Jade's First


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'Don't stop, please don't stop.' Jade's voice was thick and panicky.

'If you do it too.' Paula reminded Jade that she expected stimulation as well.

Paula felt Jade shuffle around a little and her hands running up the inside of her thighs, until they reached her pussy and pulled her lips apart, ready for Jade's tongue. The muscles in Jade's legs tensed a little and the hands gripped harder onto her thighs as Jade reached with her tongue, just, and only just, making fleeting contact with her pussy. She lowered her bottom to make it easier, but although Jade tried again she was too tall and it seemed that she just couldn't do it, and not because she didn't want to. Paula heard Jade sigh with frustration.

'I can't reach, you're too far away.'

Suddenly Paula knew why. The disparity in the heights made it impossible for Jade to reach forward far enough to bring her mouth to Paula's pussy. Sixty-nine was, for them, impossible with her on top. She groaned in annoyed disappointment.

'Then play with me.' She would at least get some satisfaction.

Fingers found her pussy and Jade started to rub her button, a disappointing compromise, but better than nothing.

Paula lowered her head again, and this time Jade felt her go a little lower, planting her open mouth over her gaping vagina, investigating the hole and licking the walls just inside the entrance. She was conscious that Paula's nose was almost pressed up against her anus, but somehow she didn't care and didn't protest. Instinctively she pushed forward, trying to take Paula's tongue deeper inside her, but Paula simply rode with her and kept her mouth locked over her tunnel, licking and sucking her pussy. It was the most arousing and exciting thing she had ever had done to her.

With Paula crouched over her Jade was presented with a beautiful view of Paula's pussy and bottom, the smoothly shaven slit shining red and feeling slippery to her exploring fingers. She moved from her swollen clit and sought out her vagina, watching her finger probing Paula's opening just as Paula's tongue was probing hers, wondering if she should enter and what it would feel like.

'That's it, finger me.'

Paula's instruction settled it, Jade gently felt her way in, sliding her finger into Paula's tunnel, feeling the slippery warmth wrap around it. She kept it still for a moment and then started to push in and out, slowly penetrating as far as she could and then pulling back, gathering confidence and pace until she was pistoning back and forth and feeling Paula's tongue matching her tempo. Soon one finger wasn't enough and a second joined it, two fingers letting her penetrate just that little bit deeper and just that little bit more firmly. She heard Paula growl with pleasure, the sound vibrating through her pussy and making her gasp in turn.

Paula pulled back, taking her mouth away from Jade's pussy and pushing against her plunging fingers, her tongue too tired and her need too great. Jade was worried that she would just let her continue, leaving her aroused and frustrated, but Paula shifted her weight slightly and her own two fingers pushed deep into Jade's entrance. Automatically, as if by design, Paula adopted the same pace as Jade and the pair were soon plunging their fingers in and out together, their tempo building again until they were both ramming themselves into each other harder and faster.

'I'm going to come again.' Jade gasped, feeling the pressure build inside her again.

Paula immediately lowered her head again and licked at Jade's clit, trying to add to the girl's pleasure without getting in the way of her own plunging fingers.

'I love that.'

Jade felt she needed to say it as encouragement; she desperately didn't want Paula to stop, but Paula had no intention, especially with Jade's two fingers now pushing even harder into her.

'Me too.' The words were muffled.

'I'm coming now.'

Jade's declaration was loud and imperative, almost demanding that Paula kept going. Paula smiled to herself and pushed her fingers deep, keeping them there and just wriggling them around, ramming them deeper in short little jabbing thrusts that had Jade jerking and jolting in return. Just like before Jade felt her orgasm sweep through in waves, each wave triggered by Paula's fingers being slammed into her.

Carried along by the force of her climax Jade slammed her fingers into Paula, twisting and turning them just as Paula was doing to her, but much more forcefully, screwing them around inside Paula's tunnel as if to push her whole hand inside, and in doing so triggering Paula's own climax.

Still crouched over Jade, Paula went rigid, holding her breath as she accepted Jade's onslaught, letting her orgasm spread out, overloading her senses and her nerve pathways so that she became oblivious of anything except the fingers driving themselves into her, and her own fingers pushing into Jade.

The two synchronized orgasms lasted for what seemed like forever to the two women, the sensations washing over and through them until both let out a simultaneous groan and Paula collapsed on top of Jade, her legs and back trembling and useless. Jade's legs dropped to the bed either side of Paula's head, trapping her arms and holding her in place until she could persuade her jellied muscles to move and release her. Still panting and covered in sweat Paula rolled away, letting Jade's fingers slip from her pussy to land wet and slippery on her heaving chest.

For a brief while the pair lay like that, head to tail, until Paula managed to crawl around and take Jade in her arms.

'You are fabulous.' She told her young partner eventually. 'I've enjoyed every minute with you.'

'And I have with you.' Jade replied. 'Thank you for making it so good.'

'My god girl.' Paula laughed breathlessly. 'The pleasure was definitely mine.'

She glanced at the clock.

'I hate to say this, but the twins will be home in twenty minutes. Come on. Do you think we can be looking a bit more composed by then?'

Jade had not thought of Paula having children, she was not yet of an age where offspring were the norm, but she understood the need for circumspection. It wouldn't do for a mother's preferences to be broadcast around school. Fifteen minutes saw them both cleaned up, dressed and back downstairs, sitting demurely on separate seats, coffee cups beside them, waiting for two whirlwinds to crash through the door as usual.

'Paula.' Jade said abruptly. 'In case I don't get the chance or courage to say this again. You have made me love being with a woman, especially you. It was every bit as fantastic as I thought it would be. Is it possible that we might meet up again?'

'Of course it is.' Paula smiled. 'But you are a beautiful and very attractive young woman. Don't you think you should try it with someone of your own age?'

'As well?' Jade enquired.

'As well.' Paula agreed with a smile.

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silveraidersilveraider4 months ago

This story is almost the same as the earlier Caitlyn's Mother story (indeed much of the writing is identical) so I'm wondering if this is an earlier draft of that story. I think Caitlyn's Mother is a little better though because of the older woman (Brenda in that case) being the mother of Jade's best friend.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Fantastic. Thoughtful and sexy

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