It Started in the Rain Ch. 02


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"I even dreamed about it!" Kat whispered.

"OK," I scooted forward in my chair just a little, "So between Wednesday night and 1700 tonight you both have been thinking about this."

They both nodded. Pam blushed a little.

"Pam, are you getting the idea that I already really like you?"

She nodded.

"Good. I want you to do something that will help me immensely. I want you to close your eyes."

I turned to Kat and said, "Honey, I want you to sit on the bed behind Pam with your legs around her and your body snugged up against hers."

As she moved into position she asked, "With robes or without?"

"If you are warm enough without then without."

Both robes became a pile on the floor. I picked them up and tossed them aside.

"Pam, snuggle in until you are comfortable. (pause) Keep your eyes closed. (pause) Now, talk about the thoughts you have had about tonight between Wednesday night and right now."

"All of them?" Her voice was strained, anxious.

"No. Start with the one's you could easily share with a best friend."

"I wondered what type of man would treat a woman the way Kat says you treated her last weekend. I'm twenty-eight and no man has ever treated me like that. Not like that!"

"What did you think I would do if I said 'Yes'?"

"At first I thought we would go for dinner and then come to your house and watch a movie or something."

"Then where did your thoughts take you?" I asked.

"That you would go down on me."

"Would you like me to lick and kiss your vulva?"

Pam nodded but didn't speak. I waited.

"Like I wondered how heavy you would be when you were on top of me."

I waited some more.

"I thought about how it would feel if when you were inside me if you would pay attention to what I need."

"Has anyone ever asked you during sex what you would like them to do?"

"Yes. Kat."

"Was it easy to tell her what you wanted?"

"Yes. She's a woman."

"What other thoughts did you have?"

"I love having my breasts played with, but not just my nipples. I hate men who have been with me for four hours and don't know what color my eyes are. All they look at are my tits!"

"Your eyes are brown. Your hair is brown. You have three moles on your upper body. One under your right arm, one about an inch above your right iliac crest and one just over your spine at about C7. You have a scar on your left leg about four inches above your ankle."

Pam was silent for a long time.

"One recurring thought was of falling asleep in your arms and waking up still there. Oh, and I thought about having sex take long enough that I would have an orgasm with you."

I stood and moved to the bed. Kat watched me and sensed that I didn't want her to move. I leaned in and kissed Pam. Our tongues danced and got to know each other again. My left hand touched her cheek and tilted her head and as it tilted my kisses migrated to her ear and then her neck. When I got to her neck I was sharing kissing space with Kat. Pam moaned softly and seemed to offer us more neck skin to our use.

Again using the guidance system of my hand I moved her head again and Kat and I moved to the other side of her neck. I took the scenic route by going back up to her ear, along her chin, spending a liberal amount of time and energy at her mouth and then working to her other ear. For all this time the only parts of me touching her were my lips and the fingertips of one hand.

Kat had not restricted her hand movements. As my lips were beginning the descent from Pam's ear to her neck Kat was holding both of Pam's breasts. The nipples were hard and pressed into the palms of Kat's hands. Kat pressed into Pam's breasts and then rotated her hands twisting each of Pam's breasts.

Pam was no longer sitting passively. Her voice was an almost constant moan punctuated by chirps when either Kat or I did something that really got her interest. She reached up and put her arms around my neck and drew me towards her until my cock rested against her knees and I was uncomfortably leaned over.

Using my hands I signaled Kat and she moved from behind Pam. Using my tongue in Pam's mouth I guided her onto her back and then when I broke the kiss I helped her move until she was on her back in the middle of the bed.

Kat and I pulled the covers up over the three of us as Kat and I climbed in on each side of Pam. Pam turned to face me and we kissed. I wrapped her in my arms and draped one leg over hers while we kissed. I kissed her many times. Some were soft, some hard, some wet and filled with tongue.

Her hands explored me as we kissed. She gently tugged the hair on my body. When she visited my nipples she experimented until she found that pinching them with a twist got the moan she had been looking for. Periodically after that she revisited that moan. I knew she could feel my erection pressed against her legs but she didn't touch it.

After a time her hands sent a signal to me that she would like me to move down and give my attention to other parts of her body. I scooted down a few inches and kissed all along her collarbone and then kissed down the centerline of her chest. When my mouth was directly between her titties, my kisses went from one side to the other up the insides of her titties almost to the nipples. My hands held her breasts on the outsides, pressing each to my mouth as I kissed them. Without ever kissing either nipple, my kissing path moved farther down and spent some time caressing and kissing her belly. I circled around her belly button with kisses many times before I inserted my tongue.

"Oh God that feels so good!" Pam said.

The next move had my legs off the bed and my face inches from her pussy. When my first kisses circled around her crease she used both hands on my head and nearly smothered me into her crease. She was remarkably strong and held me in with considerable force. When she eased off I took a big breath, wondering if I would ever get another.

