It was the Third Date

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A couple tries wife sharing for the first time.
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It was the third date of the week. After creating the account, the matches had flooded in. You had written "not looking for a serious relationship" in your profile. The guys had clearly loved that. You had felt slutty writing it, but then again, the goal was to fuck a man while your husband watched. You were behaving like a slut. You had never wanted to be one, but now it excited you.

The first two dates had been with guys with whom the chemistry you shared over text had evaporated when we met up in person. You had been married for so long that you weren't used to dating. You kept waiting for the awkwardness to fade, but it never did. You thought it was the guys' responsibility to make it go away but they never did anything about it. I had been good though; at the first semblance of conversation, I silently excused myself to go to the bathroom to give you some privacy. It didn't work; the conversation died just as quickly as it had started and by the time I was back the awkwardness still clung to the air around the table like a contraceptive bubble. We said our goodbyes and we went home, and I licked your pussy while you made plans with the next guy.

Z was different though. He was date number three. He immediately made you feel comfortable. Unlike the others, he hadn't asked for nudes before meeting. The conversation flowed naturally; he made sure to include me, which we both appreciated. Z might be the next man to fuck you, but I was still your husband. You wondered if the waitress was trying to figure out your relationship to the men on either side of you; you had entered with me, but after Z had made you laugh you touched his arm suggestively.

When it was time to say goodbye, you hugged Z. As you were parting, you kissed his cheek. You wanted to make sure that he knew you had a good time. I had asked for no kissing yet (and you had made this clear to your dates), but a kiss on the cheek was probably fine, you reasoned. I shook his hand and you and I returned home. This time, you didn't go back on the app.

"I think you won't have to wait much longer," you said as you lightly traced a finger along my penis. I hadn't been allowed to cum since had set up your profile. We had decided that way we'd both get a reward when you finally got fucked. You made my cock twitch with desire before giggling and straddling my face. "Just tease me. I want to save myself for him." I licked you while you asked me if you should text him now. My answer didn't matter, but I appreciated that you asked anyway.

You reached for your phone while I continued to lap away at you. Suddenly you had a stroke of inspiration. You held the phone high above your head and took a picture of yourself from the neck down. Only my forehead was visible between your legs. You sent it to Z with the message "Thinking of you..." You showed me the text.

"You never send me nudes."

"You get to see me naked every day. Get back to licking." You lowered yourself on my face so that my mouth had no choice but to lick incoherently around your vagina. Just as you had about enough, your phone buzzed. Z had already responded. A few emojis followed by a question.

"Can I show you what that did to me?"

He was asking for permission to send you a dick pic. He behaved like a perfect gentleman after you had just done the sluttiest thing you had ever done in your life. Your pussy tingled.

"No. I want to be surprised when I see it for the first time."

That was the text that confirmed that you would be fucking another man. You felt your heart jump out of your chest when you hit send. A jolt went straight to your pussy. I was the only man you had ever had inside of you. Now there would be another one.


Plans were made for the weekend. I could barely sleep from how horny I was. You came up to me once to show me how soaked you were just from exchanging flirty texts with him. You ground against my fingers but had the composure to stop yourself from getting too close. My erection hurt, but you soothed it with the back of your hand as you whispered into my ear how badly you wanted to fuck Z. You let me dry hump your leg like a dog in heat and every night I licked your pussy to reach a steady strum of arousal while you texted Z. You teased me about how much you loved my mouth but that the only dick that was allowed in your pussy in the foreseeable future was Z's. Once you looked down and saw some precum on the tip of my penis. You scooped it up and shoved it into my mouth. You told me to suck your finger like a cock while you licked my ear. You liked me horny and obedient.

The weekend finally came. We were to meet Z in a hotel room. That way, if things went poorly, no one knew where to find each other. Z had also sent along a clean full panel STD result. We both knew there was no way you would use them, but you sent me to buy condoms just in case. Before heading over to the hotel, you did your makeup. You stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror and had me rim you the whole time. Once you were done, you went into the bedroom and closed the door behind you. You had bought lingerie for Z; I wasn't allowed to see it before him.


