Joining the Ranks of Lady Bois


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Booker used his charm to ease James further into service. Soothing words assured James that his proper place was on his knees, a Black cock in his mouth. Booker was constantly praising the submissive white man in his ability to pleasure his Black cock.

The more Booker praised him the more James craved that praise. That craving, at first a spark, flared into an inferno which engulfed James'. For the first time in his life James felt a sense of real personal growth. The kind of growth that comes from learning to give of one's self.

A wise man said that if you find something to do that you love; you'll never work a day in your life. James was finding that something.

That both Booker and Cindy sometimes referred to him as cock sucker bothered James not in the least. He was content in his role.

But Booker desired more from James and he was going to have it. He loved owning the married couple but what Black man wants to have a plain old white guy blowing him when he can feminize him? Booker recognized that James had feminine qualities and was pliable. He would mold the young man into something more.

Fate had brought the two men together for a reason and James would be all the better for it.

Private talks with reassuring words of comfort and encouragement melted away any resistance James may have had. His transition from man to sissy to soon to be lady boi had begun in earnest.

James may have not been aware but he was unable to resist Booker's requests. Maybe it was that first whipping. Perhaps it was James' discovery that sucking Booker's Black cock was enjoyable, satisfying. Maybe it was some of both. Either way James sought Booker's approval.

James did his level best to curry Booker's favor. High praise interspersed with episodes of hands on discipline from Booker made James understand himself more clearly. His needs weren't those of others. James felt he'd been lacking purpose. Booker provided an ordered harmonization to his life.

James' day were filled with hard work at the U.S. Treasury. His evenings and nights were occupied with meeting Booker's expectations.

One might call James' devotion to Booker an obsession. That wouldn't be totally correct. Booker gave James direction, a path to follow, behavior to heed. And then there was the gratification that came from being in service to a big Black cock.

Regardless of what others thought, James wanted to please his man. When Booker suggested James let his hair grown. It grew. When Booker thought James would look nice with a touch of lip gloss. It was applied.

It was time to bring James into the family of Black cock worshipping lady bois where he belonged. This was not Bookers fault. Booker was merely an instrument that fate and nature chosen to shape James.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Booker was natures scale used to give balance to James' life.

One day at the office Booker summoned James. Directed to close the door and come to him, James did as told. Booker patted his thighs and had James sit on his lap. Together they explored the internet looking at women's clothes with Booker telling James what he preferred and what James would look pretty wearing. He told him that his fine round ass would look so much better in panties. Together they selected several different styles and colors which Booker suggested James purchase.

A suggestion from Booker came with an unspoken "or else". James had learned that lesson.

Holding James' plump ass in one large hand, Booker opened James' trousers. Hoisting him up with one hand Booker slid James' trousers and underwear down to his knees. After telling James that the next time he'd better be wearing panties, he used his thumb and index finger to sooth the young man's anxieties and relieve him of his erection as they looked at internet images of sissies giving themselves to Black men.

This would become a regular occurrence. At first James would quietly sob into Bookers neck as he humped his little pink prick between the large Black fingers. It took James little time to become familiar with a man touching his privates. Soon he would look forward to those sessions. Booker had him admit that he felt sexy knowing Booker would see him in his pretty new panties when he put them on in the morning while dressing for work.

Those sessions with James on Booker's lap quickly morphed into James jacking off his own dick under the watchful eye of his man. When Booker explained to James that a white sissy's cum should be eaten by the sissy from whence it came James was only to eager to comply. It was a flavor with which James was familiar thanks to his previous poor performances in bed with his wife.

More praise was heaped upon the young man as he licked his ejaculate from his fingers.

As James' hair grew so did his feelings for Booker. It wasn't love. James still loved his wife although she and Booker had forbidden James from soiling her cunt with his little dick. What he felt for Booker was dependency. Booker was confident, strong, virile, masculine. James was none of those things and more.

Booker understood those feeling coursing through James and it pleased him.

Booker didn't love James. Hell, he hardly even liked the young faggot. Booker's contempt for James lay boiling just under the surface. Again, it was nature in play. Men, real men of whom Booker was one, have disdain for sissies as a rule. Sissies are a necessary commodity to real men. They present those real men with the opportunity to demonstrate their superiority over lesser beings while at the same time pleasuring themselves.

