Jamie - The Journey Begins Ch. 20 - Paris the City of Love & Light


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Our plans of an early night didn't quite work out, but I'm not complaining. Not one little bit.


The next morning we were flying to Paris, leaving our last stop along the Côte d'Azur, although Toulon was nice, I missed Sainte Maxime. After fluffing about getting ready to leave our apartment, Ben was packing his stuff, shuffling things around, doing god knows what, when a small package dropped out on to the floor. He jumped on it like it was going to run away, ha-ha. It was the same little package that his mom gave him at the airport before we left. "Hey!" I shouted out as I bounced on the bed like a five-year-old. "What-cha got there?" pointing at the package he was trying so discreetly to hide.

"Um... nothing," and yeah, liar was written all over his face.

"Okay then Ben-e-boy, have it your way." And I quickly leapt off the bed, standing almost against him, our noses almost touching. "Sure you don't want to tell me what it is, huh?" in the best childish voice I could pull off.

"Nope." With that, he gave me a small peck, then went about grabbing the last of his stuff. "Come on, let's hit the road, James." And with that burn, we were out the door and on the road again. Today's drive was going to be relatively short, less than an hour.

"I'm going to get us some breakfast and coffee, Tex. How about you meet me down the main street with the car in fifteen minutes?" And with that I slipped out the door and walked down to the little café we'd discovered the day before.

With Coffee and pastries in hand, my Texan driver had us ripping along the A50 with the warm sun on us. What a fantastic start to the day! Yeah, he got away with his blow job high jinx... for the moment.

"Paris," I thought to myself. It truly is the city of lights and love.

We pulled up in the cab outside our apartment off Rue St Honoré, near the Palais de Vendome. I'd originally booked it because it was a short walk to the Champs Elysee, Eifel Tower, Louvre and the metro station wasn't far. I wasn't sure how Ben would go in the 63 meter squared apartment - you know the Texans, they love all things big.

When he walked into the 19th century building, we both fell in love with it. It was so very stereotypical French. That night we had dinner at this fantastic café I'd found years before, tucked away in a side street near the British Embassy. It was the whole nine yards - little tables on the sidewalk, red/white, blue/white table cloths with small vases of flowers on them. Just amazing! The wait staff are fantastic too - they're good and so, very funny. Everyone jokes about, they play act with kids - it's fun to go there. I could easily see myself here with Jet and Daisy - they'd love it. Max, the main waiter or maître d, got Ben up to sing a song with one of the bartenders. Was kind-a my fault because I was trying in an ear splitting way to sing a French nursery rhyme -"Frere Jacques (Are you Sleeping) " - why, I still don't know - well he didn't.

"I know that song, Jamie. What is it?" Ben had a perplexed look on his face.

"It's 'Frere Jacques' - Are you sleeping." I replied in a matter-of-fact way. So, I tried again as I could see Max was making his way over and I'd told him about our experience in Frankfurt - moreover Bens' singing voice.

Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques,

Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?

Sonne les matines, sonne les matines

Din din dong, din din dong.

Ben sang along quietly with me, as Max arrived.

"Monsieur Ben, you have a good voice, no? You must come with me and sing with François. Come on." Max waved his hand at Ben who was now shooting me a death stare.

"I'm sure you planned this somehow, Jamie! Bastard!" Ben was dying of embarrassment, but he's good at singing - I mean good. When I was talking to his mom last night when she skyped in, I asked if he had always sung or had such a nice voice. That just started her off big time. "Oh Jamie, his daddy and I have tried for years to get him to sing. He has the voice of an angel." She stopped dead for a moment, and looked at me with a knowing face. "You've heard him sing Jamie?"

"Yes Ma'am, I have a couple of times now. He's got a really nice voice."

A smile came over her, "I don't know what you're doing to make him sing - he hasn't for a long time, well, not without me threatening to pitch a fit if didn't - so please, Jamie, whatever it is you're doing to my boy, keep doing it." I had to stop from smirking because I knew exactly what I was doing to her son and I don't think she'd be so kind if she knew how I'd corrupted her southern boy now. But I couldn't - that woman had the happiest smile ever. I think that's where Ben gets his from. "It's such a waste, but he just won't hear of it - tells us that it's nothing much. It's such a shame - I haven't heard him sing for years now."

