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I woke up about my usual time to get ready for work. I lay there for five minutes staring at Mandy, I couldn't believe how this beautiful girl wanted me. Eventually I had to move or I would be late for work. I slipped out of bed and headed for the shower. I'm afraid to say I caught myself singing in the shower I was so happy. By the time I got back to the bedroom Mandy was sitting up in bed.

"Morning darling." I said and kissed her as I went to sort my clothes for the day.

"Morning. Its a good job I love you woman your singing is awful."

"Sorry couldn't help myself. Must be something to do with being in love." I was grinning broadly.

"Love you too." Mandy kissed me hard and tried to pull me back into bed.

"Sorry love, I've gotta get dressed and go to work." I said and laughed as I pulled away from her as she pretended to sulk. She watched every movement as I got dressed, the desire I could see in her eyes thrilled me I must admit.

I left Mandy sitting in bed with a cup of tea and headed for the shop. I had a pleasant but quiet morning until about eleven when Mandy came in. We spent the afternoon chatting and getting to know each other better. A couple of times we were caught kissing when customers came in. Apart from one woman who muttered that we were disgusting and walked back out most people seemed to either try to ignore it or smiled warmly at us. I was continually surprised at how natural it felt, there was no embarrassment, no feeling that I was doing something wrong. I suppose after the things I had to do as a "working girl" anything real would have felt right.

The days flew by with Mandy in my life. We would have family meals at home for the four of us some nights. We went out for meals several times usually ending up at Silks afterwards for dancing. And we made beautiful love most nights.

Before long it was time for John and Greg to head off to university. I have to admit to crying as I saw them off, but at least I didn't have to go back to an empty house. Two days before they left Mandy had moved the last of her stuff into my house and gave up her bed-sit.

The first weekend after the boys had gone we went to Silks on Saturday night. Neither of us had to work Sunday so we were out to make a night of it.

The moment we got into Silks the place felt different, there was a buzz about the place that night. It didn't take long to realise why. The band had always been mediocre but tonight there was a new girl on the stage and they were electric. We danced away to some stunning sounds before the band took a break. Everyone was talking around us about who the new girl was and how the band had improved with her arrival.

After their break the singer introduced the new girl and asked her to play a special number. I think it was an old Duane Eddy track and she was good. After the solo the band started playing a lot of ballads, you know the sort of stuff you can dance closely to.

I once heard that dancing was "a vertical indication of a horizontal intention" and believe me I was indicating my intentions to Mandy very thoroughly.

Towards the end of the night the band began to wind down and they played a Fleetwood Mac track, Albatross. It was a tune I knew well as I've always loved the band, but as we were dancing to it I noticed there was something different. The Bass player broke out of the normal Bass line for the song and was playing the most beautiful yet mournful piece. For a moment you could tell that she had caught the band by surprise but they quickly pulled it around and followed her lead. Like most people there we stopped dancing and just stood there watching them.

The girl had her eyes closed as she was playing and there were tears streaming down her face as she played. Even the other members of the band were staring at her. The tune tugged at my heart and I have to admit to finding a few tears in my eyes as well.

When she finally stopped playing the girl looked around her as if she was surprised to see everyone staring at her, suddenly with a shriek a younger girl bounded up onto the stage and hugged her. We applauded until it felt like my hands were raw, people were stamping their feet around us and we couldn't help but join in.

We thought that that would be the end of the music for the night but the new girl looked to be telling the rest of the band something. She took off her guitar and led the young girl to the edge of the stage and sat her down before moving to the microphone.

They played another Mac song, Man of the World. I've heard the song so many times before and it's always been such a sad wistful song. But this time, Wow. She was singing it to the girl and it carried so much longing and heartache that I found myself crying. Looking at Mandy I could see she was as well, we hugged and kissed as we listened to the song. When the song ended there was a pause that seemed to last forever before the applause started again.

It was late when we got home, I went and made us a cup of tea when we got in and brought it into the living room. As I put the cups down I paused, Mandy looked nervous, concerned. Suddenly I had the terrible feeling that she was going to tell me we were over. Feeling like my legs were made of jelly I sat heavily and stared at her.

