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"I'm clueless," answered Roger. "Your guess is as good as mine."

Janice stroked his penis. "I love this," she said.

She kissed his penis and jumped out of the bed.

"Where are you going?" asked Roger.

"To call Casey."

"Isn't it too early?" asked Roger.

"Casey will want to know even if I wake her up," insisted Janice as she left the bedroom.

Janice returned ten minutes later. "Casey says 'Thank you,'" she told Roger.

"She's welcome," said Roger.

"Actually, she's overwhelmed with your offer," said Janice. "She cried."

"Janice," said Roger. "I'm having trouble believing any of this. Suddenly, I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

"You are," agreed Janice, "and you're going to continue to get lucky every day. Come on. Get out of that bed. I have things to do today and I want breakfast first."

Over breakfast, Roger wearing shorts and a t-shirt and Janice only panties, Janice mentioned the neighbors. "Casey and I discussed your neighbors. We don't give a shit what they think. If it's a problem, tell them that you're renting your spare bedrooms to a couple of students from the university and, if they infer anything from our presence, tell them we're lesbians.

Roger laughed. "I don't think it'll come to that," he said.

Janice got dressed and prepared to leave. "I'll drive you," offered Roger.

"I think I'll walk," said Janice. "I have a lot I need to get done. I need time to think and get organized. I think we'll be able to move in late tomorrow or Monday after class."

"I can't wait," said Roger.

Janice kissed him and rubbed his crotch. "I bet you can't," she said and walked down the driveway.

Janice wasn't the only one with a lot to get done. As soon as Janice left, Roger headed for the phone. Thirty minutes later, he was sitting in the office of a local businessman who sold used cars. Together, they selected a five year old Mustang convertible. Roger wrote him a check and the salesman promised to deliver it later in the day.

His next stop was the mall, where he purchased extra sets of sheets for the beds in the guest rooms, more towels for the shared bathroom and lots of hangers for the guest room closets. He realized that the women would need soaps, shampoos and other things but he also realized he wasn't capable of choosing the right ones.

The Mustang arrived late Saturday afternoon. Roger spent an hour rearranging the stuff in the garage, backed the car inside and closed the door.

He slept better Saturday night than he could remember. He dreamt of Janice, Casey and both of them together. He woke with a feeling in his penis short of an erection.

Casey rang the doorbell midmorning Sunday. When he opened the door, she was wearing a backpack and holding a medium sized suitcase in each hand. She stepped inside and Roger closed the door. He helped her remove her backpack and they stood in front of each other for an awkward moment before Casey kissed him.

Within seconds, they were consuming each other. They staggered across the room without releasing each other and fell on the sofa with Casey on top of him. She lifted her head with her arms on his chest. "Roger," she said, "I can't describe how I felt when Janice said we could move in with you. We've wanted to move out of the dorms for ages but we couldn't afford an apartment. Neither of us could ever do enough for you in return."

Before Roger could say "Thank you," Casey had jumped off the sofa and stripped off her shirt, her young breasts and pert nipples, begging for attention.

"Whoa," said Roger. "Slow down."

"Janice told me about the rules," Casey said. "No clothing in the house."

"I think Janice may have given you the Reader's Digest version of the rules," explained Roger. "Rule 1 is 'you can wear as much or as little clothing as you feel appropriate at any time inside the house' and Rule 2 is 'no clothing in bed, ever.'"

"Okay," agreed Casey. "Right now I think no clothing is appropriate." She kicked off her sandals and stripped off her shorts and panties.

Roger sat, an appropriate look of appreciation of her nudity on his face. "I agree with your interpretation of rule 1," he said. "However, I think we may need another rule."

"Another rule?" asked Casey.

"Rule 3:" said Roger. "Never hurry sex unless there is no other choice."

"What does that mean?" asked Casey.

"Slow sex is the most meaningful," explained Roger. "Slow sex allows the emotions to grow with the physical responses and the result is magical. However, quickie sex can be fun and pleasurable as well. That's the 'other choice.'"

"Oh, I like that," agreed Casey. "Do we start with quick sex or slow sex?"

"I plan to take some medication that my doctor prescribed and it takes some time to work," mentioned Roger.

"Janice said something about that," said Casey. "She said it was helpful. Where is it? I'll get it for you."

"I can get it," said Roger getting off the sofa.

"Okay," assented Casey. "But leave your clothing here."

Roger took off his shirt and shorts and headed for the bathroom. When he returned to the living room, Casey was sitting on the sofa, waiting. She told him to stand in front of her and she gently fondled his penis and testicles. "Do the pills work without help?" she asked.

"The doctor said they might but Janice lent her assistance, so I don't really know," he responded.

"Well," said Casey. "I'm with Janice. I'm not going to take the chance."

