Jono's Journey Home Ch. 14


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I saw Doc Connor with a freckle faced red headed nerdy looking guy on the other side of the lounge. I looked at Tam, "He looks younger than me." Tam held back a laugh and just shook his head no. I felt tightness in my chest and a pinch. It felt like someone pinching me from inside my body. I soldiered on making the rounds.

Reza and Pete quickly crossed the room. Reza hugged and kissed me asking if I was ready to stay in his guestroom. "I'll likely be in Frankfurt for a couple weeks for testing at the medical group. Then a week or two to out-process the squadron and on to terminal leave..." My head dropped and my eyes misted.

Pete hugged me trying to cheer me up, "Don't give up, you are strong. You can bounce back..."

I interrupted curtly, "Pete, I often get winded pulling up my shorts in the morning. I damn near put myself back in a coma yesterday by pushing too hard." He started to apologize for putting me in this position.

That was all I could take. "Papa Omar, I need to borrow your office for a moment please." Tam started to join us, I held up my hand stopping him.

I grabbed Pete's shirt and drug him into the office. Once the doors were closed I spun on him and shoved my finger into his chest. "What happened in Riyadh wasn't your fault!" I jabbed his chest as I shouted each of the next three words, "I FUCKED UP!" My chest was heaving, "I never should have given that warning command. I violated the first rule of arms. If the threat is imminent just shoot. Plain and simple, I fucked up! I paused, and I got myself shot. I did this to myself!"

I went on for quite a bit more jabbing and poking his sternum the whole time. Tears running down my cheeks, I felt like such an idiot. "If the shooter had just pulled the trigger the General would have died. If the son of a bitch hadn't been so target fixated on me he could have really had a headline." I didn't realize how hard I was breathing until spots formed before my eyes.

Pete shouted out my name. My vision closed like an iris fading to black. For the second time in as many weeks I woke on Omar's office couch. Doc Connor and Fahima were clearing the room. Tamam of course could not be moved. He was on his knees by my side, he saw my eyes open. "You frightened us again. Slow deep breaths." He caressed my cheek, while I mouthed the word Pete over and over.

He called the agent over to my side and I said in a whisper. "I'm sorry Pete. I must have looked like a chihuahua yapping at a saint bernard when I was yelling at you."

He laughed and replied, "What is funnier is the fact the chihuahua actually had the saint bernard backing down in fear. Jono, you sir, are scary when you are angry." We laughed.

He continued, "There were enough mistakes made that day. I should have stood up to Fibrin. Speaking of that asshole; Fibrin received a formal reprimand and put in his retirement paperwork. Both General Mallory and Donnelly wanted him court-martialed. The JAG and ADC made the argument it might be overly stressful for you to testify. I think they are sending him to McMurdo Station to run out his last year." I laughed at the thought of him in Antarctica.

Tamam clapped his hand on Pete's shoulder. I'm not sure what happened when I was out, but it looked like a weight was raised off them both. Pete departed leaving me alone with Tam, Fahima and Dr Trevor Connor. The Doc spoke, "You know what just happened to you lil guy?"

I began describing my symptoms. He stopped me. "You got excited, you hyperventilated, and then you passed out. No great mystery here. I told you before, your recovery is gonna take the time it takes. Even your body has to follow that rule. The challenge for you is not a return to service, it is just recovery. I and everyone else know your desires. You need to set realistic goals at this point."

He took my blood pressure. Then he rubbed my head. I could tell he was trying to figure out how to tell me something unpleasant. "It's not just your body lil guy, your spirit is hurt. We will start that recovery journey tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday. That is why I brought Doc Fitz with me. He's a nice enough guy, I hope you give him the chance to help you."

Fahima dutifully took down the numbers Doc Connor read off. Once the vitals were complete she left the room leaving me alone with Tam and Trevor. "Jono, do you feel like meeting Doc Fitz now? You really are quite lucky. We have him on loan from the Florida Air National Guard out of Eglin AFB. You two are likely to have a hell of a lot to talk about, coming from the same neck of the woods and all."

My thoughts were highly acerbic. Oh joy the Air Force couldn't even fund a full-time doc. They had to bring in a weekend warrior. Connor left the room to bring in the newest head-shrink in my life. I was not amused. I hated shrinks.

