Ivanovs Ch. 03


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"Nothing is full proof, but I can test her blood after the birth and see if her body still has traces." Thomas stated.

Garrick nodded, Garrick, is everything Ok. You're angry and it's scaring me. Shari sent. Her voice calmed him immediately.

Love, I'm fine. I'll be there soon. OK. he promised Shari, I love you. Both of you. Rest, I'll be there soon. he promised.

As his aggressive levels decreased, everyone realized he was speaking with Shari. Kale realized that Shari had to be with the wolves. It was the wolves that save Nicolette, of course they might help save Garrick's wife as well. He kept quiet and was about to exit when all of the adults were alerted by simultaneous cries.

Nina and Nicolette moved quickly to the nursery to collect their boys followed by their fathers. As they returned to the library, the boys immediately reached for Cantar and Brenwan. The women collected the little ones easily. Both Nicolette and Nina were stunned at their easy acceptance of the children.

Cantar spoke to her sister-n-law, "Nicolette, he is beautiful. I realize it may not happen, but please allow me to have a part in his life. I'll never have children and..." she refused to break down and stayed strong, taking a moment to compose herself. "Please allow me to know my nieces and nephews."

Nicolette did not answer. She couldn't. She felt for Cantar, but she didn't trust her. For all she knew, this was a ploy by Esmeralda, and she could not risk her son. Nicolette's lack of response hurt Cantar even more, but she understood her reticence. Maybe, when this was over, she could earn the right to be a part of their family.

"It's late, and we all need to rest." Kale stated when he realized there was nothing more to say. Pausing for a moment, he spoke once more, "Gernick, Garrick, I know you plan to attack the council, but wait. If you go after them, they will see you as aggressors. Give me a few days and I will build a compelling case. I just need time to put these things together. Then the four of us, face the council and our parents together."

"No, all of this is well and good, but how do I know she didn't send you. They will die. Your words won't save them Kale, and if you interfere , brother, well" he shrugged. "You have four days, and then we storm the council. Esmeralda will not harm my family nor will she harm Shari or her daughter again. So Kale, you have your four days." Nicolette wrapped her arms around her husband. He was so tense, so angry.

"I know she will die Gernick. You may not believe me, but on this I am on your side. We can meet back here in two nights, and I will lay out my plans." Brenwan and Cantar returned the boys to their mothers. the small group bid their family good night. Soon they vanished. Everyone in Gernick's home was silent.

"I go with you. When you face them, I'm going." Nicolette declared.

"No, I need you here with the baby. I need you to keep him safe." Gernick explained. His worse fear was of Esmeralda somehow poisoning his wife. After learning of her level of depravity, he would definitely keep Nicolette and his son away from them.

"Do you think I am weak Gernick? Do you feel since I've given birth that I am less of a warrior?" she asked, becoming angrier by the second.

"No, Nicolette, but she is insane and if she poisons you... I just want you and Jonathan safe." He explained.

"She could poison you also. Gernick; please, let me fight at your side." Nicolette pleaded

Gernick looked at his wife and he knew this was important to her. He then looked at Garrick, and the two nodded.

"Thaddeus, Nina, will you take our son with you. Protect him and keep him until we return?" Gernick asked.

Thaddeus opened his mouth to speak when Nina interrupted, "No, Nicky. Look, I know you want to fight, but please let the men deal with this council. They might..." she shuddered remembering how her friend suffered at their hands.

"Nina, if someone came after Thaddeus, would you sit back or fight?" she waited until understanding dawned in her friends eyes. "He is my husband, Nina, my other half." The she looked at him and smiled, "Despite everything, he is mine, Nina." She looked at Gernick and said, "I love him."

Gernick's heart pounded. He'd waited so long to hear those words. She loved him. His wife loved him. "Nicolette, I , you are my life, my world." He said pulling her into his embrace. Thaddeus collected Jonathan from his mother's embrace and everyone left them alone for a while.

"Thaddeus, I am going to spend the night at the medical center with Shari. I need to tell her our plans. You guys are driving back tomorrow, right?" Garrick asked as he stroked his nephew's dark locks. Jonathan Ivanov, his nephew, was absolutely perfect in his eyes. Nephew, they will never get near you, I promise, he sent. The baby opened his eyes and looked directly at him.

"Yes, we should be there in about five days." Thaddeus answered.