"Lee, Lick me, Honey. Lick me."

I began running my tongue as far along her slit as I could reach given our position on the bed. I wondered what Kat was doing as I hadn't encountered her in quite a while. I reached for her and she gently put my hand back on Pam. I remembered her words, "This is about Pam tonight."

Pam shifted a little on the bed and opened her legs for me. As her legs opened her lips parted and a gush of her sweet juice filled my mouth and covered my face. I remembered thinking when I experienced a gush the first time, years ago, wondering if that juice was good for a man's skin. I believe that it is. It causes men to smile.

I wanted to be inside Pam with more than my tongue. I had wanted that since a few minutes after we met. I believed that the time was getting close.

As my tongue probed her depths and teased her clitoris I could feel her starting to quake inside. Her lubrication was flowing such that I was unable to drink it all in. I touched my tongue to her clit and then stopped all other motion.

Pam moaned and pushed my face into her pussy. I resisted. Then I sucked her clit into my mouth and flicked it as fast as my tongue would go.

Her orgasm exploded! She screamed and thrashed and sat up flailing her arms. Her eyes were wide open and then she shook hard and collapsed. My face and hair were soaked with her cum. The bed had a puddle. Pam didn't care. Neither did I.

As she calmed I crawled back up beside her and hugged her to me. She put her arms around me and fell asleep. After a few minutes I carefully pulled out of our embrace and headed for the bathroom. Pam opened her eyes and said, "You can't go home. You live here."

"Please, may I pee if I promise to come back to you?"

She closed her eyes and I took that as a "Yes."

When I returned Kat was sitting on her knees on my side of the bed. She took my now wilting cock in her hands and then in her mouth. She was working magic, although it didn't take much. She was being very quiet while she did wild things to my growing erection. When it reached the acceptable level of excitement she released it from both hand and mouth and went onto her back on the floor. She invited me in for a visit.

As I went down to the floor my face was aimed at licking her pussy. That was not her plan. She sat up far enough to grab my hair and pulled my face to hers. I figured that meant she wanted me in her pussy, but not with my tongue. I positioned my cock at her vaginal entrance, covered myself with her juices, and entered her.

Halfway in I sat up and used my hands to lift and spread her legs. When I was all the way in I was as deep as possible. We held still for a long time and then we started our motion. We made very little noise as we joined. We shifted positions and kissed softly. She twisted my nipples and I moaned.

I lifted up and looked at Pam. She was breathing softly and her eyes were closed. I went back to slowly fucking Kat. The pace seemed to increase in spite of any effort we made to keep going slowly. The noise level increased as well and the noises of my cock going in and out of her very wet pussy were mixed with a few moans and a squeal from Kat. Kat reached down and stroked her own clit and as I hit bottom each time I was pressing her finger hard against her clit.

Kat tensed and put a hand over her mouth and moaned into her hand. The inside of her pussy grabbed me hard and I felt her contractions. It sent me over my own edge and I really didn't even know I had made any noise until I opened my eyes and saw Pam's face three inches from mine. All three of us busted up laughing.

We showered, changed the linens, started the washer, ate a snack and kissed each other twenty or so times all in an hour. When we were ready to go back to bed it was 0135 Saturday morning.

As we climbed into the bed Pam said, "Well, I had hopes of getting laid tonight."

"Has the sun come up already?" I asked.

"Looks to me like maybe he's too tired." Pam said pointing at my relaxed and drooping penis.

Kat looked at Pam and said, "I'll bet you ten dollars that you can't get him hard enough to enter you in less than fifteen minutes!"

Pam must have a competitive streak in her because she asked me, "What time is it?"

And the instant I answered she dove onto me and swallowed my cock completely! I was knocked onto my back and while Pam was hard at work bringing me back to life Kat straddled my face and gave me a wonderful pussy to nibble on.

Six minutes later Pam released my cock from her wet and wonderful mouth only to straddle my hips and push my hard cock up inside her wet pussy. As the two rode my face and cock they teased each other's bodies and kissed. I know that because they told me later. My world existed in the feelings my cock was having and the delicious taste of Kat in my mouth. I could not see and didn't hear hardly anything.

When I sensed that Pam was getting close it was because she stopped her up and down motion and began grinding her clit against my pubic bone. I knew Kat was cumming to because the flow of her juice increased and her movements became jerky.

Kat's legs clamped against my head! Her juices almost drowned me! As my own juices pounded out of me and into Pam her legs clamped against my hips and I felt both women shudder. With the three of us shacking and moaning together it was a good thing my neighbors don't live really close.

I was done. They could just throw a blanket over me and call me in the morning. They did more. When Pam had attacked me my head ended up at the foot of the bed. When we were done they didn't even ask me to move. They unmade the bed, moved the pillows, snuggled against each side of me and covered us all with a blanket. I was asleep before all that was complete.

