It's a Terrible Life

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A man wants a wonderful life but lives a terrible life.
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A man who wants a wonderful life lives a terrible life.

Tyrone couldn't sleep. The Christmas lights from the store next door lit up his small room with the glow of the holiday. It was Christmas Eve and with children everywhere going to bed with dreams of Santa Claus and presents under the tree, for him, Christmas was a nightmare.

Tyrone turned off the television. He wanted to shoot it and if the police hadn't confiscated his gun, he would have. He couldn't believe he got suckered into watching so many white people starring in It's A Wonderful Life, again. Still, even though he hated white people and blamed them for his terrible life, he couldn't help but wish he was Jimmy Stewart and had a wife, as pretty as Donna Reed.

His woman, Shirley, doesn't want anything to do with his black ass any more. Between being gone when in the service and now gone from her with him in and out of jail, without her more than he's been with her, his wife was just as tired as he was of him serving time for not even doing the crime. Now released temporarily, until the police arrested him again and the DA charged him with some other crime, he's living in a flophouse room not much bigger than the jail cell he'll be living in again soon.

This time, he really fucked up. This time, they're throwing the book at him and throwing his black ass in jail for good. Between planting evidence and charging him with every crime that remotely resembled what he did, and going back to where he was and who he was with for the past five years, the police and the prosecuting attorney trumped up more phony charges to keep his gangster, gangbanging ass off the streets and behind bars, forever. They viewed him as if he was a career criminal and public enemy number one, instead of a poor, black man just trying to take care of his family, his wife and three kids, in a white man's world.

Thinking about all the mistakes and misfortunes in his past, he sat in the bar drinking, while contemplating his court date and the subsequent lengthy prison sentence in his future. The DA wrote him a story filled with circumstantial evidence and false identity. If only he could afford a real lawyer, instead of the public defender they gave him, all of these false and baseless charges would be thrown out of court.

His life look pretty bleak. What happened? Where did he go wrong? He was one of the good guys, a decorated, combat Marine, a family man, a faithful husband, and a loving father. He wasn't a gangster and just because he had friends who were gangbangers doesn't make him one, too.

Had he known this would happen to him, when he came home, he would have stayed in the service but his CO volunteered his black ass for every dangerous duty there was. They didn't like one another very much, which, of course, he quickly chalked up to racism. If it wasn't for his street smarts, a sixth sense complete with a built-in, self-preservation radar that saved his life countless times, and if he didn't leave the military, while the getting was good, he'd be dead by now, for sure, blown to pieces on some mountainous terrain in Afghanistan, Hell on Earth.

Then, after he got out, he did all the right things. Surrounded by friends and family, after serving two, full tours of duty, one in Iraq and a second one in Afghanistan, for God and for his country, he found a good job, got married, bought a house, and financed a new car. For sure, he was living his version of It's A Wonderful Life. Only, now, instead of working his job, making love to his wife and caring for his children, while living in the house he bought and driving his new car he financed, he sat on a barstool drunk, disillusioned, depressed, and disorientated.

He lost his friends when he lost his job and his family doesn't want anything to do with him because they think he's a career criminal, a gangster, and a gangbanger. He's not. All he did was steal some food to feed his family and that's when it all started. He ran out of the supermarket line pushing his cart through without paying and if it wasn't for the old couple in front of him that inadvertently blocked his escape, they wouldn't have caught him.

Then, once arrested and ordered to stand in several police lineups, under the guise of all black men look alike and if he's not guilty of this crime, then he's guilty of something else, he was identified as the perpetrator in several more serious hit and run crimes. They even gave him a name, The Hit and Run Bandit. Now that they had him, it was an endless process of being rearrested, charged, convicted, and thrown in jail. Only, the food was the only thing he ever stole in his life. He was hungry. He was desperate. He was homeless.

In all started unraveling, when he lost his job. Instead of laying off the white guy that worked next to him, because that man was related to the boss's friend, his employer kept him and fired Tyrone. What chance does a black man stuck in a recession created by rich, white people have getting another job, one that pays enough money to meet his mortgage, afford his car, and support his family? All the jobs now are part-time, half the pay, and without benefits. He'd have to work two or three part-time jobs, just to make ends meet, but he couldn't even get an interview to get one job.

His wife left his black ass, when he was arrested, charged, and convicted of all those crimes, one after another, petty crimes at first, the DA saved the bigger charges for later, needing time to build his phony cases. The bank foreclosed on the house, when he no longer could pay the mortgage. The same bank, Bank of White America, repossessed his car, too. He should have known better than to go with the Bank of White America, when one of their mottos was, "Think what we can do for you."

