Jim Wagner Pt. 02


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Wondering what would be in there, I took an old screwdriver and removed the hasp. Inside were ten dusty cardboard boxes with my parent's names on them. I never knew they were there; nobody ever told me. Somebody just threw them in the cabinet and forgot about them.

Here were the memories of my childhood. A lot of pictures. Report cards. Artwork. Awards. Everything a child might bring home. Mom and Dad kept it all! I was seeing us, as a family, for the first time! The contents of the boxes were worth more to me than any of the money Nat told me about earlier in that day.

There were photo albums of vacations we took and places we went. Christmases and holidays. I could see the love in our family in every picture. I could see how Mom and Dad looked at one another - with love. And, honestly, I noticed that my Mom was beautiful; not just 'regular' beautiful, but stunning. I also saw that I looked a lot like my Dad.

Our life was in the first five albums. The next five showed, well, they showed another part of Mom and Dad. Those five albums were filled with X-rated pictures of Mom, Dad, and other people. A quick glance showed me that I was seeing my guardian angles in a new light. Nat and Annie were featured in a lot of the pictures. Well, Nat, Annie and my Dad. Mom must have been taking the pictures.

I didn't think I should look at those books for more than the five minutes I spent on them. I felt like I was invading their privacy. I took the boxes and loaded them into the truck and looking at the time, I found I could drop them in Ken's garage hoping that would be okay and take a shower before going to Nat and Annie's. I would take the five albums to Nat and Annie.

At 5:30 I was knocking on Nat and Annie's front door. The door opened immediately to a smiling Nat who gave me a hug.

"Jim, are you okay," he asked after looking at me.

"It's been a day of revelations," I said with a small smile.

"Yeah. There were a lot," he agreed. He just didn't know how much!

"Come on in and get comfortable," Nat said as he ushered me in. "Annie is getting a quick bath before dinner. Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Water would be great," I told him.

"Not a beer or wine," he asked and looked a bit perplexed.

"Water is really great. I don't drink," I explained to him, 'except for a small glass of wine with dinner, if that's okay."

"Water it is." He turned to a bar area, made himself a drink and brought me the water I requested. After he sat and got comfortable I thanked him for his work on my behalf again.

"Jim, it was a labor of love. I loved...no, we, Annie and I, loved your parents and we love you. It was our way of taking care of you."

"Thank you," I said simply. "I owe you both a debt I can never repay. If I can do something to ever help you, please ask."

"You have my word on it," he said with a smile. I wasn't sure what I just got myself into, and then we heard the click of high heels on the floor announcing Annie. As the sound came closer, I stood looking at the doorway.

She was dressed in a dark red pleated skirt that came to just above her knees, matching red heels, white blouse that was unbuttoned enough to get a glimpse of cleavage, and just enough jewelry to make her almost sparkle. Her hair was a bit wavy, to her shoulders and seemed like a halo for her. And, that smile...devastatingly lovely.

"Jimmy! I am so glad you are here and hope this marks the first of many dinners we have together," she said as she approached me to give me a hug. Okay, that one was my favorite hug so far. She felt so good as we hugged. I noticed that Nat just looked on smiling.

"We haven't had you over before because we didn't want to cause any extra trouble with your uncle and aunt," Annie explained after we broke the hug. "But, now, Nat and I hope you will be here to share dinner...well, share anything with us, really."

"You might get tired of me," I said with a soft smile hoping I was wrong.

"Nonsense," they said in unison and then we all laughed.

The dinner was wonderful. The food was great and the company even better. We laughed so much. I can't remember a happier meal in my life and kept wishing they had been the ones I was living with instead of my uncle and aunt.

After we cleared the table I told Nat and Annie I found a few boxes that afternoon and thought I had something that belonged to them. I excused myself to go out to the truck to get the box of photo albums and returned, putting the box on the dining table. They were both looking at me for an explanation.

"I walked around the house today and found a storage cabinet in the garage with an old lock on it," I told them. "I got the lock off and found ten boxes that were labeled with my parent's names on them. I discovered memories and things from my childhood that I will examine carefully very soon. I still haven't been able to look deeply into every box, yet. But, I think I found photo albums that belong to you, or someone."

