Jessie & The Tornado Ch. 04


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The tallest member of the team, who I later learned is named Rachel, told Jessie: "Okay, Jess, but hurry. I don't know how long I can keep this group under control."

Jessie handed me the flowers, then the next thing I know I am alone, surrounded by six girls -- none of whom really look that happy to be with me.

"Uhh, do any of you know any good Georgia Tech jokes?" I asked, trying to break the tension.

My inquiry was met with a resounding silence.

Finally, the really tall one (Rachel) leaned over me and looked down at me like I was some particularly repugnant specimen under a magnifying glass.

"Hey, Ass-wipe, do you know there is only ONE reason we are not stomping and kicking the crap out of you right now?"

Not trusting myself to speak, I just shook my head.

Rachel then leaned back and actually smiled: "Jessie and I have been in school together since the first grade. In the past two months I have seen her happier than I have in years.

"Now, while I may want to kick your teeth in -- and believe me I could do it -- we're going to let you live. At least for a little while. But if you ever hurt Jessie . . . the entire Marine Corps won't be able to protect you."

After that, the other team members seemed to loosen up, and started joking with me -- a little.

They all had some little story to tell about Jessie, and how much she had changed in the past six or eight weeks.

Her teammates were also the ones who told me about how Jessie had broken her nose and gotten the stitches in her eyebrow from a soccer ball, but refused to come out of the game. She finally allowed the team doctor to put a small Band-Aid on her eyebrow to keep the blood out of her eye. She went on to score five goals in that game, then spent nearly three hours at the emergency room afterwards.

Almost before I knew it, 20 minutes had passed before I heard one of the girls say, "Here comes Jessie."

Then I heard someone say: "Oh My God. She's fixed her hair.

"And she's wearing makeup," someone else said.

"And lipstick," added another.

"Holy crap! She's wearing a dress! Jessie is wearing a dress," said someone else.

"Actually," said the blonde, "she's wearing my dress. The one I planned on wearing after the game when I go out to eat with my boyfriend."

While they were saying these things about Jessie, I was trying to see, but most of the girls were standing directly in front of me, including tall Rachel. Finally they moved as Jessie came closer.

Hot Damn! Had I actually been dumb enough to say that Jessie was cute, in an athletic sort of way? This girl . . . this woman . . . walking towards me was absolutely stunning. Her long blonde hair was cascading down her front. Her outfit was a simple sleeveless dress cut pretty low, and the hem was . . . well higher than mid-thigh. It was immediately obvious from the movement of her breasts and the way her nipples were pushing against the thin fabric that Jessie wasn't wearing a bra.

As Jessie walked up to me and put her arms around me, I heard one of the girls say, "Damn, Jess, you should dress up more often."

Jessie briefly brushed her lips against mine, then turned to her blonde teammate, "Susan, I hope you don't mind if I borrow your dress?"

"Hell no, Jessie, in fact it looks a lot better on you than it does on me," was her answer.

I don't know how the dress looked on what's her name, but I do know it was beautiful on Jessie.

Jessie turned back to me, "Well, I don't see any blood, so I guess they weren't too hard on you!"

"A couple of broken ribs, lots of internal injuries, but it was worth it, just to see you now," I said.

A couple of the girls snickered.

"Silver tongued devil," I heard one say.

"Wonder what else his tongue can do?" another asked, and I think both Jessie and I blushed, which evoked a lot of laughter from the group.

As Jessie and I got ready to leave, Rachel leaned down and gave me a hug and kissed my cheek, then whispered, "You be good to her, or so help me I will find you and rip your balls off."

One by one, each of the girls gave me a hug. A couple kissed me on the cheek. Then all six hugged Jessie.

When I handed the roses back to Jessie, she held the roses in one arm while putting the other around my neck. This time it was a LOT more than just brushing her lips against mine. In fact, it was a very passionate, tongue-in-mouth kiss, prompting her friends to start "ooing" and "ahhing," as well as making comments about PDAs (Public Displays of Affection).

Jessie grabbed my hand and said, "Let's get out of here."

We stopped at my car to leave the flowers since Jessie said she wanted to walk. Then, holding hands, we walked all over the UGA campus for nearly two hours.

Neither of us talked very much. Really, neither of us needed to . . . just being together, holding hands was far more important.

Jessie would tell me about some of the different buildings we passed, or about some of the areas of campus, and I would ask some questions, but mostly we just enjoyed each other's company.

Finally, after about two hours, Jessie asked if I wanted to sit down and rest for a little while. We were walking along a path around a small lake, so we walked over to an old oak tree and sat down.

