It All Started with a Spilled Drink


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"We're here to take you home. Israeli soldiers," Simon spoke. "Did they hurt you?"

Sheila said, "They slapped and punched us a number of times. They also threatened to rape us. If we were here one more day I think they would have done that as well."

Jason looked at the gang leader, who was in plastic handcuffs, then hauled back and punched him hard enough to break his nose. Blood spurted from his nose. He would have continued punching if Simon did not step in.

Jason remained silent. He took a pair of bolt cutters and cut the chains releasing the women. The women had a hard time walking so Simon picked up Stacy and Jason did the same to Sheila. They made their way out of the warehouse where the large van was waiting by the entrance. Sheila, unknowingly, sat next to Jason.

When the van started moving and was on the highway, Sheila spoke.

"We don't know who you are, but we can't thank you enough."

The men started to take off their masks.

Simon responded. "We always take care of our own. Isn't that right Jason?"

Sheila turned to the one man who hadn't removed his mask. Then Jason pulled off his mask.

"Hello Sheila."

Sheila, at first, was too shocked to speak.

"You know her? Simon asked.

"It's the girl I'm going to marry," Jason said without much emotion. He was too drained from the mission to be excited.

Sheila began to cry. Jason held her tightly. They didn't speak.

It took them an hour to get back to headquarters.

Jason's uncle was waiting for them, along with a few doctors and nurses.

"Well done, Jason. Let's get the women checked out and then they can join your group in the cafeteria. I'm sure they're hungry."

Jason went over to Sheila and Stacy and said, "Let the medical people take a look at you. They will bring you around so you can eat something."

Stacy said, "Thank you and your men. We were so scared."

Sheila just looked at Jason. She was tired, but he saw a faint smile coming across her face. She reached out to grab Jason's hand. Sheila, reluctantly let go of Jason's hand and went with Stacy.

Jason's uncle gathered the men who worked with Jason. "Congratulations to all of you. Your mission was accomplished in two ways. The women are safe and their captors are either dead. or captured. Go clean up, and grab some food if you like." A few men declined, the offer of food, but Simon stayed to be with Jason.

"You haven't spoken much about Sheila since the first few weeks we were here. I thought you had forgotten about her?"

"I had to concentrate on our missions and there were times I didn't think of her, but I was always wondering if she had moved on?"

Simon, a physician, is supposed to start his orthopedic residency program when he gets back to the states. He is going to UCSF. He too, was leaving next week. He will be about a month behind with his studies, but that will not be a problem for him.

About an hour later, the women, freshly showered, looking no worse for the wear, came into the cafeteria. Simon, sensing that Jason wanted to be alone with Sheila asked Stacy to join him at another table, out of earshot.

"Chicken soup and a turkey sandwich. I figured as much," Sheila laughed.

"Not much different than dinner at The Claremont."

"Yeah, high quality chicken soup."

Jason's uncle came into the room and approached their table.

"Can I see both of you in my office for a second. The soup won't get cold."

Jason and Sheila followed his uncle to his office.

"Sheila, what I'm about to tell you must remain a secret. You can tell no one, not even your parents. Not even your best friend. Jason had good reason not to write to you or contact you during the past two years. He had specific orders from me. You see Jason, like his father before him and his grandfather before that were brought to Israel to work on behalf making sure any threats, both internal and external would not bring harm to the Jewish state. I'm Jason's uncle, Chaim. I also happen to be the Head of Mossad. I'm sure you know what that is. What Jason and his fellow soldiers have done over the past two years have made a great difference in Israel's security. Now he is ready to go home."

Sheila reached for Jason's hand, held it tight and looked lovingly into his eyes, eyes that had tears forming.

"You don't know how hard it was for me to not reach out to you and no doubt, it was even harder for you not knowing whether I still cared for you."

Sheila started to talk, but Jason silenced her by holding up his hand.

"I have two years of catching up to do. I have no idea of what you are doing now, have been doing for the past two years or if someone else has been part of your life. I can understand if you don't want to let me back into your world again. I will tell you that if you do let me in, I'll never be out of your life again."

Chaim was taking all this in as he sat in his chair.

"I want you Jason. I love you. I've loved you from our first date. I tried to move on, but I couldn't. I told myself that when I got back from Israel that I would put you behind me and begin to live my life. Now, more than ever, I want to live my life with you. I want to spend some time with you here in Israel. Unfortunately, I'm leaving for the states tomorrow."

"You were supposed to leave for the states tomorrow," Chaim said. "I've made a few calls and if you want you can spend a few extra days here. Stacy can stay as well." "I'd like that. I'm sure Stacy would like that as well."

"Just one catch," Chaim said.

"What's that?"

"Both of you have to come for Shabbat dinner on Friday. I'll get Simon to come as well."

"Of course."

Chaim was beaming.

Sheila and Jason left the office and met up with Stacy and Simon. Jason explained their travel plans and Stacy readily agreed. Jason told them that he had a 2-bedroom suite at the hotel and invited them to stay with him.

The women looked at each other and could not say yes fast enough.

Jason made a call and their luggage would be waiting for them in Jason's room. "The two of you can share a bedroom and Simon can sleep on the convertible in the living room."