Doc Connor and the redheaded stepchild of the medical profession entered the room. The Opie all grown up looking doctor extended his hand and gave me a wet fish handshake. God I knew the angle he was using. He was trying to make himself look weaker in order to draw me out. He had probably been holding a glass of ice water or something in order to give it that clammy feel.

"Hello Sergeant Al-Amin, I'm Kyle Fitzgerald. Looks like we're going to be spending a little bit of time together. I have no doubt you're probably going through all kinds of gambits in your head about how I'm going to handle your therapy. Stop. I never put together a therapy package before I meet the person. I do consult your past physicians, which for me is a good thing. I know a few of your physician's personally."

I asked him the 15 million dollar question, "Is therapy really mandatory?"

He replied, "In the eyes of your physician, and commander, yes. Even if it wasn't mandatory, it would be a very good idea. Jono, you have gone through a major life-altering event. You need to develop some tools to get your head around it. All I'm here for is to guide you. The question you need to ask yourself is, are you healing here, or hiding here?"

I must have had a stunned expression on my face. He continued, "I don't want an answer right now, I want you to think on it tonight."

Then gave me another wet fish handshake leaving me alone with Tam and Doc Connor. I looked at Trevor as if he betrayed me. "Why" I whined, "I was coping, I was dealing with it in my own way."

He rubbed my shoulder, "Jono, you should know, a mental hygiene check is mandatory before you meet with the review board. Here at least you are on friendly grounds, YOUR turf. Even if it wasn't required, given your nightmares it was a good step." I knodded acknowledging the truth of his words. It didn't mean I had to like them.

"I do want you to continue weaning yourself off the supplemental oxygen. You were quite right yesterday at the pool. Be calm and let your body adjust to the lower oxygen level. I want you to SLOWLY, increase the load on the treadmill. Dress for temperature changes, you are likely to have trouble with cold for a while. I expect you to be a little breathless when you get back to Germany."

Tam was giving me the "broken boy" look. I could see him planning another wardrobe so I would be bundled up when I got back to Germany. I was so wrapped up in my feelings of how crappy I felt. Doc Connor left Tam and I alone. It took a few moments to shake it off, pity was bad enough self-pity is even worse. I thought to myself this too shall pass, kinda like a kidney stone, but it will pass.

In the grand scheme of things our quality of life can be measured by our adaptation to change. It is a string of temporary events that we have to make our own. My 'now' is turning unpleasant, maybe I can make someone else's now better. I asked Tam to get Najib and Papa Omar. I quickly bounced an idea off them. The men liked it. After a couple quick calls back to Florida, my plan was in motion.

* * *

December 31st 1500 (Meet the family)

Papa Omar had five wives, two of them now in the long rest. I was not kidding about him creating a nation. When you counted his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, there were more people present at that house then lived in all of Fluffy Landing. The women gathered in the house and the men out in the back garden and on the terraces.

I was grateful for my new status with the family, as Omar's ward. I could walk where I wished. I wasn't property, although Tam did still like to stay within arm's reach. I was expected to look after my sisters and my father's wives. As an adopted son they were now my mothers and sisters to protect as well. Tam's brothers received me well, I now had even more people trying to plan my future, oh joy.

Tam tried to stay close but he was often pulled away. He was after all the hero of the day. There was a small gathering of young Hassan boys in their late teens and early twenties. They noticed me, my ass, and how protective Tamam was of me.

The boys were referring to me as Tamam's newest European "sharmoota," whore. I assume they thought I could not understand them, either that our they just didn't care. The comments continued and intensified. "I'd love to feel that pussy on my cock." "Tamam has excellent taste in sluts." "I'd have that bitch on his knees all day long sucking my cock." Then they got really crude.

I felt so cheap. For all I knew, maybe they were right. Omar saw my expression as he overheard a few of the sleazy comments. He embraced me saying loudly in Arabic, "Jono my son, you should be introducing yourself to your new nephews. Boys this is my adopted son Jono. He was shot defending our King's honor. Our family is helping him with his recovery."

I replied, "I am sorry Papa. I will try to talk to all of the family, my Arabic is not as strong as it should be. I didn't understand a few of the words they used. I was afraid they would think me dumb." The boys crawled away, their bravado evaporated.

