It Was Only a Blowjob Ch. 04


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It was a half hour later, when I heard them return. I was stacking the gifts under where our tree should be. Sad to say, with all the craziness, we'd never even put one up yet. One more task to do.

I turned to the door, and was surprised as hell to see my sister-in-law Alice standing in the doorway, nervously. "John," she said softly in greeting. "Can I talk to her? Please?"

I walked to the door, and waved her inside. "She should be back any moment. We need to keep it down, Jeannie's napping."

"I could come back later," she said.

"Please, come on in. Have a seat. Can I get you something to drink?" I was trying hard to be my most gentlemanly. I wanted her to stay. I had some things I needed to talk about.

She was scared. It was easy to detect. "Wine maybe?"

We had an open bottle. Seems like we often did lately. I poured her a glass, and grabbed myself a Guinness, pouring it into one of my chilled mugs. I brought her the drink, and sat down next to her. She was practically trembling.

I'll give her credit though. She had showed up, and I guess she was ready to face the music. I hoped that she'd be honest.

"Relax, Alice. I'm not going to bite."

She leaned back in the seat, watching me warily.

"Can I ask you one simple question?"

She took a bracing gulp of her wine, then nodded.

"Why? Why would you do that to her? Do you hate her that much? Were you purposely trying to destroy our marriage? I thought we got along pretty well."

She had tears in her eyes when she responded. "God, no, John! I don't hate her at all. She's my baby sister. I love you guys."

"Can you explain why?"

"I...I screwed up, Ok? I didn't mean for it to happen. I never thought it would turn out that way, I swear."

"No, it's not Ok. How could you go out of your way to convince my wife that it was alright to give anyone a blowjob? That it wouldn't be cheating?"

She was shaking. "Please," she whined. "I'll try to fix it. I feel horrible about the whole thing."

"Why, Alice? Why'd you do it?"

"She hasn't told you?"

"No. She still thinks you've got her best intentions in mind. Trying to get her to divorce me. Trying to break us up. I...I would never have expected that of you."

She bowed her head down, clutching her glass between her hands tightly. "I was scared. I had to protect my own marriage. We're not as strong as you guys. I knew you'd be Ok, no matter what."

"You still haven't explained why." I said it softly, putting my hand on her shoulder. "I need to know."

"She...she saw me." The words were so soft I almost missed them.

"Saw you?"

She nodded. "With Miguel."

"Our handyman?"

Another faint nod. "She was upset. Wanted to know how I could do that. I was so scared she'd say something and Dan would find out. I told her it was no big thing. Only a blowjob. Like in high-school and college. What we did to avoid putting out. It was a way to avoid cheating."

"Why would you do that? Risk your marriage like that?"

"It was idiotic, I know. Dan and me, we don't have what you guys have. I get it maybe once a week. Maybe. I hear her talking about your sex life and it drives me crazy. I get so worked up. Miguel was there, working outside with his shirt off, dark skin shining. His shorts were tight, and I saw this big bulge. I tease him a lot, and that day he grabbed me. I don't know why, maybe I'd teased him once too often. The timing was horrible. I'd been on the phone with Wendy just a little while earlier, and she was talking about sucking your cock morning noon and night, you remember, a couple of weeks after Jeannie was born. When he pushed me to my knees, God, John! I felt so wicked. Outside, fully dressed, being made to suck cock. Fuck, I was dripping."

She took another sip of her wine. "I have no excuse, really. I knew I shouldn't do it. I guess I was trying to convince myself the same thing. It was like back in school. A blowjob. That's all. I wouldn't let him touch me. He wouldn't get between my legs. Just a blowjob. I was horny as shit, but I wasn't about to cheat on Dan. I'd just give the guy a blowjob."

I waited her out, silent.

"I did it. He didn't even make me do it. I opened his pants, and pulled out his big cock. That's what it was, a big, heavy cock. Bigger then Dan's. Thicker. Hard, because of me." She sobbed, "I fucked up, so bad. I sucked him. Not in the bedroom, but outside, on the deck, in broad daylight. I sucked that fat cock, and I loved the fact that he was moaning, and saying things in Spanish. Bad things, I just knew it. I was so worked up, I almost came just from sucking him."

Alice put her glass down, turning more toward me. "Lousy fucking timing. That's what it was. Wendy walked out of the back door, practically yelling my name. I was about to pull away, but the bastard had his hand on my head, and he pushed it back into my mouth, holding my head while he fucked my mouth a few more times, until he came. I didn't fight it. I couldn't. Even when he went off in my mouth, I didn't turn away. I took it. It was dirty. Wicked. I sucked him dry, and he was standing there, smiling at my sister."

