Is Love All or Nothing? Ch. 19


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"Happy birthday Jackie," Keith said before giving her a loving kiss. Jackie was tearing up at the sweetness of the message and the fact Keith had planned this.

"I can only be the best girlfriend ever to the best boyfriend ever," she replied with the biggest smile she had ever had in her life.

Andy set the cake down on the counter and cut pieces for everyone to have minus Keith who didn't like cake. No one questioned Keith not having cake because they all knew that he doesn't like the texture of cake due to his Asperger's no matter how good it tastes.

Everyone sat in the living room as they ate their pieces of cake and continued to make small talk. The whole cake was finished as Jackie, Stacy and Luke got seconds. Once all the food was gone, the women volunteered to clean up all the dishes and Andy went to his car to bring in his and Stacy's suitcase. Keith told him they could sleep in either the second bedroom upstairs or the one in the basement. Stacy overhead the conversation and said she would prefer the basement bedroom so she could have an excuse to snuggle close to her man.

Afterwards a deck of cards was brought out and they played cards games throughout the night. One by one they slowly grew tired and retreated to their bedrooms.


Jackie slowly stirred and woke up from what felt like one of the best night's sleep she ever had. She turned to wrap her arm around Keith but he wasn't in the bed with her. She started to wonder why Keith hadn't woken her up when he got out of bed. The past few times they had spent the night together they promised to wake each other up whenever one of them got up. The clock on the night stand read 7:15. That was even more interesting to her because they had never gotten up that early either. Then again there was usually a good amount of sex which lead to them sleeping in longer.

She got up and put on yoga pants and a long sleeve shirt. She exited the bedroom and heard someone cooking food in the kitchen. When she peered around the corner Andy was making eggs in one skillet and bacon in another.

"Hey, have you seen Keith around?" she asked hoping Andy had an answer.

"Yes," Andy replied keeping his attention on the two skillets he had going. "He is out on the deck. He told me to tell you to put a sweatshirt on and enjoy the morning view with him."

"Did he tell you why?"

"Nope, just told me to tell you that."

Jackie went back into the bedroom and put on a sweatshirt she had packed. Once on, she went towards the deck, opened the door and saw Keith leaning against the railing.

"Hope you talked to Andy and he told you to put on a sweatshirt. It is a little chilly right now."

"He did," she said as she closed the door and walked towards him. "Is there a reason you wanted me to come out here this early in the morning and not just snuggle together in that comfy bed?"

"Just come here and take a look at the lake," Keith said. "This is a one of a kind view."

There must have been a reason for him wanting her to see this view so she gave into her curiosity and joined him by the railing. Once she looked out onto the lake and saw how peaceful and beautiful it was, she understood what Keith meant. This view of nature was something they rarely saw back home and was a reminder of how peaceful life could be once a person took away the rush everyone always seemed to be in.

"You're right. This is a one of a kind view," Jackie said as she leaned onto Keith's arm and he in turn wrapped the same arm around her. "Everything looks just so peaceful right now."

Keith nodded his head in agreement. "I used to wonder if I would ever feel the same peace in my life that is on display right now before us."

"I don't think anything back home in our lives would be as peaceful as this lake is right now," Jackie commented.

"Not that type of peace."

Jackie looked up at Keith confused. "What type of peace then?"

Keith took a deep breath before he answered. "Peace that comes from being with someone who loves me for who I am, Asperger's and all. Peace from knowing that the person I want to be with also wants to be with me. Peace from just being in the presence of this person," he squeezed Jackie tightly as he said that, "and knowing everything will be ok."

"I really do that for you?" Jackie asked not believing the words Keith is saying.

"Yes you do."

Jackie looked back out at the lake, pondering Keith's words in her heart. After a few minutes a realization came to her. "Did you ever think you do the same thing for me? Bring me peace?"

"I think sometimes I do and other times I am more of a headache."

Jackie chuckled at that answer. "More of a pain in the ass, but you have brought me peace in ways I don't think you realize. You let me feel love in ways I never felt from any other man. I cannot imagine my life without you."

"I never want to imagine my life without you either," Keith said as he placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head and looked down at her. "That is why I don't want to just be your boyfriend anymore."

Jackie turned her head and looked up at Keith shocked that he said that. "What do you mean you don't want to be my boyfriend anymore?"

Keith took a step back and held her hands in his. "I mean that I don't want to spend my life with anyone else but you. I want to spend my life with the one person who brings me peace of mind even on my worst days." He let go of her hands, reached into his sweatshirt pocket, pulled out a black velvet box, and got down on one knee. "Jackie, you have been more than just my girlfriend. You have been the one to bring me out of darkness and help me realize there is more to me than my Asperger's." As Keith spoke these words Jackie started to cry. "Only you have made me see the better parts of me and helped make me the better man I am today. I want you in my life forever." He opened the box to reveal a beautiful engagement ring. "Jackie, I would be honored and blessed to have you spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Jackie continued to cry as she nodded her head. A minute went by before she could compose herself enough to actually say the words she wanted to say. "Yes Keith, I will marry and spend the rest of my life with you."