I took out the top album and handed it to Nat and Annie and watched while they opened it. I saw surprise and relief was across their faces, and then a bit of embarrassment. I just stood there and watched them leaf through the photo album. Half way through they looked at me. Annie spoke first.

"Thank you," Annie said softly and sincerely. "We knew these pictures existed but didn't know where they were."

"I'm glad I could put your minds at rest," I told them.

"I'm not sure what I can say," Annie started and I interrupted her.

"Annie, you don't need to say anything. Not to me," I told her. "I didn't look at every picture or go through every album. To me they are private. But, the pictures I did see showed me caring, concern and love. What you all did together is none of my business."

The two of them looked through a few pages and began to tear.

"We miss them so much," Nat said softly.

I walked round the table and put my arms around both of them bringing them into a hug, I didn't know what else to do to let them know it's okay and I didn't think any less of them.

"You must think we're terrible people," Annie said.

"No," I started, "what I think is that you are a group of people who cared so very much about one another and wanted to share intimacies." I was secretly really proud of the way I stated that.

"It was one of the things that bound us together," Nat told me.

"Which makes this next part easier," Annie said with a smile as she touched my arm. "Ken told us today that you are an amazing lover and even better than your Dad. And, Jimmy, he was great," she told me with an almost dreamy look in her eyes.

"Ken told you," I asked.

"He did, and don't be angry with him," Annie said softly. "We just don't keep secrets in our group of friends," she explained. And thinking about it, I understood after seeing some of the pictures. They shared something very special and there wasn't room for any secret in that kind of relationship.

"Nat and I were wondering if you would help us," Annie said with a tentative smile. Suddenly she was very nervous. I reached out and just touched her arm and felt her relax.

"Annie, I told you I'd do anything I could to help you and Nat," I reminded her. "So, how can I help you?"

"Jimmy, what I am going to tell you must remain secret, otherwise it could ruin us," she told me very seriously. I nodded my understanding.

"Nat likes to watch me with other men," she said quickly after taking a deep breath. I glanced at Nat, who just smiled and nodded his head slowly. "There hasn't been another man for us since your Dad died. We tried to talk to a few years ago, but they just weren't your Dad. We both love you and want you to be with me as Nat watches." She stood there quivering - she was so nervous. I put my hand back on her arm and slowly caressed it.

"I will try," I told her. "I don't have a lot of experience, but I love you both and hope I can make you happy."

Annie put her arms around my neck, smiled and whispered thank you. That might have been the most erotic moment of my life until she brought her crimson lips to mine and kissed me. A deep, intimate, longing kiss. My arms went around her and felt it as her body melded into mine. I heard soft moans coming from Nat as he watched. We broke the kiss with all of us smiling.

"Why don't you let the others know the pictures have been found," I told him.

"That's a great idea, Jimmy," Annie said. "Nat, I'm going to freshen up a bit and while I'm doing that why don't you call the group and let them know of the discovery. And, you, Jimmy, why don't you go and sit on the couch in the family room. I'll be with you in a few minutes." Nat and I did as she suggested.

As I sat on the couch, it suddenly occurred to me that this was the first time in two days I actually sat down and had nothing pressing to do. I started to think about everything that had happened in the last two days and how my life had changed. I could hear Nat's voice talking to folks and clearly there was happiness and relief for all.

I heard Annie's heels on the wood flooring again as she approached the family room. I can't explain it, but the sound of her stride was different. When she got to the doorway she stopped with her hand on her hip looking at me.

She was wearing crimson four inch heels. Tan stockings adorned her legs. She had a very short crimson skirt on which allowed the lace tops of her stockings to be peek out. The white blouse she had on was a bit tight and I could see her crimson lace bra through the blouse. Annie had more cleavage on display than I had ever seen. Her hair was pulled back and 'fluffed' so I could see her dangling earrings that had stones that reflected the light; a matching necklace brought attention to her cleavage; and a bracelet that completed the set. I later found out the stones were rhinestones.

But, what struck me the most was her smiling face. The eye makeup was a bit heavy and highlighted her sparkling eyes. Her mouth was spread into a soft, sexy smile. My mouth and lips were dry and I just didn't have the words to say how perfect she looked. And, then I realized that I hadn't stood when she entered the room.

