Joel and Carrie Ch. 05


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"That was quite a sight," Carrie said from the side of the bed. She entered the room just in time to see us peak.

"I am so glad you invited Maria," I grinned.

Carrie laughed and came over to the bed. She took a moment to kiss Deana and run her fingers between the big-breasted girl's legs. Deana moaned gently in Carrie's mouth.

"Why don't you take Maria into the other room?" my girl asked Deana. "I bet Brian would love to covered your big tits with cum, and Tara won't be able to stay away much longer. She's dying to see how you two taste."

"And that will leave you and Joel alone for some quality time," Deana smiled.

"That too," Carrie grinned.

It took Deana a few seconds to get Maria on her feet. I admired them as they went to the door. I heard Brian cry out when they entered the other room and laughed. Carrie joined me.

"He owes you for this day," my girlfriend said as she joined me on the bed.

"He doesn't owe me anything if he was able to satisfy you," I smiled.

"Well, there is satisfy and then there is satisfy," Carrie said. "It was nice to be with him, but he's not you. I don't love him."

"Thank God for that!" I said, not really joking. Carrie kissed me briefly and then pulled away.

"How about a shower?" she asked.

"I just took one," I replied, but Carrie smiled her sexy smile and took my hand.

"A second one won't kill you," she said.

"Yes dear," I joked.

"Shut up!" she laughed and led me to the bathroom. The shower was nice. The company was better. I found myself wishing we'd been able to get a room with a hot tub like the last time.

I washed Carrie's entire body. She let me linger on the good spots, but not for very long. I took my time shampooing her hair. Carrie enjoyed the feel of my fingers against her scalp and I liked the way she rested her head against my chest while I washed her hair.

"Your turn," she said as she eventually pulled back and rinsed the soap from her body and hair. I watched and couldn't resist reaching out and gently caressing one of her breasts as the soapy water cascaded off her nipple.

"You really are the most beautiful girl in the world," I said, meaning every word.

"I'm glad you think so," Carrie smiled. Her eyes were closed as she rinsed the soap from her face. I pulled her into a kiss. She tried to pull away, but I held her close. She cried, "I'm not done rinsing!" I ignored her and continued kissing her until she returned my kiss whole-heartedly.

"I haven't washed yet," I smiled when I finally broke the kiss. "I want to use you as my bar of soap." Carrie started to object again, but I hugged her even tighter and started moving her around. Instead of pulling away, she laughed. Her soapy body rubbed against mine and felt very nice.

"We can't forget your hair," Carrie smiled as she took some shampoo and started massaging it into my hair. I closed my eyes and continued to rub up against her. It felt amazing! It was obvious that Carrie was enjoying herself just as much as me based on the way her breath started to quicken.

"You know," I said. "Other parts of my body have hair."

"I know," she giggled. "I can feel one of them bumping against my stomach."

Carrie reached between us and started soaping my cock and balls. I stood there enjoying myself, but took the time to rinse the soap out of my hair because I wanted to see what she was doing. Carrie was staring at me when I was finally able to open my eyes. She was using one hand to stroke my cock and the other to massage my balls.

"I think they're as clean as they're going to get," I joked.

"Do you want me to stop?" she teased, picking up the pace of her stroking.

"Depends," I replied, fighting back a grown. "There are a couple of things I'd rather do." Carrie smiled and shifted so that the water ran down our bodies and rinsed us.

"Like what?" she asked when most of the soap was gone, but she was already rubbing the head of my cock up and down her slit.

I grabbed her ass with both hands and lifted her just enough to push my cock into her pussy. Carrie moaned as I lifted her a little higher and moved so that her back was against one of the shower walls. I shoved my cock deeper and she moaned.

"Is this what you want?" I asked, starting to stroke in and out of her. Carrie moaned again. That was answer enough.

I held her tight and she buried her face in my neck. Her kisses and love bites drove me crazy! I picked up the pace and it wasn't long before Carrie started cumming. I didn't stop thrusting into her and she didn't stop cumming. At least not until after I grunted one last time and filled her pussy with my cum. I was so spent afterward that I almost slipped and fell in the shower. Carrie and I hugged each other tight as we recouped.

"Let's go see what the others are doing," I finally said.

"Hoping to have more fun with Maria?" Carrie asked.

"Actually, I was thinking about sharing you with Brian," I smiled. "But fun with Maria sounds good too."

"Sharing me with Brian?" she asked, obviously interested.

"When was the last time you felt two cock in you at once?" I asked rhetorically.

"Let's go!" she grinned, taking my hand and pulling me along.

We entered the room to find Brian watching the three ladies in a chain. He was stroking his cock and it was hard.

"Perfect!" Carrie cried and then nearly jumped the poor guy. My girl straddled Brian and sunk down on his cock. She buried his face in her breasts as she leaned forward and presented her ass to me. I got behind her and pushed in.

"Wow!" Tara cried when she noticed. "That looks so hot!"

"It feels even better!" Carrie cried.

I could feel Brian's dick pushing in and out of my girl. We found a rhythm that had Carrie crying out and cumming quickly. Neither one of us let up. She rolled into a second orgasm and then a third.

"I want to try that!" Maria said lustfully.

"Are you sure?" Deana asked.

"Only if it's okay with you," the Spanish girl replied.

"Have fun!" Deana smiled and kissed Maria.

I pulled out of Carrie's ass and pulled her off of Brian. His cock popped free and Tara took Carrie by the hand and led her to the other side of the bed. The brunette fell on my golden haired goddess.

