Jaime and Mike's Unexpected Cruise


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No names were exchanged, not a word was spoken. In less than a minute the new man was where David had been. There was no finesse, no desire to please her, no variation in pace. He pounded like David had and didn't last a lot longer than David had lasted but her body already was becoming accustomed to this animalistic, wild sexual ritual. She was coming in a slightly different way than ever before.

Blake had led Mike to a door at the end of a narrow hallway that opened to an office he shared with Derrick. It was obvious, by the neatness of the unremarkable room, that the office was more of a visitor's office than a working office.

"Take a load off Mike," Blake said as he gestured to a comfortable overstuffed chair facing his desk. "Something to drink?"

"Beer," said the nervous husband, "if you've got it."

"Mike, you'll soon learn that we have everything."

"Well, what now?" Mike asked as Derrick handed him a chilled can of Red Stripe.

"It's started. Now it all depends on Jaime. This thing is really a marathon. I mean some of the gals can go for ten hours, most for five or six then they take a few hours off to sleep and start all over again. Tell me if I'm wrong, Mike, but it's my guess that this isn't exactly what you had in mind when you were thinking of Jaime fucking other guys. Am I right?"

"Of course you're right. But you have to admit that what's happening in the room down the hall is very extreme."

"Look pal, this is kind of awkward but you know that both Derrick and I fucked your wife. Let me tell you Mike, I knew the minute that I stuck it in that she was very special. The way that her cunt gripped my dick, the way her arms, hands, fingers, her legs, hips, feet and toes seemed to pull at me wanting more and more, needing more and more. And then when I gave her all that I had . . . all that I had, she actually wanted more so I arranged for more and, guess what? She still wanted more. She wasn't finished."

Mike nodded his head. "You're right. She is special. I was sure that if I could ever get her to fuck another guy she would want more and that was okay with me. Well, guess what Blake, you were the first and I was right, she wants more and more. But this place is still so much different from what I had fantasized about."

"Mike you may not think so now, but trust me, I've seen it happen hundreds of times. These white wives leave here the most sexual women on the planet. They reach a new capacity and every man who fucks them in the future, especially their husbands, are beneficiaries of the experience." He shrugged his shoulders in resignation. "It always works that way. I'm not sure what it is. It's much more than a gangbang experience for the women, it's . . . well, it's almost a tribal, a primitive ceremony. There's just nothing else like it. When you get home, ask your buddy, Andy, about Judy. I guarantee he will tell you that as wonderful a lover as she was before she came here, she's even better now. Guarantee he will tell you that."

In the room down the hall another man had pushed Jaime's thighs apart and wedged himself between them. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she felt the girth of the abnormally gargantuan knob that crowned the black penis pushing against her very wet opening. He thrust hard but was having difficulty penetrating her. She wanted this flesh tube inside her and spread herself even wider and pushed up against it with greater determination. Finally it passed her entrance and began the internal journey that wouldn't end until his public bone and hers collided. The man didn't wait, as a patient and gentle lover would have, for her to mold her vagina around his hugeness, he just plowed in pushing the sensitive flesh out of his way and furrowing her depths.

Something was happening to her. This man thrusting inside her was unappealing – except for his huge cock which she did like – but it was more than that. He kept pounding and she kept coming but in a slightly different way then ever before. She realized that a part of her satisfaction was knowing that when he reached his own climax – which seemed imminent to her – and his cock began to shrivel, it would be replaced, almost immediately, by another cock that would keep her at a higher sexual peak than she had ever attained. And, she would keep climbing higher and higher as the process was repeated over and over, never quite reaching the illusive summit which seemed to be such an intoxicating goal.

David walked into the office without knocking. When Blake saw him, he turned to Mike and asked, "you ready to go back to the ship?"

"Are you and Derrick leaving now?"

"No, we have a few things to take care of here, business to discuss."

Mike sat up with interest. "I'd like to talk with you about the business."

