Jeong Park's First Frosh Ball Ch. 10


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"I want to," Ariana said softly, almost to herself, before looking up to meet Jeong's eyes. "I used to think Fernanda was so bad, doing it with him, but now I really want to. If he walked in again now and wanted me to, I would. I'd let him do it to me right here, again."

One of Ariana's hands touched her sex as she talked, exploring her labia, touching Erik's cum as it oozed thickly from her.

"So would I," Jeong admitted. She wanted to, so much. Maybe she should go round to Annie's, and see if Max was home. If he was there by himself? Maybe he would? But no, not tonight. She had Bible Study class to go to.

"What's happening to us?" Ariana whispered.

Jeong said nothing, but she knew what had just happened to Ariana, and she was sure that Ariana knew. She didn't think either of them would do anything other than what they'd done just now.

Whatever Erik wanted.

But what about the Frosh Ball, and afterwards? She knew what Erik wanted. Would she be able to keep saying no? She hadn't said no at all, tonight, and neither had Ariana, and she'd done things she'd never imagined ever doing.

"I don't know," she said, her cheeks burning. "But what about tomorrow? What are we going to do tomorrow?"

Ariana looked into her eyes, her face still flushed and glowing.

"Whatever he wants," she said at last. "Isn't that what you want to do?"

"Yes," Jeong admitted at last, knowing Ariana was right.

"I'll turn the shower on," Ariana said, after a long silence.

* * *

"Jeong?" Ariana asked, testing the water, then looked down, seeing Erik's cum trickling down her inner thighs. There was so much of it. There must be so much more inside her, where he'd finished. She shivered, remembering his cock throbbing inside her. Remembering those pulsating spurts as he'd emptied himself into her.

Remembering her own climax.

"Hmmm?" Jeong asked, eyeing herself in the mirror. God, he'd really cum in her hair. It was everywhere. He'd cum so hard onto her face, and she still couldn't believe she'd knelt there for him while he did that. He must have cum even harder inside Ariana. She wished he'd cum inside her instead of inside Ariana, and for a moment she was jealous. Until she remembered what Erik had said he wanted from her.

"Shower with me, Jeong?" Ariana shivered, her voice quavering. "Please?"

Was she okay? She looked so pale now.

"Okay." Jeong followed her in, closing the glass door behind her. "Are you okay, Ariana? Really?" She slid her arms around Ariana, holding her, melding herself against Ariana's back, suddenly excited as her body pressed against Ariana's. Ariana felt different to Erik pressing against her. Erik was hard, demanding and male. Ariana was soft and giving, her skin silky and smooth, like her own, except Ariana's skin was a pale cream compared to her own light olive.

"I'll do your hair," she said, after a second, reaching for the shampoo.

They washed themselves and each other, slowly, the warm water washing away the residues of sex from their bodies.

"There's so much of it," Ariana whispered, looking down as Erik's semen continued to trickle out and down her inner thighs. "I better go to the clinic in the morning. I know they open early." One of her hands rubbed her tummy.

"I'll come with you," Jeong said. She was already booked for Thursday after school, Jenny was taking her to her doctor's. Tomorrow wasn't Thursday though. Tomorrow was Wednesday, and Erik was going to pick her and Ariana up after high school. Who knew what Erik was going to do? Probably Ariana, but what if he changed his mind? What if he didn't want to wait for the Frosh Ball?

What if Max did it to her first?

She rather thought she'd like Max doing it to her.

It wasn't like Erik was her boyfriend and she had to save it for him.

"Thanks, Jeong," Ariana murmured, reaching out and squeezing her hand. She smiled a little tremulously. "I think I'll call Dave and tell him I'm feeling too tired to go out tonight."

She yawned, and then yawned again, sleepily. "I am. I'm really tired." She touched her sex, exploring. "Sore, too."

"I'm not surprised," Jeong said. "That was, like, a really good workout."

Ariana actually giggled. She wasn't as pale now either. "Tomorrow? Are you going to...?"

"Tomorrow?" Jeong asked, shivering, her nipples suddenly swollen and hard. Ariana's were too. She looked up, and Ariana was looking at hers. Their eyes met. "Do you want to? Again? If he wants to?"

"You want to, with him, don't you?" Ariana asked.

"Yes," Jeong said, after a long moment. "I was jealous he did it with you. I wanted him to do it to me."

"Don't be jealous," Ariana said. "He's just using us."

"I want him to use me," Jeong said, breathlessly. "I want him to use me...."

"Like he used me," Ariana said. "You enjoyed watching him with me, didn't you? You helped him when he told you too, and you wanted to. I saw your face."

