Janina's wildest desire

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Blonde surfer girl gives in to her slutty side.
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Authors's hint (Lena and Dave writing):

Janina accepted to recount her last wild evening before leaving Bali. It is recommended that the reader reads 'Janina's fantasy' first, to fully understand her story below. This story, however, is also a stand-alone. Thanks to the kind readers who left an evaluation, making her last story gain a red H.

"Oh, so it was indeed worth the time," she remarked with satisfaction, when she saw it.

Janina writing:

Janina's wildest desire in Bali.

A couple of days after the emotion-charged party in the rice field cottage, I went surfing alone at Uluwatu beach. My friend Lena had gone for her final yoga classes before her certification. The Australians had left the hostel and the Danish girls had flown to Singapore. Lena and I had booked to return to Switzerland in 3 days and nostalgia was already setting in.

The past days of basking, surfing and swimming in a barely-there thong bikini had left me heavily tanned. In addition to my athletic petite frame and imposing tribal tattoos, I had gradually transformed to the typical blonde surfer babe one finds everywhere on IG profiles.

The beach was not very busy when I got there. End of january meant the New Year holiday-makers had already returned home.

After doing several waves, exhaustion slowly kicked in. Sitting astride on my surfboard as I paused to rest and watch the beach, I dreamily relived the events of my thrilling stay on the island so far: the surfs, temple tours, kecak fire-dancing, walks through the monkey parks, rice fields, my acquaintance with australians and their very distinct accent, my first sexual encounter with a mature couple, my first double penetration.... And most especially, my excitement to watch my prude best friend Lena fuck an absolute stranger in the midst of other strangers.

I recalled the scene vividly: that rockhard penis gleaming with her juices as he pulled out from her. And how impassioned and impatient I became, trying to get him fuck me too. Although it did not come to pass, I'd brought myself to climax several times thinking of that moment.

Inadvertently, a familiar urge between my legs returned there and then. This was typical of my holidays so far. The extreme emotions, lust and nostalgia combined with hot tropical sun charged my liquids to overflow easily. Fully aware I was sitting on a board in the shallow waters just off a busy public beach, I controlled my surroundings for any potential on-lookers.

The closest people to my right were a group of British intermediate surfers. They appeared deeply involved in laughing at their mishaps and chatting among themselves. The surf direction was to the right, meaning further away from the point I was sitting in calmer waters. To my left, a giant rock concealed me from any turbulent waves and rest of the beach.

Feeling reassured by the discretion, I slowly sent my left index and middle fingers under my blue bikini thong, while my right hand played with the piercing of my right nipple under my long-sleeve speedo top. With the slimy drench from my needy hole, I pulled, patted and gently slapped my pierced clit. My idea was to pinch it back to reason and self-control in order to save me from an embarassment. But I had long lost control over lust.

Within a short while, I was overwhelmed by a shattering orgasm that forced my eyes to roll, while my legs trembled uncontrollably in water in my attempt to swallow back my imminent convulsive scream. On-lookers would have probably thought I was fighting off a shark attack, I imagined.

Coming down from my orgasmic bliss, I slowly reopened my eyes and then balanced both of my hands with a loose grip on my board. Lifting my head in a blur, as I heard clicking and laughter, I caught sight of a voyeur photographer with a professional telescopic lense, standing on a deck on the giant rock to my left. It occurred to me then, that in my lust-ridden urgency, I had only checked my sides at eye-level and had remained fully oblivious of the deck on the rock.

For my readers who have never been to Bali, these massive rocks protruding into the ocean are indeed extensions of the geological fold that spans the entire island. Here, the rocks run parallel to the irregular Uluwatu coastline. I recalled that standing on the deck above the rock, one enjoys a sensational and unrestricted panorama view of the beach and the surfing beneath.

With exposure on social media, Uluwatu has rapidly become a treasure spot for amateur and professional photographers. They do mostly surf- and beach-themed scenic series on the island. Even I had shot an IG video on the narrow path leading to the deck on the day of my arrival, albeit standing from a different angle.

As the awareness of my action hit me, I progressively became overwhelmed by shame. I imagined the photographer in a mad search for likes, sharing on an adult website like PH whatever trophy video he might have shot of me. Any vulgar title would be fitting: Tattoo surfer slut on Bali beach,...blonde surfer babe looses control after cumming on surfboard,...teeny surfer slut satisfying herself in public etc.