"Will you and Nina take care of Shari? Shari likes your mate, and she has a hard time making friends. I just want her to not be alone. If I don't make it back, tell her I love her."

"Garrick, I will gladly be there for her as will Nina. But you and Gernick make damn sure you come home. Oh and if something happens to Nicolette, I'm kicking both of your asses." Thaddeus threatened.

"They will not harm one hair in her head. I promise you." Garrick swore. The two men parted and Thaddeus joined his mate. He held her for a while, but for the two of them, sleep was elusive.

"Thaddeus, I don't want Nicky to go there. If she gets hurt, I can't handle it." Nina cried softly. Thaddeus held her wishing he could assure her that Nicky would be fine. But he would not lie to her.

Garrick appeared in Shari's room and she was sleeping. So much had transpired today. So many facts had become known. A part of him felt bad for his father, but he hated his brother; for that alone, Gregor would not be allowed to live. He leaned over and kissed his wife gently. "Don't get yourself killed when you go after them. Do you hear me Garrick?" Shari whispered.

"Love, I will come back to you. I have to meet my little girl. Nothing will keep me from meeting her." He answered. Then he gently crawled into bed beside her and held her close.

Garrick took a moment to speak to their daughter. Ava, I love you so much, and I promise to keep you and your Mommy safe. I want you to be a strong little girl and finish growing. I can't wait to meet you. He was engulfed with a feeling of love and contentment that stunned him speechless. He knew she heard him. Shari snuggled in closer to him and she placed a protective hand over their baby girl. Garrick smiled. He had to make damn sure, he came back home to them.

Nicolette could not sleep. She knew Gernick was torn. He didn't want her with him, but she didn't trust his siblings. Garrick, she knew would die for him, but in her mind Kale and Cantar had not proven themselves. Gernick needed people he could trust around him.

"Love, sleep. We will give Kale time, but we are not resting on our laurels anymore. I will deal with them." Nicolette wrapped her arms around him. "You really don't want me to go, do you?" she asked. Gernick stiffened.

"No, I want you as far from them as I can get you. But if you want to fight, I have no right to say no." he exhaled. "I just want you and the baby someplace safe."

"Will you take Claus? If I agree to stay behind, will Claus go with you?" she turned to face him. "I trust Garrick because he has always been there. However, Kale and Cantar, I don't trust. They may be sincere, but I'll feel better if you had someone else watching your back."

Gernick started to speak and she placed her fingers over his lips, silencing him. "Let me finish. I will stay because you don't need the distraction, but you need someone with you. Take Claus. See if he will stand with you against them." Gernick nodded, but he knew he didn't need to even ask. Claus would be there as soon as he learned of the threat. "If Claus stands with you, I will stay home." She vowed.

Gernick released a breath he had no idea he was holding. Then he spoke, "Will you go to the compound with the pack when we leave? You and the baby need to be someplace safe and I know they will protect you."

Nicolette wanted to refuse, but she thought of her mother. If they went to the compound, they could visit and spend time with Shari. Her presence might help the vampiress. She would also be there in case they decided to retaliate against the pack. "Yes, Gernick, someone needs to be there just in case."

He started to remind her that the pack was well guarded, when she continued speaking. "I know they are well guarded, but your step mother is evil. She might find a way to breach our defenses. If she finds a way in, I want to be waiting."

Her statement caused him paused. Although he was worried about the pack, he felt he and Garrick had taken precautions. However, Nicolette made a valid point. "Nicolette, I'm calling Javon. We will increase security there. At no time, do I want the pack at risk." He declared.


The next morning, Claus and Amerie returned home. The atmosphere in the house was different, and Claus was immediately alarmed.

"Amerie, something is wrong." Claus stated, a frown creasing his brow. Amerie agreed. Nicolette, where are you? Amerie called; her concern for her daughter ratcheting up.

Nicolette awoke instantly. Momma, I'm in bed. I'm coming down. she answered. As she moved to get up, Gernick awoke. "We talk with them together."

Claus and Amerie were sitting in the dining room when Gernick and Nicolette walked in. One look at his face and Claus knew. "Son, when do we go to war?" he asked.

Gernick smiled. This man who was more father than friend was always ready to defend him. "As soon as we move our family to safety, we go. A lot has happened Claus, and I'll fill you in. I'm going to ask Thaddeus and Nina to take Amerie, Nicolette, and Jonathan back to the compound with them today.