Derrick and Blake both smiled. Then it was Derrick who said, "Mike, we do need to talk with you, in some detail, about the economics of our business," he paused then made his point by saying, "but, only if Jaime decides to come back for a longer stay. You good with that?"

Mike nodded. Then Blake stood and said, "David can drive you back to Ocho Rios and then either he or someone else will take us back later tonight."

"What about Jaime?"

Blake turned to David and asked, "How's she doing David?"

"Oh mon, oh mon," he said excitedly, even gleefully, "She's just the best . . . best ever . . . she gonna be fine . . . just fine mon. Think she in heaven."

Blake shrugged his shoulders, smiled at Mike and said, "Like you said, Mike, one-hundred percent up to her. All I can promise you is she will be back on board before we depart Jamaica. Probably tonight when Derrick and I come back. More than once, when a woman thinks she's ready to leave, she changes her mind in the car and rushes back to her crib for another hard, cock fix. It's like a drug for them."

For Mike the answer wasn't good enough but he didn't say anything.

David smiled at Mike and asked, "is you ready mon?" then turned and walked out the door, obviously expecting Mike to follow him.

There had been no "goodbyes," "see you later" or any form of farewell. Mike sat the empty Red Stripe beer can on the corner of the wooden desk – in a weird way he hoped that the can would leave a whitish ring marking the desk forever – stood up and followed David out the door. He was leaving Blake and Derrick behind in the office and leaving his wife behind the closed door of the small room that he walked by, from which he heard earthy sounds emitted.

Chapter 12

"Love won't hurt anymore it's an open smile on a friendly shore."

The drive back to Ocho Rios wasn't memorable for Mike. He sat in the front passenger seat lost in his confused and conflicting thoughts. They hadn't been driving very long when he began to tune out David's regaling of his own wife's charms. David seemed to have a pressing need to describe each part of Jaime's fabulous body, the lilting sound of her sexy voice, the intoxicating fragrance of her perfume and shampoo; a listing of each of her sexual techniques that he found to be unequaled . . . on and on he went.

Mike didn't know if the return trip was faster than the drive to Kingston. They didn't run over any chickens, goats or sheep; they didn't hit another car or run out of gas. The return trip was, otherwise, uneventful and ended just exactly the way you want a road trip in Jamaica to end: with them pulling into the no-parking space near the dock in Ocho Rios, still alive. A tender from "The Freedom of the Seas" was at the dock when he walked down the ramp and presented his card to a uniformed crewman. The boat was less than half full of tired passengers who had spent part of the day discovering the section of Jamaica preserved for tourists – very unlike the section of Jamaica where he had been. He took a seat on an empty row and waited a few more minutes for a hand-full of hurrying passengers. The tender was skillfully backed out as another positioned behind them.

As the rocking boat got closer and closer to the giant ship, Mike was struck by just how huge the vessel really was. It looked like a solid white skyscraper rising straight up out of the crystal sea; only this skyscraper was many times longer than it was tall. It was even more breathtaking when viewed from the surface of the warm Caribbean.

At the ship his card was quickly scanned and he was welcomed back onboard. Mike was on autopilot and felt very alone, though he was surrounded by throngs, as he found his way to their cabin. The small room had been serviced and appeared as it had when they first boarded in Florida. He noticed a red light flashing on the shipboard telephone and pushed the button. The robotic female voice – that seemed to him to be the same voice used for nearly all electronic communication these days – informed him: "you . . . have . . . one . . . new . . . message . . . received at . . . 2:34 p.m . . . to . . . hear . . . your . . . message . . . press 6 . . . or . . . just remain on the line."

"Hey Jaime and Mike, it's Megan Porter," said the friendly but, obviously, tired voice. "I just woke up. Don't know what your plans are for the day. I'm not going ashore and thought we might hook up. Anyway, give me a call we're in 7788."