Despite being endowed with a strong exhibitionist side, I have always felt more comfortable in sharing nude content of myself in a manner that gives me a feeling of control. For instance, on my way to the beach I had walked along the main road holding my surfboard, cladded in a speedo top that barely concealed my bum. Underneath, nothing but a thong. I was fully aware my butt curves were exposed. Looking from behind, imaginative minds would think I was going commando. The provocative perception of my voyeurs was what excited me. Obviously, I was conscious of the looks; lust or disgust, it did not matter.

As the thoughts and the possibly consequence of my self-satisfaction in public preoccupied me however, I clenched my teeth in disappointment and self-directed anger. I had clearly exaggerated.

Sitting up, I quickly paddled to the shore. For a brief moment of reflection, I lied back on my board on the sandy beach, making sure I adjusted my face cap over my face. From this position, I could keep an eye on the uninvited camera above me. Looking to the deck, I met grin from my voyeur friend as he gesticulated an approving hand sign.

He had now returned to the activity that brought him there. From where I was lying, he appeared to be shooting a heavily tattooed blonde model who seemed to have physical similarities to me. The elegant model wore a short white tennis skirt that exposed her tanned slender legs and sports bra that barely held-in her full breasts. Safe her pretty face, most of her exposed body seemed to be covered with tattoos.

After every second or third click, the photographer adjusted her position, often taking the liberty to touch whatever part of her body he intended to portray in his pictures. The model on her part looked unperturbed and giggled relentlessly throughout the shoot. She clearly seemed to be having fun. Out of curiosity, I asked myself whether they were professionals and where one could admire the final


It was close to midday and the overhead sun was now leaving a burning sensation on my skin. After what had just happened, I did not intend to lie on my belly. Despite how interested I was in his shooting, my voyeur was irritatingly too close above me. I thus packed up my things, put on my mesh dress over my speedo and headed up the path leading to the beach road.

The distinctive aroma of the local Balinese cuisine that met me upon hitting the busy road reminded me that I was starving. My best bet was to get some street food from one of the roadside vendors. Fortunately, Bali does not follow any specific eating schedule for their street food. Traditional cuisine can be found anywhere at any time of the day.

At one of the stalls, a dish of crispy pork called babi guling was served to me with a bottle of soda by a broad-smiling vendor. As finished my food, I heard footsteps close behind me.

"Hello there, pretty," a stranger called from behind.

I turned around to find the beach photographer accompanied his tattoo model. The guy had curly long blonde hair, heavily tanned skin and blue eyes. His shirt was unbuttoned to reveal a decent ripple of ab packs. He looked like a cute surfer boy but a little juvenile for my taste. Still carrying his heavy camera that hung tight on the band that went around his neck, he emitted an air of confidence and familiarity.

"We have been looking for you," he said with a strong French accent.

"This is Ellie, also called Ellie Doll=stud on Instagram. She has been dreaming to shoot with you since we saw you down at the beach," he added with a grin, poking the model with his elbow.

"How charming, Janina, nice to meet you," I replied, as I politely greeted Ellie with kiss on her cheek.

"Hey pretty! And me?" the photographer asked in playful disappointment.

"Oh come on, voyeur, you didn't introduce yourself and I guess you have more intimate material of me," I responded with a wink.

"Touché! That's what Akos does for a living. I bring beauty out of my lenses," he explained himself without delay.

"So what beauty has Akos shot with his lenses so far today?" I questioned trying to feign an unforgiving look.

"You see! I knew pretty wants to see my work," he responded wide-eyed towards Ellie.

Like an artist preparing to unveil new artworks, he motioned us to sit beside each other while he stood behind us. Beaming a sense of achievement, he held out the camera monitor to us, the free hand shielding off the sunlight. He then slowly reeled on the series he had been doing of Ellie. The poses and lighting were indeed professional but given the size of the monitor, I could barely appreciate the finest details.

"I think these ones are going to interest you more," he said, as he clicked faster, before he stopped at a highly zoomed in picture of my face.

