Jennie's "Nightmare" Ch. 02


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"So, I take it you'd be willing to give me your ass again?" Greg asked.

"Every once in a while," Jennie replied. "It felt good, but I can already tell I'm going to be sore."

"Well then, we'll just have to try something else tomorrow," he grinned, thinking about Rosa.

"We'll talk tomorrow," Jennie said, still not willing to commit.

"That's fine," Greg agreed readily before hugging her tight and adding, "I love you,"

"And I love you too," Jennie sighed, letting herself feel the warmth of her husbands' arms around her. They fell asleep together moments later.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Sorry dude, I know it's a bummer to find out your wife is a total skank and has no idea what commitment actually means.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


Too much emphasis is put on the "homosexuality" aspect of other people. Normal people don't go around labeling others in such a way and homosexuality is not the derogatory crap it is written as in this story. Certainly you have the disgusting feminazi types who push their "gay pride" on society, forcing it to be taught to unwilling children in schools, but that only seems to be relevant of the one lipstick lez characters.

Sad that they have a difficult time enjoying each other as a couple without including others and breaking their vows.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Very good story. The sex scenes do not stifle creative exchanges between characters. I really enjoy this type of creative fiction.

I hope you are putting a thick bush on one of these free thinking women.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
hot! but...

It would have been a great opportunity to have Mindy enter the story. Not actively, but rather first listening, then watching from the doorway.

Still a very good build up and excellent story.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
spelling problem

Need to check the difference between peak and peek.

seanski1969seanski1969over 12 years ago

Good story. I think its a serious shame when someone bad mouths another author and does it continually without being man enough to sign their comments. This moronic and childish commentator has posted that he is going to score all your stories with a "1" and bad mouth you. I don't normally wish harm to anyone but I believe the world and gene pool would be better off if he just stopped breathing. Keep up the stories and please ignore this individual.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Written by a faggot !

Inept and stupid. 1 star!

ABQDUDEABQDUDEalmost 13 years ago
great start

lets see them get with the girls and bbysitter!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
use some LUBE

Nice story, but don't try this at home, folks- without extra lubrication Jennie would be bleeding after that. And probably sore for days.

More lube=more fun for everyone.

Trust me ;)

lagneau blanclagneau blancover 16 years ago
good but sticky

nice story, really nice. good built up and all. just a bit too much of the "i love you darling".

still, very hot, well done, looking forward to the next installment.

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