"The fucker pulled up his shorts, rubbed my head like a dog, and walked back out to the yard. That's when she confronted me, and I explained that it was only a blowjob. No big deal. It wasn't like I cheated. He didn't even touch me."

"It only took a couple of weeks to get her to accept that it was only a blowjob. Not sex. Not cheating. I felt guilty but I was trying to save my marriage."

"At the expense of ours."

"No! Never! She never wanted anyone but you. There's no way she'd do it with anyone else. She had you for all her blowjobs. You never denied her. We all knew. All she had to do was touch your zipper, and you were hard for her. Why would she ever go to anyone else?"

"Until she did."

The waterworks started up again. "How could I know that mother-fucker Tom would use the same exact tactics. 'C'mon, Wendy. It's only a blowjob. It's not like you're really cheating.' Damn him!"

She looked up at me. "Yeah, she told me. Right after she did it. She was even going to tell you, but I told her we had to keep it a secret. It wasn't really cheating, but Marie would get upset, since she doesn't give him any." She grabbed my hand. "I'm so sorry, John. I swear I never thought in a million years she'd do it."

"I think I started to believe it a little myself. I had told myself I'd just do it that once. It was a mistake, but never again. Fuckin' Miguel didn't think so. He'd be working on something, then he'd take a break. He walked right up to me in the kitchen, with his dick out, grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me to my knees. I'm such a stupid slut, I'd go right along with it. Give him my very best BJ, then go back to the dishes, without ever saying a word. The next time Wendy caught me, she just sat back and watched. She even gave me advice."

"She watched you? Is that all she did? Did she blow him too?"

Alice shook her head rapidly. "No. No way. The worst she ever did was give him a handjob for a few seconds, when I took a phone call. That was only once."

Fuck me with a crowbar. "She gave him a handjob?"

"Not really. It was only a couple of minutes. He pushed it toward her mouth, but she only laughed and turned away."

"Damn it, Alice!"

"I...I wasn't thinking, you know? By then I really was of the mindset that it wasn't cheating. I pulled him out of my mouth, and I put her hand on his cock. She looked at me a little surprised, and the fucker moaned like her hand was better than my mouth. Wendy blushed, turning her head away, and stroked him slowly, while I spoke on the phone, and as soon I finished I took it back. I was a little pissed. Just her touching it had him so worked up, he shoved his cock in my mouth and came only a few seconds later, looking at her, not me. Last time I gave him a blowjob."

"I don't know what to say," I murmured, leaning back into the couch. "Do you know how close I came to ending our marriage? I was so angry, if she hadn't gotten in the car with me, I would have driven to a motel and started the divorce papers that Monday. I was devastated. If I didn't have a new daughter to consider, I don't believe I'd have let her back in our home that night."

Alice had pulled her knees up to her chest, and she was rocking, her cheeks tear strained. "I'm sorry. I never meant for any of that to happen."

"What have you told Dave?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'm scared to death. I know he's going to find out now. Six times I did it. Six times, each a nail in the coffin of my marriage. No way he'll ever forgive me." She looked up at me. "I'm terrified. I don't know what to do."

If I had heard this that first weekend, all the pain and humiliation tearing away at me, I shudder to think what I might have done to her. Selfish little cheater, convincing my wife into thinking blowjobs were Ok, and making a mockery of my marriage.

Now I looked at her with a good deal more pity than I should have had. I should have laughed in her face. Called Dan myself. Tell her she deserved it, and more.

Instead, I leaned over, picked her up off the couch and set her on my lap, holding her. "You really messed things up, didn't you?" I told her softly.

She nodded, turning her head into my shoulder, sobbing out of control. I held her, stroking her hair reassuringly. "This is the last time, you understand? I can't have you sabotaging my marriage again. I'll accept this was a mistake, and you regret it, but I'm not happy with you Alice. Not just the blowjob either. You made my wife give another man a handjob. You made a cheater out of her, directly. I'm very angry with the both of you right now."

"What am I going to do, John? Have I destroyed my life, my marriage? I'm so lost."

She was looking at me in obvious anguish. I brushed her tears away, softly. "I don't know. I wish I could help you. I'd suggest you get together with your mother and sister, and hash this out. Your Mom's a smart cookie. You three have to decide whether it's better to come clean, or try to bury it, and let you suffer with the guilt, for the sake of your relationship. I'm willing to go along with whatever you three decide."

She leaned her head against my shoulder, snuggling in. "Why are you being like this? I thought you were going to tear my head off. I deserve it."

