Janine's Journey


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The option, she had was apparently limited to filming one way or the other -- and having the little window in the upper right-hand corner show what the phone was 'seeing'.

What she did not know was that she had now made a group call through an app installed by George on her phone without her knowledge. Dialing the 8 digits produced at group call to both George and John.

She was quite aware that what she saw on the phone was probably being transmitted -- and obviously to John, but she had no idea that George was on the line as well.

It was, however enough to make her feel 'public' and exposed.

She tilted the phone and made it follow her other hand as it made a slow glide down her stomach.

Slightly bending her middle finger and spreading her index- and ring finger a little to each side.

The quiet gasp she emitted, when her fingers reached the top of her slit was more of surprise by being so wet already, than of joy.

That changed quickly as her fingers proceeded down. The index- and ring finger pressing on her outer labia and opening, in order for her middle finger to reach the hood over her clit.

She checked the phone. It showed a very clear close-up of her fingers and opening.

She pushed the hood up and down over her clit, which made her moan softly and her legs begin to shake slightly. She pressed her knees further apart, and against the walls of the cubicle to make them stop.

Her ears on the alert all the time. Listening for someone coming in to use the toilet facilities.

She was quite aware that she was becoming increasingly vocal. Especially when she moved her finger down over the clit and inside her swollen vagina.

A minute later she had all three fingers inside herself, curling them and slowly moving them in and out.

She checked the phone again before closing her eyes, but...

The door to the toilet opened. She held her breath. Looked down to see if her feet or anything else was sticking out under the wall of the cubicle.

Her fingers had stopped deep inside her and her heart was pounding in a way that made her breasts and nips quiver with the careful breathing she now tried to control.

The person went into the second cubicle from her -- fortunately. She was sure that if it had been the cubicle next to hers, the person would have sensed her presence.

As she was regaining more and more control of her body, she heard the toilet flush and then the faucet being used at the mirror opposite the cubicle's.

Finally -- after a long silence, where the person probably checked her makeup and looks, the door again signaled that she was alone.

To be quite sure, she waited silently for a long minute or two, before resuming her task -- and letting her fingers work in the wet, swollen meat between her legs.

It did not take long. The notion of being so vulnerable and public -- and filming herself probably did a lot to make her reach a shaking orgasm in no time.

The toilet lid behind her rattled as she shook in her ecstasy.

She could not help smiling as she came down again. That noise would have been impossible to hide from anyone in the toilet area...

She felt a sense of achievement, so she slowly pulled her fingers out, filmed her hand going up to her mouth and then made sure the phone got a close-up of how she sucked each finger slowly.

She ended the session by giving the camera a triumphant smile.

'There', she thought. 'Take that. You are not going to give me any tasks, I cannot do!'

Then immediately the thought struck her: 'What am I thinking and doing?'

It seemed so remote from her life last week -- and certainly did not feel or look like 'another day at the office'. Things had changed. Her mind had changed.

She smelled her fingers and wiped them with some of the tissues from the roll next to her.

Put the now dark phone on the floor, stood up and brought her clothes basically back in place, put the phone back in her skirt pocket and left the cubicle.

In front of the mirrors, she did the 'detailed' arranging of her clothes quickly, remembering to leave the top buttons on her blouse undone. Then had a closer look at her blushing face.

Splashed cold water in her face, took a towel and wetted and wiped the back of her neck, then slid it over her crotch -- hoping it would take the smell and her juices away.

Taking several very deep breaths, and checking once again in the mirror. She clearly saw her still erect nips making a distinct impression in the blouse.

She would have to hurry back to her office and hope, she would not meet anyone.

She was not that lucky. Half way down the hall, she ran into her boss: Bernard. He was accompanied with one of their big developer clients.

"Ah. Janine. Philip just came by. He has a few questions as to the planning permission and go ahead permit of the shopping mall at... Come with us. I believe you have all the details?"

"Yes, Bernard. Just getting my laptop -- will be there in a minute."

Her heart once again beating in her chest.

She did have time to notice that they had both looked at her chest, while Bernard had spoken.

As fast as she could, she found the binder with the relevant information, closed the laptop and hurried down the hall to the conference room.

She could feel a stickiness between her legs as the quick towel drying had only worked on the outside of her opening.

Wearing no panties, little drops seeped out of her and down the insides of her legs. She hoped the drops would stay above her knees...

She pushed the door up and entered the large conference room.

It was dominated by a very big, rectangular, heavy and shiny table with chairs enough for the everybody in the company -- and then some. Bernard and Philip sat at the far end -- of course. Just under the mega screen on the back wall

It was a very long walk along one side of the room and up to the corner of the big table and a free chair next to the two men.

She was very much aware that their eyes followed her all the way -- and even though they both smiled, it was not to her face.

She dumped her laptop and the binder with the info on the shopping mall on the table, pulled the chair out and lowered herself gently on to the seat. Looking up and giving them both her best smile.

She had always been a great believer in the 'neutral' look. Making as sure as possible that it was her skill and not her femininity that convinced the clients. Today she had felt very much different as she had showed the house to the elderly couple, and now the same feeling crept into her brain. She was obviously having a very 'distracting' effect on the two men sitting in front of her.

