Jezebel's Tale Ch. 31

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Part 29 of the 29 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 03/27/2013
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Chapter 7 -- Reversal.

Sandy screamed.

The second's body was spread out, ripped apart. She could have stopped it, if she had been paying attention, if she had kept hold of her magic. She was so relieved Jezebel had won she had looked away and taken a deep breath. That was all the time it took. She heard Daniel's shouted warning and looked up, and it was already done. There was nothing she could do. Natalie, her love, was broken, lying in two pieces on the ground.

She was really tempted to kill some more of them, fuck the plan and fuck the planet. She couldn't do that though, she would become the nightmare. It was hard to see, her eyes were drowning in tears. Why? She was watching the Angels who looked nervous. One of them stepped forward, his sword sheathed. He looked like a nervous five year old headed to the principal's office.

It would have been funny, if Natalie... She just watched as he went to Jezebel and bowed. If he even moved wrong she would make an example of him, a painful one.

He said to Jezebel, "I am Tir. You are in command of us now. Although we have no specific orders to follow at the moment with Gabriel dead. I... I don't know why the second did that, or the old one I should say. Outside of revenge that is, which I can't relate to. Gabriel was our enslaver. What do you want us to do?"

Sandy was livid and Jezebel looked like she was in shock. She growled, "Take your weapons of war and leave, do not come back!"

The Angel just stood there, waiting for Jezebel's response. She saw him glance fearfully at her, but she was not in command, Jezebel was.

Jezebel's voice sounded dead, "Wait."

Wait for what? Sandy was pissed and it was taking all of her control not to turn into a monster. Plus she knew she would die if she did attack, after all without Jezebel and Daniel feeding her power she could probably take out a hundred or so before being overwhelmed?

Sandy asked impatiently, "Wait for what?"

Jezebel asked Tir, "If we send you home. Then go kill Ambriela and send them home. What would happen?"

Tir looked confused as Sandy felt, but he said, "Well there would be a power struggle. Then whoever took over would probably just send us back, seeing you as a threat to their power. All it would do is delay things a bit."

She saw Jezebel nod slowly. Tir's answer slowly sunk in through Sandy's rage at Natalie's death. It wouldn't help in the long run, just delay the inevitable. Another invasion? What could they do about it though?

Jezebel her voice still dead said, "We are going with you, wait here for us."

Sandy figured she was slow because of the grief. She just didn't get that idea at all. Why would they go there?

She watched Tir acknowledge the orders then went to break down camp. Then they took Natalie's body and left to grieve, she could figure out the what and why of it later.


Jezebel sighed. It was the only way they could end the cycle, tackle the source of the problem. Just winning this war was not enough. The last few days had been hard, every time someone walks in the door she expected to hear Natalie's voice bringing her a report.

They had a private funeral ceremony. Just the three of them. Sandy had covered the grave with flowers and created a smooth marble headstone from the surrounding dirt.

They were all not at their best, but they had to move before Ambriela did something. She needed Ambriela, or more specifically, the command blocker, here in this world.

They showed up at the Angel encampment, and it had grown. All the Angels in Asia had made their way up and were ready to go home. Most did not wish to fight, now that they had no controlling orders forcing them to do it.

They opened a large portal and moved through. As soon as she got through to the other side she opened up her command ability. She was not as naïve, but they needed to be free. So she ordered that they were to ignore all other command orders, except that they could not kill each other at all. A new government would have to be built through discussion and consensus, not who was strongest.

Jezebel knew that was the biggest problem. The way things were set up with the command ability the strongest always won, and always feared they would lose that power to the next one born a little stronger. That's why they attacked earth, for a possible threat. Trying to make an ally or peaceful trade wouldn't occur to an overlord desperate to keep their authority.

Of course, that initial order only stopped the cycle while she was still alive. They needed something else.