She pulled him closer to the sofa and took his penis in her mouth. After a few moments, she paused. "You know I've done this before, even with you but this is somehow different. I wasn't expecting a reaction before. Now I do. Am I doing it right?"

"You can't do it wrong," said Roger. "Haven't you done this with the man children at school?"

"Not really," said Casey. "I've had their erections in my mouth briefly. They're always breaking rule 3. Janice said you came in her mouth. "Is that what you want?"

"It's not optimal," Roger said. "It was unexpected and accidental with Janice. We can do it that way if you want," he concluded.

"I like to know what it's like but not now. Now I want to love and feel loved and feel you cum inside me."

Roger managed to move Casey to her feet and led her to the bedroom. Soon after they lay in the bed, things began to happen. His erection began to grow. He wasn't certain but it seemed it was slightly larger than Friday night. Casey rolled on her back and spread her legs. "Make slow love to me," she asked.

Roger positioned himself between her legs, leaned over her and kissed her gently. Casey put her arms around his neck and tried to pull him toward her.

"Rule 3," said Roger. "Slowly."

He kissed her breasts and moved his hips toward her until his erection touched her labia. Casey closed her eyes and held her breath.

"Open your eyes and breathe," said Roger. I want to see your eyes as I enter you."

Casey did as he asked. Roger held his erection with one hand and slid the head of his erection between her labia, slowly adding more pressure until he slipped inside her. He let go and pushed slowly until he reached his limit. Tears formed in Casey's eyes and she closed them. He kissed her tears and her lips.

Casey wrapped her arms around him more tightly and returned his kiss while wrapping her legs around his waist and pushing him with her heels on his ass cheeks. They moved together for many minutes before Casey began to shake. When her orgasm overtook her, he came inside her.

They lay alongside each other as they recovered. Casey was idly toying with his still hard erection. "Janice was right," she said. "This is magical," she added while stroking him.

They remained in each other's arms for several more minutes. "Roger," asked Casey. "Can I share something with you?"

Roger kissed her forehead. "Of course," he replied.

"You know that I've had sex before," she began. "But never like what just happened in this bed with you."

"I'm sorry for your experiences in your past and humble that I can show you the consideration you deserve," Roger told her.

"It's more than just consideration," Casey insisted. "I've never had an orgasm with any of the men I've slept with. I've had orgasms while masturbating. At least I thought they were orgasms. What just happened to me was orders of magnitude more intense and meaningful beyond words. You've shown me a better way. Thank you for that," she concluded.

"Casey," suggested Roger. "I'm not a sexual stud or anything close. I'm just an ordinary guy who's suddenly rediscovered sex and focused on maximizing my partner's experience. You and Janice are my angels. You gave me a reason to recover and I owe you a debt I can't ever repay. Thank you for that."

Casey continued to stroke his erection. "Can we do it again?" she asked.

"We can," agreed Roger. "At least until either we or my erection gives up. However, there is never a second first time. The results are unpredictable although equally satisfying."

Casey rolled Roger on his back, straddled him and slid down with him inside her. She bounced joyfully on him for almost fifteen minutes before she shuttered and squirted all over his abdomen.

"Damn, that was fun," laughed a breathless Casey.

"It certainly was," agreed an equally breathless Roger.

Casey put her hands on Roger's stomach. "What's this?" she asked examining the slime on her hands.

"Your contribution to what we just did," explained Roger.

"I didn't realize I had done that," she confessed.

"It was sudden, hot and a complement beyond words," said Roger. "It's never happened to me before."

"Me either," said Casey. "It means we're really good together."

"It means we're really, really good together," exalted Roger.

Hours later, Roger and Casey took a shower and emerged from the bedroom just before game time. Roger noticed Casey's suitcases on the floor by the entry. "Is that all you have to bring?" he asked."

"No. I've got lots more," she answered. "I just didn't want to make the trip empty handed. It's mostly clothes and underwear."

"Underwear?" asked Roger whimsically.

Casey grinned. "I do have to wear underwear sometimes," she replied.

Roger picked up her bags and headed for the bedrooms. Casey grabbed her backpack and followed. They stood between the two guest bedrooms with the shared bathroom between them.

"Since you're the first one here," Roger stated. "You get to choose which room you want."

"I was hoping that Janice and I would share a bedroom," Casey shared.

"Casey," said Roger. "I think it would be prudent to each have your own space no matter what the sleeping arrangements are."

"You're okay with us sleeping in the same bed?" asked Casey.

"Sleeping and more," suggested Roger. "With everything you and Janice have done for me, nothing is off the table or out of bounds."

"Does that include you and your bed?" asked Casey.

"That includes me and my bed," included Roger.

Casey chose the bedroom closest to Roger's and they put her stuff inside. "I'll take care of this later," said Casey.

They moved back to the living room. "What's next?" asked Casey while running her fingernails through his thin chest hair and gently stroking his at ease penis.

