Jacob and MJ's Story Pt. 04


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MaryJane looked down at herself and realized that the dress was actually showing more then she thought and hurriedly took the dress off, folded it and placed it on the table with her underwear. She then sat down on the chair that Jacob pointed out as demurely as she could.

Jacob shook his head and grinned. "MJ, why do you wish to hide now? You are a beautiful lady and for tonight you said you would do as I ask. Sitting so demurely is definitely not on the program. I want you to lean back and to put your feet flat on the couch. Your legs should be over on each side of the couch."

MaryJane changed her position until she was sitting the way Jacob wanted her to be. She was extremely embarrassed when she opened her legs to put them into position because she could feel how wet that she was and was hoping that Jacob wouldn't notice.

"MJ, I do think that you like sitting like this to please me. Your pussy is so wet. Yummy. Now while I get the computer started I want you to masturbate for me."

MaryJane was quite puzzled and it showed on her face. "I don't understand sir. What do you mean?"

Jacob looked at the confusion written on MaryJane's face and said, "Have you never masturbated, MJ?"

"I don't know what that is."

"When you masturbate you get sexual gratification through touching yourself. Have you never done this?"

"No, I have never done that. The only time I touch myself is to take a shower or bath and I never think about being sexy then."

"Okay, I want you to close your eyes and listen to my voice. Ready."

Mary Jane closed her eyes and nodded her head.

"Okay beautiful. I want you to take one hand and place it on your forehead and the other hand I want down by your pretty little feet. Touch yourself softly and hard in whatever manner feels good. You can touch any part of your body except your tits and your cunt. Linger at any spot that feels good and try different types of touches for each spot."

Jacob watched MaryJane tentatively start to touch herself. He was slowly learning where MaryJane's sensitive areas were and how she responded to soft and hard touches.

"Continue what you are doing but open your eyes and show me through those gorgeous green eyes how you are feeling."

Jacob kept one eye on the computer and one eye on how beautiful MaryJane looked. Her eyes were starting to glaze over and turn from a sea-foam green to a dark emerald green. Jacob made mental notes to himself how she kept returning to her neck and ears area as well as the areas behind her knees and her inner thighs. As he watched, Jacob noticed that she was having a harder time sitting still. He knew that her body wanted more attention and wondered if she knew that.

"Keep your ass on the chair, MJ."

He then heard a groan from MaryJane.

"What's a matter MJ?'

"I feel . . . um . . . want. . . "

"What do you feel MJ? Tell me and maybe we can figure out a solution to your problem."

"Um. I feel . . . um . . . achy."

"Where do you feel achy, MJ? I need a little more information."

"In my bra area and down there."

"I don't understand MJ. You are going to have to speak plainer."

"Oh. Well. My breasts feel achy and so does my sex."

"Well, I understand part of what you are saying. Just for your information you do not have a part of your body known as my sex. Sex is an action not a place. I need to hear the correct phrasing. I believe the area you are referring to is your cunt or your pussy. And breast is a technical name for your tits. When you are feeling as you are they are definitely tits. Now try again. Where do you feel achy?"

"So embarrassed. So achy. My tits and my pussy are so achy."

Jacob then heard another groan from MJ. "Let's see if you can now relieve some of the achyness. Go ahead and touch the areas that are achy but don't forget your other feel-good spots." Jacob then watched as MaryJane started pulling on her tits. He noticed how hard she was squeezing then and then twisting her nipples with one hand while with two fingers on her other hand she dove right into her vagina. It didn't take long for her to insert a third finger into her cunt while she continued to torture her tits. Jacob knew just by watching MaryJane that she loved having a little pain as an ingredient for her sexual pleasure and hoped that one day he would be able to show her what she had been missing for so long. After five minutes Jacob looked at the computer screen and noticed that it was almost ready to have information inputted into it.

"MJ, your time is up. You need to stop what you are doing for now as the computer needs some attention."

MaryJane's hands stopped their movement but were still touching her cunt and tits. Jacob watched as MaryJane's eyes started to clear up and then repeated his instructions.

"MJ move your hands away from your body." As MaryJane started to move her hands away she realized that her one hand was very wet and she couldn't put it on the chair.

