Jean - The Birth of Venus Ch. 04


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Michael said, "Unfortunately, the performance artist has come down with a serious case of pneumonia and is hospitalized for the foreseeable future. I am hoping to find a replacement for her role."

I turned to my aunt who was standing in the doorway with me and whispered, "I don't understand how Michael got elected president if everyone on the board was against him. "

Cathy leaned closer and said, "The president is selected by the city council. Michael contributed heavily to their political campaigns. All they care about are the Exposition attendance and publicity. Once he was confirmed, he replaced most of the old guard artists on the Exposition committee with friends."

While we are chatting, Michael said, "This brings me to the topic of unfilled roles. Previous Expositions have also had problems recruiting actors. I've heard horror stories about my predecessors going down to the wire finding the perfect person for key roles. This year has proven to be a bigger challenge because of our choice of themes. We rely on local volunteers to fill most of the roles, but some of the more erotic artworks have proven a challenge. There has been considerable reluctance on the part of our regulars to volunteer for the more pornographic works. Also, many of the regular volunteers are just not qualified for the roles, since they don't have a suitable body type. It's a lot easier to hide physical problems with clothes."

The mayor said, "What works are still lacking a suitable actor?"

Michael moved to the next slide. I recognized Francisco Goya's masterpiece, "The Nude Maji." The Spanish painting showed a naked woman reclining on pillows. The dark-haired beauty had her arms behind her head and all her charms on display.

Michael said, "I definitely want to include this work in the Exposition. "The Nude Maji" may be the earliest Western artwork to depict a woman's pubic hair. The painting is stunning and well known to any student of art history."

Dorthey said, "Sonya has dark hair and dusky skin. She would be perfect for the role. Miguel, you should ask your daughter. I've seen her on the beach. I know she isn't shy."

"I already asked her. I'm sorry, but she's adamant about not taking any part in the Exposition this year. I even offered her a new car."

Manu said, "Not participating in the Exposition should be illegal. Judge, what do you think?"

Chris laughed, "I concur. The city council should pass a law to that effect."

Michael said, "Don't worry I have a plan to obtain the perfect candidate."

Michael showed the next slide. The artwork was as unfamiliar to me as it was disturbing. I saw a young Asian woman lying on her back naked. A giant octopus was lying between her spread thighs. Its tentacles are wrapped around her body. One tentacle was spreading her sex open. Another wrapped around her breast. The beast's foul mouth is locked on her vulva, and its beak is penetrating her vagina. The woman's eyes are closed, and she is lost in ecstasy.

Michael said, "We just had to include an example of Japanese shunga erotic art. 'The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife' is iconic. It is a woodblock-print design by the famous Japanese artist Hokusai. You probably encountered his painting 'The Great Wave off Kanagawa' in art class. The Fisherman's Wife was first published in 1814 as part of a three-volume set. It is Hokusai's most famous shunga design. Playing with themes popular in Japanese art, it depicts a young woman entwined sexually with a pair of octopuses. This painting has inspired Japanese erotic art for generations, and the theme can be found in modern-day hentai animation."

Manu said, "Are you sure we can legally show this work?"

Michael said, "At first I was worried about the legal issues involved in displaying this work. I have been assured by Chris that it is protected by the Constitution as a work of art. Oh, our piece of performance art is also protected by the first amendment."

Manu said, "Ok, but where are you ever going to find someone willing to play the part of the fisherman's wife?"

Michael stared at Chris Okazaki as he said, "We already have identified someone who is perfect for the part and have a plan to win her cooperation. We decided to keep her identity as a surprise for the opening. I think you will all be delighted when you see the young lady on stage. She's stunning."

Michael's next slide showed Paul Gauguin's painting "Nevermore." It is part of his Tahitian series and was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's famous 1845 poem 'The Raven,' which tells the story of a talking raven's visit to a distraught lover who is lamenting the loss of his love."

I recognized the colorful painting from my college class. A sturdy brown Tahitian woman is reclining on her side facing the viewer. Her breasts and pubic hair are completely exposed.

Michael said, "Manu, the woman in the painting reminds me of your daughter, Lanuola. What do you think, old friend, any chance we could convince her?"

"My daughter has been very happy to volunteer for some roles over the years, but she is not comfortable appearing nude. I'm sorry, but Lanuola is not available."

Michael moved to the next slide. I recognized the opulent painting as another classic.

Michael said, "We have everyone in Eugène Delacroix's "The Death of Sardanapalus" except for the half-naked slave girl being sacrificed to accompany the dead king on his passage to paradise. I have a candidate and a plan to win their cooperation."