"I am so sorry for not standing for you, Annie," I stammered out as I stood.

"You don't have anything to say," she asked as she slowly walked toward me. I felt like a fly caught in a spider's web. But instead of struggling to get out of it, I was waiting for this exquisite spider as she walked closer. Finally, she was close and slipped her arms around my neck.

"You like, Jimmy," she asked softly. I felt her breath on my lips as she spoke which only made me harder than I already was.

"You are a goddess, Annie," I told her as we brought our lips together. It was a long, soul touching kiss during which our tongues slid and danced in one another's mouth. I could hear and feel us moan; the mixed vibrations were sliding through my body. When we broke the kiss, we looked in one another's eyes and that's when I heard Nat's whimpers from where he was standing.

Annie took one of her hands and slid it between us and rubbed my cock through my jeans. Looking over at Nat she told him I was bigger than my father, which only made Nat moan. Then she wrapped her leg around me and held us even closer and began to rub on me. I loved feeling her gliding on my thigh.

"Annie," I whispered as I tried to gain the slightest bit of control and failed,"I have so little experience."

"You know more than you think," she told me. "Just let me guide you a little."

My hands went to hold her beautiful, tight ass as we entered into our own world. Squeezing it as we kissed caused her to moan into my mouth. When we broke the kiss, both of us were panting.

"Nat, why don't you go change and wait in the bedroom," she told him. "We'll be in shortly."

"Nat is going to be sitting in a chair where he can watch us," Annie told me when he left the room. "As I told you earlier, Jimmy, we have not had a third with us since your Dad died, and we have missed it. Please don't think any less of us," she nearly pleaded with me.

"Annie, I could never think less of you and Nat," I assured her. "Who am I to judge your desires when they don't hurt anyone?"

I watched as a bit of fear left Annie's lovely eyes. I wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but I knew Nat and Annie would never hurt me. Really, if my parents trusted Annie to babysit me when I was very young, I would trust her now.

"Ken told us you were an old soul," she whispered as she brought her lips to mine for the softest of kisses. I just slipped my arms around her to hold her close for a few moments relishing how her body felt so good next to mine. "And, he was right. You are far older, wiser, than your years."

"You and Nat need to feel comfortable with me, Annie," I said softly as I held her.

"We do," she said after pushing back to look into my eyes. "We trust and love you more than you will ever know."

"Thank you," I told her.

"Do you trust us," she asked.

"I trust you both without reservation."

A few moments passed that were unforgettable. They were so intensely intimate; a connection was made that lasted for many years. She held her eyes closed for a minute, and when she reopened them, there was a fire and desire that I felt in my soul. It was so strong it almost scared me.

Annie stood and began to show off her body. Began to walk in front of me and around the room that I can only describe as a 'fuck me' walk with her hips swinging and a confident, inviting smile on her red lips. She slowly opened her blouse revealing her crimson, lacey, sheer bra that clearly showed off her hard nipples. As I sat there watching with my mouth open, she began to play with her nipples through the thin fabric. I can still hear her whimpers and moans.

Then, releasing her nipples she stepped forward, took my hand and led me to the Master Bedroom. As she led me down the hallway to the bedroom, she told me not to be surprised by what I discovered. Now, I was very curious but didn't have time to question her.

The room was dimly lit by two small lamps and a few candles. Looking around slowly I saw a woman sitting in an upholstered chair. Platinum blonde hair cascading over her perfect chest. She had on a short pink dress that barely went to her mid-thigh as she sat in the chair. Heavy eye makeup, light face makeup, and pink lips that matched her pink dress. Stockings that led to her pink heels. She was very feminine and seemed a bit scared.

"Jimmy, this is Natalie," Annie said. Okay, now I knew at least who she was.

I stopped in front of her, smiled, took her hand and kissed it. I felt and saw the tension and fear leave her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Natalie," I told her. "You are just perfect." Which earned me a smile. I turned to Annie who I saw was crying softly. She loved Natalie/Nat so much!

"Your makeup is running a little," I told Annie.

"Damn you," she said with a smile, "why do you have to be so perfect for us? While I go fix it, strip."

