Jr. Witches' Coven Ch. 01

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A group of young witches get revenge on a panty thief.
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It was the weekly Friday night meeting of the Junior Witches' Coven. While the four young women might have seemed like a peculiar bunch, finding strange ways to entertain themselves was quite typical for students at a small town, midwestern university, with little else to do.

There was, however, one thing that did make the group stand out: they were actual apprentice witches who could cast real spells! Yet, despite this, they still mostly used their powers for the same pursuits that would interest any typical group of college-age girls.

"I call thee, Minerva, next," chanted Medea, the leader and oldest of the Junior Witches' Coven. She was a tall, mysterious young woman with long, black hair that hung loosely down her back. Though the pointy hat she wore had been purchased from a Halloween store, her dim silhouette still cast an imposing image in the candlelight. "Approach the altar, and speak your heart's desire!"

Minerva, the youngest, and only a freshman, swallowed nervously and stood up. She was a short girl, with messy black hair and thick glasses. She was afraid of admitting who her crush was, but the other girls had done so already. How did she expect to master something as dangerous as witchcraft if she couldn't even work up the courage to admit to having a crush on a boy?

She sighed nervously, then approached the alter (a card table with a quilt laid over it) and passed one hand over the crystal ball (the only item in Medea's bedroom that wasn't a cheap party trinket).

"Uh... S... Sebastian Kraus." Immediately, a light appeared in the center of the crystal ball, slowly growing brighter, until it rivaled the candles set around it.

"Sebastian Kraus?" Giggled Lilith. "From economics class? THAT little weirdo?"

"Heh... Well, we went to the same high school," Minerva muttered, defensively.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong about a shy, dorky girl liking a shy, dorky guy!" Aurora argued.

"Uh... Thanks, I guess?" Minerva replied, not entirely sure if Aurora had been defending or insulting her choice.

"All I'm saying is Minerva is now a witch like us, while Sebastian is still just a strange, little..."

"Silence until the ritual has concluded!" Medea chided them.

By now, the image was beginning to form. They could see the young man's slender, almost effeminate form. As the image continued to coalesce, they could see he was shirtless, though he appeared to be wearing something over his face... a cloth mask perhaps? He appeared to be wet. He was moving his lower body in strange ways.

Four sets of eyes widened as the image finished forming. He appeared to be in a public shower stall of sorts. He wasn't just shirtless; he was completely naked! He appeared to be rubbing his erect dick against something. Hung up on a hook on the shower wall, probably intended to hold a wash cloth, was a pair of woman's panties. As the image came into full clarity, they saw what was over his face: a pair of thong underwear practically hanging off his nose and dangling over his mouth.

He also seemed to have the longest foreskin any of them had ever seen! It hung at least an inch off the end of his fully erect dick. The floppy bit of skin was brushed left and right as he rubbed the tip against the underwear hung up on the wall.

Minerva gasped, and turned a deep shade of red! Lilith and Aurora burst out into laughter. Medea finally broke out of her ritualistic voice.

"Shit! Turn it off! End the ritual! That's not supposed to happen!" Media commanded, frantically.

Minerva did as instructed, and the image winked out.

"Oh, boo! It was such a good show!" Lilith objected, still laughing. "Little panty-pervert! Bet he stole those from his sister!"

"Eh. He could have bought them from his favorite camgirl. Who cares?" Aurora said with a shrug.

"Whatever. But what the fuck was that hanging off his dick? Was that seriously his foreskin? Boy needs a circumcision, like stat!"

"Yeah... gross," said Minerva, pretending to agree. In truth, she had been strangely intrigued by that soft, warm, pink flap of skin. She wondered what it would feel like to play with the thing with her fingers... maybe nibble on it or suck on it... but she was afraid of the other girls laughing at her just as hard as they had laughed at Sebastian if they found out she was actually intrigued by his unusual feature.

"This isn't good!" Medea fretted. "The privacy safeguards on the crystal ball appear to be broken. I don't want us using it again until Mother Agatha has a chance to look at it."

"Privacy safeguards?" asked Minerva.