We got to the hotel before Z. We checked in and went to the room. You were visibly nervous. I asked if you were sure you wanted to do this. You said you didn't want to second guess yourself now. You asked me if I was sure. My stomach was in knots. Even if it went well, things would never be the same between us. I supposed that's what you were thinking. I went through some of the likely possibilities that made me most anxious -- that he had a bigger cock, that he would make you cum from penetration, that you would physically enjoy the sex more with him than you do with me -- and I knew that I would still love you if they all happened. I nodded.


When Z arrived, he asked if we were ready. We confirmed we were, and he walked over to you and kissed you. You looked over at me. You knew I was anxious about kissing, but there was no way you were fucking someone without kissing him. I didn't make any motion to stop you and you went back to Z. You deepened the kiss into a makeout. You fumbled about with the buttons on his shirt. He slipped it over his head. He took you back in his arms. His hands wandered down from your shoulders to your ass. They stayed there for a while before moving back up to the zipper of your dress. He slid the dress off your body, and you stood before him in the new lingerie. You looked amazing and I suddenly realized that every time I saw that lingerie set for the rest of my life, I would remember that I was the second person to fuck you in it. I had been shaking the entire time you kissed him, but now I also felt the erection I had sustained for the past ten days return.

You went back to kissing him and this time your hands wandered down his front. You felt the muscles on his chest before you arrived at his cock. Your pussy felt like it was beating like a heart. I could see your hands trembling as you unfastened his belt and slipped his pants down. He was wearing boxer briefs and you groped his dick through them. Suddenly, you sank to your knees, slipped the briefs off, and freed his cock. From my angle, he looked slightly bigger than me. Longer and girthier. I had always teased you for being a size queen because of my own size; we would soon know how true it was.

You grabbed his dick with your hand and licked it from the bottom to the tip. I was shocked. You had assured both Z and I that there would be no cocksucking happening today. You just didn't want to do it and that was that. And yet, here you were about to break your own rule. You told me later that the reason you did it is because you could tell he might be larger than me, but that you realized the best way to tell was to see how easily you could fit your mouth around it. This impulse drove you to your knees before him. A cock-crazed explanation, to be sure. You looked at me and gave me a dirty smile before popping the head into your mouth. You continued to look at me with a mouth full of cock. I had abandoned my pants to free my erection, but we had agreed I wouldn't touch myself at all during the proceedings. Your eyes went from my face to the tent in my boxers. You saw my cock twitch involuntarily. You took Z's dick out of your mouth and giggled at me before licking along the side and sticking it back into your mouth. This time you looked up at him. He pulled your hair into his fist. For a moment I was worried that he was about to facefuck you, but instead it was just so I could get a nice view of my wife's lips on his dick.

He guided you back to your feet. He unclasped your bra while he slid his tongue into your mouth. I watched as Z squeezed your tits and massaged a nipple. He leaned down to suck on it. He came back up to your mouth and slipped his fingers into your panties. You stopped kissing him and grabbed onto the back of his neck; you were struggling to stand. Z read the signs and guided you backwards to one of the two beds in the room. You hugged your legs around him while you kissed him before he pulled away and slid your panties off. You blushed as he stood for a moment to look at your bare pussy and stroke himself. He began to kiss his way down a thigh, but you stopped him.

"I need your dick in me. No wait --" You turned to me. "Come here. Taste me while I'm still only yours for the last time in my life." I walked over to kneel between your legs. There was a brief moment when I was eye level with Z's dick. He was definitely larger than me, I thought. I turned to your pussy. I had only ever seen you this wet after penetration. Your juice ran down your thighs. No wonder you didn't need Z to eat you out. I licked it up and could feel a small wet spot on the inside of my own boxers. I licked you from the inside, committing this moment to memory. You gently played with my hair as I did so.

"I love you," you said. "But I want to fuck Z"

"I love you too."