Jacob then reached out his hand and said, "May I?" Mary Jane then started to reach out and was going to grab Jacob's hand when instead Jacob took a hold of her wrist, brought it forward and started to inhale MaryJane's aroma. MaryJane started once again to blush when Jacob said, "Just as I thought, your Eau de Femme perfume is even better straight from the source."

Jacob then pushed her hand towards her face and said, "You need to clean this up before you touch the computer."

MaryJane was about to get up and go to the sink to clean up when she heard, "Where do you think you are going? I believe I said to clean your hand not to get up. Hurry up now the computer is waiting."

MaryJane looked at her hand with a slight look of disgust since she thought that licking her hand with her own juices on it would be revolting but when she tentatively stuck her tongue out and gave a small like of the palm of her hand she found that she really liked the taste and started stick her fingers into her mouth and to suck on them while trying to get her juices off of her hands.

Jacob couldn't help but smile at how enthusiastically MaryJane was licking and sucking her hand and fingers. When she had been at it for about five minutes, Jacob reminded her that the computer still needed information. MaryJane then got up and stood in front of Jacob leaning slightly on the desk so that she could concentrate on what was on the screen. Just as she was getting to type on the keyboard, she hear Jacob say, "Stop rubbing your legs together MJ. I think it would be best if you moved your feet about two feet apart so that you won't be tempted to rub them together again."

Although she could no longer rub her legs together to get relief, Jacob noticed that MJ was swaying back and forth as though she just couldn't stand still. "MJ, stand still so that you can get the information into the computer before the sun comes up."

Jacob had the perfect view of MaryJane's cunt and watched her pussy dripping and the puffiness of her labia. As he watched, he knew that he needed to get himself readjusted as his cock was beginning to hurt. When MaryJane was finished putting the information into the computer and it was loading again, he told her to stand up and turn around.

"MJ, I have a problem and since you created the problem, I think that you should be the one to fix it."

MaryJane had a very troubled look on her face and then said, "I don't understand. I will fix what needs to be fixed but what needs fixing and how is it my fault."

Jacob just looked down at the groin area of his jeans and then he looked back at MaryJane. When MaryJane eyes followed the path that Jacob's had she realized that all she could see was a great big bulge in Jacob's pants. Now that she understood the problem she decided that she didn't want to know how that was her fault but went down on her knees and then reached for Jacob's belt. When she had it unbuckled, Jacob said, "Pull the belt out of the loops, fold it in half and then hand it to me. Then you can continue. If you would like a suggestion, I think it might be a good idea to take my boots off before my jeans but do make a decision soon."

Realizing that it would definitely be easier to take off Jacob's jeans once his boots were off, MaryJane took care of them next. After she took off his boots she rubbed his feet for a few minutes before reaching up to unbutton Jacob's jeans and to take them off of him. After struggling for a few minutes to get all the buttons on his jeans opened, MaryJane started to pull the jeans down. It was then that she noticed that Jacob wasn't wearing any boxers or briefs. She had just cleared the jeans from Jacob's hips and buttocks when his cock sprung skyward. All she could do was stare at how big he was and forgot to finish taking the jeans off.

"MJ, if you think that you have memorized my cock well enough do you think that you could finish taking the jeans off. I wouldn't want to trip over them and fall on you."

MaryJane then hurried to finish taking off Jacob's jeans. After getting them off she folded the jeans and went to stand up so that she could take his shirt off when she felt Jacob's hand on her shoulder. She then looked up from her kneeling position when Jacob said, "Just stay there and I will take my shirt off." MaryJane's eyes started to get very big when she realized that Jacob had stood to take off his shirt and her eyes were level with his cock. Without thinking, she leaned towards that gorgeous cock. All of a sudden she stopped and realized that she was within inches of Jacob's cock. Once again the blush started to brighten on her cheeks. Jacob handed her his shirt and then MaryJane put the folded shirt with the rest of the clothes on the coffee table making sure that she didn't take her eyes off of the prize in front of her.

It was all Jacob could do not to chuckle at her. When he knew that his shirt was situated on the table, he said softly, "What is it that you want, MJ? The rule so far tonight is that you must ask for what you want. You look like you want something. If that is so then you better hurry and ask before the answer is one you don't want to hear."