"Yes, Mother Agatha gave us a crystal ball with certain limitations on it," Medea explained. "Basically, to prevent exactly THAT from happening! If someone happens to be doing something private that isn't our business to see, it won't show us."

"Wait, wait..." Lilith argued, "you're saying the parental controls somehow got turned off, and you want to tell her? Total missed opportunity!"

"And YOU'RE saying you want to spy on people masturbating without their knowledge? That's not okay!" Medea chided her.

"Well, not that specifically, but..."

"Besides, if one part of the spell is broken, there could be other things wrong with it. Believe me, you don't want to mess around with damaged magic items."

"Girls?" Aurora started, cutting them off. "Bring Sebastian back up. I thought I saw something."

"Absolutely not! What could you have possibly seen that was that important?"

"Maybe I'm going crazy, but just for a second. Please? I want to check on something, just to make sure." Something in Aurora's voice sounded dead serious, even worried.

"Not like the damage isn't already done. We all saw what that little weirdo does in his private time... not to mention his anteater dick!"

"Lilith, enough! All right, Aurora, I believe you. Let's have another look, but be quick about it!"

Minerva waved her hand over the crystal ball again. "Sebastian Kraus."

The lewd image reappeared, but this time, Sebastian had the panties hung over the shaft of his dick. Also, he was tugging on his foreskin. He had the tip pinched between his thumb and fingers, and was repeatedly stretching the thing like a rubber band. With each tug, it stretched out several inches, almost as long as the rest of his dick! Minerva felt a deep, nervous shudder as she saw that, nearly gasping out loud! Her legs felt weak! She didn't know what extreme emotion had just come over her... maybe some combination of shock or horror, mixed with arousal so overwhelming she felt queasy and light-headed!

"That little bastard! I fucking knew it!" Aurora nearly screamed, aghast! "Look at where he's doing that!!!"

"It looks like the showers in the athletics building. I didn't know the place was still open this late, but what's the problem with that if he's the only one in there?" Medea asked, confused.


One by one, the remaining sets of eyes widened in shock as they realized Aurora was right. As they walked around the crystal ball to see different aspects of the image, they could see more parts of the very familiar looking locker room. And it got worse! One of the lockers appeared to be open, with several personal items laid out on the bench in front of it.

"Disgusting!" Medea muttered. "Maybe the privacy filter's working fine after all. If he's going through our personal effects in there, it's definitely our business to know! That underwear wasn't any of yours, was it?"

"No, I keep my locker locked for a damn reason, and thank God for that!" Aurora interjected, disgusted. "I mean Lucifer. Thank Lucifer."

"See, Minerva? This is why you need to pay attention to that female intuition of yours," Lilith teased her. "That shy, weird kid that seems kind of nice, but nobody talks to? There's a reason those people come off as weird... It's your creep sensor going off!"

But Minerva did not respond. She was still dumbstruck by the sight of Sebastian's impossibly long and stretchy foreskin. Her hands were shaking from the feeling of awe and disbelief she felt. It was like a new fetish had been awakened in her that moment!

"We need to report him for this!" shouted Aurora!

"No, not yet!" Medea cautioned her. "How to you plan on explaining how we discovered what he does? I'm not about to tell the university staff about our witchcraft. We need to come up with a plan... a plan to catch that little pervert in the act!"


And so, the apprentice witches began their preparations. They monitored Sebastian over the next few days, and it turned out, the kid made a regular practice of it. It seemed he worked at the athletics building, which gave him after-hours access. And nearly every day, once the building was otherwise vacated, he went into the female locker room and got to work. First, he'd check any personal lockers that the owner hadn't bothered to lock, and go through the belongings. Sometimes he'd sniff, sometimes he'd even put the items on. And almost every time, he'd rub his long foreskin across anything that interested him, as if marking his territory. He rubbed that long flap of skin over their clothing and underwear, on the benches where they sat to change, against the walls in the shower, and anything else they could imagine. It turned their stomachs to think how long this could have been going on!

