Joanna's Story Ch. 06


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The Friday night witches' covens continue for some weeks while Celia and Karla struggle to come up with a plan to stop them and remove Ken from their lives. In a twist of fate, Ken, himself, provides the answer.

Ken's Saturday night drinking has reached the point where he comes home staggering drunk. One night, the two women hear his car pull into the driveway, but after a half hour, he still hasn't entered the house. Karla goes to the door, opens it, and looks toward the garage. Ken's car headlights are illuminating the garage door, but that door is closed. Karla sees Ken lying face down in the freezing snow and calls Celia. The two women go back in the house and Celia picks up the phone to call 911. Karla puts her hand over Celia's and pushes the handset back on the cradle. They stand there for a few minutes without speaking. Then Karla leads Celia to their bedroom and turns on the TV. They lie on the bed watching the late night show until they fall asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, a sheriff's deputy knocks on the door, and when Celia opens it, he tells her that neighbors reported seeing someone lying in the driveway. He says he's sorry to inform her that her husband has frozen to death in the snow. Celia gasps and thanks him. He asks if she wants someone to come stay with her, but she says that she has a houseguest. He leaves and a few minutes later, the paramedics who have been checking Ken's body, place it in an emergency vehicle and drive off.

Ken's funeral is attended by Celia, Karla, Joanna, some distant relatives, a few close friends, and managers of the family's business enterprises. The interment is attended by these same individuals and by forty-one weeping townswomen. No other men have attended. Ken is buried along with his unsavory reputation.

Ken's Wicca and his Wicked Witches no longer exist.

Celia now finds herself a very wealthy widow. The trust that her father had set up for her is now open to her as her marriage has ended. The local and out of town businesses that were in Ken's and her name now revert to her and Joanna. Ken's stipend now reverts to her.

The money available to her is more than she can ever spend. She stipulates that the moneys going to do good works in Mackey will continue to go to them. She has the Mackey attorneys sell off two of the out of town businesses and with that money, she buys a private school that has been educating gifted students. She endows it richly. When the woman who runs the school retires, Celia provides her with a good annuity. Unable to find the 'right' person to operate the school, Celia takes over the job herself. She invites Karla to be her partner and school nurse. She adores her new life with Karla and the school.

Celia and Karla go to the photo studio to talk to the two women who manage it – and use it to enhance their sex lives. The women are more than aware that Ken is dead, and that they will no doubt be out of jobs; however, Celia makes them an offer they can't refuse. They can stay and operate the business and receive not only their current salary, but also half of what Ken was taking for himself.

There are stipulations of course. They must turn over all of the secret files, tapes, and stills that they and Ken have made and kept locked up for years. The files must go to the women who were photographed or destroyed if the women can't be located. Secondly, the studio must be operated as a business and not a hobby. Thirdly, the women could continue to utilize the studio for their sexual purposes as many of the townswomen would be devastated without that facility. And lastly, the balance of the businesses income will go to needy students who will attend their private school.

Celia also made clear that should there be any scandal attached to the studio, the women would be let go and the business closed. She told them that if the business were run properly, when they were old enough to retire, they would receive a pension as soon as she found someone else to run the studio.

The two women were stunned at their good fortune and offered sexual favors to Celia and Karla anytime they wanted. They were thanked but turned down.

Joanna has come to the realization that much of what her father did in the anteroom and basement has to do with kinky sex. She has put two and two together and come up with sex. She and her giggling girl friends have discussed the prurient aspect of sex but haven't actually experienced it. Joanna, at eighteen, is still a virgin.

Being an inquisitive eighteen year old in a prudish society, she wanted to find out what her father was doing with and to the women who parade through the house.

The basement was off-limits to her, but she occasionally heard sounds coming from there that she couldn't identify. There were sounds and voices that came from her mother's bedroom and the anteroom where her father not slept. Her bedroom was on the other side of the house, and those sounds didn't actually reach her room.

