It's Only Temporary Pt. 02


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Susan made an appointment with an understanding and experienced plastic surgeon to have Joan's breasts done. Joan submitted to an examination and followed Susan's lead when describing his desire for a more feminine form. The surgery was scheduled for a few weeks out.

While they waited, for the date to arrive, Susan had another surprise for her husband. One evening she took him to an upscale piercing studio.

When they got out of the taxi, Joan immediately got nervous, "why are we here?"

Susan maneuvered him up against the building, next to the front door, and held him there as she explained, "well dear, when I bought your cage, they warned me about long-term wear and the potential for urinary tract infections. Knowing that you'd only be in the thing for a couple of months I wasn't particularly worried. Now though, I don't want to risk it any longer, so I made an appointment for you to get a Prince Albert piercing. With it, we can fit you with a more secure and safe, custom cage, that can't be removed without my key."

With that, she ushered him into the clinic, and he anxiously submitted to the painful piercing. When it was done, they explained that it might be several months before he could have sex, without risk of infection and above all without pain.

He was shocked. No sex for several months!

As Joan walked out of the palace, taking careful and painful steps, Susan said, "see, I have it all planned, by the time your cock is healed, your new breasts should be too. We'll have so much fun!"

For the next couple of weeks, Joan could hardly move. Her cock hurt so much. She just stayed in the apartment and left the bed only when she needed to.

Susan was understanding and took care of all of Joan's normal chores.

When the day for her breast surgery arrived, Joan was at least feeling well enough to walk into the clinic. Her initial implants went in smoothly and she was back in her bed, again in pain, for several more weeks.

The doctor had to take the work on her breasts in steps, in order to 'grow' his breasts to the size that matched his old, large breast forms.

Joan, resigned to the pain and discomfort, but with no choice but to go through with it, slowly worked through the procedures and the convalescence.

A he started feeling better, and his cock finished heeling, Susan fitted him with his newest cage. This one still left no room for his cock to grow. It included a solid hook that passed through his piercing and made sure that he could never pull out. The thought of it made him feel even more locked and controlled. At least this version didn't include a catheter.

As his new breasts reached their full size and stopped their constant aching, the two of them spent more of Susan's bonus on assembling an even more stylish and provocative wardrobe for Joan. One that constantly showed off her new breasts.

Joan, became even more confident in her womanhood, and took every opportunity to show off, but always only to other women. He still had no interest in men, and Susan supported him in that philosophy.

Joan resignedly came to terms with remaining as a woman forever. Especially when Susan made several arrangements with an attorney. A legal name-change formally replaced John with Joan, for the record. They also published a legal declaration that transitioned their marriage from 'husband and wife' to 'wife and wife'. Finally, Susan established a nuptial agreement that would leave Joan a pauper if he ever left her.

Joan didn't like that last document as he realized that he would have to remain forever as Susan's dependent mate. But as he had no choice, he just went along.

Susan was very happy and content with her new work and home life, and if she was happy, so too was Joan.

He just wished he could spend more time out of the cage...

The End...

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

She is a bitch. He didn't deserve all of the gage stuff.

You turned a great story concept into a nightmare, something you seem to enjoy.

I'm not a fan.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It started out good but Susan developed into the definition of an abusive manipulative spouse. We are doing this for you. This is your fetish. Cant you see how this is helping you? basically what she is saying the whole time is the classic "why do you make me hurt you?"

The Joan character is thus far the stereotypical MTF trans. that is to say a submissive kowtowing wimp. In my (admittedly limited) experience this is not the case IRL. As trans women develop in their new true body they become more confident not less. and John would not have become as convincingly Joan if she wasn't truly trans.

I would love to see another chapter where Joan realizes what is going on and gets confident in her new true body. Joan leaves Susan. Susan expects to see her former toy destitute and desperate come crawling back eager for more abuse, but instead Joan becomes a trans model, or author, or better yet as a Michelin Star rated chef. After gaining wealth and fame and quickly surpasses Susan in all her career goals. It would be even better if Joan sleeps her way into various positions and self promoting placements and is known to be a lesbian of the trans nature. the very stigma that Susan was avoiding causing her to get married in the first place.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I thoroughly enjoyed the story. It is a TV dream/nightmare.

louiseacdlouiseacdabout 1 year ago

loved the story, wish i was Joan, please continue this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You went too far with his fantasy. In the end it was HER fantasy that they lived out. It was a rotten thing to do to him. BTW the cage is a toy he can remove at any time without the key. He can even have her put in jail for putting him in the cage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Really love this story. I just wished the author would have kept going the point that Joan finally got her useless cock removed and a working pussy was installed..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Was a great going tell the end, SO MANY other ways to have end the story that would have been better..

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationover 2 years ago

Great series. The ending is as realistic as other endings might be. In a reprise, 5 years further on, I imagine Joan might be as happy as we romantics would wish, and you could further delight your fans with some highlights.

Thanks for a conclusion. Thanks for writing and sharing.

ChangeYourPasswordChangeYourPasswordover 2 years agoAuthor
Reader's comments and disappointments.

I'm afraid that many of you are dissatisfied with the ending of this tale. And I do understand why. It's a hurried, and negative outcome. John deserved better, and Susan showed herself to be a bitch. That ending was kind of rushed, as I was losing interest in this story, yet didn't want to just let it die without some conclusion.

Someday, I intend to rewrite the final chapter. In any case, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Unfortunately, this was an extremely one-sided relationship. It seemed that John/Joan's feelings were considered only to the point that Susan got what she wanted, to include an extra marital affair. If Susan was a closet lesbian, she should have gone that route with a willing partner instead of maintaining her husband in a chaste lifestyle. Relationships are two ways. However, the story was very well written

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

It would have been a 5, but I hate women that but there husbands cages.

filameanafilameanaover 3 years ago
great story

butt plugs were mentioned but never really made the story...i was a little disappointed in that

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
So when you wrote

"She didn't want to break him. She did love him dearly" How on earth does that fit with the all gaslighting, controlling and bullying? If you guys want to be women or sissies, go for it. Stop portraying the woman as the bad person.

louiseacdlouiseacdalmost 4 years ago
loved it

where do I find a wife like her ?, my biggest fantasy is to be joan

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