Invasion of the Pussy-Snatchers Act 03: Sherri's Story


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Candace understood how Sherri felt and certainly owed her a debt. She reassured Sherri of her ultimate intentions. {I owe my freedom to you, Sherri. Believe me, when we get back Sharon and I are going to go to town on your vag. We are going to take turns eating and playing with it while you come over and over. Then we can introduce Sharon to the Queen and make her ours completely. Then the fun can really begin}

Sherri pressed the gas pedal to the floor to obtain top speed. Candace's promises were too intriguing for Sherri to waste her entire night driving. After a day fraught with danger and hopelessness, having this sort of release at the finale would be the perfect capper. Sherri could hardly wait.


Captain Skern increased the velocity of his car to accelerate faster down the interstate. He decided to drive his personal vehicle rather than a squad car though he kept Dispatch updated on his pursuit using the large handheld radio with a giant antenna extending from it. Thomas Skern had worked for the force over twenty years now and was considered the finest detective in all of Boston. He had a way of remembering minute details and putting disparate pieces of crime, evidence, and motive together in ways that fit that made him perfect for his position. Sure, even he would admit he had trouble controlling his temper and had flown off the handle at times. But no officer would dare question or challenge him because of the respect he commanded. A single glance usually told the Captain everything he needed to know when observing a suspect. Like earlier tonight, when after only a few seconds of observing the vehicle pulling out of the police station parking lot Skern had memorized the vehicle make and model, the license plate number, and that the vehicle hailed from New York. Manhattan based on the plate number unless he was mistaken.

A few seconds of thought using deductive reasoning gave Skern the inclination that the escapees were riding on I-84 back toward New York. He didn't share this information with Dispatch; he was playing a different game tonight. These weren't trained criminals, they were deviants that didn't understand yet that they were players in a game with only one winner. They weren't careful enough to consider using the country roads rather than the main road between Massachusetts and New York. They thought they had escaped cleanly, that no one would be following them. That they were safe. So they stuck foolishly to the interstate.

Skern's vehicle passed over the crest of a hill and he scanned the horizon. There they were. No other vehicles on this stretch of road, and with two lanes on both the northbound and southbound directions there was plenty of room to work with. Skern floored the gas pedal and listened to the engine revving as he sped down the hill after the car. These women had fucked with the wrong cop.


Sherri tried to ignore Candace's giggling from the backseat as Sharon tickled and teased her. It seemed odd to hear such a girlish reaction from such a manly looking butch. It appeared that Sharon was dancing her fingers up and down the sole of Candace's foot and flicking her tongue over Candace's toes. Sherri would have wagered a fair amount that Sharon had never before fetishized feet and that a few days ago she would have found the notion disgusting if she had ever considered it at all. But now, Sharon loved all parts of women's bodies and she particularly enjoyed the feeling of Candace's big toe wiggling inside her mouth. They were going to make Sharon into such a kinky lesbian slut. It was rare that a woman was 100% committed to the Hive without any coaxing or manipulation, but Sharon was all in from the very start.

Sherri enjoyed this part of the drive. There was no one else on the road right now and they had a brief respite from the rainfall. Only a few drops pattered on the window and Sherri could leave the windshield wipers on the lowest setting. The classic rock station was playing the Talking Heads so she didn't really have anything to complain about. Sherri suddenly became blinded by a glare reflected in the rear view mirror and she had to raise a hand to shield her eyes so that she could see at all. A car from behind was driving with their brights on and coming up fast. Too fast. A sense of foreboding took ahold of Sherri; it felt like fingers squeezing her heart.

"Get back in your seats," Sherri warned the women behind her.

"What is it?" Candace asked. She didn't want Sharon to stop now. Sharon had lifted Candace's leg in the air and had kissed her way from Candace's heel up to her thigh. Sharon's lips and tongue felt amazing, hesitant and searching at first and then insistent and purposeful once she had reconciled the fact that she was suckling on the fat of another woman's inner thigh. Sharon's mouth had nearly reached Candace's buttocks and Sharon had spread Candace's sizable cheeks apart. Candace could see Sharon staring at her asshole, one area of Candace's body that Sharon hadn't felt brave enough to explore yet. Candace was certain that Sharon was gearing up to lick her crack and taste ass for the first time.