When one of her father's lady friends would come to the house and go into the anteroom, Joanna would sneak down the hall and try to listen to what was going on. However, since the house was so well built and almost soundproof, she only heard very loud sounds. Most of what she heard was the loud pitched voice of a woman who seemed to be in pain or very excited. She knew better than to ask her parents why the women made those noises. She would probably be reprimanded for sneaking around on those Friday nights. She was extremely curious and made up her mind to find out what was happening.

Her father's office/den was the room next to hers at the far end of the house. Since he had a lot of neat things in his office, Joanna would go in there when no one else was home. One day, as she was in the office, she discovered a TV set in a cabinet that had always been locked before.

"Good," she thought. "When everyone else is asleep, I can come in here and watch TV."

She turned the TV on and wondered what the room was that she was looking at. She pushed a button at the bottom of the set and got a different view of the same room. Every button she pushed just brought a different view to the screen. Dumb TV. She turned it off and looked at the rest of the cabinet. There were rows and rows of VHS boxes and a kind of board with many switches, knobs, and buttons on it. There was also a VHS player in the cabinet. Maybe when she was sure that everyone would be gone a long time she would play some of the tapes. She was curious as to what movies they were. She loved westerns and animal shows. Maybe she could find some among all those tapes.

Friday night, another female friend of her father visited and Joanna slipped down the hall and watched as the woman took off her dress, throw it on the floor and go into the ante bedroom. When the door opened, Joanna saw her mother and Susan, the lady who stayed with her mother a lot of the time, sitting on the duvet bench at the foot of the bed. Joanna was dying of curiosity about why the lady was nude. She tried to listen at the door but was only able to hear mumbling. After ten or so minutes, she gave up and went back to her room.

The following Friday, Joanna watched again as another woman threw her dress on the floor outside the anteroom and went in. Returning to her bedroom, she left the door ajar so she could see down the hall in case the door opened. She fell asleep and didn't wake up until morning.

The next Friday, the same thing occurred with another woman. Joanna was determined to stay awake and watched the anteroom door. Maybe if it opened, she could see what was happening in there. About an hour and a half later, the door did open. Her father, with a towel wrapped around his waste was leading the nude lady by the arm into the kitchen. Two minutes later, her mother and Susan, wearing robes, went into the kitchen. Joanna, in her bare feet, ran down the hall and looked into the kitchen just in time to see the basement door close.

"Rats." She thought. "Now I'll never know what is happening. Wait a sec. Maybe that room in the TV picture is the basement." She went to her father's office but the cabinet was closed and locked. She said "rats" again and was about to leave but decided to look for the key. She looked through her father's desk. No luck. She stood on a chair and felt along the top of the cabinet. Yessss. She found the key.

When she finally got the TV operating, she saw the naked woman hanging from the ceiling and her father was hitting her with a little stick that he whipped back and forth. Joanna was awed by the sight and sat and watched as her father did other intriguing things to the woman. She pushed one of the view buttons and saw her mother and Susan sitting and watching what her father was doing. Her mother had a fierce scowl on her face, but Susan was watching with rapt attention. Joanna watched for an hour until her father let the woman down to the floor and go to the basement steps.

She saw her mother and Susan go to the woman and help her to a chair. Joanna turned the TV off, closed the cabinet, and watched down the hall as her father went back into the anteroom, his bedroom. She went back to her room and watched through the slightly opened doorway as her mother and Susan picked up the woman's dress and helped her put it on.

They waited in the hall until a taxi pulled up outside. Then the three women went outside and after a few minutes, her mother and Susan came back and went into the master bedroom, her mother's room. Joanna closed her door and went to bed. She wasn't certain what she had witnessed, but she would watch on Fridays until she could figure it out.

After watching several more times, she had understood the what and how, but not the why. Even after watching the proceedings for several months, she still couldn't understand why her father was beating the women and putting candles in their vaginas. She had no one to talk to about it, and it upset her but not enough for her to stop watching.