"I know Mrs. Rush, what the hell..." Ben was out of camera shot pulling faces at his mom and me, which made me start to laugh. "What's so funny, Jamie?" Mrs Rush was giving me a careful eye.

"Sorry Ma'am, there is a street performer that made me laugh. Please, I didn't mean to be rude."

She took up from where we left off wanting to know where we were going over the next few days and so on.-

"Monsieur Ben, I'm sure you will know this song." Max chatted away as soon the music started up. It was 'Shotgun' by George Ezra, which Ben's been wandering around singing for the past few days. The cat was truly out of the bag now, and he knew it. The look from Ben said it all - he wasn't pissed, more, it was a 'I knew it, damn you.'

This became our lunch or dinner sport while wandering around Paris, simple, easy and fun.

Day two saw us going to Napoleon's Tomb, Musee D'Orsay and dinner was at the Moulin Rouge - sorry Max, no visit from us today.

Day three was a bike tour around Paris. We met up with the tour guide in the Tuileries Gardens. Riding around, part of the tour had us going back to Napoleon's tomb. As we'd been there the day before, we opted with a few others to ride over to the Montparnasse Tower. Paris is such a busy and pretty city at the same time. I've got to say, getting around on a bike is such a fantastic way to see the city.

I think you're almost safer on a bike than in a car at times. The drivers leave you room to pedal along - weird - plus, we had an opportunity to grab a sneaky beer. After all, this bike riding is hard work, right! After the last pit stop we met up again with the rest of the group cruising around the city. It was a blast.

That night, we had a light meal and chilled out on the bed. I think the combination of the days running about Paris and the French Riviera had caught up with us, plus we both knew that the elephant in the room was we only had one full day left in Paris before we went our separate ways over the Pacific - well, the Pacific and a continent too.

I was just nodding off to sleep after a few glasses of wine when some wandering hands woke me.

"Oh, hey, sexy." Ben had a look in his eyes like I was ice cream and he wanted dessert.

"G'day, mate," he said in a pretty good impersonation - I've taught him well. Ben smiled away. "So tomorrow, I want to plan the day if that's okay with you, Jamie," he continued as he worked his hands along my flanks till his hands met my chest, where he started to massage my pecs.

"Oh, I like this - you in charge tonight?" I growled, looking up with a smirk.

"I think so." Ben moved his hands along, running his fingers across my chest, to my shoulders, then tracing the veins and muscle outlines on my arms down to my wrists where he took each one in his hands and lifted my arms back behind my head. It was quite erotic being overpowered, no, more guided by him, and I'm not a domination/BDSM guy at all.

"So, Jamie," Ben whispered in my ear. "I thought that tonight we could have some fun here, and then head out to a night club for a while. What do you think?" His breath was warm and soft on my cheek.

"My god, my mind is all about... hmmm you on top of me." I managed to groan out.

"Well," Ben twisted around and could see my cock straining against my boxer briefs. "Looks like someone wants to play too, huh." Seductively he leaned in and licked ever so slowly, a line from my right nipple up my neck to just below my ear, then kissed all the way to my mouth.

By now I was putty in his hands. All I wanted to do was kiss him and feel his body around mine. "I think you've got too many clothes on, Jamie." I went to reach down and pull my boxers off when he stopped me, "Nah-ah! Keep those hands still, Mr Spence!"

His hands slipped down along my body, coming to a stop on each hip, fingers slipping under the waist band and slowly they started to slide off me. His right hand slipped over and cupped the head of my cock while the band slipped over me, the warmth of his hand plus the teasingly firm grip he was using was just about doing me in.

"Oh god, Ben, this is amazing," was all I could mutter out. I was in ecstasy. The next moment I felt his warm breath on me, then the slick of a warm wet mouth enveloped me as he took me in. I was seriously not going to last long at this rate, he was pulling out all stops. We'd learned the things we both liked, the certain touches that gave us both physical and mental pleasure. Damn, he was good!

Hearing the pop of the lube bottle snapped me back. No sooner had Ben's mouth left my cock, I felt the familiar pressure of him pressing my head against his body, using me to relax and open himself up. It wasn't long before I was fully buried in him. Ben was taking his time, riding me, giving us both maximum pleasure. I wasn't sure if I blacked out or just lost track of time. Our bodies were covered in a fine film of sweat. There was this magnificent looking man writhing and bucking up and down on me, muttering my name over and over, his head rolling around like a ball in a bowl.

