It's Always Time Act 01


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     ["…keep you cumming and cumming…"]

He turned his head to his right, his third consecutive orgasm building, to watch Galatea gently reach out her left hand to bring his remaining arm close to her mouth.

     ["…cumming and cum—"]

His train of thought and stampede to ejaculation skipped and scratched like a stereo needle dragged down a vinyl record. Looking to his right, he could see her squashed left breast. It bore a curving X. His mind raged with self-loathing and shame. She didn't want this. He had known she didn't want this. How could he have even considered possibly allowing it to happen?

"It's," Dee hissed, wrenching his right arm free. "Not." He brought his arm up in a high arc, hand clenched in a fist. "Time!" He brought his fist hurtling toward the floor while kicking upward with all his might.

Dee heard a terrible clatter of splintering wood and something like a water balloon bursting (a sound that drove all rage away and filled him with sorrow and dread) and he flew backward, head over heels, before tumbling face-down onto the floor. A blotchy coating of green gunk incased him. It felt lifeless, cooling to room temperature. "Galatea! Galatea, are you alright?" he said, afraid to look. "Please, God, no. Let her be okay. Galatea, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Silence, then: "Dee?"

He rolled onto his back. A plate-sized crater of shattered wood scarred the floor. His fist had punched straight through the hardwood to crack one of the struts below. Galatea tiptoed into his field of vision, wringing her hands. A deep rent ran the length of her chest, mint jelly gouged with a hot spoon. As he watched, the wound began to well and seal. The features of her face were indistinct but slowly reforming. "You…didn't want it?" she asked, sounding befuddled.

"I did want it." He sat up, reaching out to still her twisting hands. "That's why I let it happen for too long. It's my fault, Galatea, not yours. If you decide not to forgive me, I'll understand."

Her face slowly came into focus, eyes closed. It did not look the same. "You…fought back?"

"I had to," Dee said. "I realized I couldn't bear to be so, so selfish. I wanted to be with you."

The wound in her chest smoothed over and vanished. There was no X on her breast. No longer wearing the cherubic mask of a girl-child, the elegant lines of her face now traced the visage of a woman grown. Her brow crinkled in confusion, eyes still shut, and Dee's heart ached for the beauty of it. "But you…refused me," she said.

"No," Dee said, standing up. She was only a few feet taller than him now. "Not now, not ever. Galatea, look at me, please."

She did not open her eyes. "I don't understand."

How could he explain it? "It's just. I just. I couldn't." Tears burned his cheeks. "I didn't want to leave you all alone, that's all. I'm sorry."

She turned her back to him and stepped away. She squeezed a fist to her chest, as if trying to hold back a sob or a scream. She swept out her other arm, hand curled in a downward claw. Her fingers tapered into points, lancing down at odd angles to puncture the remaining bags of ice. A pulsation within her gel signaled an exchange of heat conducting down her fingers and using the ice like a heat-sink. She pivoted to face him, her burning, dark emerald gaze as incandescent as a full Moon. "That's the hottest thing I've ever heard in my entire fucking life," she said, scooping a curling X so deep into the rise of her left breast it bled inner nectar. "If we don't make love, right now, I'll probably go nuclear and take out the whole damn neighborhood with me. It's time."

Steam screamed from the ice.

"It's time," Dee agreed, wiping some tears away. "But let's skip the kiss me/drink me/eat me routine for now. It's hot as Hell, but it hasn't worked out so well so far."

Galatea leaned close, sure and quick, and tugged his hand away from his face. "One bit did work really well for me, though," she said, pushing his tear-stained fingers to her lips, her mouth cool but not cold. "Mm."

Dee reached around her back with his other arm and held her close, pressing his forehead in into the hollow below her arm, the roundness of her breast soothing against his cheek. "I love you," he sighed.

Galatea melted into his embrace, kissed away his remaining tears, and moaned her need into his mouth. Dee broke the kiss to glance down. "I think Mine loves you too," he said.

"Shut up," she breathed, pushing on his shoulders, "and lie down. Just lie down."

Dee bent at the knee, his tight hug sliding to nestle around her waist, planting a row of lightning-quick kisses down her side as he went. "Dee, please," she said, pushing at his shoulders as he orbited her waist with kisses, droplets of green honey pattering down from her hair and lips. "Just lie down."