Something happened the next night that changed her life forever. On Sunday morning a policeman arrived very early and spoke with her mother. When the policeman left, she asked her mother what he wanted. Celia took Joanna into her bedroom. Karla was in her mother's bed instead of Susan. Susan had stopped coming to see her mother a few months before, when Karla started visiting.

Celia sat Joanna down and told her about her father. Ken had spent so little time with Joanna that she was almost unconcerned that he was gone. She had learned a long time before that he wasn't particularly interested in her, so she had built up a mental barrier between them. She had no tears for him.

Joanna had been curious about her father's bedroom after she had watched woman after woman enter it on Friday nights. She had gone into the room when no one was home and noticed a strange smell coming from her father's nightstand. When she opened the drawer, the odor was so strong that she gagged. She slammed the drawer shut but not before noticing there was a pair of ladies' panties in it.

After Ken's death, one of the first things that Celia did was to get rid of the nightstand in the anteroom. She and Karla also had the cold dank, dungeon-like basement remodeled into a game and play room. A lot of Ken's 'equipment' was stored in a basement locker. The women were concerned about someone seeing it if they tried to send it out with the trash of the renovation. The ceiling hooks and eyebolts were left in place when the ceiling was finished. They were so much an integral part of the ceiling that they would have had to be torn out making the renovation more difficult. The closed circuit cameras also remained in place.

Joanna didn't tell her mother about the closed circuit TV in the office and kept the cabinet closed and put the key away – in her bedroom. When she started watching the VHS tapes, she found they were all of the basement and of her father beating and abusing many women. She watched the tapes until her mother and Karla, who was now living with them, started having the house renovated. The cabinet was pried open and the tapes were removed, but the TV was left. A new lock was installed in place of the old one. After hunting for two weeks, Joanna found the new key but left it where it was.

Joanna had gone off to university where she majored in graphic and fine arts. After graduation, she became a freelance photographer for several magazines. After pursuing that career for a number of years, she returned to Mackey and taught fine arts and photography at Celia and Karla's school. A few years later, she finds herself too antsy to teach daily and having enough income that she needn't work, she teaches from time to time but spends much time taking pictures of flora and fauna in the neighboring mountains.

One day, after substituting for an ill teacher, she becomes aware of a new English teacher. The young woman's face and figure take Joanna's breath away. Joanna, who has never been in either a hetero- or homosexual relationship knows this girl is the person she has been looking for all of her life. She must have this young woman no matter what. Having access to the schools personnel records, she finds all she can about the woman, Lyssa Dawn. She is crestfallen when she determines that the woman is straight and will probably never accept Joanna's lesbian nature.

Joanna began making plans to snare this young woman even if it meant kidnapping her. She stalked Lyssa for days and found that she ate her lunch every day at the park across from the school. Gathering her nerve, she waited on the bench one day, and when Lyssa sat down to eat her lunch she introduced herself to Lyssa and they struck up a conversation and eventually became good friends. Lyssa was ecstatic to find a friend. Joanna began inviting Lyssa to dinner several times a week and wouldn't hear of Lyssa paying for anything. During their chat sessions, Lyssa had told Joanna her whole life history. Joanna knew as much about Lyssa as Lyssa did.

Joanna was 37 years old. She was very attractive with dark blond hair, grey eyes, and a beautiful smile. She was 5'7" tall, weighed 122 pounds, had a very feminine figure, 35 inch bust, 24 inch waist, and 36 inch hips. She had a sexy walk and a slow, graceful, feminine movement as she sat down, stood up, or even when she seemed to be standing still. Lyssa, on the other hand was 22 years old, 5'2" tall, and weighed 116 pounds. She had a very ripe figure: 34-22-35. Her movements were not as graceful as Joanna's but were more childlike. She had blue-black hair, blue eyes, full lips, and an impish grin. She was beautiful. If she had been in a different place where there more single men, she would have been swamped with date offers and propositions.