"Mandy, love, what's the matter." I whispered.

"Janet, I..." She started.

"Are you going to finish with me?" I asked my voice shaking.

The look of shock on her face was some relief to me.

"No, no, love." I was stunned as she dropped to one knee in front of me and took one of my hands in hers. "Janet you know how much and how long I've loved you and I want to ask you, Will you be my wife." she was almost whispering as she held out a box with a lovely sapphire engagement ring in it.

"Oh Mandy, yes, yes, I'd love to be your wife." I gasped. Mandy slipped the ring on my finger and we kissed. Mandy pulled me to my feet and hugged me tightly, we kissed again this time with our bodies pressed tightly together and our tongues exploring our mouths.

As our desire rose we moved our love to the bedroom, our drinks forgotten. Mandy stripped me slowly before laying me carefully on the bed. I lay there and watched as she quickly shed her clothes, I still marvelled at how this beautiful young girl could desire me so.

When Mandy joined me on the bed her kisses were demanding and passionate as she kissed my lips, my eyelids and around to my ear before working her way down my neck.

"Oh god Mandy don't tease me love." I gasped. "I need you now, please!"

"Patience love." she murmured as she made love to the sensitive skin of my neck.

At last she gave in to the insistent pressure of my hands and moved her way down to my large breasts. Mandy sucked and chewed at the tight nipple of my left breast before moving over to my right to feast there. I gasped and writhed under her as I clutched her head firmly to my chest. After a time she pulled away from me and knelt beside of me looking down at my naked body.

"I've got a surprise for you love." She whispered as her hands roamed over my body. "Just wait there a second."

Mandy quickly climbed off the bed and rushed out of the room. I lay there excited, trembling, wondering what this surprise was.

When Mandy walked back in my eye was drawn to her crotch where she sported a large black rubber cock. I felt the sharp sting of tears behind my eyes.

"Mandy please, don't." I could barely hear my voice over the sound of my heart. "I ... I ... c ... can't, please don't make me." I sobbed.

I curled myself into a ball on the bed and wept. Moments later I felt Mandy's soft arms around me pulling me into her embrace.

"I'm so sorry Janet. Oh please don't baby." she murmured to me as I wept.

Mandy's soft voice, full of concern and love and the firm pull of her arms eventually pulled me back from the blackness that had swamped me. At last I was able to straighten my self out and clung to her.

"I'm sorry Mandy, I can't do it, please don't make me!" I was sobbing softly now into her neck.

"Of course not baby, I'm sorry, I thought that you would miss the feeling of a man, you know." she whispered.

"Oh no! Just the thought of it makes me feel a bit sick. I'm sorry, it just made me feel like I did when I was ... when I was ... back then. I don't ever want to feel like that about you love."

Mandy comforted me as we lay naked on the bed and I must have drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 6

When I awoke we were still cuddled together. I slowly kissed Mandy awake.

"Good morning love, I'm sorry I ruined last night." I said when she opened her eyes.

"Mmm morning. No it's me who should say sorry, I should have asked. I don't know I just thought you might miss feeling something inside of you." she murmured with her head buried in my neck. I gently brought her face around to mine and kissed her, it hurt me to see the guilty look on her face.

"Oh no I don't miss that. It's just that the thought of it reminds me of when I was, what I had to," I shuddered and felt Mandy tighten her arms around me. "I don't ever want to feel anything except your fingers and tongue in me." I hugged her back.

"When we get up I'll throw it away, I'm so sorry."

"I don't know about that." I giggled, "I may not want it in me but sometime I might want to wear it!"

Mandy's face lit up as she thought about me fucking her with the fake cock.

"Mmmm, I'd love you too." she purred. "But after breakfast I think."

We didn't try it after breakfast, we waited until that night before christening Mandy's new toy. I have to say it was fun and I enjoyed it. But when loving Mandy I always preferred it to be just me and her, our fingers, our tongues, nothing artificial.

We settled into domestic life together easily. We made plans for a simple wedding, Mandy had no family to invite and I had only John so a big do would have been silly.

