Into His Arms Ch. 03

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Is it possible to be claimed twice?
10.5k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/27/2016
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Welcome back to 'Into His Arms'! Thank you once again for giving this a chance to develop before you gave up! And for new readers please go back and read the previous chapters, it gives some background and character development that will tie in later on. I am excited for this chapter to launch because the good stuff is almost here *wink*wink*

Once again any CONSTRUCIVE criticism is welcomed. If you decide to leave compliments... those are accepted too!

*Side note* this story will contain some non-con/reluctance, I tell you now so no time wasted on your part if that doesn't interest you and fair warning for those who might complain later about it.





It had been a little over a week since the accident and she was coping as best she could. When she'd finally awoken after the accident, she'd realized she was in a hospital but had no recollection of how she got there or why she was there. It hadn't taken long after the doctor had reminded her of the accident for her to remember the rest. The accident had given her and Ryon minor injuries, but had taken the lives of their parents.

They were going on about how relieved they were that the accident had happened so close to the reservation and how thankful they felt about not having to deal with the local human authorities. The packs reservation takes up almost the entire county so they weren't worried about non-pack officials getting to close to pack matters, especially in this case. With their territory taking up most of the area and the strict laws about secrecy, the previous alpha's had had to ensure long ago to infiltrate the county's first responders and local medical centers.

This helped when pack members got into trouble outside of the reservation and aided in keeping pack matters within their jurisdiction and out of the public eye. It also made sure that when a wolf did die their secret wasn't revealed in an autopsy report.

She had listened numbly as they'd told her the first responders had been pack members and were able to cover up any signs that might have leaked their existence. She'd registered that it could take so little to cover up the existence of the people she'd loved and cared for but didn't act on any emotion she might have felt.

When the packs medical team had arrived they'd said Ryon was out of control and that he was on the verge of phasing, especially when he had seen her passed out on the ground and not responding. The doctors had told her that they had had to tranquilize him and take him back to the reservation to prevent him from fully shifting. They'd even had to lock him up at their house so that he wouldn't come to the hospital and make a scene, particularly since they were at the human hospital and not the one on the reservation.

She had only been passed out for a few hours before she'd finally come to and had already been treated for her minor cuts and bruises. Since they said she'd only suffered a minor concussion they had released her the following morning and she'd been driven back to reservation by one of the off duty pack nurses.

She'd spent the entire ride staring out the window dazed, without a single thought or memory of how they'd gotten to her house. It had just appeared before her, like she had blinked and they were there. When she'd finally gotten out of the car she came face to face with a disheveled Ryon.

His ashen face sported a full stubble and his hair looked like he'd just gotten out of the bed. His eyes were red rimmed and sunken into his face with a haunted shadow deep inside their depths. When he reached her door he had extended his arms out towards her in a welcoming embrace, that's when everything seemed to come crashing in at once and she'd collapsed into his arms. It was as if she was waiting for a life preserver so that she could reach out and hold on to it so that she could let the tidal wave of sorrow and grief consume her. He had scooped her into his arms and carried her up to her bedroom with her sobbing uncontrollably the whole way.

The next few days had gone in a blur as she'd shut herself in her room refusing any food or water. After a few failed attempts to coerce her into coming downstairs to eat or drink something, Ryon gave up placating her and had forced his way into her room and tried to force feed her. This resulted in an all-out screaming match accompanied by new food stains on the hallway wall. The fight had gotten so bad that it had to be broken up by Martha, one of the packs council members who'd been staying with them, before she'd finally broken down and agreed to eat something.

The next few days consisted of Martha and Ryon trying to cox her into helping them plan for the funeral and reception. She'd been so melancholy and out of it that she'd only remembered that today was the funeral when Ryon had come upstairs to retrieve her for the service. She was in such a trance that she hardly remembered the service and when they'd gotten home she'd went straight to her father's study in the back of the house and shut the door, not wanting to be bothered with the guests at the reception in the house.