"Yes," Jeong admitted, embarrassed. "It was like, I had to do whatever he told me to do. I don't know why, but I just did it." She looked away. "It was really exciting watching him with you, and you...when we...I liked that too, and you watched him with me, too, didn't you? When he...when I...."

"When you gave him that blow job?"

"Yes." Jeong glanced back at Ariana, and her words came out in a rush. "I really wanted him to fuck me too, and I wouldn't have minded at all if you'd helped him."

"I'm glad you were there, with me," Ariana said at last, hugging her, her naked body pressing softly against Jeong's. "Thank you for being there with me."

They hugged each other, the hot water flowing over them both.

"Will you come with me tomorrow, if he...." Ariana's voice was almost a whisper.

"He wants us both," Jeong said at last. "I'll come." He half-giggled. "I don't think either of us could say no to him."

She thought about what Erik had told her he wanted from her, and she shivered. She knew she couldn't say no to him, just like Ariana hadn't said no to him. She had to, though. She didn't want all his friends gangbanging her at his Frosh Ball Party. No way. She wasn't going to go to the Frosh Ball with him. She'd tell him tomorrow. Tell him to find someone else.

"I don't want to say no to him," Ariana murmured, easing away from Jeong. "Look, it's still coming out."

They both looked.

"He wanted us both to shave," Jeong whispered, looking.

"Are you going to?" Ariana asked.

Jeong looked at her, feeling her cheeks burning. "Yes," she nodded at last.

Ariana looked at her razor. "Uh..."

Jeong giggled. "I better get going," she said. "I have Bible Study class tonight. I'll come around early tomorrow morning though."

"Okay." Ariana was already lathering her pubic hair. She wasn't quite sure how to do this, but as long as she was careful...

* * *

"Oh, hi Jeong," her mom smiled as Jeong walked in through the front door. "Wilfred's here, he's been waiting for you. I have to run, I'm meeting an old friend. I might be really late. Don't wait up for me." And she was gone, the front door closing behind her.

"Uh..." Jeong said blankly, tasting Erik's cum every time she swallowed. Oh god, what was Wilfred doing here? Why had her mom let him in? What was she going to tell him when he asked her why she didn't want to date him? She'd told her mom that she and Wilfred were over.

"Jeong," Wilfred said plaintively. "I've been trying to talk to you for days...we're supposed to be doing a talk together at Bible Study class this evening."

"Uh..." Jeong said blankly. She hadn't imagined he was going to ask her that. She'd forgotten all about their Thursday evening Bible Study class after she'd left Ariana's. She hadn't actually intended to keep going, she'd only been going for the last year or so because of Wilfred. "What were we supposed to be talking about?"

"Uh, what's wrong with pre-marital sex," Wilfred said.

"Nothing," Jeong said, without thinking. "I mean, I forgot. I haven't got anything ready."

Pre-marital sex? Oh god yes, she wanted pre-marital sex. Just, not with Wilfred. Not anymore.

"Well, I haven't got anything prepared either," Wilfred said. "I was kind of hoping you could, you know...."

"Talk?" Jeong asked, swallowing, tasting Erik. She glanced at the old grandfather clock. Three hours until Bible Study class. "Okay, I guess I can do it. How about you make something for us to eat while I get started."

He hadn't even mentioned dating. She could tolerate Wilfred just this once.

"Uh," Wilfred said, looking guilty. "I, uh, I can't go to Bible Study class tonight. I was kind of hoping you could do everything."

"Huh?" Jeong said. Wilfred was blushing. He was looking guilty? And he wanted to dump the whole thing on her? What...?

"I, uh, I have a date," Wilfred blurted out, his face flaming. "I wanted to tell you, because after you said you didn't want to date me, I thought well, if we've broken up it would be okay, so I asked her...." His voice tailed away.

"Oh," Jeong said, blankly. "Oh, I see." She didn't though. Wasn't he chasing her? Had he given up? Wow. Great.

"I didn't want to hurt you, but I thought I should tell you," Wilfred said.

"No, that's okay," Jeong said. "You have to do what's best for you, Wilfred, and I know I was a bit, you know...."

"That's okay," Wilfred said. "Thanks, Jeong."

"Who are you dating?" she asked, not quite excitedly, but she was curious.

"Well, uh...."

"You can tell me, Wilfred. I'm not going to be upset or anything." God no, she was going to buy whoever it was a thank you present.

"Annie's older sister. You know, Suzy," he said, smiling happily. "She's in one of the same classes as me at college and we were talking, and it just kind of happened."

"Oh?" Jeong said, rather blankly, startled more than she wanted to admit, even to herself. "Well, enjoy your date."