Booker knew that turning a seemingly happily married man into a sissy had to be handled delicately. A good sissy understands his role, his place. In the actualized sissy there is a conflict of emotions. A good sissy loves, really loves to give himself to real men. To open their mouths or spread their legs to accommodate and pleasure real cocks hanging from real men is what sissies are meant to do and they love doing it. Yet in the recess of their mind, deep in the shattered pieces of their psyche they loathe themselves for being less than men.

Some alcoholics detest their vice. Drug addicts, when sober may feel the same. The craving, the physical need of a sissy is much the same. Certainly, they want pussy but they need cocks. Large cocks define what the sissy is not and never will be. As much as the sissy may hate themselves for it, serving large, manly cocks is their addiction.

Booker understands that.

The next phase began innocently for James. Not so much for Booker.

One day Booker was holding James on his lap and caressing James' butt. After looking at interracial porn, together they read about hormone therapy. Booker convincingly explained how beneficial it would be for James to enroll in such a program.

James briefly balked. Booker hushed him and explained that James had a sweet bitch inside that craved to be freed.

Gentle persuasion and soothing reassurances quietly murmured into James' ear had the desired effect.

Booker had James look down at himself wearing his new panties. He told James that it was the natural next step for a fine and pretty young man such as he. While whispering his vision for James, Booker began to finger his anus.

Booker's probing finger was not unwelcomed. James squirmed and pushed back. Booker chuckled at the development. Promising James that in the near future they'd consummate their relationship when and if James started the hormone therapy, James acquiesced.

Booker kissed James on his cheek and for the first time called him jaymee. Booker spelled out his version of the name so jaymee would know how to sign his new name. He was told to get the name changed legally.

James felt a warm tingle hearing his man call him jaymee. It fit him he thought and he promised to do as requested.

A smack on jaymee's fat ass reminded him that it wasn't a request at all.

Booker eased the younger man down to his knees and jaymee knew what was expected. jaymee removed his own shirt and the rest of his clothes except for his panties. Then he looked at Booker and asked for permission.

Permission. It absolutely thrilled Booker to see that jaymee instinctively knew to politely ask for permission to suck his cock without having been schooled. That single act proved to Booker that he was right. He, Booker had led jaymee down the path nature had chosen for him. Had it not been Booker, some other man would have taken jaymee under his wing and showed him the light, guided him to his knees.

jaymee was born to it. Being a cock receptacle and cum dump was in the young man's DNA. Booker was just the force of nature that provided jaymee with the road map to the rest of his life.

His own cock grew heavy as he contemplated the future for his newly minted faggot. Booker would be fucking both Cindy and jaymee in their bed. Both of them his bitches.

But right now he had a nut to feed his boi.

With jaymee's transitioning going along so quickly, Booker knew what he had to do . One night shortly after jaymee promised to change his name and begin his hormone therapy Booker explained to Cindy how important it was for her to assist her husband. He urged her to not laugh and make fun of him. She was to encourage jaymee, help him shop for a more suitable wardrobe. One more suitable for a lady boi.

Cindy had giggle when Booker told her of his final plans for jaymee but agreed to do her part to help jaymee be all that he was meant to be. She felt no sadness for her husband. To her James or rather jaymee seemed happier, more carefree. And for her, Black cock was something she swore she'd never do without again.

Her hair now shoulder length jaymee was dressing more feminine than even his wife. He was too shy to wear his tight short skirts to work but he gladly showed off his nice cute ass wearing yoga pants from Lululemon. His brand-new budding breasts, a result of hormone therapy, were starting to become visible under the tunic tops and silk camisoles he preferred.

The doctor explained to jaymee that his dick and balls would shrink with the therapy and his sex drive would diminish. jaymee didn't care. She was already understanding that her role was to be there for His pleasure, whomever He might be. Her pleasure would come from giving.

When next Booker appeared at their door jaymee greeted him wearing a short black skirt, see-thru black blouse, garter belt and hose, and stiletto heels.

jaymee looked every bit the pretty gurl. Booker looked at her with lust. He'd created this person. It was his masterful guidance that led this young man down the primrose path from which he'd never return. It was a path more suited to his kind.

jaymee served drinks and prepared dinner like the good hostess she so wanted to be. Booker had taken Cindy to the bedroom and fucked the shit out of her.