Michael moved to the next slide. I gasped when saw a realistic painting of a woman's vulva exposed under her dark wispy pubic hair. Her genitalia filled the canvas. One of her breasts was also visible, but her face was not.

"This is Gustave Courbet's 1866 painting titled "The Origin of the World." Since you cannot see the woman's face, I thought it would be easy to find an actor. I was wrong. Once again, I have had to come up with a plan to fill the role."

Trish said, "How are you going to fill all these positions before our opening on Sunday? You only have four days, and the Exposition volunteers will need time for makeup and preparation."

Michael said, "Don't worry. I formed a subcommittee of board members to address the problem. We are confident we can find the actors we need."

Trish said, "But you haven't even managed to find an actor for "The Birth of Venus." It's our signature piece. We have the painting on the cover of our brochure and hundreds of posters."

Michael moved to the next slide. It was the painting on the cover of the Exposition brochure Manu had shown me on the plane. Botticelli's 'The Birth of Venus' wasn't as erotic as 'The Naked Maji' or ' "The Origin of the World,' but the actor would be entirely naked except for a hand over one breast and a small tuft of hair at the end of her long braid held over her bald pussy.

Dorthey stared at me and said, "Michael, your niece would be perfect for the role. Jean, what do you say? Be a dear and volunteer to support our Exposition."

There was no way I was going to pose nude for the Exposition. I offered the first excuse I could think of.

"Sorry, but I have to head home soon. I have a summer job at a hospital. I cannot afford law school without the money I make filling in for people going on vacation."

The mayor said, "We absolutely need an actor for our signature painting. Jean, what if the city provided a scholarship? I doubt you make much over a thousand dollars for a summer job. Would twenty-five hundred change your mind?"

I felt trapped. I looked at my aunt and saw her mouthing the word "yes." I shook my head 'no." I was terrified of posing naked in front of an endless stream of tourists. I wasn't a stranger to being nude in public and had gone skinny dipping numerous times back home, but the last time had been a disaster. The police had raided the beach by the city dam while I was swimming up the lake. When I returned, everyone was gone along with my clothes. I had thought I could sneak across town in the dark, but it took me a week to get home. I ended up being sold to the local drug lord and forced to entertain his guests including my older brother who failed to recognize me in a mask. I was still traumatized by the experience and had no desire to ever be naked in public again.

"I'm sorry. I really must get home. I just can't be in your Exposition. I hope you find someone."

Michael said, "I'm sure we'll find the perfect actor. I still have some promising ideas left. Trish, your daughter has participated in the Exposition for years. With a wig to cover her red hair, Mary would be perfect to portray Venus."

Trish said, "You must be crazy. My daughter is a very shy and very religious girl. In case you were not paying attention, my daughter has always worked in a support role. I doubt you can convince her to go anywhere near your pornographic exhibits. She informed me just last week, she will be leaving in two weeks to join a convent. She wants to be a missionary nun in Africa helping the poor and sick natives in the remote jungles of the Congo."

Michael shook his head, "I wish Mary well. That is a very noble career, but unfortunately, it doesn't help us with our recruitment problem."

Trish said, "Why is it that all your 'innovative ideas' seem to be centered on the children of the Board members when all of them have said no?"

Michael smirked at Trish before concluding his presentation. At the end, he said, "Miguel can you provide a report on finances. With any luck, we can wrap this meeting up soon."

Miguel said, "As I reported last week, I found anomalies in the Exposition's bank account and called in outside auditors. I expect a report tomorrow morning."

Okazaki said, "If we catch the perpetrator, I'll sentence them to the maximum term allowed. Who could do something as despicable as robbing money from a charity?"

Miguel said, "Only four members of the Board have signature authority on the account - Michael as president, Ben as vice president, Trish as the chief set designer and of course me as treasurer."

Trish said, "Is it possible someone at the bank is responsible?"

"One can only hope."

When Miguel finished delivering his shocking news, Manu raised his empty glass and said, "That bit of terrible news calls for another drink."

As I bent over to fill his glass, I stumbled against the big Samoan. Manu grabbed my thigh to steady me, but when I regained my balance, he slid his hand up the inside of my thigh. When his fat fingers reached my ass, he slipped them between my thighs and rubbed his fingertips across the tiny bit of fabric covering my pussy. I shrieked and spun around. I was still furious about his assault on the plane, and now he was after me again. I slapped Manu hard. Everyone on the patio stopped and stared.

Michael said, "What the hell are you doing, Jean? You can't go around assaulting a police officer."

