Jack, Juliette, Me and It


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"Jesus, Jack, go easy please!" she hissed into my ear, leaning her head against me.

Her naked skin against mine felt amazing,

"Sorry Juliette," I said, "I'm a bit new at this." I looked down into that cleavage that I'd had a huge wet dream about the night before.

I stepped into the bathroom realising that my erection was protruding, and I was sure I could feel the flushed tip touching against her arse a few times. I carried on holding her, knowing that I would need to put her down and as soon as I did it would be completely obvious.

Again, 'It' came to my rescue; chances are I'd be lifting out of Jack at some time soon, fuck it...

I lowered her down, the hard tip grazing against her thigh.

"Fucking hell Jack, seriously?" I didn't get the rage I'd envisaged, more a jokey disappointment.

I thought about a 'yeah whatever' response worthy of my smartarse heartbeat but went with something far simpler.

"Jesus Juliette, how am I supposed to carry a such a beautiful, virtually naked woman and not be the slightest bit... interested?"

She smiled with some real disbelief.

"Yeah... right..." she hissed, settling on the seat of the WC, wiggling slightly and I guessed she would be trying to remove those lacy panties she was wearing, "Christ that hurts!"

I dropped to my knees, taking the sides of her panties and dragged them down her closed thighs. As the gusset popped from between her thighs, she gave the tiniest shudder, and I slipped them down her legs and from her feet.

"So... naked then," said Juliette, still with a bit of a look.

Nurse Jenna was back in my head,

"You've got a whole mess of tablets you have to start taking, the Doctor says with only one of your ovaries, you may through the menopause and there's a real chance your temperature will be bouncing through the roof." Yes, the doctor had told me, trouble was she was my ex-wife and shouldn't have done.

She looked at me with some surprise, as if she was surprised that I would know that kind of thing, then suddenly there was another look on her face as she released her stream of pee.

I reached across for the roll of TP on the holder and pulled off a strip, handing it to her. I stepped back and she reached a hand between her thighs, and she dabbed herself dry, dropping it down into the pan.

I lifted her up again, carrying her across to the small basin and she washed her hands. I carried her back to the large double bed I'd settled her down in the night before, noticing that my erection had gone down, even though I could now see the hint of her top of her vulva at the apex of her thighs.

I kind of wanted to ask her if she wanted to take her bra off, I'd only seen her tits in my dreams. I'd have time, I knew.

I carried her back to the bedroom, making a point of NOT looking at her now naked groin. I didn't mention it, she didn't mention it. I was waiting for the claim that I was holding her prisoner, but figured that by now she would have realised that she couldn't look after herself.

I asked her about breakfast, and she said that she only normally had coffee, first thing, then had her PA Glyn bring her something from the local café across from the office at about eleven.

I grinned and shook my head in disgust,

"Not in my house!" I said.

Heading down to my kitchen I had a few moments of indecision, wondering what I needed to cook for this woman following her significant operation.

I'd been quite a few chefs and so just opened all of Jack's cupboards and see what there was to start with. Part of my brain wanted to go mad and create something complex and spectacular, while the many American mothers' I'd been won out at the end and I went with comfort food. Simple, filling, sweet - pancakes, with a mess of sliced banana, honey, and a sprinkle of chocolate chips for badness. The batter was some of the best I'd ever produced and rose to perfection when it hit the pan, I even tossed them all without accident.

Juliette looked at the pile of food on the tray with some shock in her eye.

"Did you... cook this?"

"Of course," I said, "S'only cooking..."

"It looks amazing, I'm actually really hungry," she reached up for the plate and I made to put the tray on her lap but stopped myself, seeing the white bandage right where the tray would press.

"How about on your thighs?"

"Please," she said with a wrinkled nose and the hint of smile. Looking down where her naked groin was barely hidden by the duvet.

"I'll order one of those trays on legs so you can eat a bit normally.

A smile, YES!

I made her a sandwich lunch, happy to find out she wasn't a veggie or anything complicated like that.

I thought back to 'It's description of her cocaine use, and dinner was a pizza I ordered in; it was Saturday after all. I found remote for the bedroom TV and she was able to watch her favourite stuff, some of it cast from her phone.