But Dee and his errant mouth had not yet found what it sought. "Dee, please," Galatea begged, "just lie dow–Wow, oh, just don't stop!"

He found it, and settled in for a while. Galatea was still so tall Dee had to sit up on his knees and grab handfuls of her ass to tongue her sex. Her mulled honey ran down his throat and rained down from above. Radiant heat blossomed around his tongue and chin. The air grew redolent with the dizzying citrus-and-sex fragrance of Galatea's pussy. She clapped her hands down over his and plunged Dee's fingers deep into the juicy gel of her ass. "Rip me," she growled, "rake me."

Dee clawed and cleaved through the rich syrup of her innermost flesh, his oral assault on her sex unrelenting. Fat gobbets of her fluid rolled down his elbows and chest. Dee became so lost in the moment he bit down hard on his own finger when it came through her oozy sex from the other side. Galatea gurgled once—"Oh, God, Dee"—a sound like a siphoning drain. Her knees buckled, puddled, and then her whole body cascaded down over him.

For a moment Dee was sliding on his back across the floor, awash with thick, formless green goo, but a six foot tall version of Galatea swirled into solidity above him and slammed her mouth down onto his. More green gel swooped under and around Dee like a living cape, hugging him tight to Galatea's voluptuous curves. "Enough fucking foreplay," Galatea cried. "Take me! Now!"

Galatea grabbed Dee's hard cock with an unseen hand and impaled herself upon it. "Yes!" Galatea exulted, grinding atop him. "Yes! Thank you, God! Yes! More! Mo—Wha? Oh, shit!"

In a single, sinuous motion, Dee pushed off the floor with his arms and kicked up with his feet, setting a sine wave rollicking through her syrupy substance. He rode the wave like a master bodysurfer, flipped her over, and rolled on top of her. Galatea swiveled her head left and right, eyes wide. "What? How did—what?"

The ferocity of Dee's desire closed his throat, but he managed to grunt as he rode her, watching her shock and excitement build and build with each thrust: "I was…never…drowning…learning…how to… swim."

Galatea's screams echoed over the entire apartment complex and set car alarms squealing for miles around.

* * * *
When I'm swimming in your ocean
Floating aloft on creams
And scented lotions
I can get pretty side-tracked
I hope you'll understand.
—Crash Test Dummies, Swimming in Your Ocean
* * * *

Interlude: We Could See What Was Underneath

Grey pre-dawn light filtered through the green batter caked on the bedroom window. "I think," Dee panted, and rolled over, making the green lake around him slosh. Lying on his back on the floor, the green stuff was deep enough to gurgle around his ears. The citrus-and-sex smell was so pervasive it was part of his olfactory background now. "I think," he tried again. "I think I'm finally done. Maybe."

"Oh God, oh God," said Galatea, lying next to him.

Dee goosed the head of his flagging dick, and got that Don’t-Touch-Me! afterglow sensation he always got after orgasm. Well, used to always get. "Yeah, I'm spent. Sorry."

Galatea, glazed eyes lost to the heavens, was apparently still in communion with a higher power. "Oh God, oh God," she said.

The waterlogged, empty box of lime Jell-O floated by.

"Hey," said Dee, reaching out to caress her shoulder. Overestimating how much resistance her weakened surface tension now provided, his hand slipped right through her shoulder and deep into her breast, making her gyrate and mewl and chew her lip. "Oh, shit, sorry," Dee said, withdrawing. A huge gob of nectar gummed his hand. He scraped it off over her chest, making sure every dribble seeped back into her. "Hey," he tried again, "you okay?"

"So much," Galatea gulped, "you came—I came—you made me cum—so much, so much…"

"What about the nanomek?" Dee asked, imagining a fifty foot Galatea rampaging through midtown—and promptly filing the image under his mental Things-To-Do list. "What are they going to do with all of my, well, you know…"

Her laugh was weary. "Cum, Dee," she said, "all your cum. Why can't you say 'cum'?"

Dee felt his face flush.

"Dee," she said, exasperated, "you just spent the past four hours fucking me to death, non-fucking-stop. Don't you dare to pretend you're feeling modest…and lose the shit-eating grin, too."