I sat with my back against the tree, and Jessie sat down in front of me, then scooted herself back against me until her back was pressed against my chest. She then leaned her head back against my shoulder. I put both my arms around her, just under her breasts and she put both of her arms over mine.

After about 15 or 20 minutes of just sitting together, Jessie finally begin talking.

"Sam, I could just sit here with you for the rest of the day. I can't believe I feel so peaceful and calm."

Jessie gave her head a little shake.

"I could never have sat here like this with John Bennett. When I was with him, I always felt like I had to be up doing something.

"Sam, for the last year of his life we were planning our marriage. That is supposed to be a wonderful time in a woman's life . . . but for most of that time I was miserable. I think I hid it, I don't think John Bennett knew, but I kept wondering if I was making the biggest mistake of my life."

"Why do you always use his full name?" I asked.

Jessie laughed. "His last name was actually Mitchell. John Bennett Mitchell, but he always introduced himself as John Bennett, then John Bennett Mitchel. Kind of like in the Bond movies where he always says, 'Bond . . . James Bond.

"I'm not sure if that is a Georgia thing, or a Southern thing?" she said.

"Oh, definitely Southern thing," I told her, "I had several friends like that."

"Anyway, John Bennett and I met in the fourth grade. We had our first date, a movie, in the ninth grade. We had sex with each after our senior prom. He was my first, and I was his first. In fact, until last Saturday night I had never kissed anyone else before."

She turned her head towards me and kissed me on the cheek.

"That was so wonderful . . . dancing with you, then kissing you.

"When John Bennett asked me to marry him . . . it just seemed like the natural thing to say yes. I really didn't think a lot about it. But I remember I was more . . . I don't know . . . relieved than excited.

"As we began the planning, well, it seemed more like I was planning it for someone else then me. I just couldn't get excited about it. One of my friends even told me that at times I acted more like I was planning my execution than my wedding. 'Don't you love him,' she asked.

"When she asked that, I finally realized that while I did love John Bennett, I was not IN love with him."

Jessie was quite for several minutes. I just hugged her harder.

"Two days before the wedding, I finally told John Bennett I wasn't sure if I could go through the wedding, that I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing . . . that I wasn't sure if I loved him.

"That was the first time I had ever seen him get mad. First time I had ever seen him really cry. 'Two days before our wedding is a hell of a time to decide you don't love me,' he yelled at me, then walked out.

"I called my Mom and told her. She told me that whatever I decided, she would stand by me, but this was a decision only I could make. I thought about how John Bennett looked, how much I had hurt him, then called him on his cell and apologized, saying it was just a case of nerves, pre-wedding jitters.

"I told him I still wanted to get married, and he was so happy. He said he was going to stop at a store and buy some beer for us, and would be home in 30 minutes.

"After hanging up, I curled up on the couch and cried myself to sleep.

"I woke up three or four hours later. He wasn't back yet. I turned on the television and they were reporting about an attempted robbery that had gone wrong. How one guy walked in to a convenience store and was shot and killed by the robbers.

"On TV, they were showing the front of the convenience store and I recognized his car. I knew immediately.

"If we hadn't had the fight . . . . . if I hadn't told him I wasn't sure about getting married . . . he wouldn't have been there and would still be alive."

Jessie is softly crying now and the only thing I can do is hold her tighter.

After several minutes, she finally continued.

"I actually managed to convince myself that the fight never happened. That I was madly in love with John Bennett. That I was looking forward to the wedding.

"At least until last week. When we were making love . . . oh, God, did I want to make love with you . . . and then I called out his name. It all came back to me. All the guilt, all the pain, all the anger. It was overwhelming, Sam, so overwhelming.

"I had to get away. Do you understand Sam, why I had to get away?"

I told her I did.

"Mom and I talked for hours that night. Of course she already knew the doubts I had been having, but I had never told anyone else, and deliberately tried to make myself forget.

"The next night, you sent Dr. Andrews and that was the first time I ever told anyone else about how guilty I felt. That I blamed myself for John Bennett's death. We met for five hours and I think I cried for at least four of those hours.

"She helped me to understand that it wasn't my fault. That it was a horrible accident. That John Bennett has chosen to go into that convenience store, in a bad part of town. I still had trouble accepting that until she told me another story.

"She never mentioned any names, but told me about another patient of hers who blamed himself for his wife's death because he was tired, and his wife let him sleep late one morning. How he had almost killed someone else because of his anger . . . not against the other person, but against himself.