"I thought we'd watch the game while I recover," suggested Roger.

"Can I be a distraction?" asked a smiling Casey adding a slight tug on his penis.

"Casey," said Roger, "with you in the room I think the game might be the distraction."

They sat on the sofa and Roger turned on the television. While they waited for the game to start, he asked Casey how much more stuff she had to move.

"Quite a bit," Casey informed him. "I'm still working on how to move it."

"Wait here for a moment," said Roger. He stood up and went to the kitchen. When he returned, he tossed Casey a set of keys.

"What's this?" Casey asked.

"It's how you can move the rest of your stuff," he told her.

"You're loaning me your car?" she asked. "What are you going to use?"

"Come with me," said Roger and he led her to the door to the garage. He opened the door and stood back so Casey could see the Mustang convertible backed into the space.

"What's this?" asked Casey.

"It comes with the keys," said Roger.

"You have two cars?" asked Casey.

"I have one car and now so do you," explained Roger.

"Oh my God," screamed Casey. She ran into the garage and jumped into the car behind the wheel. "Can I take it for a ride?" she asked.

Roger looked at her and smiled. "You may want to put on some clothes first," he suggested.

Casey looked at herself and laughed. "Good thought," she agreed. "Maybe I'll just ride you for a while first."

"Brilliant idea," Roger agreed.

On the way back to the living room, Roger informed Casey that she would have to share the car with Janice and actually let her drive it sometimes. If Casey was disappointed, she didn't show it. If anything, his revelation only intensified her intent to take him for a ride, no clothing needed.

They spent the first half of the game on the sofa, touching, squeezing, licking, kissing, sucking and generally wrapped up in each other. What neither of them noticed while they were distracted, was that Roger was experiencing slight, but real, changes in the state of his penis.

Roger took another capsule during the halftime and not even the game distracted them.

Hours later and before the late game started, Casey put on a pair of shorts and a tank top, rattled the car keys and headed for the garage. "I'll be back later with more of my stuff," she said.

"No bra or panties?" asked Roger.

"In this car?" she responded. "It's a Mustang. Mustang's don't wear underwear."

Roger laughed. Wait a second," he asked. He went back to the kitchen and returned with another key.

Add this to the ones for the car," he said as he handed it to Casey. It's a house key so you can let yourself in when you return. I also have another set for Janice."

He opened the outer garage door and watched Casey drive down the driveway and turn left on the street.

Casey returned late in the evening with Janice in the passenger seat and the back seat overflowing with dorm room essentials, two televisions and clothing. The left the car in the driveway and let themselves in. Neither of them was wearing a shirt.

Roger was dozing on the sofa. They woke him gently. He smiled when he saw them. "No shirts?" he asked.

"We didn't think we needed them," Janice said.

Roger looked around the room. "Where are they?" he asked.

"In the back of the car with the rest of our stuff," Janice said.

"You drove over here topless?" asked a concerned Roger.

"Only the last two blocks," Janice said.

"So, just far enough that my neighbors could see you," Roger stated.

"You're going to tell them we're lesbians. Everything lesbians do is unexpected and of questionable morality."

"Maybe not lesbians, just exhibitionists," Roger retorted.

"Lesbians and exhibitionists are not mutually exclusive," declared Janice.

"Okay," conceded Roger. "Exhibitionist lesbians. What's the plan?"

"Casey and I are going to spend the night here tonight. We'll unload the car in the morning," Janice informed him.

"At least put the car in the garage," Roger suggested.

Casey headed for the door to move the car while Roger and Janice moved to the garage door to open the garage for her. While they waited, Janice asked him if he was going to take another capsule tonight.

"The doctor cautioned me against taking too many pills in a day," he reminded her.

Janice put her hands on the waistband of her shorts with her thumbs inside and stood as if she was threatening not to remove them. "The doctor's not here and we are," she said.

Roger looked at her and she moved her shorts down slightly and pulled them out, giving him a quick peek and what was underneath. "You make a powerful argument," he said.

"Then you'll take a pill?" she asked.

"I will," Roger committed.

"Then I won't be needing these," Janice said. She removed her shorts, tossed them aside and kissed Roger.

Casey stopped the car in the garage. "You didn't wait for me?" she asked.

"You're invited and we're all sleeping in Roger's bed tonight," called out Janice.

"We are?" questioned Roger.

"We are," confirmed Janice, "and you're going to take a pill so we don't fall asleep prematurely."

Casey joined them, dropped her shorts and kissed Roger. Roger closed the outer garage door and followed them to his bedroom with a stop in the bathroom on the way.

Roger Marjorie



Dr. Chandler

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raraewriterraraewriterover 1 year ago

Cute and imaginative. Careful, there may be more than love to share.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What a great story. I can't wait for the second part.

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