Blushing, Stacy said that those arrangements would not do. "Simon can share a room with me and Sheila can spend some quality time with you."

A very obvious smile came across the faces of both Sheila and Jason.

Both couples left the headquarters hand-in-hand. In the back seat, Stacy moved closer to Simon as he held her close. She closed her eyes and was sleeping as soon as the car started moving. Sheila could not take her eyes off Jason as he drove to the hotel.

No sooner had they arrived in Jason's suite, the couples separated into their respective rooms and immediately fell asleep. It was a difficult day for all, to say the least.

Stacy and Simon woke up first. Stacy took the initiative and began to stroke Simon's cock through his shorts. Simon responded in a similar manner, seeking out Stacy's breasts, pulling her tee shirt above her head, removing it as an obstacle. He latched on to one of her nipples with his mouth bringing it to a hard nub. He did the same to her other breast. All the while his cock was responding to Stacy's touch. He moved away from her breasts and moved down her body, pulling off her soaked panties. A nicely trimmed natural blonde bush, trimmed not to show her bush when she wore a bikini, came into view. He started to lick her slit, moving on to her clitoris. Stacy was moaning and grabbing at the sheets.

"Oh...Oh.......feels so fucking good." In between gasps of passion she continued, "But I want you to fuck me now. Fuck me."

Simon lined up his cock with her furry slit and pushed his cock all the way in. There were no preliminaries, just fucking. Stacy arched her back, trying to get Simon to go deeper. Simon, raised her legs over his shoulders and was able to go even deeper into her pussy. Stacy's pussy grabbed hold of Simon's cock. It wasn't going to be long before both of them were going to come. Simon, yelled his orgasm, "Fucking cumming, cumming............damn," as he spurted into Stacy's pussy. That triggered Stacy's orgasm that was just as loud.

They stayed together for a few minutes cuddling, until Simon's cock got soft and slipped out of Stacy's pussy. They fell back to sleep.

Sheila and Jason's lovemaking was special. It was not rushed. Jason was very tender with Sheila, whispering in her ear as they slowly made love. Sheila was crying tears of joy and Jason was kissing the tears off of her face.

"I love you, Sheila. More than you can ever know."

"I love you even more, Jason."

After much kissing, touching and slow fucking, Jason began to move faster. Sheila whispered encouragement. "Cum for me. Cum for me. Fuck me good, make me cum. I want to cum with you. Please make me cum. Oh, almost there. Oh..................Oh................Oh," she was now panting heavily.

"Going to cum," Jason said. "You're making me cum.....cumming....................cumming.......yes."

"Me too, me too," Sheila screamed. "God, yes, yes.......................oh, yes........................"

The two couples finally emerged from their respective bedrooms around noon. They went out for lunch, and walked around the center of Tel Aviv. Jason excused himself from the group for a few minutes, leaving the women with Simon. Jason had called the Yaniv Fine Jewelry store in the morning. He met with the owner and Jason left with a small box. He hid the box in his pants. The four finished with enough time to get to the beach. They spent the next day on the beach and left early to go to Jason's uncle's house.

At the table, Chaim made a toast to the four of them as he regaled them of stories of him growing up with Jason's dad. There was much laughter. Dinner was perfect. Jason's aunt had prepared a feast and no one left the table hungry.

When it was time to leave, all of them were emotional as they said their good-byes. In fact, everyone was touched.

On Saturday, their last day in Israel, they spent the day at the beach. Their flights were at 12:30 am on Sunday. Each couple showered together as they prepared for their trip back to the United States. Jason was traveling to New York and the others to San Francisco.

At Ben Gurion Airport, after clearing security, Simon and Jason gave each other a big hug. After two years together, they were like brothers.

"I'll see you in November," Simon said.

Jason and his parents were invited out to the winery for Thanksgiving. Sheila invited Simon and Stacy to join them at the winery as well.

Stacy said goodbye to Jason, thanking him again for rescuing them. "Thank you for bringing Simon into my life. Not the best way to meet someone, but I'll take it." With that Stacy gave Jason a kiss on his cheek.

"We'll catch up with you," Simon said to Sheila "at the gate."

"Let's not wait two years to see each other again," Sheila joked.

Grabbing her around the waist, pulling her toward him, he replied, "Never. It will be Thanksgiving before you know it. Send regards to your parents. I love you."

"I love you, too."

They wound up in a very tight embrace, locking lips, not wanting to let go. Finally, they came up for some air.

"Safe travels," Jason said.

"Please call me tomorrow."

"Count on it."

With that they went their separate ways.

Things returned to normal in California. Sheila started working at the winery, implementing some programs that showed much promise when it came to the bottom line. For Sheila, November could not come fast enough, but it was only late August. Simon started his residency and to no ones' surprise, Stacy moved in with him. She was a merchandise manager at Gump's, a San Francisco institution. From Japanese inspired furniture to top quality items, the store was a must visit for those visiting the city by the bay.

The Labor Day weekend at the winery was usually a time to relax. There were no tours over the weekend. The only thing at the winery that weekend, on Saturday, was for Sheila to take inventory of their stock.