"She never told me Sam, but that person was you wasn't it?"

I had never told Jessie any of the details about Deb's death, and at first I just nodded, "Yes."

Then I told her what had happened that last morning when Debs was killed, and how it had taken several firemen and police officers to pull me off that other driver several weeks later.

Jessie and I both shed some tears as we remembered.

By now Jessie and I had been sitting under the tree for over an hour. She had shifted until she was mostly facing me, with her legs across my thigh and her head resting against my chest.

We had both been silent for the past 10 or 15 minutes, just taking pleasure in the closeness of the other when Jessie lifted her head up, looked at me and said, "You know what, Mr. Walker?"

"What, Miss Johansson?" I said, turning to look at her. Our faces were just inches apart.

"I have half a mind to kiss you," she said.

"Only half a mind?" I started to say before her lips met mine.

Again, the kiss was incredibly tender and gentle. As before when we exchanged our very first kiss, it was more sensual than sexy, more playful than passionate. When we finally broke the kiss, we were both smiling.

"I really like your half mind," I told Jessie. "And since you're a blonde and attend UGA, I guess I had better get used to it."

She didn't say anything at first, just started tickling me. I finally managed to grab both of Jessie's hands to stop her assault on the ticklish parts of my body. We were both laughing.

"Like I told the girls, you might be a jerk, butthead and dipshit, but you are MY jerk, MY butthead and MY dipshit," she said.

I am not sure just who kissed who, but we suddenly were kissing again, only this time it was a very sexy, passionate kiss. I soon had my hands around Jessie's back, pressing her against me.

Jessie then surprised me.

When we decided to sit and rest, we had walked about 50 or 60 feet from the path over to the oak tree, but were in full view of anyone walking by. There actually hadn't been that many people walking along the path, but every 10 minutes or so we would see someone.

Jessie grabbed my hand from her back and put it inside her low-cut dress. As I began squeezing her breast Jessie began moaning.

By the time we finally broke that kiss, we were both breathing hard, and I could see the hunger and desire in Jessie's eyes. I knew it probably mirrored my own.

"I thought . . . I thought," I gasped, "you said we have to be strong, and no touching under clothing." My hand was still inside her dress, squeezing her breast.

"If you remember correctly," Jessie answered, "I wrote that YOU have to be strong. I have decided that I am going to do everything I can to drive you absolutely crazy with lust and desire. I plan on trying to seduce you today, Mr. Walker."

As I was about to reply, my stomach beat me to it and growled very loudly.

Jessie began giggling.

"Obviously, you are hungry in more ways than one," she said with one of her patented smiles.

I had stopped for a country ham biscuit on the drive to Athens, but that was now (looking at my watch) some nine hours earlier.

"To tell you the truth, I am starving also," said Jessie, "both for food . . . and you."

Since Jessie still had both her legs across my thigh, she had to get up first. What should have been a very simple act probably took her at least a minute, since she seemed to feel the need to keep thrusting her butt right in front of my face.

"Can you brush . . . my behind . . . off for me," she coyly asked.

I brushed some leaves and grass off her beautiful butt, then took my hand and gave her a rather sharp smack!

She yelped.

"Why Mr. Walker, suddenly I see a whole new side of you," Jessie said, while slowly licking her lips with her tongue.

I just shook my head and stood up. We again hugged and kissed passionately, albeit briefly before walking back to my car. It actually took half an hour to walk back, and by then Jessie's stomach was also growling and we were giggling at each other. Well, Jessie was giggling . . . Marines don't giggle, they laugh.

One of my friends had told me about an excellent Italian restaurant in Athens, so I drove there where we enjoyed a two-hour lunch. We had barely sat down at a table with Jessie across from me when she slipped off her shoes and immediately stuck both feet into my crotch where she started trying to massage me with her feet! Luckily I found out that she is intensely ticklish on the bottom of her feet. I knew I had to store that little factoid for future reference!

Undaunted, she then sat down beside me where she tried to keep one hand strategically located between my legs. It was all I could do to try to keep her hands above the table for the entire meal.

It didn't help matters when, after Jessie left to use the bathroom, she returned to tell me she was now "commando," having taken her panties off.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. After that, she kept trying to grab my hand and put it between her legs.

After eating we returned to the car. As I held the door for her, Jessie took an inordinate amount of time getting in, making sure I could see that she was now "commando."

"Now what?" Jessie said, and again I could see the desire in her eyes.

"Girl, you are either going to drive me crazy, or kill me," I declared!