"Get in your fucking seats!" Sherri practically yelled. "Do it now!"

The mysterious car drove right behind them now, close enough to tailgate the rear bumper of their car. The headlights were too bright for Sherri to make out the identity of the driver. The stalker swerved into the passing lane and sped forward. Sherri tried to increase the speed of her vehicle, but this other car was quite a bit faster and more powerful than hers. As the car pulled up alongside Sherri, she recognized the police captain driving with a furious expression painted on his face. He looked over and mouthed to her, 'Pull the fuck over.'

The other women thankfully had thrown their clothes back on and sat back in their seats, clicking their seatbelts into place as they resumed upright position. Candace asked, "What the hell is going on? Who is that?"

Sherri looked back at Sharon and said, "It's Sharon's asshole of a husband."

"Oh my God," Sharon said fearfully. "He's going to kill us all."

"Everything will be okay," Sherri assured Sharon. "Nothing bad is going to happen to us."

Skern swerved his car into Sherri's vehicle. Sherri heard the crunch of metal on metal as the front of Skern's vehicle slammed into the side of her car. Sherri's car drifted to the shoulder of the road and Sherri rotated the steering wheel to correct her position. The collision had caused damage to the body of her car, but had not impeded its operation. The wet conditions did not make it any easier to retain control of the vehicle. After swerving back and forth, Sherri finally managed to resume her position in the center of the road. She pushed the gas pedal to the floor and sped up to try and leave her attacker behind. Instead Skern accelerated even faster and positioned his vehicle to be directly in front of Sherri's. Sherri tried weaving from lane to lane to try and get around him, but his vehicle moved back and forth to impede her.

Sherri noticed a sign go by that notified drivers that the exit to a highway was one mile ahead. Sherri recalled that same highway number from when she had been looking at maps of the state. She thought she knew how to get back to New York from there if she took this exit. Their speed would get them or some other innocent driver killed if they kept on playing bumper cars on the interstate. Maybe Sherri would be able to lose him if she took some of the less-traveled roads as well. She waited until she was near the exit and slammed on her brakes, letting Skern's vehicle hurtle down the interstate ahead of her while Sherri exited onto the highway.


Skern cursed as he was left behind. So they think they know these roads, Skern thought. He drove a few more miles down the interstate and then pulled off onto a dirt road that only law enforcement and other emergency services were aware of. Skern took the shortcut and drove the alternate path to the highway. He could even see the suspect's car in the distance. He actually needed to slow down to be able to catch them. They probably thought they had lost him for good.

"Captain Skern, what's your status?" A crackly voice spoke from the portable radio lying on the passenger seat. "Are you still in pursuit? Do you need assistance?"

Skern turned the dial to shut off the radio. He desired no interference from his coworkers. This was purely between him and these dyke whores. He would make sure they paid in full.


"I think we may have lost him," Sherri said optimistically.

"You really think so?" Candace asked.

"He's never going to stop, not until I'm dead," Sharon said with fright showing on her face. She had been pretty shaken up by her husband's sudden reappearance.

"We'll be fine, just you wait," Sherri said. "In fact..." Her voice trailed off as she saw the headlights of a car bearing down on her. But this approach was from the side rather than from behind. Before she knew it, a car swerved onto the highway off a dirt road and pulled in front of Sherri's vehicle. It was Skern.


Skern gritted his teeth in anger as he looked back at the vehicle behind him. He could see his whore of a wife sitting next to that ugly dyke in the backseat. It enraged him beyond reason to think of Sharon putting her mouth on another woman. After he had warned her never to do it again too. She deserved whatever happened to her now. Skern focused on the driver who he recognized but couldn't place where from. After processing her appearance for a few seconds, Skern correlated her image to the woman he saw briefly in the station waiting room this morning. That whore Sharon had probably licked her cunt as well. Skern always had trouble controlling his emotions, but this time he truly snapped. The affront of Sharon choosing to be with an ugly dyke over him angered him more than anything that had ever previously enraged him. He appeared normal on the outside with his usual cool exterior but inside he seethed. Skern unrolled the driver side window and set the car to run in cruise control. With his right hand controlling the steering wheel, Skern poked his head and left arm out of the window with pistol in hand. Still appearing as calm and collected as ever, Skern looked back and pointed his service weapon at the vehicle behind him. Skern squeezed the trigger repeatedly.