"Oh James, oh Jamie!" again and again. Ben's hands were gripping my chest, his feet were tucked under my thighs, causing me to slightly tilt up. It seemed that angle lined me up with his hot button. I could see it all over his face - he was using me, every inch of my body that he chose, it was amazing.

"Oh god, James, oh god, I'm going to... I'm gonna cum!" My mind flashed for a moment - his hands were on my chest. I couldn't feel his cock rubbing against my chest. The next second, he let out a cry, he's cumming without touching himself, no hands.

"Oh fuck! Yes! Oh_my, goddamn!!" As his cock let rip, hot ribbons of cum landed across my chest. One landed on my neck just below my ear. But he didn't stop. His rhythm sped up a little, bringing me even closer. I looked up at his face which was over mine now. His eyes were blown, full of lust, intense, focused and fucking sexy as.

I could feel the boiling sensation deep within me. "Oh god, Ben! Yes! Fuck yourself on me! I'm gonna... I'm gonna..."

"Cum for me, James. Cum in me. Make me yours!" And that did it - I fired off like a cannon. "Yes, James, I can feel you... yes-oh god, yes." After a few more strokes, Ben slowed and stopped, collapsing on me. Our bodies were mixed, both of our sweat and his cum. I was in heaven.

After a little bit of post sex kissing and exchanging longing looks, it was time to clean up. "Ben, I can feel myself starting to leak out. Maybe we should shower."

He kissed me on the nose and smiled. "Let's."


"I want to arrange our last full day in Paris. You're okay with it, yeah Jamie?"

"Sure, it's kinda sad to think about it. In less than twenty-four hours, I'll be hopping on a flight back to Australia and you back to the U.S."

"I know - that's why I want us to have a great last thirty-six hours." We got changed into jeans and nicely fitted tees and headed out to a night club Ben had heard about while we were riding around Paris. It was only a few kilometres away but we decided to get a taxicab - it was within the flat seven-euro fare, so what the hell. Turned out to be a great night - there was a swimsuit-themed night on, hosted by 'Aussie-Bum', which made me laugh - I was probably the only Aussie in the place. We danced and smooched the night away.

The next day started out simply - breakfast at a local boulangerie, then we headed out to Euro Disney for the day... Disneyland. I can't believe that Ben took me to Disneyland! I was just over the moon, loved it. I still think Peter Pan was the best, and Tinkerbell, don't get me started on Tinkerbell... she brings the magic to Disney!

After spending the day walking and riding around at Disneyland. And, yes, I got my picture taken with Mickey, Goofy and Buzz Lightyear! We headed back to our apartment to get ready because, apparently, Ben had made dinner reservations for us. He'd been all jumpy throughout the afternoon - I wasn't sure if he was up to something, or stressing out about tomorrow and us leaving... I don't know.

Just under an hour later we arrived back at the apartment and bolted upstairs. After a quick shower - yes together to save water and the environment - we finally finished up. Getting dressed simply, nice though - I was wearing a deep blue button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and my favourite 'RM Williams Jeans', well, Chino pants and brown boots - it was my upmarket Aussie farmer look.

"Hey Jamie, you almost ready?" Ben bellowed from the lounge room of the apartment.

"Yeah, hold on... I'm on my way out." Jeez, he's normally the one that takes the longest to get ready, but he had a burr up his butt today for sure. Quickly I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to get it under control - Damn, I need a haircut! Luckily, I could pull off the messy hair look anyway. I slapped on some cologne and went to find Mr Antsy pants.

"Oh fuck... Jamie, you look amazing! You've totally got that whole 'outback sexy thing' going on!" Ben was just staring at me with his mouth open.

"Really? Aww, thanks Tex," I replied as I walked over to him, taking in the view before me - white button-down shirt, deep blue, almost black, pants and black shoes. He looked a million dollars. "Come on, let's get going." I wrapped my arm around his waist and planted a hot quick kiss on his lips while dragging him towards the door.

"Better hope that no one tries to steal you away from me, my Crock hunter!" At that, we both laughed.

Chatting away about everything and nothing really, we walked along the Seine, towards the Place du Trocadéro. "Hey Ben, if you had told me almost three months ago that I would have almost been killed in a car crash, seen and met some of the nicest people ever and found this guy-you -" I smiled at him and squeezed his hand a little, "well I don't think I would have believed you - maybe the car crash bit, but the rest, nope."