She gave her blouse a quick, arranging fluff and hoped that her nips would not be too prominent.

They held the meeting, and she was able to answer almost all questions -- the remainder she noted on her laptop and promised to investigate and return with an answer as absolutely fast as possible.

They all stood, and for the second time that day a man -- Philip -- held her hand and gaze a little longer that was actually comfortable as they said goodbye.

Her boss lead Philip out saying: "Oh yes -- and Janine -- stay here for a moment if you are not busy. I'll be right back!"

She sat down again -- slowly and carefully. Spent the few moments alone to check her blouse and smoothen her dress - again.

Bernard came back, sat down -- and leaned over the table as he always did, when he was going to be 'in confidence'.

"I see that you have somewhat...ehh..changed you style this morning?"

She thought It best to stay with the same explanation: "Yes. I thought it was time for something new."

"Well -- as you know: we are always happy that our staff shows some initiative. Just do not let it go overboard please."

"No. Boss. Of course not. Just trying out a few things to liven myself up a bit."

"You do seem to benefit from your 'transformation', but you know we sell on seriousness -- not anything else. How pleasing I and others might find your 'new look'.

"Yes. Boss."

He got up as a sign that the talk was over.

Fortunately, most of the staff was out on jobs at lunch, so she had a salad from the counter in the kitchen and sat -- relatively unnoticed -- while eating and reading a business newsletter.

She spent the afternoon calling different authorities, getting different permission applications started - and finally sorting and organizing it all and mailing it to Philip.

She was the last one leaving, set the alarm and walked unnoticed to her car and drove home.


After her 'performance' in the toilet cubicle, John had called George.

At first George had not really understood the idea of ordering Janine to satisfy herself in the toilet, but John explained that it had been 'another step on the way' as it was both a form of ´Remote Mastering and control' and a humiliation of her.

George began to realize why and what he had just witnessed on his phone.

John then explained that he found the exercise had been a success. Janine had not protested but simply done as she was told, and thus stepped over another red line.

They finally agreed that everything was positive, and John emphasized that he should get home later than Janine. To see if she was doing as she had been told, or she would sit around waiting for him to get home.

Another test.


She felt an enormous sense of relief, when she closed the front door behind her at home. Like a heavy weight falling off her shoulders

She called out, but George had not come home yet.

She had managed the first day. It was much different from what she had imagined -- and what had she actually imagined? That she would go into a 'room', be a submissive slave -- leave the 'room' and be the good, old Janine again? Not so apparently. This seemed to reach into every corner of her life. The good news was, that even though she had felt the whole day being quite a challenge, she was actually quite content with herself. She had done well -- even managed to do the 'task' in the toilet that John had ordered her to do.

She put her briefcase down and stepped out of the heels, leaving them in the hall and walking barefoot to the kitchen.

Sitting at the kitchen table, she went through the day in her mind.

What to do next? No texts from John since the 'episode' in the bathroom. She had more or less constantly expected her phone to go 'beep' with yet another demand on her, but all had been quiet.

She walked upstairs. Took her clothes off. Put the skirt in the washing basket as it had obvious stains on the inside, where her crotch had been when she had been sitting down.

The blouse went the same way.

Then she jumped into the shower for a quick rinse, and after that inspected her body. She was amazed how well the makeup and shadowing had survived the day. Only the slightest repairs had to be made on her constantly wet and red-looking lips and nipples. The mascara had to be fixed -- as well as the reddening around her two openings and the eye-shadow.

The marks on her body looked pretty much the same. It would take several days for them to vanish -- and John had promised that they would ensure she always had fresh whip marks on her body -- so she hoped the healing would be slow -- and thus avoid having a 'refreshing'.

Now -- what was she thinking? Again...she shook her head as if to clear the thoughts, she had just had. Last week she was daydreaming of being whipped. This week, she was calculating how to avoid more whipping. How strange her life had turned...

She lifted herself up and down on her heels a few times, smiling at the feel and look of her breast bopping up and down.

In the bedroom she gave the rectangular, flat, leather case with her cuffs and collar a long look. It was just there -- on the little table outside the bathroom door, and as it was closed, it looked like it could contain anything valuable. It looked very expensive, she thought.

She opened it and there -- shining and bright -- were her slave restraints. The visible signs of her status. Personalized with her name on each item in the beautiful engraved lettering.

Slowly she picked up one item after the other and mounted them on her body. Again, being amazed at the easy way they closed and the tightness and anatomical way they seemed to become part of her.

This set already had a 'click-lock' shackle in one wrist and one ankle cuff. They were ready to 'disable' her in seconds.

Once again she tried to get a finger under the collar, but it was impossible - as she well knew.

This set seemed absolutely identical to the one at John's and probably where.

Closing the lid on the case, she hoped George had not lost the keys, but dismissed the though immediately. She had seen him put the keys on his ordinary keychain, and he had never lost that in all the time they had been together.

She turned in front of the full-sized mirror. The transformation was complete: From being a young and up-coming Real Estate Agent, she was now a naked slave in steel.