I knew an order when I heard it, so I began to take my clothes off. Every moment I was getting harder and harder as the scent of perfume swirled in my mind. It just hung in the air. By the time I was naked, my cock was very stiff and I noticed Natalie looking at it closely. I walked over to her and stopped about two feet in front of her.

"Do you like my cock, Natalie," I asked her. She nodded.

"Reach out and touch it if you want."

She took her index finger and slid it over the head and then ran it on my slit, pressing slightly.

"God, Natalie," I moaned as I felt myself get even harder and bigger. Bigger - how did that happen?

"You two are so beautiful," I heard Annie say as she stood in the bathroom door. "Thank you, Baby," she told Natalie, "but he is mine right now."

I turned, smiled and walked to Annie; my hard cock swinging with each step. As I got closer, she reached out and gripped my cock.

"Right now, this is mine," she told me. "That little Bimbo might have fun later if she's good."

With that, she put her arms around me and drew me close. Our lips met in what became the hottest kiss of my life as her leg wrapped around my thigh and she began to rub her panties on my cock. As our tongues dueled, she brought her hand to my ass and pulled me even closer and rubbed on me harder. Both of us were moaning and lost in desire.

And then I felt it. Insead of feeling wet panties and a soft pussy, I felt an unmistakable bulge that was getting harder. Annie had a cock! I broke the kiss and looked at her with a half-smile.

"You could have told me, you know," I said.

"And, ruin the surprise," she asked in a mocking tone.

I smiled as I slid to my knees and rubbed my face on her thin lace panties. Looking up from my knees I reminded her that she was still my perfect woman and queen. She smiled her response as she gently pushed my face back to her panties.

After rubbing my face on them for a few more minutes and loving how they felt with her growing bulge in them, I began to remove first her short skirt and then her panties. Sliding her panties down her legs slowly then helping her remove them over her heels. Looking up I saw her six inch cock standing out hard and proud. It was about medium thickness and cut. My mouth literally watered as I looked at it.

Running my hands slowly up and down her stockinged legs, I began to kiss her stocking tops, then her bare thighs. The skin was so soft on my lips and tongue as I trailed my tongue from her stocking tops, up her inner thigh and directly on to her soft balls. Lavishing them with a good tongue wash and kisses, I sucked each one into my mouth which earned me soft moans and fingers in my hair.

Switching to her other ball, I sucked on it a bit harder knowing I could cause her to ache a bit and then licking slowly up her shaft until I reached the head of her cock. Taking time to just touch it with my fingers; letting them dance over it, I looked up at her.

"Thank you, Annie."

As I said that, I opened my lips and took the head between them. My tongue swirled over the head and pressed on the slit. I was rewarded with sweet precum which I swallowed. Then I began to suck on the head.

"Oh, fuck," she moaned. "God, Natalie, he's better than Ken said." I had forgotten about Natalie.

I pulled off of her cock and looked up at her.

"How long has it been, Annie," I asked her as my hand continued to stroke her slowly.

"Seven fucking years," she told me panting.

I took her cock back between my lips and began to bob on her slowly. Each time I bobbed I took a bit more as it went deeper and deeper in my mouth. She couldn't wait any longer and pushed on my head as she thrust her hips pushing her cock deep into my mouth and throat. Gagging, I pulled back for a moment before plunging back on her.

Breathing through my nose, I swallowed with her cock head lodged in my throat. Her moans were continuous now. Through her moans I could hear Natalies whimpers. I pulled back and wet a finger. She slammed her cock back in my mouth and began to fuck my face as sheheld on to my head. As she banged away, I slipped a finger in her pussy and as it went deeper, she began to moan louder.

"Don't. Fucking. Stop," she moaned. "Sooooo close."

I thrust my finger deeper into her and added a second. She was tight, but relaxed quickly. Finding her pleasure spot, I rubbed it, which sent her into overdrive as she pounded my chin with her balls. Feeling her legs begin to shake, I moved my other hand so both were supporting her ass as I continued to assault her pleasure spot.

"Oh fuck....Bastard....I'm cumming," she screamed.

As she screamed, she thrust deeply and held her cock there as she erupted shooting her cream into my mouth and down my throat. After the first few eruptions I pulled back and began to suck on the head. I wanted to get it all. I wanted her to be drained more than ever before in her life. I sucked life from her.