"I can't believe how our lives have changed since that day." The smile on his face slipped away for a second.

"Hey," I stopped, turning towards him and talking his hands in mine. "We'll make it work, Ben. I promise. We've got Skype, email and before you know it, you'll be flying down under. Plus, I'll do the return visit around April, okay?" I was trying to convince him as much as I was myself.

His face was still a little sad, "Okay," he replied, taking a deep breath and looking into the distance. We started to walk again. I wasn't sure he believed me, or to be honest, if I believed myself. But fuck, I'm gonna try!


I had no clue as to where we were going. It was a warm night for a walk along the river bank, in and out of the various parks and shops. The tense moments of earlier had given way to laughter and taking in the beautiful city we found ourselves walking through.

"Ben?" I'd been so caught up in our conversations that I wasn't really looking around, "where are we go..." I stopped mid-question as we turned the corner and there is was, the Eifel Tower. It was the only landmark we hadn't been to as yet, and one of my favourite parts of Paris. The parks and boulevard leading up to it are just so beautiful, crammed with families, lovers deep in conversations, or just people sitting down and letting their world tick by.

"Thought I'd leave your favourite till last, 'La dame de fer (the iron lady) - that's right?" Ben leaned in and kissed me on the cheek whilst I just stood and stared - it's so beautiful.

"Um yes, the Iron lady. Thanks, Ben. It's been a perfect way to spend our last day in Paris." Turning around, I grabbed him, pulling us together, softly pressing our lips together, slow, gentile and deliberate. For a moment we were alone in the world, kissing my 'boyfriend' in front of la dame de fer. It's so clichéd I guess, but when in Paris...

"The tower is such a key part of the Parisian skyline. It's mad when you think that it was originally built as a temporary structure for the world expo." We started to head towards the base of the tower. "Plus, the whole back story around the lifts that were added later, including a whole sleight of hand thing with the American engineers..." - my god, I was rabbiting on like an idiot - "...and some of the construction supervisors got given faux French citizenships so that they could get around union laws or something." I stopped, looking at Ben's face. He looked like he was taking it all in. "Sorry, I could bang on about this for hours."

"It's okay, I like it. Just proves that there is much more going on inside that pretty head of yours than you let on, Jamie."

"Flattery, Benjamin Rush, will get you everywhere," I smiled, something cute and embarrassed at the same time. As we headed over to the lifts, Ben pulled out the tickets and showed the guy. Next minute, we were on our way up to the top for a glass of champagne I thought. But no, as I soon found out - it was dinner.

The most amazing location atop the tower, beautiful food, fantastic company. It was just like a scene or build-up out of a romantic comedy. Then it hit me. What if it is something romantic - oh my god what do-I-do? I could feel my hands start to sweat. I think Ben picked up on my sudden paranoia.

"Jamie," he stretched out and placed his hand on mine. "I can't believe that we've only known each other for a few, two months now. It's been amazing."

At this point my heart was about to jump clear out my chest, 'oh my go where is this going?'

Ben repeated himself, "but it's been amazing, I don't think, well I know, I've never felt like this with anyone, ever."

Suddenly my cell started to ring. "Are you kidding me?" Ben looked at me and then my pocket, where the black-eyed peas were blasting out - I've got a feeling - a very apt ringtone, right?

"You wanna get that, Jamie?" Ben started to laugh a little.

"Um, sure. I'm so sorry." Quickly I pulled the cell out and saw it was Lucas. "Fuck, you are kidding me," I whispered under my breath "Sorry, Ben - I'll be one second."

Quickly I hit accept. "Lucas! What do you want?" Almost barking into the phone but not quietly.

"Oh, nice! How are you too, Jamie? What you up to buddy?"

My god, I can't believe that he's just rung in the middle of a romantic dinner to just say hi. "Well Lucas, Ben and I are out to dinner at the moment." I felt terrible and could feel my face start to burn like it was on fire almost.

"Oh nice! Say hi to Ben for me," Lucas happily chirped away. I shook my head in disbelief.

"Where are you having dinner? That nice place you told me about on the on Rue Boissy d'Anglais?"

"No, actually," I looked a Ben and mouthed, 'Sorry... I'm so sorry,' which made him laugh.

"Hi Lucas," Ben said lough enough so Lucas could hear.

"We're in the restaurant atop the Eifel Tower." The phone went silent.

"You asked him out to dinner there?"