Nothing. Absolutely nothing is what they did for him. What they did for him was to shuffle paperwork and not talk to him, when he wanted to refinance. What they could and should have done for him was to give him extra time to get his life back, a personal bailout, after the rest of white, yellow, red, brown, and black America bailed their ass out of financial dire straits.

Now unable to afford the legal aid that would prove his innocence, the judge gave him an overworked, underpaid, public defender with an impossible caseload to defend. Except for trying to steal food from the supermarket, even though he didn't do all of the crimes the state charged him with doing, the best he could hope for is to plead guilty and plea bargain for a shorter sentence. This is his America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. This is the country that he defended by putting his life on the line in countries nearly half a world away. This is his version of It's A Wonderful Life, when in reality, for him, it's a terrible life.

No longer having a home to go home to, right now, he just wanted to numb the pain, so that he didn't feel anything. Wanting and needing to be blind drunk, he needed to be lost in that place where he didn't have a problem in the world. Then, when he finally passed out somewhere, at least, he'd finally have a good night's sleep. Hopefully, wherever he fell, he wouldn't freeze to death. With his luck, he'd pass out drunk in the backseat of his car and the police would charge him with drunken driving, even though the car was parked, but they did that already. Only, this time, he didn't have a car anymore. Homeless, but for his tiny furnished room that he paid for by the week, whenever he panhandled enough money to afford it, he walked everywhere he went, now.

He hasn't slept through the night in weeks. Getting up to pee, then staying up to have a smoke and a beer, he hasn't had more than 4 hours of shuteye in a long time. His lack of sleep is reminiscent to his guard watch duty when in Afghanistan. Maybe that's what started his erratic sleeping behavior. Even when he was relieved guard watch duty, his turn to sleep, he didn't sleep for more than an hour or two. He couldn't. He was too on edge. His sixth sense was on full alert and his radar was constantly sounding.

When he went to lift his glass to his lips, something stopped him. Too drunk to recognize it at first, it felt like a hand. Then, he heard the voice.

"Haven't you had enough to drink?"

A black man sitting on the right side of him put his hand on his wrist stopping him from drinking anymore. Tyrone leaned back to look at the man through glassy eyes. Trying to focus his mind through his drunken haze, he couldn't believe his eyes. Damn, he really must be drunk. He's having hallucinations.

"Say, Man," he said, "you look just like Richard Pryor and if I didn't know any better, I would think you'd be him, but he's dead."

"I am Richard Pryor and I am dead," said the man. "I was sent back down to Earth to help you, Tyrone. I'm your Angel."

"Wow. I can't believe it," said Tyrone wobbling unsteadily on his barstool, while slurring his words. "Not only do I have an angel but also my angel is Richard Pryor. Hot damn. Go ahead, Sir Richard, say something funny to make me laugh. I could use a good laugh, right about now. I can't remember when I laughed last. Make me laugh."

"You wanna hear me say something funny?"

"Yeah, go ahead, hit me with it. Make me laugh. With all the shit that's been dumped down upon my head lately, I need a really good laugh."

"Okay. Here's a line from my movie, Stir Crazy, when they told me my sentence was a similar sentence to what you'll be receiving soon."

"Go ahead, I'm ready to laugh. Lay it on me, brother."

"A hundred and twenty-five years... Oh God, Oh, God... I'll be one hundred and sixty-one-years-old when I get out."

"Say what? What's funny about that? That's not funny. That's depressing. I think dying has made you too serious. Sorry, but you're not funny anymore."

"There's nothing funny about the state you're in now, Tyrone. You're going to jail for a very long time, unless you come up with a plan to defend yourself and you can't do that by being drunk. C'mon, let's get you home."

"You're right. Okay," said Tyrone struggling to put a foot on the floor.

"Hold on, Tyrone. Have one more drink for the road," said a woman sitting on the left side of him.

Tyrone looked at the woman. Trying to focus his mind through his bloodshot eyes, he couldn't believe his eyes. Damn, he really must be drunk to have, yet, another hallucination.

"Geraldine! Is that really you in the flesh?"

"That's me, but how'd you know, Sugar?"

"I'd recognize you anywhere, Geraldine. You look just like Flip Wilson in drag and if I didn't know any better, I would think you'd be him, but he's dead, too, just like this Richard Pryor dude sitting on the other side of me," said Tyrone turning to acknowledge Richard Pryor with a point of his index finger and to make sure he was still there and he wasn't seeing things. "I must be drunk out of my mind to imagine you sitting here on one side of me, Flip, with Richard sitting there on the other side of me. Hot damn."

"I am Flip Wilson and I am dead, but I was sent back up to Earth to take your soul. I'm your Devil."