After a final bathroom break, with the warning she'd have one more day before she had to walk, I pulled up her duvet and left the doors open again.

I went to bed still naked, but conscious of the accident I'd had the night before I pulled on boxer shorts, not wanting to ejaculate into another of Jack's limited supply of sheets and duvet covers for this small guest bed.

I closed my eyes and waited for sleep. This was still a thing I had so little experience of that I knew I would just have to lay down like my heartbeats and let it happen.

So I did.

My mind wandered and it went back to that beautiful body I seen so much of today, and I remembered it, thinking how wonderful it would feel if I could do more than lift it up and put it down.

I thought about her again, and in my minds eye I saw her. There was no scar or bandage across her tight waist, but she was in my bed, naked. Her hand was stretching down to rest in the groove of that pussy that I'd caught glimpses of that day.

She was masturbating, her middle finger flapping noisily, and I could hear her sighing,

"Jack, oooh JACK!", her waist raising from the bed as she came, "JAAAAACK!"

I leapt from my bed again, not sure if I was hearing a real cry, trotting along the corridor to the open bedroom door.

Inside, my patient was laying with covers pushed to one side, legs apart with a hint of redness to her hot body, a hand inches from where I'd seen it in my dream moments before, fast asleep.

She was still wearing that bra which hadn't been there in my dream; I so wanted to see her naked, completely so. I walked back to the spare bed and lay down, cosying up.

Next thing there she was lying in my... Jack's bed... totally naked; pale ivory perfection, only smudged by those two dark nipples I dreamt of the night before, and the dark hint of pubic hair at the crown of her thighs.


She was clean shaven down there for her operation! But this was a dream of course.

She was laying back,

"My bra is cutting in Jack," she said, "please, could you help me take it off?" I did so, reaching behind her to two-finger-pinch the clips apart, and she sighed, "Oh that's better, thank you Jack!".

That smile, it was perfect and I could get used to it.

"You can touch them if you want to Jack," she said, "as you found out last night, they won't bite, but..." she grinned and gave a bit of a coy head movement, "You can if you want to?"

In a great dream I played with her tits, rubbing caressing, easing gentle fingers across where the straps had been cutting in, softly squeezing and watching her response to gauge what I was going to be doing next.

"My nipples Jack," she gasped, "Suck them again, suck them hard bite them... ooooooh fuck!"

Sunday morning, I woke with dry boxer shorts but a huge erection that wouldn't go away. I lay there quietly. I looked at my phone, but all I could think of was that woman laying almost naked in the master bedroom four paces across the hall from me.

I figured it might be that I needed to urinate so headed for the bathroom.

Nope, still too stiff. I looked across and could see my sleeping patient, her duvet pushed down and those breasts I'd dreamt of and had played with were there, bare naked and looking just as perfect as they had in my dreams. She must have removed her bra in the night.


I pulled the bathroom door closed, stroked my erection a few times before my semen was shooting out and splashing the seat and the lid before I could direct the final jets into the pan.

I wiped everything, including my now reducing dick, washed my hands and flushed the WC.

The noise had woken my patient and she yawned and stretched, admiring my naked body, just as I'd been admiring hers.

"Morning Jack!"

"Morning Julie, looking gorgeous again!"

She looked down,

"Yeah, bra got a bit uncomfortable in the night," she said, "must have undone it."

"Wasn't me!" I said. She blushed a bit and smiled that dynamite smile to me again, "Breakfast?" She nodded, "Carry you to the bathroom first?"

"Yes please!" she said with another embarrassed grin.

I lifted the naked Julie up and into my arms again, only this time she slipped her right arm around my neck and pulled herself closer to me. It was nice.

She asked me if I could leave her there for a while and be kind enough to close the door.

Reading the runes, I smiled and said I would head down and make breakfast, and return in ten. If she wanted collection sooner, she should flush the WC twice or call out.

I heard the flush for the second time just as I was lifting the tray to walk up the stairs, so shouted up that I was on my way.

I put the tray on the dressing table in the master bedroom then stepped into the bathroom.

The gorgeous Julie was stood at the sink and washing her hands, staring into the mirror above the basin, that pert naked bottom pushing out slightly. My erection sprang to attention again. I stepped back momentarily, taking deep breaths and pinching it below the tip, as I'd Googled the previous day.