Suzy? That was fast. How had he hooked up with her? He'd been too shy to ask her on a date. Back then, she'd asked him. Whatever. However it'd happened, she was sure Wilfred would enjoy his date. As long as he didn't object to pre-marital sex. That was so strange. He'd rejected her, and now he was all eager over Suzy? Weird, but he wasn't going to bother her, anyhow, not if he was dating Suzy. At least he was out of her hair. Thanks Suzy.

"Thanks, Jeong," Wilfred said. "Well, be seeing you round."

"Bye," Jeong said, closing the door behind him, bemused. She couldn't help the giggle that escaped. Wilfred and Suzy? Wow! She should be upset and humiliated, she knew, but really, she was relieved.

She'd call Mandy, and see if her mom could pick her up.

* * *

"Cold one?" Bodie held one out, condensation drops coating the glass.

"Thanks, dude." Erik took the beer he'd been passed. Really cold, and he needed it. He'd worked up a sweat pounding Fernanda's hot tight little pussy before he'd turned her over to Carter, and blown his load down Sally's throat.

Fuck, he'd loved that look on Sally's face as she'd swallowed.

"Nuuhhh...uhhhh...uhhhhhh." Carter was taking it slow with her now. Long and slow.

"Naaaaaaoohhhh." Greg wasn't taking it slow. He was pounding Jessica's ass, and the hot bitch was face down on the floor and loving it. Mother and daughter. What a pair, and they were both totally okay with an audience now. They had been that first time, too. Maybe he should have them do a mother and daughter 69 and have the guys fuck them at both ends at the same time. That'd be hot.

Erik sipped his beer, watching Sally's firm little tits quiver as Dylan doggied her. Jackson, Leo and Ben lay sprawled around, drinking and watching. Waiting their turns. No rush, they had all evening. Well, Fer had to be home by ten, but Sally didn't. After all, it was her mom on the floor next to her.

No curfew there.

"Uhhhaaaohhhh...ohhh...ohhhhh." Her mom, taking Carter's cock up her ass and enjoying it.

He'd ride Ariana hard for a couple more evenings before he introduced her to the guys. She'd shape up well for the Frosh Party, alongside Sally, but for the centerpiece....

Jesus, he was getting hard again just thinking about her. That look in her eyes as he'd fucked Ariana in front of her this afternoon, she'd wanted cock bad. Really bad, and he'd told her what he wanted. She'd give it to him eventually, he knew. Just like Sally had. Just a little more time, a little more teasing and coaxing. That was all it'd take before Jeong Park was eating out of his hand, and then....

"Ohhh yes...yes...yes." She'd take it just like Sally was now, as Dylan filled her hot little pussy with cum.

"Hey, Ben, Leo, Jackson. Why don't you guys team up with Sally?" he said, still thinking of that expression on Jeong's face as he'd popped her friend's cherry in front of her. Yeah, that was one hot little bitch. Just a few more weeks to the Frosh Ball, and then she'd be where Sally was now.

"Uhhuhhuhhhuhhhhnnhhhh." Taking two cocks at once, although she might not love it the way Sally was loving it right now.

Just thinking about Jeong taking another cock simultaneously with his had him hard. Yeah, he'd have to train her up first, and Erik smiled, slowly. Yeah, he knew exactly how he was going to train Jeong up. He'd start tomorrow.

Come that Frosh Ball Party, Jeong Park was going to find out what being made airtight was all about.

"Somebody use Sally's mouth as well," he said, idly stroking his cock.

Yeah, airtight. Just like Sally was going to be.

Afterwards, after the guys were pumped dry, he was going to take her and her mom back to their house and fuck them both. Maybe even stay the night and fuck Sally in the morning before he left. Have her mom blow him and then finish up by fucking Sally's tight little ass right next to her mom. That'd be an excellent start to anyone's morning.

* * *

"Unfortunately, Wilfred couldn't be with us tonight," Tiffany Wong, their bible class teacher said, looking around the half dozen girls in the small room in the church basement, "and one of the other teachers is sick, so I'm going to have to take care of the younger kids. I'd have asked my husband to step in and help, but I know Jeong and Wilfred were going to give a little talk and lead a discussion session tonight on what's wrong with premarital sex, and Jeong's already told me she's got her talk and her discussion points ready, so for tonight, I'll hand the class over to Jeong."

She smiled. "Besides, I don't think it's a topic Larry would be comfortable leading a discussion on with you girls," she added.