"Dad, I'll be back in an hour or so. I'll take care of the inventory, then I can relax."

"You know we have a reservation at The French Laundry at 7:00 pm."

"Yup, can't wait."

"Is Stacy and Simon coming," her dad asked.

"Yes. Simon said it was time for a fine meal after eating in the hospital cafeteria most of the time. They will meet us at the restaurant and they are staying over for the weekend."

"Perfect., see you later."

The drive to the restaurant took about twenty minutes.

When they arrived, owners Mayor Don and his wife Sally Schmitt took them to their table. They were told that their guests were already seated as they brought them back to their table.

Sheila let out a yell when she saw Jason and his parents, along with Simon and Stacy sitting at the table. She ran to him and, as he stood to great her, she jumped into his arms, planting the first of many kisses on his lips.

"What are you doing here?" she asked. "Oh, hi, Rabbi and Doris," she said as an afterthought.

"In a second." Jason and his parents went to greet the Greenberg's. Jason introduced Stacy and Simon to his parents.

They sat down and Jason began to speak.

"I couldn't wait until Thanksgiving. Sheila, I never told you, but I am not at Harvard. I couldn't bear being away from you. I will be going to Stanford come January. In the meantime, your dad offered me the opportunity to learn about the wine making business, so I'll be working with you until January. If that's okay with you?"

"Who knew about this?"

"I think everybody, except you." Jason smiled.

"Stacy, you knew about this and didn't tell me?"

"I was sworn to secrecy."

"Mom, Dad, you too?"

"Guilty as charged."

"And you knew Jason and his parents were coming out this weekend?"

"Guilty, again."

Everyone laughed.

The maitre d' appeared with champagne flutes and two bottles of Dom Perignon. The bottles were opened and the champagne was poured.

"What are we toasting to?" asked Sheila.

"Let's toast to the success of the winery," Sheila's parents, Ben and Doris said together. Glasses were raised and clicked.

"What else?" asked Ben.

"How about we toast the good fortune of Stacy being with Simon?" Jason asked.

More raised glasses and more clicking.

"Does anyone have one more toast in them?" the Rabbi, Jason's father asked.

Jason, spoke. "Before anyone offers one more toast, there is something I need to do." With that he produced a box, the box from Yaniv's in Tel Aviv. He moved closer to Sheila, got down on one knee, opened the box, placing the diamond ring on Sheila's finger and said, "Sheila, will you marry me?"

Sheila looked at the beautiful diamond engagement ring, started crying, and replied, yes, of course, yes, yes, yes!"

The other patrons in the restaurant joined in the applause as the glasses were raised and clicked again. The Rabbi offered a toast and when he was done, everyone at the table yelled, "Mazel Tov!"

Jason and Sheila were married after he finished law school. In addition to becoming legal counsel for the winery, he opened up a private office near the winery specializing in providing counsel to low-income families. The work was very satisfying and rewarding. Stacy and Simon also married and lived a few miles from Jason and Sheila. Simon became part of a large surgical group.

Jason and Sheila became the parents of a son, Eli and a daughter, Rose. Simon and Stacy became the parents of a girl, Maddie and a boy, Barry.

There was even more to celebrate. Shelia and Jason's parents came out to the winery to help celebrate the couples 25th wedding anniversary. The celebration took place at the French Laundry, now owned by famous chef Tomas Keller. Simon and Stacy and their children were there as well.

At the beginning of the dinner, Jason's dad, the Rabbi stood and offered the following toast. "Congratulations to Jason and Sheila on their 25th wedding anniversary. May they enjoy many more years together. And, congratulations to Maddie and Eli who will be married next Saturday. " Both families were beaming.

The flutes, filled with champagne, were held high, then clicked, followed by the ancient spiritual words, "L'Chaim," which means "To Life."

And to think that all of this started with a spilled drink at a Jimmy Buffet concert over 30 years ago.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The kid should have gone to Cal Law at the end. Go Bears.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

What a beautiful love story!

Thank you so much!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So this is a story about Russian Jews in Israel kidnapping female American Jews who they then sell as sex slaves in foreign countries. What is author thinking……..!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Real men don’t get turned on by seeing dirty public hair? They get turned on by seeing smooth pussy wings and a clit!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A little by the numbers, Mills & Boon, but who don't like a happy ending.

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
Nicely Done

Thanks for sharing a romantic love story. It's good to see love prosper in the face of adversity.

It's too bad readers can't see the beauty in the relationship rather than focus on their own perceived judgmentalism.

DalhawkDalhawkover 6 years ago
Loved it!

Enjoyed every bit of it. Really well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Your own country should allways come first, only traitors serve another country.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

How is it that an American can enlist in a foreign army?

Surely an American's first and only duty is to the USA?

Does not the USA need serviceman and women?


tazz317tazz317over 6 years ago

that tells the tale of alls well that starts and ends well; TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Couldn't get past half way down page one.

Northpacific2017Northpacific2017over 6 years ago
Great Story

Thank you, your efforts, are much appreciated


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
The way we wish life would be!

A very very good story. Please edit and proof read more. But, Oh, so enjoyable.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

schmaltzy, but enjoyable

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