J the Sleuth Ch. 02: A Shark


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Although most of the crowd was leaving, a couple of late stragglers came in, to try and cram in a few minutes with the fish before being kicked out. These particular women were strikingly beautiful, and the way they were giggling and clinging to each other led Rick to believe they were probably lesbians. Rick had no problem with lesbians; let them be who they were, with whoever they wanted to be with. As long as they weren't deceitful about it.

He was about to turn back to his cleaning supplies when he suddenly swivelled back, a shocked look on his face - it was her! He'd just been thinking about Staci a second ago, and here she was in his aquarium, arm-in-arm with a statuesque brunette woman. Another hooker? Likely; Rick figured they probably all hung out together. They were definitely chummy in that WhatsApp group they'd created; scheming and gossipping behind their clients' backs. He didn't recognize the brunette, but that didn't mean she wasn't in the Life; very few of the girls showed their faces on their websites.

As they approached he did his best to pretend they weren't there, trying to busy himself as he pondered the weird turn Fate had taken: he'd been thinking about his next victim - his next conquest - and Fate had delivered her right to him, to the very spot where he would take her life. The sign was too strong to ignore. Staci would be his next.

He almost jumped when someone tapped his shoulder.

"'Scuse me," she asked, "can you take our picture?"

It was the brunette. She and Staci had come up when he wasn't looking, and, like any other tourists, wanted their pictures taken in front of the fish. The brunette was holding out her phone, hoping that he'd get a photo of them in front of the tank.

"Of course!" he answered, with a smile. "Why not stand in front of the sharks? That always makes for a good photo!"

He positioned them in front of the glass, and then lifted the phone to take the photo, before realizing that the camera app wasn't open, WhatsApp was. He was surprised, though not totally shocked, to find himself looking at the hookers' WhatsApp group. That clinched it: the brunette was definitely in the Life, just as Staci was.

"The camera isn't ready," he said, handing the phone back to the brunette.

"Whoopsie!" she said with a laugh. "I must have hit the screen with my thumb. Here you go!" She fiddled with the phone, and then handed it back to him with the camera ready to go.

He waited for a moment, until one of the Great Whites was right behind them, and then snapped the picture. He handed the phone back to the brunette, and the girls ooh-ed and ahh-ed about how cool it was to get a picture with the shark perfectly in the frame like that. It was how Rick always took photos at the aquarium: he never did anything half-assed.

Just then the announcement came over the PA that it was time for visitors to leave, so the girls turned to go.

"Thanks!" they called over their shoulders.

"You ladies have a pleasant night," Rick answered, thinking, it's always pleasant to meet ladies of the night...


"Are you alright?" Staci asked J, as they left the aquarium. "You didn't seem like yourself back there."

They'd been going around the city all day, looking at various pools that advertised having salt water. On the way home they'd noticed an ad for the aquarium, and decided to stop in. J had remarked that most of the tanks there would be also be filled with salt water.

"Don't worry about me," J answered, but she still had a strange energy about her. "Let's go home. I have some preparations to make..."


After dropping Staci off at her apartment, J left to take care of some things. She wouldn't tell Staci what was up, just that she didn't think she'd be back for at least a few hours. Staci gave her a spare key, in case she was out when J got back.

"I have a client this evening," she said, "but just one, so I should only be gone for a couple of hours or so."

She was expecting J to warn her to be careful, or even ask her not to go at all, but J's mind was obviously elsewhere. "Cool, cool," she responded, taking the key and turning to leave, on her errands.

Well... if she's not worried, then I'm not worried, Staci thought. She's the expert!

So she began her cleansing and prepping routine of getting ready for a client.


Ever since the visit to the aquarium, J's head had been spinning. So much for her endorphin-related theories; she hadn't had an orgasm all afternoon, but her mind was whirling now!

It was his eyes that had gotten her brain started - the janitor's eyes, from the aquarium. They were dead, like the eyes of the sharks in the tanks behind them. And then there was the way he'd reacted to them, when they arrived - no, not "them," the reaction was specifically to Staci. There had been a look of recognition there, that he'd almost (but not quite) been able to hide, not to mention a certain amount of excitement. And finally, he'd failed J's test: when she'd handed him her phone, purposely opened to the escorts' WhatsApp group, he'd clearly recognized it. It was the closest she'd seen to life in those eyes. He'd played it cool, she granted him that, but she'd been watching for it, and he'd definitely reacted.

He didn't notice her noticing, of course, because she had gone into full ditz mode as soon as he'd set off her radar. Nobody pays attention to a ditz, other than to what she's wearing (and how easily it could be removed to get at her sweet, sweet pussy).

Her first step would be to go back to her apartment, to confirm the final piece of the puzzle; it had come to her when she'd seen his dead eyes, and then looked back into Staci's warm ones - she'd suddenly realized what was different about the girls who were attacked.