She opened her eyes and looked around for the first time, and it looked like earth to her. Oh, the city looked like something out of sci-fi movie. But the grass, trees and everything else looked like earth. Almost like they were still there, just in a different dimension, or version of it. She looked up and gasped, there were three moons above. Ok, so not quite the same as her earth, but still similar.

They all followed Tir to the capital. They took over Gabriel's residence and started searching it. At the very least they needed to see a halfway stable interim government before they left. But they were looking for a way to make the peace more permanent. Jezebel had no illusions anymore about it, it would return to business as usual if she died.

They needed to get some kind of treaty and trade going maybe? Even if they did backslide into power over thinking perhaps ten millennia of peaceful coexistence would make a difference? Assuming it lasted that long and she lived to her potential age that is. So they searched the databases, looking for the best way to do things.


Ambriela was scared for the first time in as far back as she could remember. Both Uriel and Gabriel were dead. A third of the army was dead as well, the other third no longer under anyone's control and back on their world. She had no weapons to back up Gabriel's threats. He had taken the whole inventory with his part of the army.

All she had left was the command disruption tech and that was limited in helpfulness. Really was there to only counter one person on the whole planet. She wondered if it was worth staying... Her second came in looking nervous.


He swallowed and said, "They home dimension has been taken."

She sighed and shook her head. Their paranoia was leading to what they feared the most. She could either stay here and carve out a little kingdom, or she could go back home and fight. The latter she would be heavily outnumbered. She would think on this, maybe a small group to assassinate that bitch and send them through? If she didn't sense them coming they wouldn't get her orders...

She would think on this, "Dismissed!"


Daniel was beat. They had been going through data all day, only taking a few short breaks for food and drink and to recharge Jezebel. The guilt after the soul joining was overwhelming. The loss of Natalie tore him up after experiencing that moment of perfect ecstasy, where he had briefly forgotten. For that time only he and Jezebel existed.

The search today had pretty much been a bust. It looks like this dimension has pretty much followed the dictator model for all of recorded history. Strangely they couldn't find anything older than forty thousand years or so. Maybe they would have better luck tomorrow.

He felt a little guilty, his libido was speaking up. He hadn't been able to fall asleep and he had both Sandy and Jezebel snuggled up against his side. They were warm, and soft, and kept rubbing their bodies up against him in their sleep. He decided the hell with it, they won't mind if I wake them up for a little while... Chapter 8 -- Perfidy.

Jezebel sighed. They had been looking for two days and nothing useful. Tir however had suggested she speak to the head archivist. The Angel kept an eye on the vault where the top secret weapons and information was held. If anyone had the knowledge they needed it would be her. She decided if that didn't pan out she would leave and take care of Ambriela, who knows what she was up to.

Then she supposed she would have to come back here, make sure they put together a good government, she didn't want to have to step in and command it done right. But free or not they were too used to a dictator type government and that couldn't be allowed to continue. She also didn't want to be stuck here very long, the technology was amazing, but it wasn't home.

She took a shower, got dressed and got something to eat. Daniel and Sandy were with her as well as she waited for the archivist. Tir brought the old angel in a short time later. Jezebel had never seen an Angel so old they tottered, until now.

Tir bowed and said, "This is Triel. Triel this is Jezebel, Sandy and Daniel from the other world."

She offered Triel a seat and waited for her to get settled before stating her questions.

Jezebel asked, "First if I may, on my world, is there any way to defeat the jamming device that keeps my commands from working? Or maybe destroy it from a distance?"

Triel sighed, "No. You must find it and destroy it. It is the only way."

Jezebel nodded forlornly and asked, "And the history, it doesn't go back over forty thousand years, yet we know Angel civilization has been around a lot longer. We need to... Suggest, a better government structure. The command power is horrible to me, how they hell did that even evolve anyway? It would seem a weakness for all but the strongest."

She watched wondering what the old Angel was thinking as she stared at Jezebel intently. She saw the old woman's eyes come to a decision.