In the picture, I was sitting on my board out at sea. The background was completely blue, my blonde hair was wet and straightly pulled into a clumped pony. My eyes were faintly closed, as if I were absorbed in breathing-in the beauty of my surrounding. With my skin was smoothly covered by a thin film of water, my face harboured no shadows, no worries and no pain. It was indeed a work of art and I loved it.

"Wow! Can I please have this one? Please!!!" I implored.

"Oh sweetheart, wait till you see the others he did of you," Ellie replied spontaneously, as Akos clicked further.

Each picture of the sequence, though similar, revealed something different about my face. Something I had never captured myself before, no matter how hard I tried.

"Ok, so how much for the full series?" I exhorted, as he abruptly stopped clicking when he got to the image with a video sign on it.

"You sure?" he asked politely, before letting the clip roll, ignoring my question.

The clip started with me biting my under lip, while my left hand fidgeted under water. Although the focus was on me, Akos had made sure the cliff, the white sandy beaches and the sea gave the recording a scenic touch. The zooming-in and -out were extraordinarily skilful and void of any


The clip length was 34 seconds, no second of that being vulgar as I had hitherto imagined. It was more of art or the uncut scene of a high-budget Hollywood movie than of voyeur porn. The video ended with a zoomed-in image of my face, still biting my under lip but now looking in to the camera with barely opened eyes. In an odd way, the clip was hot. I watched it again and again.

As we watched for the umpteenth time, I noticed Ellie placed hand lightly on my thigh, as she swayed her legs. Watching was having an effect on her, and frankly speaking, on me too.

"So pretty, you want to see further and do you want to stop here?" Akos asked with satisfaction.

Following my gleeful accordance, he advanced to the stills that he captured after my orgasmic bliss. They clearly depicted my realisation of what had just happened. Each one of them portraying a different emotion: from relieve, to gratification, exhaustion, surprise, rude awakening, shame and finally to disappointment. Every minute detail. I was simply amazed by his talent.

"I want all of them, and since this was non-consensual, you are not keeping any copies," I exhorted, trying to sound as stern as possible.

"Oh that doesn't work pretty. Bali doesn't have any laws prohibiting photography in public spaces, except vulgarity at their sacred sites. And besides, they will be of no use to you since you too can't publish my work, even on social media, without my consent," he countered, skilfully cornering me.

"So how do I get them Mr. Paparazzo?" I requested, trying this time with a seductive look.

"Oh very easy pretty. Sign a model contract. Finish the shoot with Ellie and I load all the content you want on a memory stick," he answered, before explaining the clauses of the contract.

Although I did not mind modelling, I wanted to know the details and most especially, the theme of the shoot. Even what his Instagram profile showed, did not fully quell my doubts. To ease my comprehension, he invited us back to his nearby van.

The van's cabin served as his office, studio and bedroom at the same time. While there, he patiently showed me his works again, this time on his laptop. Going through them on a wider screen, I was even more impressed. Every picture seemed to tell a story. What he had on his IG was just a tip of the iceberg of what he truly captured around the models. The best takes were the impromptu shots. Randomly snapping, he let his models casually undress, climb trees, run around, do acrobatics on sand etc.

As I went through the pictures, a handsome dark-skin male model with a fully tattooed torso hit me. He reminded me of the black stranger who had fucked my best friend Lena during the party. A tingle prickled all over my body, as memories of that emotion-charged evening flashed through my mind. As I clicked on, I could not hide my admiration for the model further.

"Is this a famous model?" I asked timidly.

"Oh yeah! Tyrone Herm, from Miami. In tattoo-themed communities, he is pretty well-known. I shot him and his girlfriend yesterday and we are finishing sunset shots today with them. And guess what? I just convinced our Ellie here to double as a support female model," Akos replied, looking into Ellie's eyes with a suggestive smile.

At that moment, I saw a connection between these two; if they were not in a relationship, they should, at the very least, be up to something naughty.

"So what is Ellie's role in the shoot, I mean, if you are shooting a couple?" I inquired curiously.

"Oh, it is a pool- and beach-sunset shoot in full nudity, with mostly softcore action. The set will be at a well-secluded private resort. Male models frequently have motionless roles, while everyone and thing around is a constant change. So they easily loose focus and..em... rigidity, especially when necessary adjustments take too much time. Stand-ins fill the gaps keeping the set active. They can change the quality of a shoot from good to perfect. And also, they help save time on highly time-constrained shooting scenarios like this. This commissioned shoot is about intense emotions of wildly sexy models at sunset. The title DESIRE," he explained in detail, as he showed me the underwear set of the series.

