for a piece of the Reese. But if we don't get you warmed up, you won't enjoy this one bit."

Sarah groaned in frustration. His groping at her chest was annoying, not arousing. And no matter what Reese did, she wasn't going to enjoy it. She didn't want to. She just needed this whole thing to end. The sooner the better.

And in any case, Sarah didn't need any more stimulation. Her vagina felt almost hot, like it would burn her hand if she touched it. And yet it was also so slippery she had to keep reminding herself she hadn't peed.

Sarah didn't remember ever feeling this aroused. She knew it was the drugs, but still. A part of her was mortified to be looking this way in front of Reese. In front of Owen and Clair, too. She only hoped that her boyfriend wouldn't notice and think she was somehow more turned on for Reese than she was for him.

Reese kept rubbing her breast, but the nature of his touching changed. Instead of pinching and pulling, he was stroking and massaging. It felt nice. Tingly. Where before he'd been rough, he now seemed to know exactly what her body wanted -- only moving to her nipples after they felt needy for his hand. And even then, he gave them the exact right amount of attention. Just enough to send a little spark through her center.

Sarah took a deep breath. She felt her body relax. Her muscles untwined. The world went soft around her. The constant cacophony of grunts and groans from the couples around her faded away. Sarah's world shrunk down to sensations. The building warmth of what Reese was coaxing out of her.

And then he had to go and ruin it.

Sarah felt something warm and fleshy pressed against her lips. She opened her eyes and saw that Reese was trying to shove his penis in her mouth. Sarah wanted to shout in protest, but she knew she couldn't risk opening her jaw because Reese would shove himself inside. Instead, she pursed her lips and shook her head, vehemently.

"You're going to want to wet me up," Reese said, "Trust me." But he pulled back a bit.

"I don't do that," Sarah said.

Reese startled. "Seriously?"

"We don't do that," Sarah said, "It's gross. Owen thinks so too."

Reese chuckled. "Yes, I bet he tells you that. But deep inside, he wants his dick sucked like every other guy. Right, big man?"

They both turned to the other stall. Owen was standing next to Clair. He was running his hands up and down her tiny body. They looked so affectionate, and again Sarah felt her stomach twist.

Reese repeated his question, but Owen refused to respond. Instead, he focused on massaging Clair, cooing at her.

OK, isn't this a little much? Sarah thought. She was all for tenderness, but they needed to remember who was dating who. They were supposed to be getting it over with, not savoring every second.

Reese seemed to realize that Owen wasn't going to engage, so he turned back to Sarah. "Well, I feel sorry for that boy, but I'm going to feel sorry for me." Again, he stuck his penis in her face. Sarah could smell it. Meaty and masculine. It made her stomach turn a little.

"Can't you get this over with?" Sarah asked. She could hear the pleading in her voice, and she was embarrassed by it.

"OK, I know you need it bad," Reese said with a nasty grin, "But if you want me to go back there, you need to suck it. This is for you, hotness. Trust me."

"I won't," Sarah said, "I can't. Not tied up like this."

"You can turn your head, darling," Reese said, "Look, I know you're gonna find this hard to believe but I don't want to hurt you. You're used to little football boy over there. But this here is a man-cock. Your teeny blondie pussy ain't gonna like it one bit unless you give her a little help. You want me lubed up. Trust me."

Sarah shook her head. She felt plenty 'lubed up' already. She was about to argue it further when she heard a sharp, feminine squeak.

Srah looked over and saw Clair's face, looking shocked. Her eyes and mouth were wide open. Sarah didn't need to see any further to know that Owen was touching her friend's most private place.

Just like that, something grabbed hold of Sarah. It wasn't anything she could rationally explain. One moment she was watching her boyfriend finger her best friend. The next, her mouth was wide open and wrapped around Reese's dick.

Sarah surprised herself. She'd never had a penis in her mouth before. The salty, testosterone taste. The thickness stretching her jaw so much it hurt. Feeling the weight of him on her tongue. She told herself she couldn't like it, but some weird part of her did. Immediately she thought about Owen and hoped to God he wasn't watching this. Please be too focused on fingering Clair to notice what I'm doing right now. It was such an odd wish; it broke Sarah's brain a bit.