"It's done. I believe you, that you regret it, and trust that it won't happen again. I hope you've learned your lesson. If you get Wendy involved in anything like that again, I'll do my best to destroy you, family or not. Once, and only once, I'll forgive you."

"Why are you being so nice to me? You were terrible to Wendy! You almost destroyed her. I can't believe you brought a whore home and made my sister watch the slut suck you."

I felt my anger resurging. "You should shut up when you're ahead, you selfish little bitch. I wasn't destroying my wife. I was trying to save her, save us. You really had her convinced that blowjobs didn't matter, and that she wasn't cheating. Nothing I said, nothing her friends said, even her mother, could convince her otherwise. No, I was the bastard for making a big deal out of her sucking our friends. She even stood up for them. So I showed her. Made her see what a blowjob from someone else was like. Still, she clung to the idea that she'd never cheated. She had no idea what she'd done to us, to me. It wasn't until she spent a day with that 'whore', undoing the damage that you did, that Wendy finally understood. That was all I wanted."

I grabbed her chin and made her look me in the eyes. "You and your cheating selfish cover-up almost destroyed my marriage. That 'slut', that 'whore' as you like to call her, saved it. She didn't need to, she had nothing vested, she wasn't family. Just a hurting, lost 18 year old in desperate straits. She went out of her way to prevent me from making things worse, and together with your mother, undid your damage, and perhaps made us even stronger."

I glared at her, my hand tensing. It was probably painful for her. "I forgave you. I do. But if you ever say anything bad about Kelly, you will never be welcome in my house, or anywhere around me again. Do you understand?"

In spite of my hand on her chin, she nodded. I released her, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "No more talk about that, Ok? I can get very upset, still."

"I...I didn't know, Jim. I'm sorry. How could I know? Nobody's talking to me. They won't take my calls. They won't let me in the house. You're the first one that's given me the time of day, and I hurt you the worst. I'm so confused right now."

I hugged her to my chest. "I know you are. It'll get worse before it gets better. They'll talk to you tonight. You may not like it, but they will. At least Wendy will. I imagine your mother will, as well."

My cell phone chose that time to ring, and I picked it up, still hanging onto Alice. "Hey, baby," I said, recognizing her number.

"We're on our way. Need us to pick up anything?"

"Nope. I just need you. Desperately."

She laughed. "You had me. And had me, and had me, and had me. Aren't you getting a little tired of your old wife?"

"Never. I love you."

"Alright, enough sappiness. Keep it up and I won't be able to drive. See you in a couple of minutes."

I hung up when she did, and put the phone to the side. "Finish your wine," I told Alice.

She looked nervous as she drank the last of it down. I went in and checked on my daughter, who thankfully slept like a rock, as she seemed to do about 18 hours a day. Naw, I wasn't jealous.

I returned to Alice. "I'm sorry about this, but you brought it down on yourself. I hope you'll forgive me later."

Her forehead wrinkled in confusion. "For what?"

I pulled my pants down. I wasn't hard, but I was started to firm up, at the thought. "The handjob you're going to give me."

"I will do no such thing!" she gasped.

"You will. You forced my wife to give one to a stranger. She never thought to make that little confession when she was telling me who she cheated with. So now she gets to see you give me one."

"No, John. Don't do this."

"Start, Alice. Right now or I swear to God, I'm on the phone to your husband, and you're out the door forever. Choose."

She looked up at me, but it wasn't anger in her eyes. She reached out for my cock, taking it in her hand and tugging on it. It grew firmer in her soft hand. "Do you want me to suck it?" she asked.

"No. Let me correct that. Hell no! Not that I wouldn't enjoy your mouth, but we're not going there. I won't betray my wife like that. This is a simple lesson for her. If she's been holding anything else back, there'll be hell to pay." I looked down at her, not mentioning I really didn't like the company I'd be sharing her with, if she did blow me.

Alice scooted closer, her face only inches away. I could feel her breath. "She hasn't. I know everything. Tom, Aaron, Jarrod. That's it. Maybe a minute of stroking Miguel's dick. That's the whole of it. Nobody else since you've been engaged."

I thought it was interesting that she didn't say since Wendy met me. Only since we'd been engaged. That would be a discussion for another time.

In the meantime, I looked down at the architect of so much of our troubles. I tamped down my anger, as her hand slid up and down my cock. She leaned forward and licked my shaft, looking up at me.

"Don't Alice," I warned her.

She gazed up at me sorrowfully. "I can't suck it, but I need to lube you up a bit, John, that's all." Her words were followed up by some sloppy licking, that turned into something more. She would kiss my shaft, rubbing her cheek against the bulbous head, glance up at me and give it a kiss. "I'm so sorry, John. I'd never want to hurt you."