A man answered on the first ring which caught Mike by surprise. "Ah, this is Mike Fisher, we met Megan last night and I wondered if she was there?"

"Hi Mike. I'm Curt. Yeah, Meg told me all about you guys. Hang on a sec."

"Hi Mike," she said. "What are you guys up to?"

"I just got back to the ship, Jaime's not here?"

"Where is she?"

"Kingston with Blake and Derrick."

"Did you . . . did you say Kingston?" She asked with a slight tremor in her voice.

"Yeah, Kingston."

"Oh, I wanted to make sure I heard you right. Curt and I have never been there but, from what I've heard, there isn't much good that can be said about Kingston." Then, with real concern she said, "Mike, I think there was even a warning in our package about avoiding Kingston."

"Well, that's where she is."

"What are they doing in Kingston?"

"Blake and Derrick are taking care of their business," then he realized the irony of the situation and said, "and, I guess that Jaime, in her own way, is also taking care of their business."

Mike now had Megan's full attention but, she decided, a telephone conversation was not the best way to discover anything else. "Mike, I know we're a little late but how would you like to join Curt and me for dinner?"

Mike didn't have anything else to do so he quickly accepted her offer. "Fine, sounds good."

"Meet us on the second level of the dinning room in say, fifteen minutes. That work for you?"

Curt was older than Megan by a few years but Mike took an instant liking to the big old man that reminded him of his father.

Megan didn't waste anytime. "So what's Jaime doing in Kingston?"

Mike was just as direct. "They have this place with several beautiful white women. It's . . . well it's a whorehouse. Jaime's giving it a try."

"So its true then. I've heard about that place over the past few years," said Megan.

Curt chuckled, "sounds to me like you'd be perfect for it babe."

Back in Kingston Blake and Derrick Bishop were delving into their businesses. The house was just one of their investments on the Island. They were also deeply involved in almost anything that could be exported including: sugar, coffee and bauxite. The substantial cash profits from the house had to be invested in traditional businesses. Most of the oversight of their commercial activities was in California but several times a year they visited the Island to check on things and secure their relationships with politicians and senior police officers. They knew that if it weren't for the constantly replenished supply of beautiful trim, horny white women, their house would not be so special and would, most likely, have closed its doors years ago.

Jaime wouldn't be the only woman giving the house a try. Usually there were several each week but less than twenty percent would come back for a two-week stay. Of the women who stayed for a week or two, only half of them would come back for a second time. So they needed a constant supply of new women to satisfy the steady, growing, demand. Most of the supply was satisfied by women who had tried it, liked it and encouraged their friends to take a trip to Jamaica. Some who were already in Jamaica at Hedonism II and similar places, heard about the wild goings on at the house in Kingston. A few of the most daring gave it a try.

In the small room in the concrete block house, in a rundown section of Jamaica's capital, Jaime Fisher was experiencing intense seismic convulsions. Finally, the door didn't open. She waited for a knock that didn't come. For her it was almost what she imagined an addict's withdrawal to be like. Her body was anticipating another fix.

After a few minutes Blake stepped into the room. "Jaime, how you doin?"

She smiled at him. "I'm okay. You using your head of the line privileges?"

"Not today, baby. Get dressed, we're heading back to the ship."

"Already?" She sounded disappointed.

"You can come back someday and stay longer."

David drove Jaime, Blake and Derrick back to Ocho Rios. On the drive back Jaime said that she would like to come back and stay for a few days, especially if Judy could come with her. Before they pulled into the no-parking space at the dock, it was arranged by a cell phone call to Judy and Andy, for Jaime and Judy to spend a week back in Kingston the next month. Of course, subject to Mike's concurrence which seemed almost certain.

Chapter 13

"Yes Looooooooooove! It's Loooooooooooove! It's Looooooooooove!"