When Pam woke up she didn't know where she was. She hadn't awakened in bed with a man in almost a year. When she woke on Saturday morning she knew she was in bed with a man because she heard him breathe and didn't know a woman who snored like that, and because she had a hold of his semi-hard cock. For some reason she remembered when she was younger and called what she was holding a prick. Even before she opened her eyes she smiled at that thought. Now she was old enough and experienced enough in the world of adults to know that what she held was a cock and that there were pricks in the world and that the word described an entire person, not his appendage.

She remembered last night and the orgasms she had with Lee and Kat. When she breathed through her nose she could tell that the room still smelled like sex. Her hand was gently and slowly stroking Lee in his sleep. On one stroke she reached the end of his cock and went out until her hand was almost off his cock and Pam bumped into Kat's ass. Then she remembered the last event of the night when she and Kat were kissing and pulling each other's nipples while Lee ate Kat and Pam was filled with him. She felt her arousal beginning again. "Won't you ever get enough, girl?" she thought.

On the other side of Lee, Kat was awake too. She loved feeling the warmth of Lee close behind her. When Pam's hand bumped against her ass she knew that Pam was stroking Lee and that Pam was awake. She didn't move. She just listened. Pam's breathing was becoming aroused and Kat noticed that she too was having those feelings. She noticed her nipples tightening and a tingle in her vulva that signaled wetness. She wanted to turn over and watch what Pam was doing and she wanted to just stay still and luxuriate in this sexy warmth.

The instant Lee woke up both women were aware that he was awake. His cock jerked and swelled. His breathing changed. His left hand tightened its grip on Kat's tit.

He moaned and said, "I love waking up like this."

Pam stroked a little more purposefully and whispered into Lee's ear, "Morning stud."

Kat snuggled back against Lee's chest. She also put her hand over Lee's hand on her tit.

They enjoyed this leisurely waking up touching for a while then all three bladders gave a command that was not to be ignored. In unison and on cue they said, "I've got to pee!" and threw back the blanket.

In the next thirty seconds they scattered to the three bathrooms and the sound of making water came from all three rooms. As they walked nude out of the bathrooms they met in the hallway and hugged.

"Breakfast, anyone?" Lee asked.

"I'm starved!" Both women said at once. They turned and went to the kitchen. Kat made coffee. Lee got out the fixins for an omelet and he gave Pam instructions of where to find the stuff for toast or English muffins. As the meal was cooking and all three were getting plates, forks and knives, cups and napkins onto the island Lee had a thought about what might happen if his daughter decided she just had to walk in at this very moment. All their clothes were at the other end of the house. She had never seen him with anyone in five years. He smiled at how shocked and then delighted he thought his daughter would be "if she could see me now."

When the toast, coffee and omelet were done they sat down leaving a middle seat for Lee. He liked the view. The coffee was just as he liked it, black and strong. Both women put just a bit of milk in it and no sugar. As they ate they talked about ideas Lee had for things they could do so that all three could enjoy some of the sights of Southern California other than Lee's bedroom.

Suddenly Lee was aware that thinking about something just might have the power to cause it to happen. He heard a key enter the lock on the front door.

"Don't make a sound," he whispered. They all froze.

They heard the door open and close very quietly. They heard footsteps in the entryway and then a gasp!

Saturday has the potential for a great day. How great? You will need to see Chapter 3.

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Marklynda2Marklynda2over 1 year ago

Gotta love a woman who's not afraid to share! One of my personal favorite fantasies is a FFM threesome. I always try to attend to the woman I'm with needs and desires. I look forward to reading more. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Double Sicko Alert

Boundary-less ass jack. If your that hot and getting all that sex, slamming the step-d?

Major League loser.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Open to Love - Open to Life

Great story of people who live instead of just existing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Sicko alert

0 Stars. Total creepy sicko pervert.

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

a game of menageries. TK U MLJ LV NV

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 12 years ago
Even though I know where Lee ends up

I am enjoying the trip - again -

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Insanely great!

So loving and extremely sexy descriptions and a great easy flow makes this a top quality story for me. I look foreward to chapter 3 appearing, hopefully ASAP! <grin>

Grey BeardGrey Beardabout 19 years ago
Unspoken truths hang heavy in the air

When I fantasize about not one, but two young women in my bed, reality kicks in and I always hope that they will like each other as well as they like me. We all have to sleep sometime. You only touched on that briefly, but the feeling is there, and what is left unsaid but understood is what makes you so very good.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Hurry !

Better than the first one, make certain

that no. 3 appears soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Nice buildup

both in this chapter and in chapter 1. Stories with heart and hot sex are the best, and you have done a great job with both in your story.

ethanjones1943ethanjones1943over 19 years ago

Once again great story, made my dick so hard. Looking forward to the next one. Ethan

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Sir, I Doff My Hat!

The story got hotter then hell. You sir are a master of slowly and thoroughly constructing an erotic and sensuous tale. I will wait most impatiently for part 3.

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