Omar pulled me against his thobe hugging me. All I could say was, "Thank you, Papa."

He rubbed the back of my head saying, "I think tact and wisdom has skipped this generation." He or Tamam remained at my side and introduced me to the rest of the family. I was welcomed warmly. Later a couple of the boys pulled me aside and apologized for their comments.

Papa and I wandered up to the quarantine zone to see Fajira when a familiar voice was raised behind me. "Good evening Mr Al-Amin or do I say Banks now?"

"Your Excellency may address me how his honor wishes." I turned and greeted the judge. "But legally I am once again an Al-Amin."

"In the eyes of my court that was always so." He hugged me and kissed my cheeks. "Have you given thought to your future, I understand your military career may be ending."

"Your honor, it's my hope that I may still recover enough to continue my Air Force career. I hate leaving anything half done. With my recent setbacks I'm starting to understand, I do have physical limitations which may preclude continued service. If I am medically retired, it's my hope to return to the kingdom. My father still owns property here, and it was his desire at least one of his son's follows after him."

"Jono, I knew your father almost as well as Omar. He would want you to follow your passion, and not just blindly following HIS path." Omar hugged my shoulder. The Judge continued, "I have met you once before when you were very young. It was at your grandfather's funeral. It was an arrogant hope of mine that you would remember me when we met at the hotel. Your grandfather was a skilled diplomat. For years he pushed your father down that path. His battle wounds and your mother turned him another direction."

Papa Omar properly greeted his nephew. The two men debated about the course of my life. I should have been paying attention but my attention was centered on a debate that was raging behind the judge. Two children, I assumed his, were arguing with each other using their fingers. Damn they were fast I was having difficulty keeping up. Eventually I discovered the two men had stopped talking.

I looked at Papa Omar, "Jono is their conversation of more interest?" The judge began laughing patting my back. He told me his daughter was mute. Her older brother was very protective.

The pretty girl signed in SSL, "You sign?"

Her face lit up when I replied back in Saudi Sign, "Not good like you Nona. I not so quick. I rusty" The 12 year old boy was furious that I had been eavesdropping on HIS private conversation. He barked that his sister could hear fine. "I am sorry Khalid, my intrusion was not intended. You should know your signing is not a guarantee of secrecy. Please forgive me, What I heard I shall keep in confidence." When I extended my hand he smiled big and shook it (after looking to his father for guidance).

The judge grabbed my arm again, "As I said Jono, diplomacy runs in your family. Your skills have been missed on embassy row. Najib was quite right when he told me that the Justice Ministry could benefit from your assistance from time to time. Just hold it in your thoughts. We know it is too soon and your immediate future is cloudy. I know your destiny is to come home, you belong here."

* * *

1900 Nap time for the little ones.

Fahima and the ladies were trying to put the little ones down for a nap. I think it is a universal curse that children will always fight nap time. I asked if it would help if I told them a story about one of my favorite songs. The children were excited. I asked Papa Omar if the Russian Epic of Tzar Berendey was appropriate. He replied only if I play the song as well.

After reciting a condensed version, the little girls applauded. Love wins in the end of course they would love it. Then the boys picked the story apart. Making critical comments. The Tzar was a fool for drinking from another man's well without his permission. The Tzar was a slob for not keeping his beard trimmed short. The Tzar's son Ivan was a dog for hiding the fairy's dress. The daughter was evil for betraying her father.

On and on it went until Momma Daliyah recommended we just play the piece for the children. One of the older boys brought me Mara and we began. I discovered Daliyah was a great pianist. We played Leoš Janáček's Pohádka. After 12 minutes of play all but one child was asleep.

Khalid hugged Daliyah and I, then whispered sleepily: "The story was bad, but the song was nice." The fathers, mothers, and older brothers carried the little ones to their beds. I loved watching the family pull together for the care of the little ones. I offered to help and Daliyah rested her forehead against mine telling me I had done my share, then joined in the care of the children upstairs.

I did a range of motion on the right arm. I performed a slow roll of the arm in the shoulder socket. I could feel the grinding. Tam's hot hands were rubbing the shoulder removing all of the tension. "You need a Spa day."