"Okay, okay," Dee groused. "Cum. My cum. There. So what's the nanomek going to do with all my cum?"

Galatea inhaled, and there was an inrush of fluid around Dee as she siphoned some of the lake around them. She shimmied, trying to hold it in, but she hiccupped and it rushed back out. "Still too weak," she sighed. "Look around you Dee. That's cum. My cum. Don't worry about the nanomek. I was burning nanomek like crazy just to keep up with you. Didn't you notice? You didn't just make me wet, you made me boil."

"Alright," said Dee, laughing. "You made your point. No more false modesty."


"So are you going to be okay?" Dee interrupted. "Do you need more gelatin, water, semen, or something?"

Galatea rubbed a hand over her pubis mons. The weak surface tension of her gel could not keep the two parts of her body separate, her hand becoming nothing more than a hand-shaped ripple running over her sex. "The nanomek always holds a little energy and some of your cum—maybe a milliliter or two—in reserve, out of instinct or something like that, to keep me…cohesive, I guess is the best word. I can feel them replicating now." The hand-ripple moved faster. "Mm, I love that feeling; all those little nanogasms."

"Nano-gasms? You mean nanoscopic orgasm?"

"Mmm, thousands of 'em." Galatea purred for a moment, and then gasped, "Now millions. You’re a computer nerd, Dee, work it out: One sperm makes one nanomek replication. One replication gives me one nanogasm and produces two more nanomek—at least two, more if you really get 'em turned on—which combined with three more sperm gives me three more nanogasms and produces six more nanomek, which gives me nine more nanogasms and…well, after a few minutes of that I'll be back in shape, and hot and horny as Hell. Literally. And that's been going on inside me all the time since we started screwing, thanks to you and your insane sperm count, over 110 million per, I'd say. And climbing."

Dee stared at the ceiling. It was stained green. "Nanogasms," he repeated.

"Yeah," said Galatea, "I just made that up. Isn't it cute? It's probably already on the Internet, though. Everything else is."

"Technobabble takes the romance and mystery out of everything," Dee grumbled.

Galatea flicked a finger and a ping pong ball sized dollop of tart green honey hit him squarely on the nose. "Honestly, Dee," Galatea sighed as he spluttered and sneezed and sniffled, "don't get jealous of your own sperm."

Dee rolled his eyes to the ceiling, reached for a pillow floating nearby, and plopped it over his head. It splattered green Galatean cum all over him. "Lord all-mighty," he sighed.

After a few minutes of post-coital silence, Dee felt a steady current of fluid flowing past him and into Galatea. He pushed the soggy pillow off his face. "You were right," he said, smiling. "That was pretty fast."

"Told ya I was always thirsty after sex," Galatea said with a wink, her form slowly filling out and focusing. "As long as I keep refueling with the three Ds—especially yours—I'll be fine. I would like more collagen, though, to give the nanomek more to work with; to make me more versatile."

Galatea watched Dee smile for a while. "Dee," she said, "what are you thinking?"

"I'm trying to imagine you being 'more versatile'."

Galatea started watching something else. "Well, whatever you're imagining, keeping doing it," she said, eyes wide. "Mine's getting hard again."

"What?" Dee sat up in a lurch. The pillow slid off the top of his head and splashed to the floor. "Oh, Lord, no. Galatea, I'm sorry, but I haven't slept in almost seventy-two hours—being knocked unconscious from sex doesn't count. I don't know what's happening to me, but even if I don't need sleep, I sure as shit want some."

He dropped back down to the floor, glaring at his slowly swelling cock. "Traitor," he accused.

Galatea rose up like a pillar of green marble to stand astride his chest, the remaining fluid inrushing to feed her growth. A lot of her had burned up or evaporated overnight and she stood a little over
five feet tall, but from Dee's vantage point on the floor, the view of her ribcage was spectacular.

"Enjoying the scenery are you?" Galatea said, hands on her hips.

"Yes," Dee confessed. Galatea crossed her arms in an impatient gesture and Dee added, "Wow, that's even better."

"How observant," Galatea huffed. "Remember, Dee, when you told me that you were paying attention, despite my tricks?"


"Well, you couldn't've paying that much attention," Galatea said, leaning over to give Dee an even better view, "because you fell for my dumbest trick."