A few moments on her laptop confirmed her suspicion; she didn't know how she'd missed it in the first place: All of the girls who'd been killed had their faces showing on their websites. Most girls don't, but those girls did - and so did Staci. It wasn't any kind of proof, at all, that the man at the aquarium had anything to do with anything - in theory, he simply saw two hot girls and started drooling over them - but her instincts were telling her that it had been more than lust on the man's face, it had been recognition.

She called Staci's cell.

"Hey," Staci answered.

"Where are you now?"

"In the car, on my way to my appointment."

"Can you check your website from your phone? To see if you've got any new bookings?"

"I can, actually. Gimme a sec. ... Well what do you know - I have some guy who wants to meet me at the aquarium! What a weird coincidence!"

"Not a coincidence. And let me guess, he'd like you to make it a double? And bring a brunette friend of yours?"

"Lemme see... he does! How did you know that?"

"Lucky guess. When does he want to meet."

"Tonight, poor bugger, I'm gonna have to tell him no. I've already got an appointment - and I don't do same-days anyway."

"No - tell him you'll do it. Tell him you and your friend happen to be free tonight, and you can meet. Tell him..." She checked her watch. "Tell him midnight."

"Well... I suppose I can finish my appointment and make it there for twelve-"

"No, don't worry about it. Go home after your appointment, and I'll see you there later. Remember that thing I gave you? When you get home, I want you to keep it handy, just in case anyone knocks on your door other than me. I'll be taking this meeting solo."


She now had a few hours to kill, before her midnight appointment at the aquarium, but she know how she had to spend those hours. She dialled a rarely used number from her contact list.

"'Sup, J?"

"Can I come over? Like... now?"

"You betcha. I'm here."


Matt was a cop on the Toronto police force. A few months ago, shortly after killing The Boss and a couple of his agents - saving her own life in the process - J had met Matt at a club, and something about him had been... had been right for her, in that particular moment. She'd gone home with him, and over the course of the next few hours he'd used her body so completely, so thoroughly, that J had been left drained. After committing multiple homicides, it's exactly how she'd wanted to feel.

And now she stood in front of his door.

It was opened immediately when she knocked. Matt reached through the open door, grabbing her by the hair, and yanked her into the apartment. As soon as the door was closed he pushed her against it, face-first, yanked down her black yoga pants, and gave her a hard, open-handed slap on her ass. She yelped, more in surprise than in pain.

"Back for more, are you?" he growled into her ear.

It was so cheezy, but that was part of what she needed right now. J had submitted herself to men in the bedroom before, but submitting to this idiot, with his pseudo-macho approach to women, would take real submission. She'd truly have to empty herself of herself, to become his plaything.

"Yes," she responded, barely above a whisper.

"Then prove it!" he said, spinning her back around to face him, and then forcing her on her knees.

There was no subtlety here: she did what was expected and opened his jeans to find his cock, already hard, and began to suck. He took control almost immediately, grabbing her hair and forcing her onto him, throating her, preventing her from getting the amount of breath she needed. It didn't take long before he was spurting down her throat, into her mouth, and, because of a mistimed thrust, up her nostrils.

He let her go and she fell back onto the floor, partially because she needed to catch her breath, but mostly because it was expected of her. There were tears streaming out of her eyes, from the suddenness of the "attack" on her throat, and an overwhelming scent of semen, since it was, literally, right up her nose.

"Let's go," he said, and grabbed her hair to lead/drag/pull her toward the bedroom. Her tights were still yanked partially down her thighs, so it was difficult to follow and she kept tripping, as he intended. But they finally made it, and he threw her down onto the bed, with another smack on her bare ass.

"Clothes off!" he commanded, so she pulled off her form-fitting, black workout top, exposing her breasts, and was about to get her tights off when he decided he didn't want to wait. She found herself being pushed over, bent over the side of the bed, and felt his cock being shoved roughly toward her cunt. His first couple of thrusts missed, poking at her taint, until she reached back to guide him in - earning another slap on the ass for her effort.

"Hands off, cunt," he grunted, before beginning to thrust into her.

She was leaned over, with her hands propping herself up on the bed, taking his cock from behind. She closed her eyes, and thought of some of the other lovers she'd had recently - Ben, from a few months ago; Bill, from the morgue; Staci, and the way she'd worshipped J's body for an entire night - and the contrast with her submission to this idiot, grunting and thrusting away at her, was made all the more clear.

And then he shoved her down further, pushing her face into the mattress, pulled out of her, and shoved into her ass.

"Unf!" she squawked, and then went back to silence as her tenderest of holes was violated. She felt more tears forming in her eyes, from the pain and discomfort. His average-sized cock feel huge, like her guts were being filled with him. She just kept her eyes closed, and let him have her.

And then she felt his cock start to spasm, and knew that he was cumming, spraying his load into her colon. When he was finished, and got his breathing back under control, he pulled out of her, and spanked her one last time.