"Tam, I just need time with you. That's all I've ever needed in my life."

Tam whispered words of one of my favorite Persian poets Farroḵi in my ear. "Take off and throw aside, O Turk, this battle raiment. Take up the lyre and put down your shield and sword. - Put down your weapons boy! Bring me kisses! All this trouble and strife serves no purpose at all!" I was damaged, I would never again be an effective warrior. My beloved was telling me, like the captured Turkish soldier, I had far more to offer.

He grabbed Mara and my bow. I grabbed the stand. He linked his arm in mine and we walked back to his room. He closed and locked the hall door behind us. He wanted uninterrupted playtime with his boy. He told me that we would not be expected to rejoin the party until at least 10 or so at night.

In a pinch we could just tell everyone that I was tired, everyone knew I was weaker and took naps often since the shooting. We set Mara up in his lounge. Then he took me in his arms and carried me to the bedroom. We began yanking each others clothes off on the way. By the time he tenderly laid me down on the bed I was butt naked. I rested the telemetry unit on my nightstand.

He took some medicated massage oil and began rubbing his hands across my chest and shoulders loosening the muscles releasing the knots that had formed during the day. Everywhere his hands in the oil touched my skin tingled. By the time he had finished the front side of my body was vibrating almost like Mara's strings.

The sneaky shit gave a tug on my cock and it instantly became erect with an almost painful hard on. I looked at him and told him it wasn't fair. With his index finger he touched my nose saying not much in life is fair little one. Then he rolled me over on my stomach and began working on my back. He forcefully worked the oil into my shoulders and down my back. Then from the soles of my feet to the crack of my ass.

He started working his fingers into my hole. "Such a tight little pussy you have. I am such a blessed man to own it."

I replied defensively "Tam I'm a boy, I don't have a pussy."

"This is the hole that carries my cock. It is my boy's pussy. It is how he physically shows me his love."

I thought to myself, if this makes it easier for him to fuck me, who am I to complain. I rolled my head back and whispered, "Own my pussy. Take it, it has missed it's master for too long. This morning was not enough. It's never enough." Without realizing my hand was soaked in the oil I reached back and stroked his cock. It had the same effect on him that it had on me.

"Jono!" His turgid cock was fully engorged. It looked angry as it jutted almost straight out.

I smiled at him and said, "It looks like that needs to be wiped off, I can think of a place you can put it to rub it off. It might even give us both a little relief." He kissed my lips and pulled my hips up touching the head of his mighty shaft to my well oiled hole.

He kept my head turned so that he could look at my face for any visible signs of pain or discomfort. Above anything else he knew that I had experienced far more pain, than any one person should in bear in a lifetime. I knew he would move heaven and Earth to make sure he never added to it.

He slowly and steadily sheathed his cock deep within me. I could tell with the medicated oil soaking into his cock he wanted to pile drive me. The one thing that was true about my Tam, he had control. With him sex was a marathon not a sprint. He took his time to extend our pleasure. As his pubic bush made contact with my ass, my normal grunts and squeaks were replaced as I let out a soft "FU-FU-FU-FUCK MEEEE!"

Even though he wanted to go harder, he remained in complete control. He reached around my chest and started playing with my nipples. First the left then the right. He saw the look of concern on my face as he pinched the right nipple hard. "What troubles my little boy?"

"With all the surgical work they did to keep me alive, I can barely feel the right side of my chest. It's all numb. It doesn't feel like part of my body anymore. It's kind of like a distant memory of a touch." Fuck, I thought to myself I'm killing the mood. "Fuck my pussy, own it. Make me feel you, please."

He pulled out of me just enough to get to his knees. Then he rolled me to my back raising my legs to his shoulders he slid his cock fully inside me. A warm smile spread across my face as he slowly fucked me deep.

He dragged his hands down my body reciting still more ancient poetry this time from Awhadi-e Marage. "Your fragrant wavy hairs are like a trap, o boy. Your face resembles the full moon, o boy!"

I reached up playing with his massive pecks. He made them dance under my touch as he continued to pound my ass. I love touching his body as he sought our pleasure. Each part of it was a masterpiece. Together his parts formed a priceless work of art. If his body was the symphony, then my cooing and sounds of pleasure were it's choir.