"My devil? Hot damn. What are the odds of having Richard Pryor as my Angel and Flip Wilson as my Devil. Go ahead, say it. Let me hear you say it. I need to hear you say it."

"Say what?"

"Don't be coy with me, Geraldine or I'll slap your black ass. You know what I need to hear. C'mon, just lay it on me the one time."

"Here comes the judge?"

"No, no, I mean, yeah, actually, that's a good one, too," said Tyrone laughing, "but I wanna hear the other line that made you famous."

"The Devil made me do it."

Tyrone nearly fell off his barstool laughing.

"Yeah, that's it, baby. Say it again, Geraldine. Just one more time. Please?"

"The Devil made me do it," she said louder and this time with more authority, attitude, and body language.

"Every time I heard you said that," said Tyrone laughing, "The Devil made me do it, I nearly peed myself laughing. Not for nothing, Mr. Pryor--"

"Richard, Tyrone. Call me Richard. I am your Angel, after all."

"Okay," said Tyrone sitting up taller in his barstool now knowing that he had an angel and that his Angel was none other than Richard Pryor. "Not for nothing, Richard," he said smiling at the fact that he was on a first name basis with the funniest comedian the world has ever known, Richard Pryor himself. "But I would have figured Flip Wilson would be my Angel and you'd be my Devil with the dark life you've lived having taken all those drugs you took."

"Let me tell you something, Tyrone. Flip was a bigger doper than I could ever have been. Further, I helped more people with my comedy and generosity than Flip ever did by making his career with two lines, Here comes the judge and the Devil made me do it. I mean, unlike all my new and fresh material, Here comes the judge and the Devil made me do it is funny the first one hundred times, but the hundred and first time you hear that, you want to block your ears and scream."

"C'mon, fella. It's time for you to go. You've been sitting here talking and laughing to yourself for half an hour," said the bartender.

"Talking and laughing to myself? I'm here with friends, Richard Pryor," said Tyrone puffing out his chest, before turning to his right to acknowledge Richard, "and Flip Wilson dressed as Geraldine," he said with pride turning to his left to acknowledge Flip.

"That's it. You're outta here. Beat it, you drunken bum," said the bartender pushing him out the door.

It was snowing and it was then that Tyrone realized it was Christmas Eve. This was the first Christmas that he wasn't with his children. How could his life go so bad so quickly? He thought he was having his American dream. He thought he was eating his slice of apple pie with a dollop of vanilla ice cream on top, but he wasn't. His pie was poisoned and his ice cream melted.

Those thieves on Wall Street, the ones who made large contributions to political campaigns as hush money and for legislators to pass the laws that they needed to bailout banks and insurance companies, after they pulled off the biggest robbery in the history of America, are not only walking around free but also walking around enormously wealthy. To add insult to injury, they all received huge bonuses by putting everyone out of work and foreclosing on so many homes. Even with the foreclosures at the highest rate in history, with investment derivatives, it was still a win/win financial situation for the banks and Wall Street savvy investors. With the Feds in bed with Wall Street, guaranteeing loans, and removing the worst bad risks from the bank's balance sheets, the banks stood to make money in a recessed economy and more money than they've ever made before. The bailed out banks wouldn't lose a dime.

Tyrone stood on the ice covered bridge that overlooked the neighborhood where he used to live and the house that he once owned. He stepped over the rail and held onto the bridge rail with his hands precariously placed behind his back. He didn't have gloves and the snow covered and ice coated metal was cold but the alcohol helped him not to feel the cold. Still, he couldn't stay like this for very long. Either he'd have jump or climb back over the rail to safety.

He couldn't help but think that his wife and children would be better off without him and better off if he were dead. He still had his life insurance policy, but they wouldn't pay for suicide. He'd have to somehow make his death appear accidental. He could slip and fall, which was easy enough to do, since he was already drunk.

He didn't want to go to jail again, especially for something that he didn't do. It was bad enough to do the time, when he did the crime, but to be framed, just so the police can clear up some of their old, unsolved crimes, make pay grades, get promotions, and the DA could improve his city and state wide crime statistics by convicting a dangerous felon, while running for reelection, feathers in their caps enough to go around for all, is all they wanted. Surely, they didn't give a care about him.

"Don't do it," said his Angel.

"Jump," said his Devil.

He decided to listen to his Angel and not jump but, when he went to change his grip to climb back over the railing, he slipped and fell. It was more than a 100 foot free fall to the icy water below. Time slowed and the fall felt as if he was falling 10,000 feet. He watched his life pass before his eyes.

