Jones Farm Savages Ch. 03


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"That's it," he whispered, as he moved loose strands of hair behind her ear.

Abigail was spent, her face glowed with happiness, but buried deep inside of her was still her brother's bulging cock.

"Get up," James said and when she did, she almost couldn't believe that this monster had been in her, if it wasn't for the emptiness between her legs.

For the first time, she really examined her brother's cock in his full glory, it was thick and long like a bat, veins were showing and the tip was a deep purple.

"You shaved it?" she said astonished, as she carefully touched the base of his member.

"Kimeya did," he responded. "She likes it this way. She doesn't like hair in her mouth."

"She takes it in the mouth?"

"Yeah silly, all the time."

"And I thought riding you was filthy."

James laughed and bent down to finally remove his boots and the pants around his ankles.

"I guess, there are things you don't learn as a preacher's daughter," he joked.

"Do you like it?" she asked.

"Oh, I love it, but now it's not the time."

He stood up and before she could do anything, he picked her up and carried her the few step to the altar. He put her down and turned her around. With one hand he held her in place as he fondled and squeezed her perfectly rounded butt. Then he bent her over and without any hesitation he shoved his swollen dick in her juicy and inflamed pussy. Abigail hissed, as she inhaled sharply through her teeth.

"Now it's my turn," James announced and he began to fuck her thoroughly.

His sister was so wet and tight and soon Abigail's moaning accompanied the smacking sound of his onslaught. When she came again, he just tightened his grip around her hips but kept going. Abigail now was laying with her belly on the altar, she could barely hold on to it, with her mind numb, she stared at the wall-mounted cross. This was definitely the best time she ever had inside a house of god.

James now slowly could feel his own orgasm build. He increased his efforts and his sister could only wail in pleasure. She lost count how many times she came, everything blurred together in a intoxicating mix of bliss, ecstasy and worship and then finally she could feel her big brother unload deep inside of her.

James held on to her sweaty, twitching body and grunted loudly as he filled her repeatedly with his burning hot gooey seed. Both gasped for air.

When he pulled his weakened cock out of his sister, he caressed her reddened butt cheeks and he could see their combined juices ooze out of her pussy, run down her leg and drop to the sacred ground. He helped her up and together they leaned naked against the altar, exhausted and happy.

"I would be in church every day, if this would be part of the service," Abigail said, her head resting on his shoulder.

"We could even entertain a crowd," he responded as he pointed out the rows of pews. "I am not sure though, if your husband would pay with gold nuggets for it."

Abigail looked at her brother, spooked for a second, and then she slapped his chest playfully.

"You wish!" she said.


Two days later, Jesse visited again. Kimeya and James were busy reinforcing the smokehouse, she used to cure fish and some spare meat. The building, more a hut, was located a little bit remote, downwind between the trees near the river and a storm in the night had damaged it. They worked efficiently together and even though some of the yield had been spoiled by the damage, it was their laughter that let Jesse find them.

Jesse tied his horse onto a small tree when James noticed him, he straightened himself and cleaned the ash from his hands while he assured himself of the position of his rifle.

"Mornin' Jesse," he then called.

Jesse turned around and a grin appeared on his face.

"Mornin' y'all," he responded brightly and James relaxed, there was no sign that Jesse knew his wife had made him a cuckold.

"What's all this?" asked Jesse as he approached the two, he nodded in the direction of their construction site.

"It's a smokehouse. Wind last night damaged it and now we're making it sturdier," James said.

"And larger," Kimeya added, as she used her tomahawk to clean a log of it's twigs and branches.

"What are you smoking in there?"

"Until now, mostly fish. But we're expanding it for bigger game, whitetails," James responded.

"Yeah, don't like fish," Jesse said and then continued, "James, I wanna thank you. Abigail, she ..", he looked at Kimeya, ".. she is more approachable. She said you prayed with her?"

"Hm yeah, we used father's chapel."

"Listen, if you can keep her docile, I'll be grateful," Jesse said.

"Ok," James nodded, he hesitated for a second, "The chapel needs windows. Any donations are appreciated."

Jesse nodded and offered his hand and James shook it.

Jesse smiled, waved a goodbye, and James and Kimeya watched as he walked to his horse, mounted it and rode off.

"I don't like him," Kimeya said, "his spirit is small."

"Not only his spirit," James said with a smirk, "that's at least what Abigail told me." When Kimeya looked at him surprised, he continued, "She gets nothing from him in bed, so I gave her something."


"No, what she needed. You know, what you get every night."

"But she is your sister."

James nodded and then said, "I know."

He grabbed the log in Kimeya's hands, carried it the few steps and then placed it in its new position as a strut in the smokehouse.

Bewildered, Kimeya pondered two questions as she set her tomahawk onto the next log. First, yes in her tribe men had multiple wives, even raiding other clans for their women, but they'd never would take one of their blood relatives to bed. Whiteskins certainly had strange customs. Second, why hadn't she noticed it, his lust for her and his stamina had been unbroken.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Knelt or kneeled not kneed which your protagonist would not like!

Southpaw1430Southpaw1430over 2 years ago

I hope you will continue this excellent story. Thank you.

Crusader235Crusader235almost 3 years ago

Fun series but no more chapters for well over a year. Not looking promising this author will give us an ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


linnearlinnearabout 4 years ago
Improves With Each Part

By far my favorite part, I look forward to the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Where's no 4??

Hi where's no 4 you can't just leave it there!!

Slut4daddie36DSlut4daddie36Dabout 4 years ago

I love the story!! Lovethe sex from hotnative to incest. He needs to fuck the daughter soon!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Story line fantastic

Great story. Keep them coming. Really enjoyed it so far

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Another great addition. Keep em coming.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
My 2 cents

5 stars! Keep'm coming. Thanks for your time and imagination.

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