It had dropped down somewhat when I made my way back.

She was washing her face, still bent over and reaching behind her for a towel. I handed it to her.

"Feel better?" I said.

"Much, just nice to splash some water on my face, could you get my toothbrush from my bag?"

I disappeared, returning moments later with it and her toothpaste. I left her to it again.

I opened to the door to her with wet soapy hands between her legs, with the ultimate freshen-up.

I pushed the door to, with a shouted 'sorry!'

I figured that everything we'd built up in the 36 hours would have been wrecked by that one mistake.

But no, the door swung open, and Juliette was stood there gloriously naked.

"I think I might need a hand back to bed Jack," she said with a hopeful smile.

"Of course."

Nurse Jenna popped into my head, so I stepped up next to Julie and put an arm around her and her right elbow, using the other to take her left arm and support her.

She giggled.

"OK," she said, "let's try this."

Walking slowly but quite surely, we crossed the hallway step by naked step, a few gasps of pain as she tried to stand tall but pulled on those damaged stomach muscles.

"It's OK," said Nurse Jenna in my head, "Slowly-slowly, if you've had enough let me know."

"A few more steps," she said, but I could feel her tensing.

"There," I said bending slightly to lift her up and into my arms again. Her arms went around my neck again.

"Thank you Jack."

"You're welcome Juliette," I said stepping into the master bedroom and lowering her down to the bed, "And HERE," I announced, "is your breakfast."

The legs on the tray fell just as the Amazon advert had said they would, and she pulled the duvet across her legs but not up to those amazing breasts.

"Thank you Jack," she patted the side of the bed next to her, "Please, this is too much for just me."

I sat down next to her, and we chatted.

'It' had showed me much of the stuff that she was now telling me about, the homes, the bullying, that awful private school, her best friend Fiona and her tragic and unforeseen death, everything.

I added some stuff about my life, my first marriage, buying this place, the various companies I'd worked for, just the usual breaking down the barrier stuff that people go through daily in the 'getting to know you' process. The only difference was we weren't sat in a restaurant or café, we were in super King-size bed, both naked.

The tea and toast were perfect though.

"Juliette?" I asked, "Can I... can I call you Julie?"

She looked up at me with a big smile, teeth on bottom lip. I could start to sense some trust coming through.

"Yeah!" she said with a smile, "my friend..." she stopped herself, "my other friend... Fiona, she used to call me Julie."

"Thank you," I said, "I'm pleased that you think of me as a friend."

"I'm getting there," she said with a touch of the old barrier popping up but no where near as much as before.

She was taking her tablets and I was keeping a better than average check on her wellbeing, after a rather nice late Sunday dinner, I could see that Julie was flagging a bit. I channelled Nurse Jenna and this was all to be expected.

Julie was more uncomfortable, but I figured she was having a late reaction to the surgery, new medicine and the removal and moving around of some of her reproductive organs.

The high temperature, sweating and fever started the next day and I was ready. My Nurse Jenna memories told me what to do, and I kept her comfortable, occasionally cooling her down with a flannel soaked in cool water, and keeping her hydrated, she slept fitfully with me ensuring she was still taking her medication.

Sunday night passed with a dream about me holding her; I was in that big super king-size with her, and we just kissed and touched, just soft hands against soft skin. Just laying together spooning, a great and not messy dream.

I woke to my alarm and showered, having emailed the office to announce I was working from home for a fortnight, having already scanned Juliette's three-month sick note and mailed it in. With two mugs of tea and a plate of toasted muffins, I woke her and carried her to the bathroom for her what she needed to do, lifting and carrying her back to bed again.

She put her arms around my neck again and feeling her soft skin against mine as I'd dreamed the night before was really nice, she smiled at me, and I guessed she didn't object either.

The next day I was more of the same with her walking a little more, but still very hot and sweaty, but still not brave enough to try the stairs yet. She watched TV intermittently, with me changing the DVD's as she watched the first three of the nine Star Wars movies, having NEVER SEEN THEM BEFORE.

I was a spirit, and even I'd seen them and my current host Jack was a nerd. She wasn't really that interested in the fourth as she'd started to feel rather unwell.