On the way down, he apologized to God for accidentally committing suicide. He apologized to his wife that she'd be without a husband, a partner, and a lover. He apologized to his children that they'd be without a father and without his physical presence in their lives. He apologized to his mother, his brother, and his sister for causing them the pain that his death would surely cause them. He was sorry. He was so very sorry.

Falling, falling, falling, and finally making contact, as if hitting bottom, as if hitting a huge rock, he felt a thump on his chest and his stomach. Launched from the bridge, thrown from the frigid water, awakened from his dream, he was home and in bed with his family.

"Daddy! Santa was here and he left us presents!"

He looked at his watch. It was 5:30 in the morning and his three children clung to his body, as if they were weighted blankets.

"He did? Merry Christmas, kids."

"Merry Christmas, Daddy. We love you."

"I love you, too," he said hugging them and kissing them, in the way he's never hugged them and kissed them before.

"Merry Christmas," said his wife Shirley leaning over to give her man a kiss.

"You kids go and wait by the Christmas tree," he said to his children. "Mommy and Daddy will be right down to open presents."

"Okay, Daddy," said his kids excitedly scurrying downstairs.

"What's wrong, Sugar?" Shirley gave him a hug that encouraged him to talk.

"I had a dream, a nightmare actually, that I lost everything, you, the kids, the house, the car, and this DA was trying to charge me with all these false criminal offices and put me in jail for life. I got drunk and Richard Pryor, my Angel, was trying to stop me from jumping from the bridge, but Flip Wilson, my Devil, kept telling me to jump off the bridge and when--"

"I told you not to watch that damn It's A Wonderful Life Movie, Tyrone. You have a nightmare every time you watch that stupid white folk movie. Stick with Tyler Perry movies from now on, you hear? And no more eggnog for you. You had one too many last night."

"You're right. I'm just glad that we have a wonderful life. I love you. Merry Christmas."

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andtheendandtheendover 13 years agoAuthor
Why? Because

Actually, it is not against the rules of Literotica to turn off the voting. What it does though is excludes me from winning the contest.

Why do I turn off the voting? Because of whackos like you who take pleasure in erasing the red H's of authors that have spent time and considerable effort to write free stories for the pleasure of readers. Many authors have turned off the voting on their red H stories, PrincessErin for one.

Now, let me ask you a question? Why are you such an asshole on Thanksgiving Day. What did your mother do to raise such a miserable fuck as yourself to piss on everyone's story.

Your IP address has been reported.

Have a happy holiday.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Why is the voting turned off?

Why is the voting turned off on all your red H stories? It's as though you turned off the voting just in time to freeze those little red Hs. But isn't that against the rules of Literotica? You can only have the red H if you LEAVE THE VOTING TURNED ON.

Strangely enough, Bostonfictionwriter has done the same thing with all of his red H stories.

andtheendandtheendover 13 years agoAuthor

Racial prejudice existed decades ago, Pistol Pete? Huh?

Racial prejudice is alive and well today.

Pull your head from out of your ass and it's all around you. You don't get out much, do you? I don't know where you live or what you smoke, maybe you're blind, literally, but the white/black line is still drawn not as heavy as it was in the 40's, but America is still a country for the white.

I saw on the news where a black boy committed suicide because he was bullied in school, called gay, even though he was only 13-years-old and hadn't yet had a sexual experience.

Then, that white girl from Massachusetts who was bullied and committed suicide outraged the country enough to make anti-bullying laws.

Huh? What about the black boy. Is his life not the same as the white girl? Why wasn't the country outrage over his death? Why is the white girl, Prince, given all the press and all the tears.

Racial prejudice is dead my ass. You're just too blind to see it.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 13 years ago
Re: Get a life

You post a story about a level of racial prejudice that existed decades ago as if it were topical and you call your readers twisted? You're fucked up.

RHinSCRHinSCover 13 years ago
I agree...

with your view of the money machine. It is still happening. It will continue as long as there are no consequences for politicians.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Nice Twist on an Old Story

Very well written!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
You got me

You always have a twist and a turn.You got me,I thought that Tyrone was really in his reality not in a dream. I applaud you once again for writing a heart warming story.It's not political if you are telling the truth!

Some people just don't want to believe what our goverment has done to us the white and the black.

andtheendandtheendover 13 years agoAuthor
It's just a story,

It's just a story, not a political opinion or a paper on socialogy.

If some of you posters below don't like my writing, please don't read my stories. A few of you take the opportunity of my stories to make it your personal soap box.

I have an idea. Why not write your own story, so that I can use your story to voice my twisted opinion about it, as you have done to my story.

Get a life.

