Jennifer's College Years Ch. 05


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"I warning you not to attack," Yolanda growled.

The girls rushed. Jennifer, Alexandra, and Yolanda set for the charge, Peaches got to Jennifer first, and swung. Jennifer sidestepped, and brought her hand up in a chop that caught her in the neck. Peaches went down choking.

Samantha reached Yolanda, and was sorry she did. As Samantha went to reach for her, Yolanda met her charge, and hit her 7 times with the whips by the time she passed her. Samantha went down, screaming in pain, thin red welts appearing.

Dolly reached Alexandra and caught her in the gut. Alexandra doubled over with the punch, hurting a little, but came back with an uppercut so fierce that it took Dolly off the ground. She fell, unconscious.

The men in front of Jerry, Sam, and Tommy watched the byplay with the women, and became grim. They set themselves, and attacked.

Jerry met his attacker head on. The man didn't know what hit him as Jerry let his martial knowledge take over. The man lay on the ground in pain, an arm and leg broken.

Tommy sidestepped his attacker and tripped him. He fell heavily. Tommy then landed on him and drove his head into the ground. The man was knocked out.

Sam met his attacker's punch and took it in the gut. It felt like hitting iron to the man. Sam grabbed him by the throat, picked him up, and forcibly slammed him into the ground. He too was knocked out.

The mob that surrounded the combatants voiced their awe at the skill the group showed in dispatching their aggressors. They parted as a group of professors and campus security showed up.

"Stay there!" one security guard said to the group.

"We're not going anywhere," Jerry said to the guard.

"What happened?" said one of the male professors. Jennifer did not know this one.

"We were accosted by this group, professor," Sam said. "They attacked us as we were cleaning up from lunch."

One of the security guards was checking on the men whose arm and leg was broke, and another one was checking on Peaches, who was still whimpering from the lashing she got from Yolanda's whips. The sergeant was on the radio, calling an ambulance.

"Yo, Sarge!" called the guard by Peaches, "this one says that this one attacked her with some kind of weapon," he pointed to Yolanda. "She also says that she attacked her."

Yolanda looked affronted.

"Peaches attacked her, officer," Jennifer said, coming to her defense. "She defended herself."

"With what? A whip?"

"Two of them, as a matter of fact. Willow whips."

The guard looked and saw the two thin reed-like whips on the ground near Yolanda.

"Arrest her," said the sergeant, pointing to Yolanda.

"A moment, officer," said one of the other professors. He looked very young. "I think you better ascertain the situation first. You might want to check to see if anyone can corroborate their story, or the story of the victims. There is a large crowd around here. I think you will be able to piece together what happened from them."

Jennifer hasd the odd feeling that this professor did not think too highly of the campus police.

The sergeant looked at him, then nodded. "Hold that order," he said to the guard near Yolanda. He then turned his attention to the other two next to him. "Question the crowd. Find out what's goin' on."

The officers nodded and moved out into the crowd. Hardly any of them had left. The officers called for witnesses, and were inundated with people willing to tell their version of the story.

The unconscious people slowly roused, holding heads or throats or jaws. They were warned to stay where they were by the officers. The ambulance showed up, and the paramedics were stabilizing the one man's broken limbs.

By the time the officers had finished questioning the crowd, they had a good idea what happened. Also, one of them had videotaped the entire scene. He explained he was making a film on group dynamics, and Jennifer's group was the focus of that tape. He turned it over to the security force as evidence once the officers previewed it through the recorder.

The sergeant revised his orders, and had the three men, along with Peaches, Samantha, and Dolly, placed under arrest for unprovoked assault. Jerry and Yolanda were also remanded until they could prove their registration as martial artists. Jerry smiled as the sergeant escorted him and Yolanda to his vehicle.

It was almost 2:30 by the time everyone left. Tommy and Sam escorted Jennifer and Alexandra back to Jennifer's room.

"I hope Jerry and Yolanda will be all right," Sam said.

"They will be," Jennifer said. "They'll be home tonight. Jerry always carries his papers with him. Yolanda will have them call her shidoshi in Dover."

"That was stupid of them!" Tommy finally said.

"I didn't think they were capable of that!" Alexandra said.

"None of us did, Alex," Jennifer said. "I guess we should have been on our guard after last night."