Maria quickly took Carrie's place on Brian cock and I pushed mine deep into her ass. Deana lay down so that Maria could taste her pussy if she didn't mind being twisted like a pretzel as Brian and I fucked her. The Spanish girl obviously didn't. Maria drove her thin tongue deep. Brian came first quickly followed by Maria and Deana.

I wanted to cum and Maria would have let me continue, but I'd been watching Tara's ass while she licked Carrie. I wanted her dance-enhanced butt again! I rolled the dark haired beauty onto her back, spread her legs and pushed into her tight ass. Carrie straddled Tara's head facing me. We both leaned forward as Carrie rode Tara' face. I fucked Tara's ass hard.

"Come on Joel!" Carrie said between kissed. "Make it hurt so good!"

"Please!" Tara groaned in agreement.

I grunted and pounded the dark haired girl's ass. She came and I pulled out of her. I looked at Carrie and she grinned.

"Oh my!" she cried, seeing the lust in my eyes. She moved so that her ass was in the air enticingly. "Is this what you want?"

I got behind her and pushed in with one long stroke. Carrie had her hand buried in her pussy as I slammed in and out of her ass. She knew I would last very long and tried to speed up her own orgasm. I was able to hold off just long enough. Carrie came and her ass squeezed my cock. I grunted and slammed deep. My cum filled my girl's ass.

I was seriously spent by the time we were done. So was everyone else. We stumbled around and cleaned up the room a little before putting on our clothes.

"Oh damn!" Deana cried when she found hers.

"What's wrong?" Carrie asked.

"Someone came all over my skirt!" the Catholic schoolgirl complained.

"That was me," Brian said, blushing slightly.

"I figured," Deana sighed.

"Don't worry," Maria said. "You can come home with me and throw it in the wash. My parents normally work late."

"Thanks!" Deana smiled, kissing her friend.

"So then, about that date," Brian said to Tara.

"You can pick me up Saturday night at seven," she smiled.

"How about tonight?" he asked.

"Maybe," she grinned biting her bottom lip. Brian moved to her and they also ended up kissing. Carrie and I left the room and rode the elevator down together.

"So, was it everything you imagined?" I asked her.

"It was very good," Carrie hedged. "But I have a very active imagination."

"I know," I laughed. "I can't wait until the next time!"

"If there is a next time," she said carefully.

"Carrie, you're more than enough woman for me," I said honestly. "But you and I both know there will be a next time. We both are having too much fun."

"You're probably right," she admitted. "I guess it's a good thing."

"I don't know about good," I shrugged. "But certainly wild!" Carrie laughed.

"You know," she said thoughtfully. "I think I already have the next couple we should try and seduce picked out."

"Who?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it," she teased.

"Come on!" I cried. "Can't you give me a hint?"

"I could, but where would be the fun in that?"

I groaned, but it was a happy groan. The elevator opened on the lobby to Carrie and I kissing. The old couple that saw us smiled kindly.

"Newlyweds?" the woman asked.

"One day," I smiled. "If I'm lucky."

"You got that right!" Carrie laughed, but she was smiling lovingly at me.

"Just one hint?" I asked as the elevator door closed on the older couple and we made our way out of the hotel. Carrie knew what I was talking about.

"Think gymnastics," she grinned.

"More than one?" I asked.

"We'll see!" she laughed. I joined her.

We walked out of the hotel holding hands. It was a beautiful day despite the cold and I was the luckiest man in the world!

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roveroneroveroneover 7 years ago
VERY nasty,and VERY hot...

I'd read thru Ch 3.sometime ago, really enjoying re-reading and these later chapters

Seems Joel and all the other guys have magic balls...all the women seem happy...!

The Catholic school girl nice first,in high school, after she transferred...she was way more experienced than me,and ALWAYS agreeable....

Another 5, and fave story

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
still amazing

I have read the first 5 chapters all in one afternoon. I must say that you are a great writer, and I also must say that I am so sore from reading your work ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I have only two things to say:

1) Thank you

2) I honestly love your work.

I certainly hope there are more chapters in the pipeline.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I'm with Allanjim

believe it or not mate, not everything that floats others boats is going to tickle your pickle (love mixing metaphors).

if you don't like the story, then piss off and don't read it.

that is all.

Allanjim3Allanjim3over 12 years ago

I just love how you accuse this writer of manipulation, without mention of any evidence. If you're going to play 'let's assume', I want to play as well. I assume the reason you wrote your comment is because his scores must be quite a bit higher than your own. I assume that you feel because there are some grammatical errors - you tell a superior story? I assume the aroma of sour grapes follows you through many areas of your life and you're a sad, disliked and bitter person. Some advice; the next time you make an accusation of manipulation, don't ask all who are reading your drivel to manipulate the ratings. You do so with a 'call to arms' to lower his ratings.Then you are too craven to leave your name thus giving the accused a chance to rebuke your claim. Your cowardly and spineless act speaks volumes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

This is absolutely the best series on Literotica. I've gone thru the whole bunch about 5 times .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Excellent Writer!

This is some high quality stuff! I hope you send this in to a publication or something. And I hope you keep on writing more chapters for your loyal readers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Loved it!!! All of your stories meld fantisy with reality so well! I can't wait for the next installment...there will be one...right?!?!?!?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

I've surfed this site, and surfed this site trying to find someone that writes as good as you, but there simply is no replacement! I hope to read more of Joel and Carrie, but as long as you write it I'm sure I'll love it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
more chapters please

We need more chapters of this series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Further chapters please! :o)


I have just finished the five chapters in a row and I congratulate to you! I hope that there will be further. ;o)

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

As always, AWESOME!!! Dreamer you have a real talent.

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