She was sitting at the back of the house in her father's old comfy reading chair just staring out the window, when she heard some excited commotion coming from the hallway just outside of the door. She tried to ignore it, but it seemed to grow louder till her curiosity had her getting up and going to the door to crack it. A group of people had just came from the back yard and were passing the doorway when she heard them say the Alpha's car had just pulled up in the driveway.

That news had her feeling more emotion than she'd had in more than a week. She was livid that it had taken the packs Alpha almost 2 weeks to even acknowledge the death of her parents. Here they were dedicated to him and the council, holding high ranks in the pack and seemed to be held in such high esteem by his parents, the previous Alphas, and he couldn't spare the time to pick up the phone or send a GOD DAMN telegram with his condolences for the loss of their parents to their surviving children!

Sure she didn't know this man, she had rarely even seen the previous Alpha's. It was rare that she would see any of the pack who didn't live on the reservation, since she was not full lycan she couldn't attend the functions where the entire pack did show up, this left a majority of the pack unknown to her. Nevertheless, that wouldn't stop her from letting this man feel the wrath that was burning a way out of her veins over the disrespect he had shown her parents memory.

She was seeing red as the threw the door open and made her way from the back of the house and into the kitchen. She'd just made it through the kitchen doorway when she felt a deadly still come over the house causing her to stop mid stride and still be blocked from view by those in the kitchen by the wall of the entranceway. The tension was so tangible that it felt as though they were caught in a room with a tiger that hadn't eaten in weeks, and that if they were to move it would set into motion events that couldn't be undone.

She crept forward and peeked around the china cabinet just inside of the kitchen door and saw that everyone inside seemed on high alert. It was so silent in the house that all you could hear was the wind whistling through the open windows catching her loose hair in its grasp and whipping it into her face slightly. She suddenly heard a low growl that seemed to grow in volume and intensity causing the china to vibrate in the cupboard beside her.

She recognized the frequency in that growl and knew it to be the sound of an angry wolf on the verge of phasing. Not wanting to be face to face with an out of control lycan without any protection, she knew that she had to get to her room, and fast.

Not knowing where this unseen threat was coming from she started edging herself back out of the kitchen the way she'd come, ready to make a break for it up the back stairs and straight to her bedroom. She'd just made it out the doorway when she heard heavy footsteps coming from the foyer through the living room and towards the kitchen.

Not knowing who or what was coming around that corner, she spun around and took off down the hallway. A loud snarling roar shook the house and seemed to shake the soul from her body. It sent her fight or flight response ricocheting onto the flight side and had her sprinting down the hallway towards the stairs. She heard a loud crash followed by voices and screams of terror and alarm coming from the kitchen behind her, a loud snarl followed by more crashes and screams had her stumbling slightly in her escape. If she hadn't been running for her life, the rate at which her heart was pumping now would have certainly killed her.

A second roar, that came from the front of the house, had her shoe catching on the carpet and sent her skidding to land hard into the wall by the stairs. She grabbed onto the railing pulling herself upright and was about to sprint up the stairs, when she made the mistake of looking back down the hallway.

The shadows of the kitchen doorframe hid his features, but she knew it was a man not a wolf that chased her. His golden eyes, however, didn't lend any comfort at this knowledge and only added to the intimidating figure that seemed too big for the doorway.

"Don't. You. Dare." His voice was so deep as he slowly panted out each word, causing he insides to vibrate at each syllable.

The quiet threat of his voice snapped her out of her evaluation of her assailant and had her taking the stairs like Rocky Balboa. He let out a wicked snarl and she could hear him crashing down the hallway knocking over every table and lamp in his path. She threw thanks to her mother for her over decoration of the house as she reached the landing and was running once again down the hallway towards her room.