During the remainder of the cruise, for a couple of hours every afternoon Jaime stretched out completely nude on a thick lounge near the pool. Every night they dined with their new friends at table #96. Every night they attended the show in the theater. One night they wore togas, really just a white sheet. On most cruises even the most liberated people wore underwear under their togas and many people just slipped the white sheet over their clothing. Not on this cruise. Hardly anyone wore anything under the white cloth which made it very convenient in the dance clubs and at the playrooms. One night Jaime and Mike propped open the door to their cabin but usually they attended parties in other people's rooms.

She saw Antonio twice, and confirmed what Vanessa had said about Alexander's extraordinary package the first night at dinner.

On this cruise the ports of call weren't very important. To most of the passengers it didn't matter where the ship stopped for a day. None of them were there to shop, sight-see, wind surf, hang glide, scuba or snorkel. Neither Mike or Jaime left the ship when it stopped at Grand Cayman.

One night at a party, Jaime told Megan everything she could remember about her hours in Derrick's and Blake's house in Kingston. She explained that she and Judy, her friend from home, were going back to Kingston the next month. "Think there might be room for one more?" Megan asked sincerely.

"Easy to find out. Blake's over there working on that gorgeous redhead, go ask him." Jaime encouraged.

Jaime had never thought of herself as being lucky. But on the next to last night of the cruise, she played blackjack and won and won and won again. She attributed her winning to beginners luck. When she stopped and counted how much she had won, she knew exactly what she was going to do with the money. She signed them up for an early booking special for next year's swinger's cruise. Because they were no longer first timers, they were upgraded to a balcony room.

The giant ship very slowly inched it's way against the very same dock from which it had departed a week before. As Jaime looked over the same rail where she was standing when they departed, she watched as the thick lines were thrown out and tied to the huge cleats bolted to the dock. The great ship was no longer free to be on its own to glide where ever it chose, it was constrained and restrained. Soon its passengers would disembark and scatter all over the world to resume their lives. For a week they had lived lives that were very different from their routines. For a week they had floated on crystal-clear, warm seas in a magnificent floating white city. They enjoyed the best food, the best entertainment, the best weather in the world and for those on this special cruise, the best sex with the greatest number and variety of partners they could have desired.

A few hours later, after circling and waiting for a break in the weather, the small commuter jet landed at the Quad Cities Airport. As it slowly taxied to its gate, Jaime Fisher could see that the wind-driven snow flakes were almost horizontal. As she pulled her black roller bag out the jet way, Jaime was feeling conflicted and sad – she was, of course, looking forward to reuniting with her children, while at the same time she felt a little sad because their grand adventure was ending. Then she saw two familiar faces with huge smiles, waving excitedly welcoming them back. Judy and Andy ran to them and hugged them as if they were victorious warriors returning from battle.

"I was wondering" Andy said, "I mean we were wondering if your parents could take care of the kids for another night?"

Both Mike and Jaime smiled at each other. "I think that could be arranged," said Jaime with a twinkle in her eye.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Didn't read the whole thing. One of the most pathetic stories on LIT

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well… hmmm… The author’s point was that Jaime was never finished. The author hardly discusses this point. Very little is told about Jaime’s inner conflicts/ dreads/ frustrations/ needs/ desperations etc. She simply capitulates to swinging. She then fucks anyone and everyone. How does such a woman think? It would be nice for the author to make her into a real thinking person. Further, wouldn’t such a needy woman recognize an answer to her unfulfilled hunger in the playroom? She leads the way there, but we are told little about her activities there. She should have worn out all participants. And wouldn’t that be a great setup for her visit to the brothel? Was she fulfilled in the brothel? It’s not clear. If she was, wouldn’t it be interesting for her to surprise Mike by not returning to the cruise ship? And then there is Mike only getting one fuck with another woman. What is in his head? If he’s happy for his wife, then why not play the field? So many plot possibilities were missed here. And of course Jaime and Mike never have a discussion afterwards. What will she do in Iowa to get fulfilled? And I was really hoping that on her flight back home, Jaime would have gone to pee, chose someone she recognized from the cruise ship, and ended up having joined the mile high club—a harbinger of the woman who is about to be unleashed on Iowa.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This shit piece writer had been away for some years ...mast have been in jail for rape or something like that!! Now he comes back again and starts this crap ! Dear Bob FR when u again go back to jail next please make sure u have bubba as ur jail mate and learn to suck cock better and also take it up ur ass! May be it will help unscramble ur shit for brains and make u a better author?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Has the author ever heard of AIDS or STD's?