It had a lot of impact on her -- and she was quite aware that her heart was beating faster and her breathing had become slightly short.

On her way back downstairs to the kitchen, she passed the hall -- and slipped back into her heels. 'Might as well go all the way', she thought.

Trying hard to pretend that it was a normal Monday evening, she started preparing dinner. They had always had the arrangement that the first one home would cook dinner. The difference was only that she did not use to be 'the naked chef' in her own kitchen.


George had spent most of his day with customer meetings, but in all the intermissions and breaks, he had been contemplating their changed relationship. He had phoned John more than once during the day. To get advice and to be confirmed in what he wanted to do, and if the way he wanted to act towards Janine was the right thing, time and place to do it.

He was therefore not only horny as never before, he also felt a new self-assurance, and smiled to himself as he turned off the engine of his car in the driveway.


As if perfectly timed, she had just put a veggie pie in the oven, cut a salad, and estimated dinner being about half an hour away, when she heard the front door go.

Standing in the door to the kitchen, George displayed something between surprise and lust as she saw her naked at the counter.

She flew across the room, folder her arms round his neck and buried her tongue in his mouth before he could say anything. His briefcase still in one hand.

Slowly dragging her tongue back and pushing herself away from him. She looked in his eyes: "Welcome home, Master!"

She kissed him again. This time even longer and with more passion.

When they finally disentangled, he grabbed her wrists, wrung them around her back and making her turn. A small, metallic sound told her that he had locked her hands on her back.

Holding her neck with one hand -- and her wrists with the other, he pushed her against the table and folded her over it.

His feet pushed in between hers and as he spread his legs, hers had to follow on the outside of his.

It was so suddenly and unexpected that she hardly realized that she had been locked and bend over the table, when he grabbed her hips and drove his erect penis into her -- in one long deep trust. She gave a small yelp as his legs made contact with the stripes on her butt -- and his penis head with the tip of her cervix.

She felt him hammering away inside her -- each trust seemed harder and deeper than the last one. Her legs began to shake, her clit scream with pleasure -- and her whole-body squirm in ecstasy.

He held her arms up on her back with one hand, and had gotten a good handful of hair in the other. Forcing her head to bend backwards. The kitchen table made squeaking noises as he bumped her, and he was by far done, when she flew away in her orgasm. The tension and her concentration, she had been forced to display (apart from her little episode in the toilet) during the day came flowing through her like a mighty wave. Like a dam breaking...

When he had emptied himself, he pulled out, released the grip on her hair, unhitched her wrists with a quick grip, turned and went to wash himself saying: "Stay here and finish making dinner...bitch!"

She lifted her head slowly, moved her hands down to support her on the table and stood like that for a while. Her legs shaking and her heart hammering.

The sperm beginning to seep out of her and tickle her skin as it ran down the insides of her legs.

She stood up -- still shaking. Listened for a while and could hear him being busy in the upstairs toilet. Staggered over to the counter and pulled some kitchen tissues to wipe herself between her legs.

Then started laying the table.

When he came back into the kitchen, he acted quite natural. He sat down by the table and started asking how her day had been, which customers she had talked to and other everyday small talk. Not a word about if she had had any problems with her dress and nothing regarding whether he had seen her masturbate in the rest room at work. She answered but did not offer any questions. Gradually she felt more and more like exploding, so half-way through the meal, she asked: "How do you like my new look?"

"Well -- it is very practical -- and definitely shows what you have to offer. Very appropriate considering your status."

'He was not helping either', she thought.

"You have shown some slut initiative as you have undressed and gotten into your restraints as soon as you got home! I like that -- very much -- indeed!"

She had stopped eating and was looking at him, while he pointed at her with his table knife.

He continued: "When we have finished here, I want you to go upstairs and find something similar to wear tomorrow -- and I want you down here to show me and get my approval. Is that understood, bitch!"

There was a very short pause, where her eyes got bigger and bigger, before she managed to say. "Yes, Master."

"-- and while we are at it: I said I liked your initiative, but I was getting to that anyway. From now on you will undress in the hall -- as soon as you enter the house, and I suggest that you make room for your box of restraints at the bottom of the closet in the hall. That way they will be as close as possible to the front door. I expect you to undress and put them on before anything else, when you come home. I do not want to see you wearing clothes here at home -- ever!"


"You may speak, bitch!"

"What about in the mornings...ehh..Master?"

"For the time being, you will be allowed to fix yourself up and get dressed in the upstairs bathroom, but the last thing that will happen before you leave will be that I remove your cuffs and collar. Down here in front the main door. That way you will be what you are: a slave slut! Always! In this home. You may feel a kind of freedom when you leave the house, but I can assure you that I am working on changing that in order for you to feel under control and domination 24/7. The little task you were required to do in your office rest room today was just an example of how your life will be from now on!".

So, he HAD been watching her today -- or at least knew exactly what had happened. She felt a cold shiver down her spine before she answered a meek: "Yes, Master."

"Good. As you did just now, you will always address me 'Master' when we are here, and of course only speak if it is absolutely necessary. Same rules as applies at John's -- is that clear?"

She gave him a very long look -- all the time, all day, always - in the house -- and also when she went out?