She was almost upon it when she was grabbed by her hair from behind and yanked back so hard her feet lifted off of the ground. She landed against a solid chest that felt like a marble wall and was held in place against it by a thickly muscled arm that had snaked its way around her stomach keeping her off the ground.

The hand tightened in her hair causing her to close her eyes and wince as she let out a soft whimper. Using her hair as a handle, he tilted her head back and to the side; she could feel his nose traveling from her hairline to just behind her ear and down her neck to where it met her collar bone.

She felt his hot breath and teeth as he opened his mouth and boldly licked at the juncture, dragging his canines up and down her neck. She let out a yelp and whimpered trying to wiggle out of his arms.

"Sssh... sssh... easy sweets... I wouldn't do that again if I were you, while I love the chase I would like to get to know you better before we fucked."

"Wha-!... N-n-no...L...le-let me go please I-" she started stuttering out when she was suddenly ripped out of her abductors arms and tossed towards her room.

She'd landed on the ground near her doorway and had just turned over onto her back to see who had saved her when a loud growl and a furious roar almost deafened her. She looked up to see a partially shifted Ryon and her assailant attacking each other in the hallway. They were moving so fast but she could see the destruction they left by everything in their path becoming destroyed, including the hallways structure itself.

"Get to your room! Now V!" Ryon yelled as he threw himself into her attacker's midsection tackling him into a wall creating another gaping hole. "NOW!" He screamed taking a vicious backhand from the attacker that would have taken a normal man's jaw clean off.

His voice snapped her back into action and she scrambled up onto her knees and into her room. Using everything in her path to help her stand up on legs that had turned to mush when she'd been yanked against her assaulter's chest, she was able to make it to her dresser. She knocked over half of the stuff on it in her rush to find the hidden location, before she was finally able to slip her numb hand behind the dresser and hit the button against the wall. This immediately released hydraulic springs hidden in the walls sending a steel door slamming across her entrance way and sliding down steel bars over her windows. She heard an earth shattering roar and heard the walls outside of the room vibrate as a thud landed against her door accompanied with a muffled yelp.

Anxious when the sound continued she flipped the switch beside the hydraulic button and her T.V turned on revealing the hallway outside of her room. She covered her mouth gasping at the image of her attacker using Ryon's body as a battering ram to break her door down.

She saw Ryon struggling to get out of the grip, but as he was slammed continuously into the door she saw him becoming weaker and weaker. A crowd had begun forming behind them and she saw a man break away from the onlookers and move to stop the berserker. Sensing another person approach caused the man to drop Ryon and turn on them roaring savagely; that had the good Samaritan skidding back down the hall with the other spectators.

When the assailant turned his focus back towards her door he saw that Ryon was once again on his feet and blocking it. This seemed to cause the man to grow even more ferocious and he advanced on Ryon menacingly, sending him flying back against her door with a hard punch to the face and causing it to reverberate with the impact.

Not letting him fall to the ground, the man held Ryon up by his collar and let out a flurry of blows into his face and abdomen that had her sobbing and muttering incoherently into her hand while tears rolled unchecked down her cheeks. After a few blows it became apparent that now he was just holding an unconscious Ryon up by his neck, but that did not seem to stop him from continuing the torrent of blows.

She ran to the door leaning against it. She felt the vibrations of the blows through the door and couldn't take the brutality of the attack anymore and screamed out, "STOP IT!... PLEASE!... STOP IT YOUR KILLING HIM!"

She felt the vibrations stop and looked at the television and saw that he had looked up at her exclamation and had seen the small camera over the door. All she could seem to see was his eyes on the black and white monitor, he was staring straight at her like he could see her there in the room. His eyes seemed to speak to her soul and had her moving before she'd realized what she was doing.

Sobbing slightly, she slid her hand back behind the dresser and flipped the switch on the wall causing the steel bars on the windows and the steel door to retract to their hiding spaces.

When the door slid up, Ryon fell into the room moaning as he hit the ground. She was about to run over to his crumpled form when the man's menacing figure stepped over him and into her room. She halted mid step and gasped.