MaryJane reluctantly took her eyes off of Jacob's cock and said, "May I touch it?"

"Touch what MJ. You know you need to be more specific than that."

Taking a deep breath she said, "Can I touch your manhood?"

"Well that is sure a technical way to ask. I much prefer you to use the correct terminology. When my 'manhood', as you so eloquently put it, is in this state it is nothing more than a cock. Try your question again and remember what I said."

"Sir, I have never seen a man's cock so big and glorious before. May I please touch it?"

"That is much better. You may touch, lick and suck on my cock for a few minutes."

With that said, MaryJane reached over and gently took Jacob's cock into her hand and marveled to herself how big it was. She then leaned into him and started to lick it like she was a child in a candy shop. Nice long licks from the base to the crown of the cock. When she reached the crown, MJ noticed that it was leaking and as softly as she could she started to lick the pre-cum from it. She enjoyed the taste of the pre-cum so much more than the taste of herself that within seconds, she took the cock into her mouth and started to suck on it. Jacob watched MJ as she got used to the taste of his cock and how much she seemed to be enjoying herself but he knew that this was one area in which she really needed to get some practice. Unfortunately now was not the time unless he wanted to finish the night earlier that he wanted so he quietly told her to stop.

MaryJane looked so disappointed that she couldn't continue to lick Jacob's cock but she was very eager to learn what was going to happen next.

"I want you to lie down on the fainting couch. I want to see your ass at the bottom edge of the couch with your feet on the couch next to your ass. Since you tried to make me feel so good, I think that you deserve a small reward."

MaryJane hurried over to the fainting couch and got into the position that Jacob had requested. She was anxious to see what he had in mind to do next. When she was settled into position, Jacob knelt between her legs and pushed them open so that he could see her beautiful pussy.

"Listen closely now. I want you to pinch your nipples as hard as you can and do not let them go until I tell you that you can. While you are pinching your nipples, I want you to count to 20. I don't want you to come until I tell you to. Do you understand, MJ?"

"Yes sir. I will do my best." MaryJane then grabbed her nipples and started to pinch them. Then she started to count. As she counted Jacob found a way to keep her a little distracted.

One. Jacob started to lick MJ's inner thighs. Two. He then switched to her other thigh and started to lick her there. Three. While making sure that MJ didn't close her legs together, Jacob started to lick at the connection between her thighs and pussy. Four. He switched to the other side and licked at that juncture. Five. Jacob took licked from the back to the front of her pussy on both of her labia.

Six. Jacob opened her puffy outer lips and with a pointed tongue started to lick her inner lips. Seven. Jacob switched to the opposite side and licked the inner lips there. Eight. Switched again. Nine. Switched again. Ten. Jacob dipped his tongue into her pussy to get some of the cream that was leaking out.

Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. While Jacob continued to lick MJ's inner lips, he inserted one finger into her pussy and finger-fucked her in time to her count.

"Mmmmm. Feels so good."

"Keep counting MJ and pinch those nipples harder."

Sixteen. Jacob inserted a second finger into her pussy and on each lick her sucked on MJ's clit. Seventeen. He started to finger-fuck and suck on her harder. He heard MJ panting. Eighteen. Jacob gave up on licking her pussy and inserted a third finger into her while sucking on MJ's clit. Nineteen.

Jacob looked at MJ and said, "On your next count, you can stop pinching your nipples and come."

Twenty. MJ started bucking against Jacob's mouth. Jacob felt her twitch and started to drink her cream as fast as he could. MJ started to see stars circling her and then everything started to go black. When Jacob drank all of MJ's cream that he could find, he noticed that she was lying limply on the couch. He moved up and noticed that she had passed out so he gently picked her up, sat on the couch, put her head on his shoulder, rubbed her back and softly started to talk to her. He knew that she needed to hear his voice to give her an anchor to come back to the land of the living.

When he felt MaryJane start to straighten up, he started to talk to her a little louder. "How are you feeling, MJ?"

"Mmmm. So yummy. Never felt like this before."

"Sit here for a few minutes and then I will go get you some water to drink."

"I am fine, Jacob. If you just give me a few seconds, I will go get us both our dessert and something to drink."