RHinSCRHinSCover 13 years ago

I read and did understand your story. It was ok. Try this, write one explaining to us why seventy two percent of all black babies born in the U.S. are born to unwed mothers. While you are researching this you will get to the root of what the problem actually is.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 13 years ago
Sham-go.....A few minor points....

...fucking Curley Howard immortalized "Here come da judge!" ("Hey, judgey wudgie!")-long before sammy co-opted it.I have a degree in sociology, have had a black sister and her extended family in my life for 42 years now, did hard time with more black men then most white people ever see, had a subscription to black panther magazine when I was just an angry white teenager and I know revisionist racist shit when I see it, despite assholes like you that perpetrate the ignorant myth that no one can be his brothers keeper.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Oh "Susan?" (FRcoughEDDIE)...why do all of your red H stories have the voting turned off? Did you freeze them by turning off the voting so you'd keep the red H? I do believe that's against the rules of Literotica.

shangoshangoover 13 years ago
One more thing

Ignore all the white men playing amateur Sociologist who are so well aware of what it's like being a Black man in America. You've come closer to nailing it than 99% of the mainstream entertainment media.



PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 13 years ago
Hey anon....I feel like a chump just for being mortal so what might....

...embarrass others isn't enough for this fool. But you may be right,I kinda felt that too which is why I threw in the statement about being racist, since the "theme" was incredibly outdated, hence quite racist. But if this is true re" BFW-then I would like to take this opportunity to apologize. I have said that all you write is crap. That is not my true feelings. You wrote a piece entitled I.R.S. Audit that is as funny and clever as anything HDK has written, and that is the Highest praise I can give you.Other than that however....

LOVS4PLAYLOVS4PLAYover 13 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Hey Pete, your 'anon' bashing you was the author. Look at 'it's' comments. Look at that one..

see the similarity? Then look at all the comments posted in favor of the story, all the alts. that you only ever see on this authors work and the work of his other alts, like BFW, and compare them with each other? See the familiarity? So you (PPP) left a comment half praising and defending this author and he has attacked you for it. In a baaad and disrespectful manner. Bet you feel a chump now? As for the author, any chance of you fucking off the site? Didn't think so. You vile person.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

More garbage from one of Literotica's leading garbage producers...BOSTONFICTIONWRITER! Once again, he's put on his "girl" costume and is trying to pass the first of MANY stories that will be entered into this contest as the work of one of his exes'. GIVE US A BREAK FREDDIE! Pretty much the only positive comments that will be posted on an andtheend story are going to be from BFW alts. And then "andtheend" will cry and stomp "her" feet about me posting this on her stories.

I just want the poor readers who click on these stories to realize that they are wasting their time! The "andtheend" alt has never put out a decent story. BFW has a couple that are readable, but once he started using the alts, the quality of his writing tanked! Scouries can write a decent incest story, but people get so bogged down with his fake contests and fake awards. They tire of his imaginary friend/secretary and his delusions that Literotica is paying him a DIME. They are put off by his hatred for the site owners and the Literotica site which gives him a free forum for his "work". They get so bogged down with all that steaming crap, they are reluctant to spend time reading his stories.

Please, Laurel and Manu! End the misery for your worthwhile contibuting authors. Please get rid of BostonFictionWriter (and all alts) and Scouries (and all alts.) Clean up your contests, clean up your forums, and make Literotica a fun place to be again. Get rid of the rabble-rousers/shit stirrers/whiny idiots.

andtheendandtheendover 13 years agoAuthor

To the poster below...

If you Google the words, Here comes the judge, Flip Wilson also used that skit, too.

It was copied by more than a few comedians. They all jumped on the bandwagon, so much so that it was an over done phrase.

Tee shirts and bumper stickers followed.

Thanks for your post.

shangoshangoover 13 years ago
My only real complaint

Dewey "Pig meat" Markham immortalized "Here come de Judge". Sammy Davis Jr. (via Rowan and Martin's "Laugh-In") brought it to mainstream America.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Can't say, I liked this one at all.

andtheendandtheendover 13 years agoAuthor
Wow! I'm surprised

Thank you all for reading, voting, and/or commenting on my story. I didn't think this story would receive such a reaction.

My intent was the poke fun at the It's A Wonderful Life Christmas movie.

I imagined how it must feel for black people to watch that movie, not seeing a black person in the movie, and feeling excluded from, in too many cases, from living a wonderful life.

It's no secret that black children in America are not given the same education and career opportunities.

We are all Americans. We are all equal. If we cannot get together for the holidays, we never will

I dare say the only time race won't be a problem, is when the Aliens come to take our planet. Then, we will all fight them as one, as humans.

Until then, prejudice is alive and well in America.

Happy Thanksgiving

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