Even constrained in boxers, Tyrone's groin looked impressive. I imagined a banana and an apple must have purposefully been added to bring out the effect Akos successfully portrayed in these stills.

Dreaming away, I visualised how his nude groin would look like on a set of intense emotions in crave of desire.

Lost in my imaginations of the pool set while going through the pictures, I appealed to Akos shyly, blushing a little as I adjusted myself on the seat, "can I watch you shoot the nudes of the series?"

"Oh sorry pretty. It is a highly private stills- and video-shoot for a members-only online club. They've a fetish for naked, attractive people with tattoos and piercings. But you can, of course, be on set if you model with them, active or passive. And with a theme DESIRE, you fulfil the criteria of the producers," he stressed dreamily, pointing to himself, as if he were talking of his masterpiece.

"But I have never done nudes and will not do nudes for strangers," I responded, making him understand it was a line I was not prepared to cross for any amount of money or horniness.

"Oh I get it. Almost all amateurs I shoot tell me that in the beginning," he replied confidently, before adding, "your contract anyway is not a for nudes but for stand-in. Now, I know there is confusion in the media between stand-ins and photo doubles. A stand-in is a person used to set up a shot. The stand-in doesn't appear on camera. Your job is to steam up the principals for action, be my focus, as I set up the cameras and lights."

"And why do you need a stand-in, I mean, if you are shooting a couple?" I questioned again genuinely.

"Pretty, it is DESIRE! The stand-in, like I said, saves time and money. Since Ty doesn't like long pauses, his female stand-in on this set will also hold his desire, so that we get the right emotions and effects immediately when the female model gets on scene," he replied, then adding, "imagine, we have to perfectly shoot 3 different scenarios of 10 to 15 minutes each for the stills AND videos within the last hour of the sun's descend."

It was thus clear to me that the stand-in role was the only way I could watch this shoot, that seemed to be leaving me also burning with desire. I roughly signed the contract and hurried back to the hostel to shower and get ready for the sunset shoot at the private resort.

The remote resort was a luxury beachfront villa at the southernmost end of Pasut beach. I arrived in a cab about 15 minutes later than planned because after typing inon Google and finding pictures of previous captures at the resort, I absolutely had to do a full manicure and pedicure programme, even though I was meant to be a passive member of the set.

As I arranged pick-up time and said good-bye to my cab driver, a beautiful Indonesian hostess in uniform welcomed me at the gate. She led me through a hallway to a tastefully decorated backyard with a huge heart-shaped pool. The villa, unique with futuristic architecture, was designed in the shape of sea-shells. Bordering the vast scanty rice fields, the walls were all white.

As I approached the pool, I was surprised to notice the set was equipped, professional lighting already placed at 4 points around the poolside. Akos was sitting with the male model on one of the 6 sun lounges flanking the pool. They seemed to be involved in a serious conversation. Upon seeing me, Akos jumped up and approached with a worried look.

"Hey pretty, here you are finally," he said, adding jovially as he quickly cheek-kissed me, "I thought Swiss girls ate chocolate never to be late."

"I am sorry, the location was a bit far from my hostel," I replied in a futile attempt to fake an excuse.

"No worries pretty, but we need to get going otherwise we'll miss the sunset and ruin the shoot," he said hastily.

Giving me a light push on my back, we then walked towards the male model.

"Hey, Ty, meet pretty Janina from Switzerland, the prettiest girl I shot on this Island since the year started " he flattered with ease, for it was barely 4 weeks into the new year.

"Hi there, Janina. It's a shame I can't do the shoot with such a beauty," Ty said, as he leaned forward to lightly kiss me twice on my cheeks.

"Yes, I don't do nudes, I signed as a stand-in for your girlfriend," I replied, adding nervously, "I hope I don't disappoint."

"Oh pretty, we are forced to do some modifications. Ty's girl had a little accident yesterday, tripping over the stem of a coconut tree as we shot a chase. We succeeded to cover the bruises with make-up but it was impossible to get the emotions we needed on her face for this shoot. Just too much pain. She withdrew back to their lodge only a moment before you arrived," he explained with a thoughtful