She lay there on the bed, for a moment. Her eyes were still closed, breasts resting on the sheets (which were probably not clean), legs trailed out behind her off the side of the bed, with her tights around her thighs. With the removal of his appendage from her ass she felt... empty. She was used, true, but with the removal of the source of her pain from her asshole she also felt hollowed out.

It was what she'd come for. Not just used and abused, but hollowed out and emptied.

She could kill, now.

She got up, pulled up her tights, and grabbed her top as she strode toward the door.

"What, no 'thank you'?" he mocked, as she reached toward the doorknob.

"Shut up," she mumbled, as she went back out into the night.


Her Uber got her to the aquarium about ten minutes early, which was perfect. She affixed a mask, as she approached the entrance, and she was wearing gloves. The bag at her side contained a Glock, another "clean" gun that couldn't be traced back to her. It was time. She entered the aquarium - he'd left the door open for his guests - and wandered inside, in search of him.

It was eerie to be inside the place at night; most of the lights were off, and in many spots the only illumination was the light coming from the tanks. The water made the light shimmer, adding to the feeling of unreality.

She found him near the sharks. He was waiting for the two escorts to arrive, and was thrown off by the arrival of only one of them, dressed in black and wearing a mask. But he put two and two together very quickly, and came up with four.

"So the illustrious damsel has deduced the identity of the Shark Killer," he verified, "and has come to dispatch him in the night?"

"'Shark Killer' nothing," J responded. "You're just some dickhole who has outlived his time on earth."

"Well you're obviously not with the gendarmes," he responded, "or you wouldn't be covering your visage with a mask. Worried about recording devices, are we?"

"This isn't a matter for the police, it's just between you and I."

"Quite. Well, before we commence our 'fight to the death,' should we not take care of more prosaic matters?" He pulled down his pants, revealing a thick, veiny cock, already semi-turgid. "Are you ready for a last f-"

His question was cut off by the sound of a gunshot, before his body crumpled to the floor, a look of uncomprehending surprise on his face.

"Jesus," she muttered, "did he really expect me to fuck him? What kind of cheezy erotic fiction world was this moron living in?!?"

She was about to leave, when she had a better idea. She went back to his body, finished the job of removing his pants, and threw his body over her shoulder, to lug him up a nearby set of stairs, to the top of the shark tank, before dropping his lifeless corpse into the water.

"Have at it, boys," she said to the sharks, as she headed back down the stairs. "At least you can get a good meal out of him; it's about all he was good for."

On her way out, she found the security office, turned off the recording system, and removed the disks containing the security camera recordings for the last hour.


J was back at Staci's place before 1 in the morning, but wouldn't tell her anything about what had happened, other than that it was over. She just needed comfort, which Staci was happy to provide. She drew a warm bubble bath, and helped J into it - maybe not J's style, but it always helped her, when she needed comfort - and gently helped J clean herself off. She assumed that the cum drying inside J's ass cheeks had something to do with her withdrawn mood, and J didn't bother to disabuse her of the notion.

They then moved to the bedroom and slid into the sheets of Staci's bed. Business had obviously been good to Staci, because J could tell just by the feel of them that the sheets were expensive; they felt good against her naked skin. And so did Staci's body, spooning her from behind. Staci's arms around her, and her breasts against J's back, were all the comfort J needed.

They went to sleep that way.


The next morning Staci made breakfast, and they ate in companionable silence. J was pretty much back to her usual self, though still more quiet than usual.

They turned on the TV, and J switched it to the 24/7 news channel. A few minutes later, they got the report J was waiting for.

"... a bizarre event at the aquarium last night, which authorities are calling perversion gone wrong," said the pretty reporter, standing outside the aquarium. "Rick Morton, night cleaner at the aquarium, was killed in the shark tank after hours, in what authorities are assuming is a sex-related incident gone wrong. Mr. Morton seems to have removed his pants and then jumped or fallen into the shark tank, after which he was eaten by the sharks. The act was apparently premeditated, as Mr. Morton turned off the security system ahead of time.

"There is evidence that Mr. Morton may have performed similar acts in the past, as authorities have discovered other gaps in the security recordings, going back over the last few months. Additionally, Mr. Morton's fellow aquarium workers, who have described Mr. Morton as being 'aloof' from the other workers, seemed to be fixated on the sharks in particular.

"Aquarium executives have said-"

At this point, J switched the television off.

"That was you?" Staci asked. "Your handiwork?"

J wouldn't look her in the eye. "Look, I told you," she finally responded, "things might not end neatly, with some murderer being led away in handcuffs. Sometimes you have to-"

Staci cut her off, with a gentle finger to the lips. "I know," she whispered. "And I told you I was fine with that."

She got down under the table and pulled J's robe open to expose her nude body underneath. She spread J's legs apart, and then began to thank J properly.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Another excellent story, can't wait to read more about J.

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