Near the end of the school year, Lyssa's landlord told her that the building would have to be tented for termites and Lyssa would have to leave for two weeks. There were only five days left of the semester, and Lyssa was concerned about having to look for another apartment for such a short time. Joanna volunteered her second bedroom until Lyssa went home, so Lyssa told the landlord she would be moving and asked for her deposit to be returned. Joanna and Lyssa loaded Joanna's car with Lyssa's clothes and gear, and Joanna helped carry them to the second bedroom.

During that week, as Friday approached, Lyssa's colleagues told her how much they liked her and asked if she would return in September. She told them that she hadn't been offered a contract yet and didn't know if she'd be back. In her heart, she felt she should look for another job that paid a better salary.

Lyssa asked Joanna if she would drive her and her suitcases to the bus terminal on Sunday, so she could go back to her hometown. When she would be at the bus terminal with her ticket in hand, she would call the Coopers, tell them she was returning home, and ask if she could use the garage apartment. She didn't want them to go to any trouble getting the bedroom ready, so she would call at the last minute. She would also ask them if they could pick her up at the bus station. Lyssa never got to call them.

Lyssa woke up with a headache and wondered where she was and what had happened. She tried to move and found herself sitting on the floor of the media room. She was startled to find that she was nude and that her wrists were manacled to a triangular bar attached to the ceiling with a thin braided rope like mountain climbers used. She struggled to her feet but was only able to reach one of the chairs, as the rope wasn't long enough for her to go further. She sat down and waited to gather her wits.


Dear readers,

The above ending to this chapter is the beginning of the story When Lyssa met Joanna. Joanna's Story is actually a flashback of WLmJ. To find out what happens next, you must read that story. The two parts of the same story become a loop. One part leads to the next part.

When I find the time, I will write an epilog to Joanna's Story that is not in that loop. However, it is not actually part of the story I intended to write. It is the product of my lover's imagination and her research that I've mentioned before.

TT, the Lyssa of this story is actually in her later twenties, is a sukoshi (Little - I learned that word from Paula, the Karla in the story) bit over five feet tall and weighs nearly one hundred and five pounds. The rest of the description is fairly accurate.

Joanna (moi) is forty two years old, 5' 11'', 145 pounds (I WISH).

The rest of the description is fairly accurate, or so I'm told.

My reason for the, ahem, deception is fairly obvious. I wanted the two women in the story to be closer of a size. In real life, we try not to stand close together. Otherwise, we would look like the cartoon characters, Mutt and Jeff. Our colleagues, who are unaware that we reside in a closet, would never think we were a couple. That would be ridiculous. We would appear to be more like mother and daughter. It is our camouflage.

Of course, I never wear high heels when we're together. I would be over six feet tall.

TT always wears heels. She is awfully cute, but we could never be a 'cute couple'.

TT jokes that she can stand in front of me and suck my nipples without bending over. I think that's an exaggeration – don't you? Well, maybe if I were wearing heels... and TT were barefoot.

I can't really tell you what TT stands because TT doesn't know, and I'd rather she didn't find out. If you would like to e-mail me and guess, I will confirm or deny – no – I'll tell you as long as TT doesn't find out. I'll give you a clue: TT is a very diminutive female. That's all I'll tell you except that it doesn't stand for TinyTot or TaterTot.

Most of the nice sex scenes in my stories are my fantasies, but the BDSM scenes are TT's fantasies. She is turned on by kinky sex. I am turned on by romantic lesbian sex. Yum. My idea of BDSM is nothing like hers.

I probably will tell you a 'deep' dark secret of TT's in the epilogue. I feel the need to get revenge for her demand that I write chapter 5 and the upcoming epilogue to suit her dirty mind.

Look for it in coming attractions in a Literotica theater nearest you.

Oh, I nearly forgot. One last thing and then you can go back to your other worldly – and/or sexual - pursuits.

A reader asked how much of these stories is true and how much is fabrication.

Well, IT'S A STORY, for heaven's sake. I've already told you that I have embellished and camouflaged. It's up to you to decide how much is fact and how much fiction. However, I assure you that most of my comments are, in fact, fact.

You'll be very pleased to know that I'm going to shut up. I have nothing more to say – for now.

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