As soon as those words were said Keith stood and placed the most loving and tender kiss on Jackie's lips. Once they broke the kiss, he got the engagement ring out of the box and placed it on her ring finger. Once on, Jackie raised her hand and stared at the ring, still not believing she was now engaged.

They embraced and kissed not caring how cold the morning was. They just held each other and kissed even as the deck door opened and Melissa appeared.

"Aren't you two cold? Come on inside already." Jackie and Keith just looked at her with big smiles on their faces. "What are you two so happy about?" Melissa asked. Her question was answered once Jackie showed her hand with the engagement ring on it. Melissa's face went into a look of shock as she couldn't believe what was on Jackie's ring finger. "You two are fucking engaged!"

As soon as those words left Melissa's mouth Stacy came up from right behind her. "Keith, did you really just pop the question and did she really say yes?" Jackie nodded very enthusiastically. "Oh my god! Get in here so we can see the ring already!"

With that Keith and Jackie went back into the house and the other women took her aside to examine the ring. Keith went into the kitchen and Andy looked at him.

"So I heard she said yes."

"Yes she did. Thank you for transporting the ring up here for me."

"Anything for my friend as long as you do the same for me when I decide to propose to Stacy."

"Like I would say no to my best friend on something like that."

"You better not. Now heat up the griddle and make some pancakes. I know you won't want any eggs."

Keith and Andy continued to make breakfast and after half an hour the food was on the table and Luke had already placed plates and silverware on the table. Everyone sat down and started eating.

"I see you still hate eggs," Stacy commented.

"Always have and always will," said Keith.

"Same old Keith. Always sticks to the same food and never tries anything new."

"Not true," said Jackie. "I managed to get him to try scallops, lobster, and lasagna."

"Two of the three I would eat more if weren't so expensive," Keith added.

"Wait, you tried new food for her?" Stacy asked in shock. Keith nodded his head. "Shit, you really are the one for him."

A big grin formed on Jackie's face. "It helps when I am just that awesome."

For the rest of the weekend they all enjoyed playing board games, watching movies, drinking a little too much for so very memorable moments that none of them would ever forget nor let certain individuals forget either. Sunday afternoon came too fast for them as they cleaned the lake house, making it look like they had never even stayed there. Keith and Jackie were the last ones to leave as they had to lock up the place. Once they made sure all the doors were locked, they put their suitcases in Keith's car and started the long drive home.

"You can stop staring at your ring. It is not going to leave your finger unless you take it off."

"I know," Jackie said happily still looking at her engagement ring, "but I can't help but look at this reminder that one day we are going to get married."

"We will have to actually pick a date and hope it works out for both of our families."

"I'm sure we will be able to figure something out."

"I just hope as that day gets closer I can keep my nerves at bay."

"You will, I will make sure of that."

Keith quickly glanced over and saw Jackie smiling at him which caused him to smile. "I know I may be thinking of things a little too soon, but should we move in together soon or wait until we get married?"

"Honestly, I wish we were already living together but I know the thought of that scares you too because I might be a tad overwhelming at first."

"I wouldn't say overwhelming, but so much of my daily routine would change and we would have to actually deal with living together issues."

"Are you scared you might not be able to handle everything?"

"Honestly, I don't know if I can or can't and that probably scares me more that I don't know."

Silence came between them for several minutes.

"Maybe we just deal with each issue as they come up," Jackie suggested, "or at least agree on a weekly chore list."

"That could work," Keith agreed. "Still just the idea of us living together is overwhelming in and of itself."

"And we will work making it as smooth a transition as possible. There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you."

Keith looked back over at Jackie and smiled. "I knew there was a reason why I asked you to marry me. You're crazy enough to actually want to make this work."

"Only as crazy as you are about me."



The doorbell rang and a seven year old boy ran to the front door. "Who is it?" he asked.

"The muffin man," a male voice answered behind the door.

"Sorry, we don't know the muffin man."

"What about a crazy lady who loves cats?" a female voice said.

"Mom and dad told me to not talk to any crazy people or let them inside the house."

"What about your crazy best friend?" a little boy's voice asked.

"My parents said I could let him in," the seven year old said as he opened the door. "Hi Scott, Sarah, Uncle Keith and Aunt Jackie.

"Well hello there Stevie," said Keith. "Are your parents in the back or the kitchen?"

"They are in the back and Aunt Melissa and Uncle Luke are in the back with Lizzy in the back. I'll take you to the kitchen." Steve escorted Keith and Jackie to the kitchen and took Scott and Sarah outside to play.