Amerie started to protest, but Nicolette, "Momma, it's safer for us. And besides, Shari, Garrick's wife is there. She needs all the support she can get right now."

Claus eyes flew to Gernick at the mention of Garrick's name. If Garrick was involved then this threat was serious. Amerie was concerned. "Claus, what is going on? What war? What are you talking about?" she asked, heart pounding in fear.

Claus gripped her hands. "Love, I will explain. Please try not to worry," Gernick spoke knowing this would not be easy. Nicolette wrapped her arms around him and leaned into is ear. "Gernick, I am here. I love you. Never doubt that." She whispered.

"I know, and it makes me so happy to hear you say it." He whispered, and then faced Claus and Amerie. "I have to tell them everything Nicky. I won't hide the truth." Nicolette nodded and then excused herself to go care for Jonathan, and Gernick explained the events of the last day to their parents.

Nina was nursing Theo, as Nicky joined her. "Nina, I'm not going to Greystone to face the council. Gernick will ask Javon and Elise to let me and momma stay at the compound. They are increasing security." She explained. Nina cried, because the thought of Nicky being hurt or killed scared her to death.

"Thank God. I know you want to fight, but I want you safe Nicky. I'm so glad you'll be home with us." Nina declared hugging her friend. Nicolette hugged her friend back as she breathed a sigh of relief.

Thaddeus and Gernick talked, and they called Javon. He instantly said to bring Nicky and Amerie home. It was then that Gernick explained to Amerie and Claus of the dire situation they found themselves in.

Claus was furious. "She did what? And she's poisoning Gregor?" Gernick had never seen him this upset, only once when he called him on his bullshit when Jonathan was born. "You will not go there alone. I'm going with you. Thaddeus, I place my wife, daughter and grandson in your care. Protect them for me." Amerie gasped as she realized what those words meant.

Claus stopped and held her, grounding himself on her scent. "Amerie, take care of them for me. All of them. Please. I will be back. I promise, but this evil ends now. Gregor and his wife have gone too far." He declared.

"Claus, I just found you. Please don't... Just come home." She whispered. He held her close and the two went to their room for some time alone. Nina helped Nicolette pack for her and the baby, and Gernick called Javon and explained the situation. Javon again offered to send warriors with him, but he refused to place any of the pack in danger.

Soon, it was time to head back to Texas. Thaddeus loaded the SUV and everyone climbed in. Claus and Gernick stood and watched as their women rode away to the compound. Gernick knew his wife. She was a warrior. She conceded to go to Loess Falls, because she wanted to be there to defend her family if the need arose. He'd make damn sure the need didn't.

Kale asked for a few days. The clock started now. He had four days. When those days passed, he along with Garrick would destroy the vampire council. They would rue the day they fucked with Gernick Ivanov and his family.


So ends chapter three. I am halfway done with chapter four. I certainly hope you've enjoyed the story thus far, and will continue to follow it. Please keep reading and keep posting comments.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


thruholewizardthruholewizardover 8 years ago
now we are getting to the juicy parts again

wow good stuff

willieonewillieonealmost 11 years ago

Why did Nina and her family have to drive to Nicky's home when they could have had the vamps just transport them there and now instead of transporting them back they are going to drive for five days when the vamps can just transport them there.

Plus please get a proof reader to pick up all the tiny errors.

fefe428fefe428almost 11 years ago
Very Excited!!!

The thing that mystifies me is why if Esmerelda views the offspring of Gregor's children to be such a threat, why did she bother having them? I mean obviously, Gernick was always there, and she couldn't change that, and she had Garrick to be Gregor's apparent, but why bother having Kale and Cantar at all??? That's what I don't get. If she could stop their wives from having children, clearly she could have prevented anymore children after Garrick. She obviously doesn't love them or have any use for them. I guess that's what I wonder about. I do hope that Gernick and Garrick will let their siblings help them. I truly started to feel for Cantar in this chapter. She is clearly a very lonely and misguided woman, who has been so deceived her whole life. It must be an awful thing for her to realize all of the mistakes she's made in an attempt to garner favor and love from a woman she who was incapable of such a thing. I hope she is able to find some redemption and peace at some point.

I am dying to see what the capabilities of the blended children are. I am surprised that the parents have not realized how empathic the children are yet. From the outside that would seem so obvious.

FA_JFFA_JFalmost 11 years ago
Howls & Snarls !!!

Bring it on!

I am very curious about what abilities the genetically blended children will develop,

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