About three months later we were gathered in the registry office for the ceremony. John and Greg had come back for the service. We both wore cream dresses, nothing too fancy.

The ceremony was short and functional but that didn't matter, we said our vows, exchanged rings and Mandy took my name for her own, that was what mattered. We were a couple legally and forever.

I know the law at that time called these same sex contracts "Civil partnership" but to us it was a wedding and we were married. We didn't have a reception as such, we just took the boys and a few friends to a restaurant instead.

John and Greg were going to run the shop for a week so that we could have a honeymoon. We had booked a room in a small hotel in Babbacombe on the south coast of Devon for a week. We took turns driving and arrived early evening in this little picturesque little town. We got an odd look from the hotel receptionist when we booked in as Mrs & Mrs Harris, I don't think they had come across that before. I'm afraid we giggled all the way to our room. We unpacked and settled into the room before going out for dinner.

The small restaurant where we had dinner was a bit like the hotel, I don't think they were used to an openly gay couple expressing their love in public. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining, every one was faultlessly polite and friendly, we just got the impression they didn't quite know what to make of it.

When we got back to the room I had planned a surprise for Mandy. I stood her in the centre of the room and slowly undressed her caressing every inch of her body as I went. Then I told her to stand still while I slowly stripped for her, when I got to my panties she could see how excited I was, I had been practising this for more than a month and wanted everything to be perfect.

When I was naked I pulled out the bag I had hidden under the bed. Mandy's eyes got wide as I pulled out the strap on dildo I had fucked her with from time to time. She was stunned when I began putting it on her.

"Janet, Janet you don't have to do this." she tried to stop me from tightening the straps around her hips.

"I want to love, I'm ready for this." Still kneeling in front of her I looked up at Mandy and locking eyes with her I started to take her cock into my mouth. After I had coated her plastic cock with my spit I lay back on the bed and looked at my love.

"Take me please Mandy." I said and held myself open for her.

Mandy looked worried as she climbed onto the bed beside of me.

"Are you sure, I don't want us to ruin tonight."

I pulled Mandy over me and tried to get her inside of me. After much fumbling around Mandy reached down and guided the toy into my wet pussy. I focused on her face as Mandy slowly inserted it, the love I could see in her eyes kept the old fears at bay. It felt strange to be filled again after all these years, my love was being gentle and careful and just held the dildo in me as I got used to the feeling. After a while I kissed her and wrapped my legs around her waist.

"Fuck me love." I whispered in her ear as I used my legs to pull her further into me.

Mandy slowly fucked me, all the time she looked into my eyes and kissed me. I had sort of expected it to be a bit pleasant but nothing special, I wanted to do it for Mandy really, it was me symbolically giving myself to her. I was surprised when I felt myself reacting to the slow strokes.

Before long I was thrashing around on the bed under Mandy as she fucked me harder. I was aware of her starting to moan as well. I knew from wearing the strap on that it pressed on your clit on every stroke. I think Mandy came just before me, I could feel her movement begin to get erratic as she was overcome by pleasure. I don't remember much after that except wave after wave of the most intense pleasure.

When I opened my eyes Mandy was lying beside of me and holding me tightly.

"Are you ok love?" Mandy's voice was full of concern.

"Mmmm, more than ok," I kissed Mandy softly, "thank you love."

Between us we managed to get Mandy unstrapped from the dildo. We cuddled in bed for a while before we drifted off to sleep.

The rest of our honeymoon was wonderful, we played the tourist by day and made love almost every night. We didn't use the strap on any more that week, we just enjoyed the touch and taste of each other.

When we got home married life was good, I can't say we never argued but then who can? But we could argue for half an hour over who was going to make a cup of tea, and then end up forgetting to make it anyway when we ended up kissing and touching each other on the sofa.

John came home to visit several times, at first he came home with Greg but by the end of the year they had split up. John spent the summer holidays with us and we had fun, although with running a gift shop during the summer months one of us was at the shop every day.

The biggest surprise for us came at Christmas when John brought the new love of his life home for the holidays. It seemed that Cathy was a friend of John's who had helped him get over the break up with Greg. Somewhere along the line they realised that they loved each other and took it from there. Judging from the noises coming from their room every night John didn't have any problem with heterosexual sex.