Triel said, "I hope you have a little time. The truth is... Shocking. Only the current archivist and the rulers have ever known this information, but as I am able to speak now freely, I find you may be worthy of the information. And the possible solution."

Jezebel just nodded, wondering what the woman was talking about but patient enough to listen.

Triel said instructively, "Forty five thousand years ago, there was no world government. Our world was much like yours, broken down into countries or territories. There were all different structures as well, some were free and under a power balanced government, some were dictatorships. Amazingly like your earth is now.

"A particularly power hungry angel named Amrial had a lot of scientists under his umbrella. He was researching the possibility of making Angels susceptible to suggestion. It was one of the plans he had cooking to take over the world.

"Now what came out of that research was a DNA change that did change Angels. They noticed right away the more powerful one could control the lesser. So as you can see young one, it had nothing to do with evolution at all. The command power was designed in the laboratory.

"The Angels left the natural evolutionary path a long time ago. So once his scientists perfected it they artificially made the ability stronger in Amrial, to make sure he would come out on top. Then they introduced it through a virus they put in the drinking water. It was a mess. Millions died from side effects but eventually he got his wish and ruled this world."

Jezebel was speechless, what do you even say about evil like that? She asked, "Is there a way to reverse it?"

Triel replied, "Patience young one, I am not done. But yes there is. But before we discuss it you need to know all. You see the command power works because the DNA shift moves our perceptions closer to the metaphysical. You understand what I mean? Well there were major side effects from this DNA patch.

"You see, what is also in the metaphysical is the soul, so soul sharing was discovered. Not an evolutionary leap from the physical a hundred thousand years ago as is taught, mostly to prevent others from putting it together. But it was a forced change, a part of the upgrade of control.

"There was another major side effect, changing the brain and perceptions for the metaphysical made a drastic change to our physical bodies. No longer fully connected to the physical our sense of touch atrophied, and our sexual organs stopped working over time. There was no more lust or attraction really, it was buried deep and part of the change.

"So now you know, the command power was a manipulation, the effects were soul sharing and the loss of a physical expression of love. So yes, there is a way to undo it as you asked, however it would also undo the other two things. Without that metaphysical connection no more command ability, or soul sharing.

"Our natural healing would restore our bodies to what was natural, physical love and inception would begin again, our ability to feel sensitively would be restored. It is a huge change, but it would free our people, and put them back on the track for natural evolution. I would be happy to make up the antidote, I think it was wrong to take so long to address this horror in our history, but until now I had no hope of it happening in my lifetime."

Jezebel said thank you, blown away by the information. It made sense in a way, because evolving into slavery is not a survival trait, if anything it is the opposite.

Daniel said, "You realize if we do this you will have to go back to your normal feeding habits. And while Sandy will still be an amazingly powerful witch who you can feed energy to there will be no more crazy power feeds either. If it means anything I think we need to do this, free our people, but it won't be without its own set of issues."

Sandy shrugged, "It will still be awesome being able to prepare for a battle in one night at a strip club, which is still a huge advantage. Also I will be kind of happy I won't be able to destroy a whole army with a wave of my hand. It was very disturbing. Plus Triel is correct, it needs to be put right.

"One sick bastard enslaved a whole race, it won't fix everything, but it will help a lot in stopping the current behavior, like invasions. Of course, I'll have to find a new trinket to sell if you all go back to normal..." Sandy grinned impishly at her last statement.

She turned to Triel and said, "Go ahead and make it up, but it will be given out on a volunteer basis. I don't see an Angel turning it down, yet it would be wrong to change it back without permission. Like it or not there is no one alive who hasn't been this way their whole life, they may object, although it's inconceivable to me that anyone would choose to do so."

She shrugged as the old woman left. That meeting was certainly enlightening. Of course the earth would have neighbors that could wipe them out at any time still, but that's okay. Some things are out of her control, she would just have to hope a good government was put together. Once that DNA fix went out she wouldn't be able to even stop a simple murder. Speaking of...

