It's in the Blood - The Beast Pt. 02

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Episode 11.
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Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 05/30/2024
Created 04/22/2024
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My ever-growing senses expanded above. The Earth. It all felt so different than before, and my curiosity only grew with my impatience. The structures and bustle were some distance away, but they were still exciting to feel. It was all so much louder than it used to be. Just say those cursed WORDS already! These two babes were mine. They just didn't realize it yet. They were stumbling about carelessly. Intoxicated, no doubt. Good. That makes my influence much stronger.

I heard the final phrase uttered, and it was like my soul came alight in a glorious blaze. Every sensation flooded back with the force of an exploding star. I expanded outward, every cell becoming. Growing. Suddenly, I felt my containment explode. Metal shards flew, piercing the stone around me as I picked myself up from the floor. Darkness. Total darkness. Luckily for me, I can see fairly well in the dark. Not while I'm fresh, though. From what I can see, it's nothing but rock and stone. I lifted my hands to my face and felt it. Everything was there. Eyes, nose, mouth. Check, check, check. I blinked away some dust and waited a moment for my vision to focus fully. Nope. Not yet. Still blurry. I gingerly took a few steps forward as I felt out my form. A woman this time. I let my soft hands slide across my body like silk as a small smile formed on my lips. I loved being a woman.

Don't get me wrong now... being a man was fine, and it did have its benefits. I was a man just this lifetime before. A giant of one, too. I towered over most other males, which benefited me even more in my ability to intimidate. Societal formations were mainly run by the males. In rare and exclusive instances, there were full matriarchies where the woman ran the home, but again, it was rather rare and only showed up every other lifetime or so. Male meant almost immediate respect if you had any presence. I always had thousands of miles of it. I'd even been both a few times. Male and female existing within the same physical form. It's usually way too much for the humans to understand. Blows their minds. I digress...

But to be a woman? I smiled again. If the natural human form were male and it was a robust and well-oiled machine, the female form would be art incarnate. Not artwork but art itself. Everywhere I felt on my skin was soft and supple. I let my hands fall across my face. My cheekbones were softly defined, and my bottom lip felt a bit plump. It felt like the touch of velvet. I allowed my hands to trail down my neck to my chest, slowly savoring every moment. Every glorious inch after inch of curve. Just marvelous. What wasn't there to love? The more my hands explored, the wider my smile grew. This would do. This would do rather nicely.

With the slightest movement of my fingers, I summoned a small fire and sent it to float above. Allowing my eyes to adjust to the light, I slowly scanned my surroundings. Blackness was everywhere, but things blurred into focus with a few blinks. I was very deep underground, and this was an extremely old place. I could smell the freshness only undisturbed earth can bring all around me. The cavern seemed to stretch on forever in every direction. A fitting place to dispose of me, I suppose. A deep, empty ancient cavern for an empty ancient being.

Peering above, my eyes found the light just as the little floating flame sizzled out roughly one to two kilometers up. Fortunately, I also saw a suitable wall for climbing before the light left me. I let out a long trailing whistle. The Lurchers' spawn outdid themselves this time. There was a barrier up there. I could barely see it, but it was there. That tiny, thin, almost unidentifiable silver glint. They knew their protections couldn't contain me, but it would work to keep those unwanted from getting inside. It was probably a precaution to ensure I wouldn't wake. I smirked. They highly underestimated the reach my essence held even while confined. That could get them all killed. One day. Maybe not this day, but one day.

Another giggle followed by a low growl of a moan. It set my skin alight. I needed to get to them. A perverse desire to watch these two creatures consummate before I drank from them made me tingle all over. The release from their orgasm, fresh and pumping through their veins, always tasted best. Lurcher spawn always tasted so sweet and savory like it was made just for me to taste. To consume. To devour. The smell of their arousal is what drove me forward. Every step is still shaky as I get used to being in a body again. I attempted to fly up but faltered in the air. Not enough power yet. I needed to feed. Steadying myself and using my abilities, I climbed the wall with its assistance. When I reached the barrier, it took nothing more than a gentle nudge from me for it to deteriorate completely.

Continuing my ascent for what felt excessively long, my hands finally came across a small opening, just large enough for me to crawl through. My skin slid across the stone as it scraped against me uncomfortably. It was a tight fit, to say the least. As I pressed on, the walls began to creep together. Moving was increasingly difficult, but I managed. The curvature of my hips required me to roll my body into different positions to fit through. The darkness expanded endlessly forward, and I could feel myself grow weak with every inch I progressed. I closed my eyes and stilled my being. It was faint, but it was there. A gentle breeze that carried their wonton desire to me. Her breathy moan rode it like a wave, and it washed over me. It fueled me to thrust myself through the stone. Feeding is all I could think about. Gods, I was so hungry.

Inch by slow, agonizing inch, I wiggled and pulled, barely enough room to maneuver anymore. The tight confines, coupled with my weakened state, made the struggle that much harder, but I pressed on through the rock and dirt. If this ended up being a dead end, the trek back would take twice as long or more. Plus, there's no way that would happen to completion without rest first. If I'm to turn back, I'd rather it be now. I lit my flame and sent it to the lead. There was no other way. Without it, I could barely make out the form of my hand, even when it was right in front of my face. And that's saying something. Darkness is my home. My night sight is much keener than that of humans and most animals. Even most Lurchers couldn't hold a candle to my prowess in the night.

More laughter, like a sweet song, drifted in my direction. They were so close now. I saw the opening about 20 feet ahead, and with a tiny bit of intention, my little flame was gone in a blink. I didn't need it now. The flickering from my play toys' fire was enough to navigate the rest of the way. They would be spared this time. For now. They will leave here this evening with at least some of their innocence and most of their essence intact. For the most part. I sank into the shadows behind some rock, watching curiously from behind it at my new unknowing snacks. Or pets. I hadn't decided much of that yet. I was just so hungry. I needed to feed before I wasted away.

They were cute. As if on cue, they began to become all over each other. The female seemed to be throwing herself at the male, who was attempting to be a gentleman. The bulge growing just under his waist and her adamantly brushing against it to lock lips has me even more curious. Such restraint for a young man at the prime of his performance. Especially while feeling the effects of my presence in this proximity. My nose wrinkles, feigning disgust. Prude. He wouldn't last much longer with me here. I smirked at the thought. I am entranced, however. Not by their actions but by their articles of clothing. Rough materials. Synthetic. Peculiar. Okay, maybe not just by their attire.

He let out another long, slow, and quiet rumble from his chest. She gasped, but the look on her face shone with excitement, not fear. I silently longed to slip in between them and for us to meld together. I don't even know how long it's been since I've felt another's touch, let alone lust for me. It's intoxicating in and of itself, just feeling their desire.

Something else is there, though, drawing me in. As if I were being compelled. Under a spell of sorts. Interesting. It takes a moment of actual effort, but I steel my gaze away from them to scan the nearby surroundings. It seemed I escaped from one cavern into another cavern. However, unlike the ones below, this one was littered with evidence of human disturbance. There was lighting everywhere and a long metal staircase leading to the top. The craftsmanship, coupled with the attire, left me wondering just how long I'd been away this time. This was not the same Earth I left behind in my last slumber.

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