She was actually rather grateful Wilfred had called to say he couldn't make it. One boy, even if he was twenty, leading a discussion on pre-marital sex with half a dozen eighteen year old girls just didn't seem right, and it wasn't a topic she was comfortable with herself. She remembered her prom date, and closed her eyes for a moment, doing her best to forget. No, she couldn't lead this one, she just didn't feel right about it.

She'd talked to Father Auyeung about the topic and about Wilfred leading the class earlier in the week, but Father hadn't thought it would be an issue. Tiffany hadn't wanted to disagree, not with Father Auyeung, but when Wilfred had called, it'd taken a weight off her mind, and she was sure Jeong would handle it well. She was such a sensible girl.

Jeong looked around. "Thank you, Mrs. Wong," she said, watching her leave the room, waiting until she closed the door, before looking around.

She knew all the girls here. They were friends, but they weren't exactly close friends. Just that they'd all been here at the Chinese Catholic Bible Study class and Sunday School together for years.

"Well, let's get started," she said, opening her laptop and bringing up her Google presentation's first slide. "This week's discussion topic is, What's Wrong with Pre-marital Sex?"

She looked around again. It was a smaller group than usual. Mimi Wong, Maddie Liu, Aimee Young and Sarah Leung all seemed to have dropped out lately. Still, Vanessa Zheng, Sarah Loo, Phoebe Zhao, Hailey Fujiomoto, and Mandy Kim were all here. She'd known them all for years. She knew that, like her, they weren't really the virtuous Christian girls their parents and their peers thought they were. They talked, all the time, and she'd heard all of them talking about guys. Well, except Vanessa Zheng maybe.

It was a shame Aimee wasn't here. She'd been dating that guy Brad for almost a year now. He was a lot older, and she was sure Aimee knew a lot more about sex than she ever let on. Oh well, never mind. She smiled, looking at her first slide. She'd written it really quickly, taken most of it from a couple of presentations on a couple of different religious websites actually, and it said everything Miss Wong would want her to say, but Miss Wong wasn't here, and what she'd written wasn't what she really wanted to say at all.

Jeong looked at that slide, and, very slowly, glancing around, her smile grew.

"What's wrong with pre-marital sex?" She paused, looking around the table, swallowing, tasting that now-faint after-taste of Erik's semen in her mouth. Faint, but delicious all the same. She couldn't wait for him to do that to her again. Face-fuck her. Or Max. She rather thought she'd enjoy Max face-fucking her too. Yummy, and her mouth flooded with saliva at the thought.

"I had this whole presentation prepared," she said, slowly. "But really, it's all about what we know they want to hear isn't it?"

She looked around the table, looking at each of them in turn. Sarah Loo, Phoebe Zhao and Vanessa Zheng were American-Chinese. Mandy Kim was American-Korean, like her. Hailey Fujimoto was American-Japanese, although it was her great-grandparents who'd immigrated, and really, the only thing Japanese about her was her looks, and that her dad made really good sushi. All attractive, if you liked Asian girls, and Mandy actually had boobs that were even bigger than hers, and totally natural too, as Mandy sometimes rather snidely commented when Jeong was within earshot. Mind you, Sarah's boobs were almost non-existent, and that averaged things out. She hesitated, then smiled.

"Do you want to know what I really think?"

"Uh." Vanessa Zheng looked around. Vanessa who always looked so conservative. She always wore long skirts or baggy jeans, she never wore anything to show herself off, but Jeong had been swimming with her. If she did something with her hair and wore the right clothes, clothes like the clothes that Erik had bought her, Jeong knew that Vanessa would look hot too. Really really hot.

"Uh, yeah, sure. I would," Vanessa said, quickly, her cheeks a little pink.

"Me too," Sarah Loo said.

"Okay," Phoebe Zhao leaned forward, just a little, her eyes sparkling. "Are you going to tell us about you and Wilfred, Jeong?"

"Yes, tell us," Mandy Kim said enthusiastically. "Have you guys fucked yet? What was it like?"

"Not so loud, Mandy," Hailey Fujimoto said.

Jeong eyed Mandy and smiled. Mandy was always loud, and she knew what Erik would call her. A screamer. She wondered if she was. She wondered if Erik would enjoy making Mandy scream, the way Ariana had screamed this afternoon, upstairs, in her bedroom. All of a sudden, she knew what she really really wanted to say.

"Not about Wilfred," Jeong said. "We broke up a few days ago, but I was going to talk about what's wrong with pre-marital sex, and really, the truth is, I don't think there's anything at all wrong with pre-marital sex. I mean, it's really fun, and I like it, and honestly, I don't know why everyone at church is so weird about it. I mean, we all know about sex, right?"

They all looked at her, wide-eyed.