Sherri heard the loud bang of Skern's weapon discharging and she swerved the car erratically as bullets streaked past her driver side window.

"Motherfucker!" Sherri exclaimed. "You goddamn psychopath!" Never in her life had Sherri considered how to take evasive action under fire, now here she was swerving her vehicle out of the way of an active shooter. "Put your heads down!" Sherri yelled to the women in the backseat.

More bullets passed by the car, one of them dinging off the hood of the and another going right through the front and rear windshields. Cracks spiderwebbed their way out of the hole the bullet punched in the window. Sherri's eyes were drawn to the glove compartment where her own gun was hidden. If she could just reach it maybe she could turn the tables on Skern. But how could she operate the vehicle and dodge gunfire while trying to reach over and retrieve her weapon at the same time?

Sherri felt a tapping on her shoulder. "Here, do you need this?" Sharon asked from the backseat. She held a gun out to Sherri. Where the hell had that come from? "Shoot that bastard, Sherri."

Sherri took the gun and realized it was Brandy's service pistol. She must have forgotten that she left it sitting on the floor of Sherri's car. Sherri quickly drew her eyes back to the road in front of her.

The momentary distraction nearly proved fatal. Sherri saw Skern pointing his gun right at her head and she ducked down just in time to avoid a bullet that flew through the window right where Sherri's head had been. The captain ceased firing momentarily and Sherri realized he was out of ammunition and needed to reload. They had made it through the first volley unscathed, and now she had an opportunity to strike back. Before Sherri could proceed however, she heard a choking, sputtering noise from the backseat. She turned around to see Sharon clawing at her neck. The bullet intended for Sherri's head had instead shredded its way through her carseat and penetrated right through Sharon's throat. It was when Sharon had leaned forward to hand the gun to Sherri that she was exposed to harm.

"Sharon!" Candace screamed.

"No!" Sherri yelled. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. She had just promised Sharon a minute ago that everything would be okay. That Tom would never hurt her again. She was supposed to protect them, to save them.

Sharon struggled to draw breath through her ruined windpipe. Blood poured down her throat and soaked through her blouse. Candace unbuckled her seatbelt and scooted next to Sharon. She grabbed a blanket that had been sitting on the floor and Candace used it to apply pressure to the wound but Sharon was fading fast. She laid back against her seat and instead of struggling Sharon became deathly still.

"Please hang on," Candace pleaded. Tears streamed from her eyes as she tried to resuscitate her friend.

Sharon looked around at the interior of the car. Candace and Sherri both looked at her with concern. What were they so worried about? At least it didn't hurt any more; Sharon only felt a numbness where the pain had just been overwhelming. A horrible metallic taste filled her mouth and Sharon realized it was her own blood. It felt like she was drowning in it. She became fearful as she felt herself pulling away from Candace again. Why was everyone always trying to pull them apart? Sharon felt Candace take ahold of her hand and clasp it tightly. It felt so nice when Candace held her. She smiled at Candace. Why did Candace look so scared? Didn't she realize they would always be together? Sharon knew Candace would never let her go again. They would be together... for... ever...

Sherri unfortunately couldn't be concerned with Sharon at the moment. While her attention had been diverted, Skern added a new clip of ammo to his gun. His weapon pointed again at the car; Skern seemed completely unaware or simply uncaring that his wife was dying in the backseat. Sherri accelerated past 100mph to goad Skern into speeding up to prevent Sherri's car from ramming the rear of his vehicle. Sherri suddenly slammed on the brakes to leave Skern's accelerating car safely ahead of her. Her body heaved forward at the sudden stop. She heard Candace curse as she was flung forward as well. She had taken her seatbelt off to care for Sharon and had no way to brace herself. Candace's head bumped into the passenger seat hard enough that she felt blood running down her forehead after the impact. Skern had managed to get one shot off before speeding away but thankfully it flew wide right of Sherri's vehicle.