"But he grabbed my ass."

Michael said, "Manu, are you Ok?"

"She has a punch like a middleweight boxer."

Okazaki yelled, "Young lady, I won't tolerate attacks on our city's police officers. Every year we have numerous assaults on our policemen during the Exposition. The only way to deter these acts of violence is to impose stiff penalties. As the town judge, I must take these matters seriously. Do you understand?"

I said, "I won't do it again if he doesn't grope me."

Manu said, "It's not the first time she has used physical violence on me. She attacked me twice on the plane."

Cathy said, "Jean, what were you thinking? Manu is the chief of police."

"Manu, what are you talking about? I accidently stepped on your foot while trying to get past your fat ass on the plane. I don't know how you come up with one assault, let alone two."

"The second time was when you punched my cock. It hurt like hell."

The judge said, "This is a serious matter. As a repeat offender, the attack could be prosecuted as a felony."

I couldn't believe Michael was serious when he said, "I apologize for my niece's behavior and ask for leniency."

Dorthey said, "Jean needs to be punished, but I think in deference to Michael we should show a little mercy. I suggest for a punishment that she finishes her waitressing duties topless."

I said, "You're out of your mind. I'm the victim here."

The judge said, "I concur with Dorthey."

I struggled as Dorthey seized my wrists and pulled them over my head. She wrapped her big hand around both of my wrists and untied my top with her free hand. She tossed the top to my aunt and held me squirming in front of everyone.

"Let me go. You're all insane."

Dorthey said, "I'll let you go when you promise to behave. I'd love to apply a little corporal punishment to your cute little ass."

My aunt said, "There's no need to embarrass my niece by spanking her. I'm sure she'll behave. Jean dear, you need to relax. Going topless in Santa Teresa is no big deal. If it will make you comfortable, I'll take off my top too. Everyone here has seen my melons more than once.

I watched my aunt peel off her top. No one blinked an eye, as she exposed her massive breasts. I watched as the cold ocean breeze made her nipples harden. I forced myself to take a deep breath. Everyone was staring at her breasts.

I whispered, "Ok, I promise I'll behave."

Dorthey released my wrists. I swallowed hard as everyone's eyes focused on my generous breasts. I looked down and saw my nipples were every bit as hard as my aunt's.

I suppressed the urge to cover my breasts with my hands. I started to head into the kitchen when the big woman swatted me on my ass. I squealed as I ducked past my aunt into the kitchen. I drained my glass of wine and fought back my tears. My aunt put her arm around my shoulder. I felt her gorgeous tit press against mine as she pulled me into my arms.

I said, "What's the judge's problem. He acts like he hates me."

Cathy said, "His wife left him a year ago complaining of neglect. Since then he has hated all women except his daughter. Manu and Michael are just teasing you. They don't mean any harm. You're doing fine, and I want you to know how much I appreciate your help. Hang in there. Dinner is almost over. All we have to do for the rest of the evening is keep their drinks full."

"I think Manu has had enough to drink."

Cathy laughed. "Manu is holding back tonight. I've seen that big Samoan finish off a couple of bottles of whiskey in one night. Michael is holding up an empty glass. Just take a deep breath. Go out there as if nothing has happened and get your uncle a refill. Everyone will respect your courage."

I got my uncle his refill. Michael's guests left me alone for the most part. I was aware my boobs attracted more interest than Miguel's financial charts. Still, everyone was well behaved.

I had calmed down again by the time Manu requested a refill. When I reached for his glass, he slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me close.

Manu whispered in my ear, "Did you learn your lesson?"

"You mean the lesson that you're a pervert?"

"Hardly. I'm talking about learning not to attack police officers."

Manu was holding me in place as he continued lecturing me.

I said, "I never attacked anyone. You just wanted an excuse to get me topless. You and the rest of your egotistical sadists must enjoy picking on defenseless women."

"It seems you didn't learn your lesson yet. What would you do if I grabbed your bare tit?"

"I've had some time to remember my rape defense course. The next time, I'll do better. If you grope me again, I'll smash the palm of my hand into your nose. I don't care if your so-called judge orders me to work nude the rest of the night. If you want to try it, I can guarantee you a broken nose."

"Good. Very good. We're counting on you to easily lose your temper."

Manu let me go and the rest of the evening went without any further incidents. I puzzled over his comment about my lack of control. I collapsed into bed after the party. I was wasted and slept late.

Author's Notes

All the works of art mentioned in this story can be found on the web, and I encourage the interested reader to look at these lovely examples of erotic art. Wikipedia has most of the pieces.

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