Cathy was a sweet girl who blushed prettily every time John kissed her. She wasn't fazed at all by mine and Mandy's relationship and adored John. We had a good Christmas after some last minute present buying, John didn't tell us in advance that it was a girl he was bringing home so we hadn't got a suitable present for her.

Chapter 7

They went off to celebrate new year with Cathy's family while we saw in the new year with some friends at Silks. It was a lovely Christmas, yet sad in a way. For so many years it had just been me and John and now he was growing away from me.

Don't get me wrong I had Mandy and I loved her so much it amazed me, but my son was gradually slipping away from me. I'm sure every parent feels that way to an extent, but I think I had struggled so hard to get us to this point and now it hurt to feel he didn't need me so much.

I think part of this feeling stemmed from the fact that when he was with Greg I was still the most important woman in his life, now he was with Cathy I guess I felt like I had been replaced. Selfish thoughts I know but sorry I'm only human.

Life drifted on pleasantly until Easter when John and Cathy came to visit again. Mandy and I were both shocked to see Cathy had a growing bump. Cathy was glowing and the young couple were ecstatic.

It turned out Cathy was in her last year at Uni and would be able to finish her degree before the baby arrived. John would still have another year to go but had arranged that at the start of the summer he would take a job with an engineering firm as a junior draughtsman. He was going to take a year off and work while Cathy had the baby and looked after him or her, then John would finish his degree part time over two years while Cathy went to work. They had everything worked out and had the promise of support from Cathy's parents. Obviously I offered to help them as much as I could as well.

That night when we went to bed I noticed that Mandy didn't look too happy and I realised that she had been subdued all evening. I came back from the bathroom and found her sitting up in bed and staring at her hands in her lap.

"What's up hun?" I said and sat beside of her on the bed.

"Oh nothing much doesn't matter." Mandy replied still looking down at her lap. I put a finger under her chin and lifting her face turned it towards me, I was shocked to see tears streaming down her face.

"God Mandy, what's the matter love?" I asked and hugged her to me tightly.

"I'm sorry babe, I guess I've just been feeling a bit broody since new year. And this evening I saw Cathy and I guess it upset me a bit. I mean I love them both and I'm very happy for them but at the same time I can't help feeling a bit jealous."

"Why didn't you say anything love?"

"I guess I thought you've already had your family, you're not going to want to get into baby stuff all over again." Mandy sighed heavily and rested her head on my chest.

"Mandy love," I raised her head and kissed her, "I would love nothing more than having a family with you. It would be perfect. But how would we go about this, do you just ask any guy to screw you." I felt Mandy shudder in my arms.

"No I couldn't do that!" Mandy's voice shook. "That's not what I want anyway, I want this to be our baby."

"So do I honey, but you've probably noticed by now I'm not built for that. Somewhere along the line we need to rely on the male of the species. We could probably get ourselves into an AI clinic."

"I know it sounded stupid but there is a way I could have your child, in a way." Mandy looked worried.

"I don't see how, how can I give you a child?"

"John, his genes come from you. It would be your son or daughter, just once removed sort of thing."

I was speechless for a moment as her words sank in.

"You want to fuck my son!" I almost shouted remembering at the last minute that he was only in the room next door. "Mandy please, not John!"

Mandy went as white as a sheet and shuddered again.

"No, no, Janet that's not what I meant. I sort of meant as a donor. What I really want is for you to make me pregnant."

I calmed down somewhat and took time to notice how upset Mandy was by my outburst. I took her into my arms and held her for a time, letting us both relax somewhat.

"So, if John agrees to donate some of his sperm then what, " I grinned at her. "I've got a turkey baster I use at Christmas."

Mandy giggled, she had seen the size of that thing.

"No I was thinking, did you know you can get a dildo that can cum." I must have looked blank. "Well it's got hollow balls that you can put something warm in to simulate sperm if that's what you want to get you off. But we could fill the balls with John's semen, then you fuck me with it, at the right time you squeeze the pump thing and his stuff is right where it should be."