Her hand slowly slid up and down my shaft, her lips still exploring. "Enough, Alice. It's only a handjob," I reminded her.

She sounded pitiful as she murmured "I know."

I'll say this for the little slut. She gave a handjob like her sister gave a blowjob. The loving attention, the soft touch, the adoring glances, all reminded me of Wendy. I was actually starting to enjoy it, as something other than a vengeful act. I was about to stop her when I heard the car pull into the driveway.

"Make it good. It's showtime."


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RedRachaelRedRachael2 months ago

MC has lost any high ground. He has no credibility when he continues to remind his wife how she nearly destroyed them. He’s way past anything she did.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Too long! Lost interest. You should get to the point and end already.

LT56linebackerLT56linebacker4 months ago

Weird. 4 Stars. Finish it, please.


RedRachaelRedRachael5 months ago

Well that went off the rails..

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Sadly what began as a very good story quickly became one of vengeance and hypocrisy. John is now forcing his SIL to defraud and dishonor her husband, his BIL, who is innocent in all of this. John is now doing to Dan what Tom, Aaron and Jerrod did to him.

TwmatthewsTwmatthews7 months ago

I couldn't finish the story. The first part was good but......Wendy seemed unable or unwilling to understand what she did. I found Kelly to be the most interesting character in the story. Where I lost it and gave up was in the last section when they introduced the mother in law to their sexual relations. It removed the last shred of believability for me and I stopped reading it,

LoisKnight69LoisKnight69about 1 year ago

I dislike John. His blackmailing and abuse of Alice is no better than when Tom took advantage of Wendy. Also, John's dislike of omission from discussions seems not to apply to himself, which is why he never mentioned his oral servicing of Kelly. Finally, John should take to heart Alice's comment about handjobs and blowjobs being good birth control. Most women might seem compelled to "put out" whereas very attractive women can often deflate and aggressive man with a handjob or at least resort, a blowjob. John is pompous and self-centered. Wendy is simply stupid. Finally, bringing the mother-in-law into the story as a sexual being destroyed the stories moral tone of being "anti cheating'.

LoisKnight69LoisKnight69about 1 year ago

I dislike John. His blackmailing of the sister-in-law Alice is no better than Tom confusing Wendy and taking advantage of her. John is acting high and mighty about Wendy's omission of touching Miguel, but John never told Wendy that he "ate out" Kelly. John should ponder Alice's statement about using handjobs and blowjobs as birth control. It is true that average girls might need to "put out" whereas very attractive girls get away with merely using a handjob or eventually a blowjob to deflate an aggressive man. Besides, as described, Wendy had Miguel's penis placed in her hand by Alice and held it for a very few seconds. It is not like Wendy was going to town on him. It is possible she dismissed it from her mind in the same way she doesn't remember or dwell on a clumsy kiss from some dud. Involving the mother-in-law, Carol, also was a fatal blow to the moral tone of the story being "anti cheating" in all its forms.

blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Since we’re nitpicking when he brought the meal to them in bed, he put the tray on Wendy’s lap. She was on her stomach due to a sore ass. Where’s her lap when she’s on her stomach?

Seriously I’m still enjoying the heck out of this story. I’m still waiting for the three of them to evolve into a true threesome.

Bill S.

rn2711rn2711almost 2 years ago

The mother part was too much for me.

DrgwngDrgwngabout 2 years ago

This is,deplorable. This author fills the story with despicable, retarded morons. I cannot find one single person with a centered sense of acceptability. I wish the ratings could follow the direction of the story and get progressively worse and worse. Drivel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is *not* the first chapter with huge errors. The whole story is one long, sordid, pathetic comedy of errors. Mostly on the part of Wendy, but nearly equally, her moronic husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I've enjoyed the series so far, but this is the first chapter with huge errors. In chapter 1 it was Tom and Mistie and now she has become Marie. Also 3/4 of the way through the last page Alice calls John "Jim". Other than these errors and Wendy being an idiot for believing Alice that giving someone a blowjob is not cheating it's been good. I guess she was influenced by Bill Clinton saying a blowjob is not sex; afterall he never had sex with Monica.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

t appears that you ladies have been discussing very personal elements of our love lives, and sharing them with your spouses. I don't understand that. Wendy has never told me about your sex lives. Any of yours."

your characters are set semi tard status. sharing their sex lives? marie and dan still dont fcking know honesty seems only directed at the husband... occcasionally when new cheating info isnt coming out...

oh and i noticed the sister did apologise for being a pos

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