"Which was?" Dee asked.

The curved X over Galatea's left breast zippered shut. She bent impossibly backward and down until the her back pressed flat against her ass. Her hands finger-walked out between her legs. Her head followed, poking out between her thighs, her Cheshire Cat grin a mouth full of swords. Her legs flipped up and back and suddenly she lay prone on top of him, trapping his legs tight, hands wrapped around his dick, lips poised to strike. "I don't have a heart," she said, her wicked grin stretched wider than her face.

She held her triumphant pose for a moment before her face fell. "What are you smiling about?" she said.

"It's about time," Dee said. "You were starting to worry me."

Galatea's face crinkled in confusion. "You were expecting this?"

"Expecting?" laughed Dee. "God damn, woman, I thought you had me all figured out. I wanted this. I love this. We just need to come up with a safe-word or something and—"

She goggled at him. "You mean I've been holding back all this time," she cried, the X unzipping, "when we could've been having some real fun?!"

That shut him up. "You were holding back?" he squeaked.

"Dee?" she hissed. The word echoed—Dee-Dee-Dee-Dee—as four hollow, coke-bottle duplicates peeled away from her, trailing filaments of slime, rolling into predatory crouches.

"You have exactly fifteen seconds," the solid Galatea said, her hair writhing into questing tendrils, the filaments connecting her to her twins fattening into a thick gluey net as they moved to encircle him, "to come up with a safe-word, or get out that door. Either way…"

"…You're fucked," all five Galateas chorused.

"The safe word is 'Pygmalion'," he smirked, eating up three of his fifteen seconds. After another ten seconds he had the solid Gatalea flat on her back and melting with anticipation. "But I'm going for the door anyway!" he said, leaping and running, as the countdown hit zero.

He was fast, but they were much faster.

* * * *

The man in the black T-shirt listened to the noises above: a quick series of muffled thumps, followed by yelp, a heavy thud accompanying a shower of plaster dust, and then a slow, rhythmic squeak of something heavy being dragged back across a floor in a series of long, strong jerks. "Christ, now what?" he said, making his way across the floor, careful not to slip in the lumps of wet plaster, tiptoeing around the minefield of half-full bowls, pots, pans, and cups.

Blinking and bleary, he yanked up the shade and threw open the window to greet the rosy fingers of dawn. "Does the bastard ever sleep?" he muttered, grabbing the broom propped up against the windowsill.

He had broken off the head of the broom hours ago; damn thing was useless against wet plaster anyway. The grey sphere of a web camera about the size of a child's fist surmounted the broom handle, held fast with a complex weaving of silver duct-tape. The camera's black, cyclopean eye made the whole contraption look like a robotic eyestalk from an alien invasion saddled by a shoestring budget. He fed the USB extension computer cable into the back of the web camera and hoisted it out the window, alternating between glaring at the shaky images being sent to the computer screen and reconnoitering with his head out in the open air. It was getting harder and harder to find a good, clear spot in the second-story window directly above his. "There we go," he grunted, manhandling the eyestalk into position and lashing it to the window frame with strips of duct-tape torn from the roll with his teeth.

He hustled back to his computer, knocking over a coffee mug on the floor in the process. "Fuck!" said the man in the black T-shirt, watching green water zigzag out of the mug. "No, no!" The citrine stuff dribbled up the wall like a candle melting in reverse. "Don't go back to him!" It ran to the middle of the ceiling and disappeared up the jagged crack of ruined plaster. "Don't go back to him you bitch!"

But there was nothing he could do, as usual. He had even tried freezing the stuff, only to be awoken at one o'clock in the morning by the clatter of ice cubes smashing themselves against the front door of the apartment, trying to get out, trying to get back to him.

The man in the black T-shirt's bedroom filled with clanks and splashes as the metal and ceramic containers on the floor began, once again, filling up with green raindrops leaking through the crumbling ceiling of his first-floor apartment. There was nothing he could do, except sit at the computer, adjust the web camera's settings to get a good live video feed, open a tube of hand lotion, unzip his fly, and bang away like mad on his dick. He had been reduced to an electronic peeping Tom, watching his upstairs neighbor get screwed six ways to Sunday in the middle of an all-goo-girl orgy.

"I fucking hate you, Dee," said Bee.