In the light streaming into her room she was finally able to get a good look at their attacker and his gaze had her rooted to the spot before the dresser.

All she could think of was that he was built like a sequoia tree, blocking out the view of the hallway as he completely filled her doorframe. He had to have been 6'6" and his shoulders were so broad that she was sure he'd have to turn sideways to fit through many doorways. His well-muscled body could not be hidden by his blood splattered, cream colored shirt and she could see the hard outlines of those muscles peeking through the slashes in the fabric. His body tapered into narrow hips and well-built thighs that set of his long legs enclosed in fitted slacks and ended in big feet covered in some expensive looking Salvatore Ferragamo dress shoes.

As her mind registered that at least he had good taste in footwear, her gaze travelled back up his frame stopping when she noticed an indiscreet bulge that was forming along his left thigh. Her gaze shot up to his face and she struggled to find saliva as she attempted to appease her instinct to gulp. His face was both appealing and frightening to witness at once. The mixed feelings she got when she stared into his eyes had her instincts telling her to go to him and to run as far from him as possible at the same time.

His eyes were slightly narrow, causing it to seem like he'd know when you were lying and held her in their heated yet icy grasp. Even with their natural squint she could see that they were the color of the artic sea. They were such a pale blue they seemed almost silver and were set off beautifully as they were framed by incredibly dark long lashes. His jet black wavy hair was pushed back from his broad forehead and fell just under his shoulders framing his slightly wide, beardless jaw.

He could have been right out of a Men's Health magazine if his face hadn't also sported a brutally ragged scar from his hairline, that started just behind the edge of his thick straight brows and went down the right side of his face and neck and disappeared under his collar.

His lips were parted as he stood panting heavily and staring back at her. The plush flesh sat under a strong nose and were bow shaped. The heavy bottom lip had her wishing for a chance to bite and suck it into her mouth, as he pulled her hair again and drug her back into his hard body devouring her mouth.

She gasped once again, eyes shooting to his, not knowing where those thoughts had come from. It looked like he was about to speak when a moan came from where Ryon still lay crumpled on the floor. Her eyes darted down to him in concern but quickly snapped back when she heard a menacing growl coming from the man standing over him.

Wanting to go to Ryon to see if he was ok and see the extent of his injuries, she was held in place by the furious gaze of the man in front of her. He seemed to be daring her to aid his defeated foe while he was standing right there.

"Please..." She softly begged, raising her hands in a placating manner not wanting to incite him further, "I... I just want to make sure he is ok."

His nostrils flared as he growled low and stalked towards her.

She half sobbed, half squealed and went to back up as he advanced on her, but the dresser halted her attempt. She stood trembling, putting her arms up to halt his advancement.

Her parents had taught her rank was everything to their kind and displaying weakness was not acceptable. By displaying dominance and forcing submission upon the weaker of the pack you were able to have some type of authority over them.

Knowing this, she attempted to keep eye contact with him but ended up closing her eyes and turning her head to the side when he got within a hairs breath of her, showing her neck in unknowing submission. As soon as she did this she heard a low rumble and felt him slide his arm around her waist; lifting her easily he sidestepped the dresser and pinned her to the wall. With one hand braced above her head and her torso pinned flush with his, he moved the arm that was on her waist down to grip the flesh of her thigh.

This new position caused her to have to wrap her other leg around his waist to prevent her from sliding down the wall, but gave him a cradle for his hips to rest. It also had her dress ridding high up her legs and was now around the tops of thighs exposing her panties to the front of his pants and opening her pussy lips so that he could rest his growing erection right on her clit.

She groaned at the sensation of his thick heavy length cushioned between the swollen lips of her pussy and ground against him slightly.

While it was an imperceptible move to her, he seemed to think it was a sign of approval and he crushed himself harder into her center, causing her to moan loudly and throw her head back against the wall.