"Well look who finally decided to show up," Andy teased.

"Well you know it can be kind of rough getting the oldest to not freak out about not wearing his favorite shirt," Jackie said.

"Sounds fun," Stacy said as she saw them come into the kitchen. "We do have the bread Scott likes and will make sure his hamburger will only have pickles on it."

"Thank you," Jackie said relieved. "I know trying to accommodate Scott can be..."

"Nothing different than putting up with your husband, just in a smaller body," Andy said. "We're more than happy to meet the needs of Scott."

"I seriously wish there was some way to repay you guys for all that you do for him and making sure Steve accepts Scott for the way he is."

"It really isn't that hard for Steve," Stacy said. "He loves Scott and wants nothing more to make sure he feels accepted."

"That can make all the difference in the world," Keith said as he and Andy looked at each other.

"For both of them," Andy added.

"There's my best friend," Melissa said loudly as she came into the kitchen and hugged Jackie.

"My god I can really feel that baby bump on you now," Jackie said.

Melissa took a step back and rubbed her belly. "I had forgotten what this little extra weight can do to me. I'm thankful Elizabeth has been so willing to help around the house with small chores to make life a little easier on me. I'm going to miss her when she goes back to school."

"Oh Melissa, whatever will you do with yourself being home alone and pregnant while Elizabeth is at school with Scott and Steve?" Stacy said in a mocking tone.

"Probably same thing I did last school year, try to take over the world," Melissa responded.

"So plan all the kids' birthday parties and trips to the lake house," Stacy responded back.

"Of course. Someone has to be the cool adult in this group."

After a few more minutes of chatter, Andy went into the backyard and heated up the grill. A few minutes later Keith came out with the burger patties for Andy to grill. Inside Stacy and Jackie got the plates ready with hamburger buns on them while Melissa supervised their work.

Once the burgers were cooked, the kids were served first and they sat at their own table and the adults sat at their own table.

"So are you worried that Katie is going to be in Scott's class again?" Melissa asked Keith and Jackie.

"No, Elizabeth and Steve will be in the class also," Keith said. "They will do their best to protect him from her."

"I still can't believe someone actually wanted to have a baby with Jillian," Luke said, feeling disgusted by the thought.

"We can't judge her life simply based on her hatred of us. I'm sure she can be sweet sometimes," Jackie said. "Besides, women can get pregnant from a one night stand."

"Still though," said Stacy, "she made it a point to make fun of him and his Asperger's and the school did nothing."

"Which is why we have already talked to the principal and the teacher they are going to have," Keith said. "We made it very clear to them we will not tolerate our son being bullied by her or any other kid. We let them know if they don't stop Katie from bullying him, our lawyer will be in contact with them. Jillian has also been warned as well."

"It is one thing for her to treat you two horribly," Melissa said trying to hold back her anger, "but to let her daughter do that to your son is just evil."

"We can only control what we can, but I will be damned if he comes home crying almost every day again because of what that demon does to my boy," Jackie said also trying to hold back her anger.

"Maybe we should talk about something different then before the kids think we are fighting," Luke suggested. "After all, us men need to save our energy to prove our dominance in a game of twenty-one."


Again, thank you everyone for reading my story, putting up with the long wait times and just everything else I cannot think of at this moment. Before anyone asks in the comments or feedback, yes I am already in the process of writing another story and yes Asperger's/Autism will be involved. I can only write in terms of how my mind thinks. But yes, this will not be the last story from me.

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Bra46Bra46over 3 years ago
A little long!

While a little long, still a good read and helped me appreciate some of the issues people with Aspergers contend with.

Bigguy731Bigguy731over 3 years ago

A ver nice story that I stayed up to 3 am reading but wheat beer? ( I looked up Oberon)

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984almost 4 years ago

Really enjoyable and relatable read. Was a tad predictable but still worthy of favouring you and your stories.

tangledweedtangledweedover 5 years ago
I wondered if the name DestinyReader had anything to do with the game.

Since I played far too many hours of Destiny and CoD myself, it was fun to see the gaming references. If you ever played CoD or any other PVP shooter online, you know how easy it is to fall into the rage trap.

The Asperger's angle was interesting as well, because while nobody in my family was ever diagnosed with it, I recognize several of the behaviors. All in all, a very warm story about communication, acceptance and love.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Re : very good , realistic.

I can relate to your comment. My son of now 28 has Asperger too and just got an Phd in aeronautic engineering and is happily married. He is a rather light case but still struggles sometimes.

There is one area where I disagree with the well done story. As in the Netherlands Asperger was not recognized as a disorder until late 90ies, schools were not well placed to handle those mostly male with Asperger, nor were many pupils inclined to be nice. My son was severely mob bullied and had to be taken to another primary school. The school was unable/ unwilling to provide a secure environment for him and others.

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