None spoke again until they got to Jennifer's room. Once inside, Alexandra hugged Sam and cried. Sam comforted her. Jennifer hugged Tommy, comforting him for his temporary loss of his slave, Yolanda.

The two couples just sat there, not speaking, hugging each other, until sunset. About 8:00 pm, the door opened and Jerry and Yolanda walked in. they had smiles on their face.

"What is this, a wake?" Jerry said.

Jennifer got up and ran to him. She nearly bowled him over when she grabbed him and pulled him in for a hug.

"Oh, Jerry, we didn't really know what would happen!" she said. "I mean, I knew you'd be back, but I really didn't know, you know?"

"I understand," Jerry said, gently holding her.

Yolanda ran to Tommy and hit the ground, kneeling in front of him. "I return, Master," she said to him.

Tommy looked at her, tears in his eyes. He then got down to the floor and hugged her.

"Oh, I am so glad you're back!" he cried.

Yolanda hugged him with a disconcerted look on her face. "You think it wise to cry over a slave, Master?" she said. "We never in danger. I gave my number, and they call. They open my cell quick after that! I waited until they done with master Jerry. He took longer."

"They were not convinced with my credentials," Jerry said by way of explanation. "I had to demonstrate. After three of their best martial artists were on the ground did they believe them."

"Either way, I'm glad you're back," Jennifer said. She started to rub up against him.

"Now that you're back," Sam said, gently breaking from Alexandra, "I think Alex and I will head to my room. Are you ok with that, Alex?"

"Yes," Alexandra said.

Jennifer smiled. She could see that Alexandra was indeed ok with going to Sam's room.

"See you tomorrow?" Jerry asked Sam.

"Of course!" he said jovially. "Just don't do anything I have to write you up for!"

Everyone laughed as Sam and Alexandra got up and left. Tommy picked up Yolanda and took her over to her bed, and Jerry placed Jennifer on her bed. Her rubbing got him hard, but he had no interest tonight.

"Sleep tonight, lovely Jennifer," Jerry said. "There will be time for loveplay tomorrow. Tonight, I just want to collect my thoughts."

Jennifer looked a little sad. "I understand," she said. She did, but boy, she was horny!

"Rest now, my slave," Tommy said to Yolanda. "I will return for you in the morning."

"Yes, Master," she said.

Tommy and Jerry kissed the women, then left. Jennifer and Yolanda looked after them. They started giggling once they exited the room.

"I don't believe it!" Jennifer said. "He really does care for me!"

"Master has me confused," Yolanda said. "Why did he cry?"

"Yolanda, drop the slave bit for a moment and see your man for what he is. He loves you. He really loves you. He will try to do right by your wishes, but there are times he wants to see Yolanda, and not the slave. This was one of those times. He thought the worst, even though he knew you would be back. When you see him tomorrow, let him know you love him too."

Yolanda just looked at her. "Ok, Jennie baby. I will try. I still see him as Master, though. I will try."

"Good." Jennifer sat up and started to undress. "In the meantime, we have no men tonight, and I am a little horny. How are you?"

"Ready to tear something up. Pussy is on fire!"

"Hmm. Shall we..." Jennifer let the question hang.

Yolanda smiled, then stripped in record time. Jennifer had just got her pants off when Yolanda bowled her over back onto her bed. Laughing, the two women started kissing and feeling each other, trying to signal to each other their need. Jennifer was thankful for Yolanda and her exuberance. She could feel her fear leave her as her head went towards her aching pussy.

Jennifer thought on the events of the day, and was thankful that none of them really got hurt. She was sad that people could be so mean, or could get so jealous of another's happiness. She knew she wasn't innocent, but she was always affected by people's lack of compassion and love for one another. She was glad that her friends did not suffer these emotions as the rule of their life.

She was also very happy about Alexandra. Her transformation was simply astounding. All Jennifer wanted was to befriend her in some way, and instead had found a new lover and friend. She was happy that she hooked up with Sam. Maybe now Alexandra would be able to find some peace in her life.

Jennifer's thoughts were brought erotically forward to the present as Yolanda's eager lips found her clit and was softly nibbling at it, causing her to moan in pleasure...

Thanks for reading, folks! I really enjoy writing about Jennifer and all her experiences. Please, don't forget to vote, and leave a message if you like. I would appreciate your thoughts, and it is through your comments that help me to make Jennifers' story better!

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