* * * *
I wanted to see how it would feel
To be that sleek
And instead I find this hunger's
Made me weak
I believe right now if I could
I would swallow you whole
I would leave only bones and teeth
We could see what was underneath
And you would be free then

—Susan Vega, Undertow
* * * *

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good story. Needs editing

The story and what happens is really cool. You can write a good story but some editing would really help. I got so lost in many of your descriptions of the actions that I had no idea what you were trying to explain. I really like what you have but an editor would do wonders to make this story top notch

MagnificoGiganticusMagnificoGiganticusover 5 years ago
Wonderful! Some constructive criticism...

Really liked the story. Love goo/monster girl theme in general, so no surprise there. I have mixed feelings about your writing style. You're a fantastic writer. I love your imagery and it really fleshes-out the feelings (physical and emotional) and textures. And yet at the same time it makes for difficult reading. Not bad, mind you, because the wonderful descriptors are worth the effort. It just takes some getting used to. I also appreciate the fact that you are writing a real romance story. Romance, emotions, feelings make already great erotic stories even better. But I do think you went a little too far in the relationship building and mechanics of his figuring out how the goo girl works, her "powers," etc. and as a result less on making really hot sex scenes. Telling us how he gushed and gusted cum, and how she melted as they fucked (or as she almost swallowed him whole) is great--especially with your style of interjecting descriptors as I noted earlier--but its missing something. I think adding more dirty talk and other dialog during the sex scenes would make that better; show that they are fucking on a psychological (mind games) type level as well as physically. You touched a little on that with the whole "I like to see him afraid" kink the goo girl has, and his always getting turned on when he thinks about how dangerous she really is. But those moments usually happened between sex scenes. I think it would have made the sex scenes hotter if they had those moments actually during the sex, and that they both verbalize it, and use it as "dirty talk" to fuck on a psychological level highlighting their fetishes/kinks "in the moment."

My favorite part was where she breast fed him and forcefully told him to "come to mamma," probably due to my own favorite kink ("dommom," mother/son stuff). Would have loved to read more of that theme. I also wish you had kept going with the general femdom, "dominant monster girl overwhelming a submissive male victim" trope that is (for me) so attractive about the goo-girl genre. You started that way at first, and after he wakes up from his initial 48 hour bout with her, that power dynamic is complete changed where they are more equal as he fucks her into melting (clearly maledom) several times. I'm also shocked that not once did she use her gooey tendrils to tickle his prostate (for shame!). But those are just my personal preferences and biases on plot direction. Its your story, you take it where you want it. I still loved it regardless. Thank you for a wonderful story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
To hard to read.

i really liked the idear of the gelly girl but your writing style is to hard to read(understand) as a german guy and i read a shitload of english books and stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I've no fucking idea what the fuck I just read. It was just so bizarre, so fucking out there. I was so trying to wrap my head around the plot, trying to understand what in fuck's name was going on here, that I couldn't find it even mildly erotic. I don't think my vocabulary is strong enough to appropriately describe my feelings at this point.

Well, anyways, like they say, not everyone's cup of tea.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Funny, fine piece of writing.

'Nuff said.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

2nd read through read this years ago. Really good and hour of Google I found it again. Thought let you know people still read it:

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

you are awesome! seriously, and by the way fitting name, galatea that is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

Its unique and something great , everything else in here seems to be about vampires =S

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Sudden craving..

Great story!!

It's 3 in the morning and I have a sudden craving for lime jello! I wonder what girls will think of me when I get an erection from lime jello.

CopyCarverCopyCarveralmost 18 years ago
Wonderfully Weird!

Proof positive that the concept of "different strokes" is alive and well. Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Wonderful read ,keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Long-time reader

I ahev been reading this piece since the early points on w4c, and then on PBW, and now here. So worth the multiple re-reads :D.

mjm202036mjm202036about 18 years ago
just loved it...

I read this on another site, thru it I found your site with the rest of the story and I'm very pleased to say "Welcome to Literotica." This is a fabolous story and I can't wait to see what else you will be doing besides this series. Keep up the good work and...well, what else is there to say. Loved it...Want more...Don't stop writing. I'll keep checking back to all of the sites to see if you've got anything else new...either to this story or new stories all together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

There is always room for jello

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