"Do you want me to fuck Z?"


"Then guide him inside of me."

I was startled. We hadn't discussed this at all as I was under the impression that neither of us had any interest in it. You could see my hesitation.

"Either grab his fucking cock or leave."

Now I was beyond startled. I was shocked. You had never talked to me like that. I was still sure that if I had wanted to call it off then, you wouldn't have hesitated for a moment. I was equally sure that if I didn't call it off and didn't do as you said, I wouldn't be allowed to witness what came next.

A few minutes ago, your hands had been shaking as they reached towards Z's dick. Now mine were. I closed my fingers around it. It felt bizarre to hold dick and not feel any pleasure. I looked up at Z. I didn't know what you and he discussed without me, and I wasn't sure if he was on board with me touching him. He avoided my eyes but moved between your legs. I gathered some of your wetness onto his dick and rubbed the tip on your clit. I saw you looking down at the proceedings with a huge smile. I looked back down at the dick in my hand and spread your pussy lips apart with it. Z did the rest of the work and plunged himself into you.

You gasped like all the air in your lungs had been squeezed out. I looked down and saw the moment you cuckolded me. You must have had the same thought because you reached a hand out to turn my face towards you.

"I love you, cuckold." You pulled my face towards yours and kissed me. I tasted penis on your breath as you shoved the tongue that had just swirled around Z's cock into my mouth. Your tongue thrashed around helplessly against mine. I withdrew and held your head in my arms and watched as Z fucked you. He was holding your legs up against his shoulders. Your face was red.

"How is it?" I asked. Even my voice was shaking.

"So deep. I've never felt it." Your incoherence did little to take the sting away. Z was touching a part of you I never had, nor ever would. Even still, my subservience to you meant everything to me and I reached down to touch your clit. You jolted violently and I feared I had made a mistake. Instead, you clamped your hand against my arm while Z continued to fuck you. Your whole body shook around his cock while you came.

"I love you, I love you, I love it," you continued to babble. Once the shaking subsided, I kissed you again and this time I felt your attention on me, even as I felt your body moving around while Z kept fucking you. "I want you, but Z deserves his reward before you do."

Hearing this, Z flipped you over and took you from behind. You rested your face against my hard cock and reached down to rub yourself. I ran my fingers through your hair while Z spanked you. Suddenly, he sped up. You began to moan with each deep thrust, your drool getting onto the boxers separating us.

Z finished and slipped out of you. As respectful as ever, he quickly made his way to the bathroom to shower so that we could be alone. You flipped onto your back again.

"Are you ready for your reward, cuck?" you asked, smiling sweetly at me. I hadn't cum in over a week; as I looked down and saw you using his cum as lube for your clit, I nearly came. Instead, I nodded meekly. You licked your finger and spread your lips for me. I saw the mixture of your juices spill out of you. As I lined myself up with your opening, I pushed some back inside of you. There was almost no friction; you were wetter and looser than you had ever been.

"Can you feel me at all?"

"Honestly? No," you replied. "But I love you so much. I feel so connected with you right now. Make love to me."

You fucked him and you loved me.

I was so horny that any time I felt anything close to friction it brought me closer to the edge. You looked at me with love in your eyes. Not even a breath escaped your lips for me; possibly you had exhausted your stock with Z. I came within 30 seconds of entering you. As I shuddered inside of you, you kissed me again. I felt love and tasted a stranger's cock.

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lorishub791lorishub7912 days ago

pretty good fantasy story. i might like kissing my wife after she sucks another guys cock.

AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

Very good story. I crave fucking, and my husband is not so interested. Our intimacy equilibrium is him watching me get used like a whore. It has worked great for us for over 10 years. Keep writing.

26thNC26thNC3 days ago

Another guy wants to be a cuck for his hotwhore.

AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz Huh? Yawn gee, guess I fell asleep.

Ridiculous69Ridiculous693 days ago

Sorry for the loss of time on this one. Cucks and sluts will enjoy so have at it. Normal folks please move on.

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