"Actually, I just want to screw your brains out," Jessie said with an enticing smile. "If I drive you crazy . . . well that's just a bonus."

I shook my head and tried to act uber-serious and stern, "What I SHOULD do, Miss Johansson, is turn you over my knee and give you a spanking for the stunts you just pulled in the restaurant."

Jessie was sitting down on the seat of the Mercedes, but immediately turned around and put her knees on the seat and thrust her bare bottom, sans panties, towards me.

"Oh, please Mr. Walker, please," she cooed, "like I told you once, I've never tried spanking, but I've read Fifty Shades of Grey."

Despite myself, I laughed out loud. Then I gave her a sharp smack on her bare butt. She yelped.

"I don't care what Dr. Andrews says, you are seriously disturbed," I muttered as Jessie joined me in laughter.

"Maybe I could find an Athens-Clark County police car and borrow a pair of handcuffs to control you," I threatened.

"Oh, handcuffs and bondage," Jessie purred. "If you want to tie me up, we could stop at a Lowe's or Home Depot for some rope."

We both started laughing as Jessie turned back around until she was again seated.

"God, you are one CRAZY lady, Miss Johansson," I said.

"That's your influence, Mr. Walker," she countered.

Jessie leaned over towards me, and somehow I met her halfway and we were kissing again.

I was just about to the point where I no longer cared what Dr. Andrews said. I mean there is only so much a normal, 100 percent red-blooded American boy (and ex-Marine) can take.

My hand began caressing Jessie's inner thighs, with the intent of caressing a lot more when Jessie reached over and stopped my hand.

"Sam, I want you so much it's almost killing me," she said.

"But since you brought up Dr. Andrews, I keep thinking about what she said. Can we wait for one more week?" she asked.

"Jessie, Jessie, Jessie," I sighed, "you really are going to drive me crazy or kill me!

"Yes Jessie, yes," I said, "we can wait for one more week."

Jessie promised she would try to control herself for the rest of the day, but only reluctantly agreed to put her panties back on.

"I like going 'commando' with you around," she teased.

We went to a movie, and, for the most part, Jessie behaved herself. Several times her hand dropped down between my legs and she began rubbing me through my pants.

"This next week is going to be the longest of my life," she complained the third time I made her stop.

After the movie we stopped for ice cream, then it was time to take Jessie back to her dorm.

To tell you the truth, I think both of us were a little afraid of what would happen if I found myself alone with Jessie in her dorm room, so we kissed . . . and kissed . . . and kissed while sitting in my car. Even then, it took considerable will power not to allow anything else to happen.

In between kisses, I found out that Monday of the following week was a school holiday, so Jessie and I made plans to spend the long weekend together.

Of course little did we know that a killer tornado was going to disrupt everyone's plans for that weekend?

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complexhobagcomplexhobagover 2 years ago

I did google us soccer team and the average height is 5.2’ or around 5’3” which is actually shorter than than the the total average. So if you don’t write a story you can’t comment? I don’t think that is how the website works. I have thought about writing a story and have even began some. It is hard to write something that is good readable. I was in no way knocking the author who I did say the story was good, by the way. I was just pointing out something that could have been more accurate. I am in no way perfect, but I like constructive criticism. I feel like that is what I was providing. Have a great day everyone. P. S. I know it is a long time after my original comment.

flarebel2327flarebel2327almost 5 years ago

another 1 who hasn't written & put a story for others to read . when you do then maybe you can nit pick others that do. I read them for enjoyment .

flarebel2327flarebel2327almost 5 years ago
EX Marine

no such thing as an ex Marine !!!!!!!!

LwcbyLwcbyabout 5 years ago

Yo are going to talk shit about how tall soccer players are. Google the US Womens soccer team. Ass Hat!!

complexhobagcomplexhobagover 5 years ago
Soccer player heights

I looked at the average height of soccer players and it is 5'7". I know you wanted to add that to the humor of the story, but most women soccer players aren't tall. That would be tough dragging around that height for over 90 minutes. If you had said she was a volleyball or basketball player than all of them being tall would have made sense. Plus I just want say that her teammates were ridiculously about some lame UGA jokes. Still a not bad story, just not enough between the two together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This is the best story I have read on this site.I am constantly grinning while reading their playful banter.Now,I have to read the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

a foxhole tale,

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The blonde, UGA & marine jokes are getting old, I get its a part of them but come on! Plus for 22 year old's Jessie and her friends are awfully immature!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
come on

This cant be the last part? If it isnt please finish it?

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