She told me that she would have an early night, and ensuring she'd taken her medication and some aspirin to bring down her temperature, I turned off the light.

That evening she suffered uncontrollable shivering which I knew was a part of the condition and also meant that she was on her way out of her fever.

"Jack..." she gasped as I checked her out at gone midnight, "I'm so cold, please." Her reddened face and general glow told me she wasn't but I was treating the whole patient, "please Jack."

I couldn't not respond to her pleas so yes, I climbed in bed next to her and held her.

"Thank you," she said, her shaking reducing as I held her.

I had a mess of chores that I really should have done but instead gave into my tiredness and we slept our first night together, in the same bed at least.

The following morning we woke together, some confusion as we were both naked, but she was kind enough not to worry about, at least not mention, my morning wood that was pressing against her thigh as we spooned, my arm around her shoulder, the other on her hip.


"It was you," she said still slightly bleary-eyed, "you held me last night, I can remember feeling very scared, but..." she stroked down my arm that was around her, "you held me, kept me warm, it was just what the doctor ordered," she twisted her neck around and kissed my cheek, "thank you!"

It was hardly the end of the winter but it was certainly the first thaw.

The extra water to keep her hydrated meant more bathroom trips, but she was walking there and I would carry her back to bed. That night her tiredness caught up with her and she was asleep by nine, and I headed back to my single bed, disappointed that I didn't have an excuse to climb in with her now.

The next morning I helped her wash that amazing body of hers, avoiding any moisture near that big scar, and I took great pleasure in wiping the flannel down her back, just to her bottom, tempted so much to run over it. That was beyond my rules of engagement so handed her the flannel. We both laughed.

For lunch I introduced her to the concept of good cheese, and she started to appreciate the flavours I laid before her. I gave her a glass of port for the perfect moment, saying I couldn't give her anymore, without a prescription, however much she might need it.

"I know what I need, and it's not something you can get from the Doctor!"

"I'm not buying you cocaine Juliette!"

She looked momentarily surprised,


"I didn't, lucky guess but I'm still not buying you any!"

"Just a little something to take the edge of Jack!?" she said brightly, with a glint of a smile that suggested she was toying and teasing me.

I didn't mind, and smiled back; I still wasn't buying her cocaine mind you.

"I'll make you a hot chocolate Julie, how's that?"

She rolled back exposing that great body again, and I prayed that I wouldn't get an erection sat across from her.

Our nakedness was just... well it was just kind of what we did, and during her sweaty, hazy, feverish, delirious night it had stopped being something I had wet dreams about, and instead the thing that I sponged down with cool water, bathed and cared for, checking that huge scar across her midriff to make sure it was clean and uninfected.

That night after, I lay next to her and we watched TV, laughing at a whole series of Mel Brooks films. I turned off the lights, making a hot chocolate.

She lay under the covers, throwing them over me on my return, forty five minutes later her head was on my shoulder sleeping. As we got to the end of 'Robin Hood -- Men in Tights' she was sound asleep. Using the remote I turned off the TV and DVD and snuggled down next to her.

I slept until the next morning, waking at the same time as her, getting a big smile as her eyes eased open, laying back against me.

"Sorry," I said, "I was too comfortable to move last night, I left my phone in my room," I pointed across the hallway, "and missed the alarm." I flipped the covers back and raised my legs out, "breakfast?"

"Jaaaaaaack?" she purred, "Could you do... pancakes again? They were lovely!"

I smiled, happy that she appreciated my culinary skills, I bowed and took her hand,

"Your wish is my command Mam!"

She blushed outrageously.

"Thank you!"

The kitchen had been refreshed by a Tesco delivery, and this mornings pancakes came with blueberries and maple syrup.

Our days had a similar progression with Julie getting gradually stronger and in less pain. We walked around mostly naked still, I worked intermittently, happy that I had more than enough money in the bank to make slightly less, but even then, it was quite a bit.

Jack, I knew had an awful lot of money in the bank, a pretty good pension scheme and had always planned to retire at 50.

Jack's thoughts were all still there and meant I was able to do what he did, move money around to make the best of it for my customers, and I made a point of not letting Julie get involved, insisting she was resting.