She said, "Tir, can you make and send a copy of this conference out to everyone. I want them deciding on this now and thinking through all the issues of taking it before its ready."

She wondered if there would be riots. But then right now they weren't allowed to hurt each other so even if there were... She wondered what would happen though, when they all could do absolutely anything they wanted.

She said, "Tir, I assume there was no need for police when everyone was under someone else's thumb? Could you ask for volunteers for that, I have a feeling once everyone is free there will be... Crime. Just one of the downsides of freedom, but trust me, it's worth it."

He nodded soberly, eyes going wide and ran for the door to send out the communication to all Angels then ask for volunteers as she asked.

Jezebel hoped they elected a government soon, she needed to get back, and she wanted to bring the cure for that horrible DNA slavery back to her Angels. She almost giggled at the thought of all the other Arches reactions to such a thing. They may be slaves too but they were also powerful in their own little worlds.

She also considered the Angelic governing back home, maybe they shouldn't build a new one, if they were out, maybe the US, Canada and Mexico would make them part of theirs instead. After all, she was an American. Having two governments on the same land that knew about each other just sounded ultimately unworkable... They only really needed their own because they had been... Separate and hidden.

She looked over at Daniel knowing they would be waiting for a while and had some time to kill. Sandy winked at her so she knew the Witch was following her thoughts. They both dropped onto the ground together and crawled sexily toward Daniel...


Katrina wondered again who set her up. She had been playing the power games for a long time but had never been as ruthlessly manipulative as her current opponent was. Still, she was pretty sure it wasn't Patricia, which meant what? A subordinate behind the scenes?

She walked into Patricia's office and sat down. She watched Patricia's face fall as she spoke and filled her in on all that was going on with false reports, her and Penny.

Patricia said, "I will check on things personally and see if I find anything. I hate to admit it, even to myself but it almost has to be someone in my spy organization feeding those false reports."


Patricia sighed. She just didn't understand. Going through these reports it looks like Rose was up to something. But what? Why set up Katrina and Jezebel? Is this some misguided attempt to help put her in charge? Or is this about Rose staging her own takeover?

She put everything away where she found it then made her way back to the bedroom. When she walked in Rose was there, wearing leather and her second had a whip. She thought Rose looked hot and her mouth watered and nipples tightened, wondering what she had in store for her this night.

A small part of her wondered if this was normal, was Rose letting her dominant sex playtime translate to the rest of her life? What was Rose up to? She gave up the thought however as her submissive side came to the fore. She couldn't be doing the same thing could she but in reverse?

Whatever her concerns it didn't stop what happened next...


Jezebel was holding enough of the shots to reverse the DNA in every Angel on their Earth. The old woman had sent it over. She was thinking it was time they went back. She wasn't sure if there was anything she could do at this point. Earlier Tir had brought in a group of 21 Angels.

Apparently even though Gabriel, Ambriela and Uriel were in charge, the actual governing and carrying out of orders for the populace went to those twenty one people. They had become the new provisional government late last night. They had plans to distribute the cure in about a month.

They took her advice about having a police force and other infrastructure set up before letting people off her 'don't hurt anyone' leash. It would still be rough in the beginning, but that would go to helping a long way. They also agreed to come visit and open a dialogue once things calmed down on her earth side.

She had some hope for the future anyway, that stabbed though, knowing that Natalie would never see it. What she died for. With a hopeful and heavy heart her, Daniel and Sandy headed home to the Mansion in NY, they would contact the council from there. She would make sure the Angels back home had the choice to say yes or no, so the council better be behind the idea. Chapter 9 -- Last chance for Ambriela.

Sandy wasn't sure what got into Daniel but she liked it. A lot. She was bent over his desk, her skirt up around her waist. Her palms were down on the desk and her sweet bare ass was arched up in the air. She moaned as Daniel spanked her again. Her hands rose up a bit as pain radiated to her center and mixed confusingly into pleasure. She moaned sultrily.