"There you go," Reese said, "Slurp it up and back some."

Sarah couldn't slide her head too well facing sideways, but Reese moved his penis for her. Again, despite how aggressive he acted, his movements were surprisingly gentle. He didn't ram himself into her mouth or make her choke. He just glided across her tongue lightly. He reached down and stroked her cheek.

"That's a good girl," he said, "So gorgeous. You look so hot with that dick in your mouth. A natural-born cocksucker."

Hearing his words, Sarah felt proud. And that made her feel stupid. She knew how Reese treated girls and she always told herself that she'd never be so simple. Yet here she was, fawning because he'd praised her fellatio.

Fortunately, before she could get lost in herself any further, Reese slipped his penis out of Sarah's mouth with a loud, lewd plop.

"I think that's enough to get started," he said.

He knelt down to her level. For the first time since this started, Sarah looked right at Reese, eye to eye. He was handsome, everyone knew that. His dark hair and ever-present half smile. Those bright green eyes that seemed to swallow your soul. Sarah couldn't understand what he was doing. Then she realized. He was about to kiss her.

"No," she said. More of a groan.

And to her surprise, Reese jumped back. He gave her a hurt look. Then quickly wiped it away, replacing it with his usual brash smirk.

"I have penis breath," Sarah said, covering for herself.

"I don't care about that, darling," Reese said.

For a moment, Sarah regretted not letting Reese kiss her. He began tracing her body again. Running his fingers up her arms, through her hair, over her breasts.

"Still need to warm you up some more," he said.

Sarah looked away, instinctively, and found herself staring right at her best friend. For a moment, she startled. Clair's head was lolled. Her hair mussed. Suddenly, she popped up, staring right back at Sarah. But her eyes were empty. Like she couldn't see anything at all.

"Careful..." Clair panted, "Slllooooww..."

Sarah tried to look behind Clair, but she didn't need to see. She'd snapped to her friend at the exact moment that Owen, her own soulmate, was penetrating the petite girl for the first time. The love of her life was taking her best friend's virginity and Sarah was witnessing it live and up close.

Clair's eyes, still vacant, were wet and filled with fear. Her mouth hung open and a long string of drool dripped down. Instinctively, Sarah tried to reach out and reassure her friend. But her hands were still stuck to her own bar. If the gesture meant anything to the tiny brunette girl, she didn't show it. Clair's breaths came out in short, sharp gasps.

Sarah looked around Clair's head and, for a moment, her eyes met with Owen's. He stared back at her without a hint of remorse or regret. He was so locked into unlocking Clair's pussy, Sarah didn't think he even realized she was seeing him. The love of her life was lost in some other place, inside some other woman.

Sarah had been distracted before. The oral and Reese's almost-kiss had kept her attention elsewhere. She realized what a kindness that was now. The idea of seeing her soulmate and her best friend together hadn't been so bad. Seeing it for real was far more awful than she'd conceived.

"He's going to give it to her good," Reese whispered in her ear. His breath felt warm on her cheek. Sarah hadn't even noticed him coming so close. "That little virgin's gonna cum hard. She won't be able to see straight after this."

"Shut up," Sarah said, "They didn't have a choice."

"Sure looks like they're enjoying it though," Reese said, like he was mulling it over in his mind.

"It's fine. It's mechanical. She doesn't love him."

"Oh, honey, when you're with a hot chick like that? Stuff like love don't matter."

"You're wrong," Sarah said, "It's literally called making love."

"Naw," Reese said, "What they're doing is called fucking. And that's a whole other thing."

Sarah stared over at the other couple. Clair's head had dropped down. She was moaning and grunting. Owen was clearly sliding himself slowly inside her. That didn't look like fucking, Sarah thought. Maybe it wasn't making love, but it was something beyond the physical act. More than she ever wanted to imagine, let alone see.

"Please," Sarah said, "I want this to be over with."

"Right-o. One proper Reese-ing coming your way," Reese said. He strutted around behind her. Sarah braced herself for the inevitable. She felt him rest his hand on her backside. Despite the drippiness of her sex, some part of her squirmed at the thought of being stuck with Reese's thick penis. She tensed her muscles. Waiting for him to strike.