Jedi Alema Rar Visits Hapes Ch. 04


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Alema Rar smiled back at her in anticipation. There was no way she could resist a game like that, and Tenel Ka knew it. "Thanks," she replied breathlessly.

"Oh, one more thing," Tenel Ka said as she took a step back down the ramp. "I had some surveillance holocameras installed on board. Everything they record will be sent directly to my private com code, until you leave Hapan space." Then, with an evil grin, she added, "But they will start recording and transmitting again any time you lock the collar back on while on board, wherever you are in the galaxy."

The Twi'lek clenched her legs together in arousal. "Ye—yes, Your Majesty," she stammered as Tenel Ka descended the ramp.

Alema Rar could barely contain herself as she got clearance for takeoff. Luckily Tenel Ka had the ship prepped already. As soon as she cleared the atmosphere, Alema Rar turned on the auto-pilot. A message flashed on the console, MAGNETIC RESTRAINT LOCKS NOT DETECTED. . . MAGNETIC RESTRAINT LOCKS NOT DETECTED. . . .

With a satisfied smile, Alema Rar pressed the heavy wristcuffs to the belt, and the auto-pilot engaged.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EPILOGUE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A few months later . . .

"I promise, Jedi Solo, the Queen Mother particularly wanted you wear this collar," Lady Esoma patiently explained to the nervous Jedi. She didn't know exactly what it was about this collar that the Queen Mother liked so much. It was the same one that she had locked onto Alema Rar, who had passed out seconds after the collar clicked shut—a matter that the Queen had ordered her to absolute secrecy about.

Still, when the Queen found out that her friend Jaina Solo was coming for a visit, Lady Esoma was summoned immediately. The Queen told her of the visit, and that they would be having a dinner celebration after her arrival. By the next day the Queen had gotten Jedi Solo's sizes, and ordered the same dinner outfit for her as she had for Alema Rar.

Jedi Solo was a lot more difficult to persuade to wear it however, but a brief comm call with the Queen set her at ease. Now the beautiful young human—and even though she enjoyed Jedi Alema Rar's visit, she preferred dressing a human to a blue-skinned Twi'lek—was almost ready.

The outfit consisted of seventeen centimeter stiletto heels, nerfhide hobble skirt and corset. Lady Esoma remembered how easily the Twi'lek had walked in her taller ballet-heeled ankle boots. Then the same heavy wrist and ankle cuffs, and durasteel belt, which all locked magnetically. The only item left was the collar that Lady Esoma held in her hands.

"Fine," Jaina Solo said, giving in.

"Excellent," Lady Esoma replied, happy to be obeying her Queen as she raised the collar to the Jedi's throat. The gleaming silver durasteel snapped shut with a distinct 'click.'

"Oh Frakk," the Hapan noblewoman said in dismay, "Not again!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ THE END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Remember, vote this story a 5, and PLEASE let me know what you think, via email or public message board. -Bethany

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HandcuffGirlHandcuffGirlalmost 15 years agoAuthor
Sorry, but no Sequel.

The anti-Force collar has stared in two stories, and I have no plans for another one, at least with the 'outfit'.

My next story does involve Jedi Jaina Solo, however, and a collar.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

I was eagerly awaiting this addition, and I was not disappointed.

I am, however, wondering if "Jaina visits Hapes" will actually be the next story you write, or if it was just an amusing way of ending the story.

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