Whilst they were dining the first night an appropriate action for Jamie would have been to have tipped her hot soup in Blake's lap and stabbed him with her steak knife if he didn't take the hint after he didn't move his hand.

It moved too fast not enough time was spent in set up of a believable plot line. I can believe it might happen but it needs to be slower in progression. The whorehouse was just silly after 2 days. Maybe at the end of the week but again a rushed set up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The author took the easy way out

The story pointedly omits any mention of Jamie's reunion with Mike upon her return ti the ship from Kingston. I understand the author's dilemma but the story's integrity required that conversation. What would a wife say to her husband after being fucked bareback by dozens upon dozens of men since she last saw him? How could their relationship not be forever diminished? How could their intimacy not be forever lessened? Is he really eager to be the 73rd guy to fuck her in the last 12 hours? Does he truly think sex with him will still somehow be special to her?

The woman who departed for the cruise will never be seen again. She has morphed into a more sexual, more independent, more self centered and less emotionally connected person with a different relationship to her body and less respect for her husband. During whatever amount of time they remain together, I hope Mike is pleased with his new wife. She is his creation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
jerk your dick loser wimp author

How can you face your parents & kids like a whoring slut mother wimp husband. totally shit writing author loser wimp. bullshit garbage story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Why on Earth would you say about this wife that “the Iowa girl was still an Iowa girl” because she didn’t want to be fucked by other guys just because his husband wanted that?!This is SIMPLY BULLSHIT!By doing that,THEY WOULDN’T HAVE ADDED “a new spark to their lovemaking”,NOR WOULD HAVE SHE “reached a level of sexual satisfaction that couldn't be experienced with only one very familiar partner”!These are HUGE NONSENSES!On the contrary,THIS WOULD HAVE DESTROYED THEIR MARRIAGE AND THEIR COUPLE and SHE WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN MORE “SATISFIED” by being fucked by a lot of men like ANIMALS,but CERTAINLY VERY DISSATISFIED!The only TRUE SATISFACTION she would have reached ONLY WITH HER HUSBAND or WITH ANOTHER MAN WHOM SHE LOVED,if she didn’t loved her husband anymore(and,anyway,ONLY WITH ONE PARTNER,NOT WITH DOZENS OF MALES)!And EVERY WIFE ON THIS EARTH should think like this wife!REAL AND GOOD WIVES do not live only in the state of Iowa!STOP WRITING this PATHETICAL BULLSHIT!Those who love this CRAP must be INSANE!But IT’S NOT TRUE that it’s unbelievable “that a woman can go from a dedicated faithful wife to a slut in matter of days,however much a husband encourages her”,as someone said in a comment!IT’S DEFINITELY POSSIBLE for SOME WOMAN to transform themselves like that!IT’S SAD,but it’s true in a few cases!

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago

Don't you love the comments celebrating this overlong ir nonsense as if it was real literature rather than drooling garbage?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

The scores for all of this authors stories are way too high to be real so obviously doctored. Nearly all are Interracial bullshit, obviously written by racists. Total garbage that a woman can go from a dedicated faithful wife to a slut in matter of days, however much a husband encourages her.....why he would is also bull shit. I decided to read this purely because of the authors scores. I see no negative comments appear to be allowed by this author so I am sure this will be taken down as well. Why these are not in Interracial I have no idea, and Lit should really vet this crap from being in LW



AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

more, more, more, more...………………………………………………………….

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