Dinner was served to the naked couple as jaymee stumbled a bit in her new heels.

The offer of desert was declined. Booker stood, his Black cock proudly at attention, giving away his intentions.

He said nothing but held out his hand for jaymee to take. jaymee went to her man and Booker took her in his strong arms and pulled her close. One hand lifted her face off his nipple that jaymee was licking and they kissed. For Booker it was symbolic. For jaymee it was everything she thought it would be. Her transition was nearly completed. One final act, one last shredding of jaymee's manhood, one last fare-thee-well to all things masculine. This night would be jaymee's confirmation of her place in society.

Cindy watched. She was fully satisfied with the fucking Booker had gifted her with before dinner. She saw Bookers large Black hands raise jaymee's skirt and clutch her fat round buttocks. Even Cindy thought jaymee's ass looked sexy in her nice leopard print panties.

jaymee was intelligent enough to wear those panties over her garter belt so when Booker had her remove them it was easy to slide them down without re-doing everything.

Booker smiled at Cindy as jaymee knelt and performed the obligatory blow job dressed now only in his hose and garter belt.

Booker lifted jaymee and carried him to the bedroom. Cindy waited in the living room turning the stereo up as jaymee screamed in pain when Booker's big Black cock penetrated her for the first time. She had sucked him wet and Booker had applied lubricant. Both did not help in easing the initial agony of feeling like she was being split in two.

Booker was at first gentle with his new whore. He fucked his big cock in slowly trying to let his bitch become adjusted to his size. It wasn't working.

Finally losing his patience, Booker slammed his cock home. Looking down at jaymee, tears ruining her eye make-up, her legs over his shoulders he fucked the pain away.

Her cries soon became wails of pleasure as jaymee was schooled to the pleasure a Black cock can give a woman. She pulled his face down to hers and their tongues danced together as Booker fucked a hot load of sperm up her boi pussy.

jaymee was astonished at the amount of cum her clit spewed across her tummy as her man brought her to one climax after another.

When they separated after their coupling jaymee used a wash cloth to cleanse Booker's cock. She felt a sense of contentment she'd never known.

Wanting to show her appreciation to her man for his strong leadership and excellent fucking she was inspired to carry one final depraved act. Starting at his balls, jaymee worker her way beneath them to Booker's ass and spent many minutes using her tongue in giving thanks.

Booker fell asleep with jaymee's face in his ass and tongue in his anus.

For the next 6 months Booker divided his fucking between Cindy and jaymee. Both appreciated and vied for his companionship.

Cindy was radiant. She absolutely glowed being so well fucked. She wanted more. She wanted so much to show to the world that she belonged to Booker. She begged him to knock her up, put a Black bastard in her cunt. He refused and had her go and get her tubes tied. She would be no good in his future plans if she was pregnant.

Cindy relented. She always relented to her man's wishes. Booker knew what was best for her.

Booker also knew what was best for Booker.

jaymee had finally surrendered to her inner lady boi and started dressing like the proper bitch she was. At work, out on the town, running errands, jaymee wore whatever she felt like. Booker had instructed those of his staff to lay off his new faggot and for the most part they did. jaymee didn't feel isolated. She felt pretty.

But there were those times when she'd look at the little lump in her panties and wish it was a camel toe instead of a shrunken 2" dicklette. But she made do with what she had. What she had was her boi-pussy and her mouth. She gladly used both on Booker when he gave her permission.

Eventually lust and passion ran its course. Booker tired of the two sluts he'd created. Introducing Cindy and jaymee to a friend, the still married couple looked on as Booker pocketed a thick wad of cash and walked away without even a good bye.

Cindy and jaymee followed their new master to his 1985 Eldorado. Ever the obsequious lady boi, jaymee hurried to open the car door for their new owner.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

this 1000% needs a sequel. This might be your best one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

He has no balls but a slut for a wife and an asshole for a boss time to sue the company and divorce the slut

sissyjolie4usissyjolie4ualmost 4 years ago

Wonderful start, can't wait to read more about their adventure

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