Jacob looked at her closely and realized that her eyes were clear again and that she was sitting much straighter than she had been. He then said, "Well the dessert that you just gave me was great but if you want to give me a second dessert, I definitely won't turn it down."

As MaryJane realized what Jacob said, she started blushing again. Jacob just chuckled, "I can't believe that after such a great present that you have given to me that you are still embarrassed."

"I will go get our dessert and some coffee. I hope you will like the cake I made."

"I am sure that I will like it but before you come back in I think it would be a good idea to drink a glass of water to re-hydrate yourself a bit."

While MaryJane was getting herself some water and getting the dessert ready to bring in, Jacob noticed that the computer was ready to use. He went over to the box and realized that he didn't connect up the web camera so while MaryJane was busy in the kitchen he connected it and started to run the software to load it in. When the program was loading, Jacob noticed that MaryJane was bringing a big tray into the living room. He went over to the coffee table and moved the clothes off of it so that she would have a place to put the tray. As he did, he noticed that MaryJane seemed a little distracted and that her forehead was creased. After MaryJane handed Jacob a cup of coffee, he asked her if she was all right.

"I am fine, Jacob. May I ask you a couple of questions?"

"I am wondering why you seem so distracted. If my answering your questions will help take the furrows away from your forehead then please ask away."

"I need to explain why I am asking the first question before I ask it so please bear with me." Jacob nodded to her and then MaryJane continued. "When I decided to move to this area, my parents were worried that something would happen to me and that no one would know so they asked me to find someone I trust and to give them a key to the house in case I ever needed some assistance. I was wondering if you would mind if I gave you the extra key?"

"I am glad that you trust me enough to give me your extra key. Yes I will take it and keep it safe for you. If you ever want it back just let me know and I will give it to you. I have a feeling that wasn't the question that was making your forehead wrinkle."

"No, I guess it wasn't. The next question I would like to ask you, I have never asked another person. I guess I am afraid of how you will take the question as I don't want you to think I am a loose woman or anything."

"Now you have me intrigued. All I can say is to ask me the question. I will give you an honest answer to the best of my ability. I don't tend to judge people too harshly, I don't think so please ask."

"Umm. Well. I wanted to ask you if you would please stay the night. I will gladly make sure you get a big breakfast before you go."

Jacob took a sip of his coffee while he tried to frame an answer. He then realized that he wanted a reason. "MaryJane, I am curious as to why you are asking me this question. It seems so out of character for you."

"Oh, I was just hoping that you would say yes and I would have to explain." MaryJane looked at Jacob so hopefully but when she realized that Jacob really wanted an answer she replied, "Well, you see, the way that you have made me feel the few times that we have been together, well, I never felt that way before. I feel that I am at the beginning of a journey and that only you know where I am going, how to get there and when I will arrive. I will do whatever you want me to do if you will spend the night. Please."

Jacob took another sip of coffee and then said, "I am very honored that you would ask this of me. I will stay until after breakfast under a couple of conditions. First is that you will do whatever I say and when I say it. Second, you will be honest in every answer that you give me. Third is that I want to give you a word to say if you need me to stop for any reason. Fourth, you will call me sir until after breakfast. Is this clear to you? If you have any questions, please ask them now."

"I understand everything that you asked except something. Why would you want to give me a word to stop you?"

"Think of it as a safety valve. I do not believe that you will need to use such a word but everyone has different levels of tolerance and I don't want to accidentally hurt you. I might hurt you on purpose but only as much as you can tolerate. You seem to like a little pain mixed up with your sex but I don't want to go beyond what you can handle. Does that make sense?"

"I don't understand why you say that I like pain with my sex."

Jacob raised his eyebrows as high as they could go and then asked, "How are your tits feeling, MJ?"

"Oh, they are a little tender but they feel great." MaryJane started to think about why her tits were a little tender and then she felt the heat start to gather in her cheeks again. "Oh . . . I . . well . . . I . . . guess I did have them hurting a bit." Trying to gather her wits about her, she continued, "I agree to what you say and will do whatever you feel necessary to teach me and to start on this journey. But how do you pick out a word that is a safety valve?" "The word should be something easy to remember and not connected to sex or stop in anyway. Think of something you dream of, a place you wish to visit, or a favorite animal you loved and used something like that."