Skern immediately stopped his vehicle and whipped it around in a 180. He drove down the wrong side of the highway insanely, pointing his car straight at Sherri's vehicle. Sherri released the safety mechanism of her gun and readied it. She felt immensely glad for the small amount of weapons training she had received, otherwise she would still be fumbling with the pistol. Sherri saw Skern's vehicle hurtling closer to her at great speed. She had never fired a weapon in a pressure situation before, but this was a matter of life or death. Every shot counted.

"Come and get us, motherfucker," Sherri dared.

Bullets screamed from the gun Skern pointed out of his driver side window, but Sherri didn't flinch. She pulled the trigger over and over to fire back. Most of the bullets flew errantly, but a lucky shot pierced one of Skern's front tires.

The velocity of Skern's vehicle combined with the sudden loss in pressure of one of his wheels caused his car to swerve wildly. His attempts to correct the spin instead caused the car to flip over and roll once, twice, three times until it crashed into the ditch. Not wasting any time after witnessing the most insane car crash she had ever seen, Sherri slammed on the gas to hopefully leave Skern's carcass behind forever. Hopefully he had died or at least became a paraplegic for life, but Sherri somehow doubted she would be so lucky.

Their vehicle seemed to be doing well enough at first despite Sherri not being able to see anything through the shattered windshield. But after half a mile a sputtering noise sounded from the front of the car and the 'check engine' light came on. One of Skern's bullets must have damaged the internal machinery of the car during his last approach. The car sputtered to a stop as smoke poured out of the engine block. The car turned itself on and off several times within the space of a few seconds and Sherri had no choice but to pull over.

After she stopped on the shoulder of the road and turned the car off, Sherri looked back and asked, "How are we all doing?" She knew the answer was not going to be good.

"Sharon is gone," Candace said forlornly. Candace had closed Sharon's eyes and laid the blanket over her neck and upper torso so that her death wound couldn't be seen. The dead woman had what almost looked like a smile on her face. Sharon looked at peace at the very least.

"That bastard!" Sherri said with rage. "Candace, I am so so sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, you were trying to save us," Candace replied. She began coughing and It seemed like she couldn't stop. When Candace's fit finally ceased, Sherri noticed blood on the hand Candace used to cover her mouth.

"Candace..." Sherri looked closer at Candace and realized there was blood running down her shirt.

"Sorry, didn't want to tell you until... until we were safe," Candace wheezed. "He hit me right before his car crashed."

Sherri kicked her car door open and ran around to the backseat. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no," Sherri whispered repeatedly in terror as she opened the rear door. Sherri sat next to Candace and pulled her shirt up. Candace's bare breasts showed since she didn't have a bra on. Normally Sherri would have been ecstatic to see naked tits but instead she froze in horror as she saw blood pumping out of a wound a few inches below Candace's right breast. So much blood.

"I think..." Candace struggled to speak. "I think the bullet pierced my lung. It hurts worse the deeper a breath I take."

"It's okay, you don't have to talk if it hurts so badly," Sherri said as she laid her hand on Candace's cheek. She already felt cold. "We will get you help, don't worry."

Candace shook her head. {Our car is dead, we are in the middle of nowhere, and if we call 911 a police car is more likely to arrive than an ambulance} Candace sent. Sherri could Candace's cynicism coming through her explanation. {Sherri, I'm going to die}

"I'm not giving up on you," Sherri stated as she slammed her fist into the seat cushion. "We will find a way."

{I've lost too much blood already}Candace sent as she shook her head. {It will take hours for me to die yet, but it is inevitable}

"How can you know that?" Sherri demanded. Her vision became blurred by the tears streaming down her face. First Sharon, and now Candace. How much more could Sherri lose in one night?

"I was..." Candace started to speak but coughed up more blood. {I am a nurse} she sent instead. {I've seen enough gunshot wounds in the ER to know what awaits me. You should go, Sherri. Escape while you still can}

"I'm not leaving you as long as you still draw breath," Sherri said with conviction.

{Sherri} Candace laid her hand over Sherri's and squeezed it. {This is going to hurt. A lot. I'm going to be dying for hours and it will be extremely painful. But there is a way to relieve my suffering and to help you escape in time}