Yet despite the seriousness of Sebastian's misconduct, Minerva found herself looking forward to watching Sebastian's final act, where he'd pinch the tip of his foreskin and begin tugging on it, repeatedly stretching it to incredible lengths! She wondered what the elasticity would feel like. Did the thing stretch that far easily, or did it take some effort, like tugging on a rubber band? Though the crystal ball could not repeat sound, she liked to imagine his foreskin making cartoonish stretching sounds as he yanked and tugged on it. And when he finally came, he would pinch the tip tightly and let the skin swell up like a balloon, before spurting it onto the walls of the shower stall.

"I have an idea!" said Minerva with a wicked grin, and she began to explain her plan... not just to catch him in the act, but to get revenge: to make sure he never entertained the thought of going into a girls' locker room ever again! "So... you know how he likes to rub his foreskin against the wall..."

"Wow!" Medea exclaimed after Minerva had finished explaining her plan. "That's clever for a brand-new initiate! Seriously, I'm impressed with your knowledge of spells and curses! Except, here's the problem. Some of those spells are high level: above my ability, for sure! We would definitely need to go through Mother Agatha, first, and I can't promise she'll be onboard with something like that. Actually, I don't think she'll be happy that we would even think it's a good idea."

"Then let's not go through her," suggested Lilith. "The last time you prepared the summoning for our Dark Patron, Agatha barely helped you out at all. I'm pretty sure you're ready to do it on your own. Let's ask HIM for access to the spells we need!"

"And jump the chain of command? We've all been warned: Zahzmophet hates it when his disciples forget their formalities, as much as I think he'd be okay with our plan!"

"Oh, come on!" begged Lilith! "Minerva's idea is the coolest ever! It'll be hilarious, and that little creep will never steal another pair of panties again as long as he lives!"

"Besides, it was Mother Agatha who warned us not to speak to our Dark Patron directly. He never said that himself," argued Aurora. "From what I know of him, I think he'd like what we're trying to do with his gifts. Anyway, we have to do SOMETHING about this creep. If you don't want to report him, then the only options left are to deal with it ourselves, or do nothing! Or do you have a better idea?"

"Well... no, I don't at the moment. Oh, fine. We'll summon him and ask for the spells Minerva wants."


The summoning of their dark patron went better than expected. While he was at first suspicious that Medea had summoned him without Mother Agatha involvement, he indeed seemed to like their plan, and granted them the power they would need, as well as detailed instructions to cast their chosen spells.

The following morning, as soon as the athletics building was opened, the four of them entered the girls' locker room to prepare their spells, among them a means of getting through the locked doors after hours, and a few wards that would saturate the area with the magical energies they needed to be present. They would also be creating a voodoo doll of Sebastian, the most important ingredient for which was something specific to the intended victim: often a lock of hair or scrap of clothing. With luck, they might be able to find something of his he had left behind.

"Could this be his?" Lilith asked, holding up a short, brown strand of hair she found in the shower stall.

"Maybe," Aurora answered. "Uh, doesn't that girl Mandy have kinda short hair, too, though?"

"I thought hers was a little more blond..."

"It looks a little longer than Sebastian's... I think," said Minerva.

"We need to be certain," announced Medea. "If we use the wrong ingredient, best case, the spell won't work. Worst case... I don't even know."

"I'm pretty sure this is the shower stall he used last night," called Aurora. "Maybe we'll find something in... ohhh... Yeah. I found something." Aurora didn't sound too pleased.

The others ran up to her as she pointed to the shower drain where she had unscrewed the metal cover. Sitting on top of the wire mesh just underneath were chunks of a strange off-white substance, mixed with a few odd strands of hair.

"What IS that?" Lilith asked.

"What do you think?" Aurora replied with an eye roll.

"That's his sperm? Are you sure? It looks... gelatinous."

"I grew up with two younger brothers. Yeah, I'm sure. I guess the hot water does that to it for some reason. Minerva? You want to grab this stuff for us?"

"What, ME? Why do I have to do it?" she complained.

"This whole thing was your idea. Besides, you're the lowest ranking."

"Uhh... Medea? Are you sure this necessary for the voodoo doll? Can't we just steal a lock of hair from him somewhere else?" Minerva complained.

"Not for the kind of magic you wanted to do on him. If you just want him to feel pain or other sensations, then sure. But if you want actual, physical effects, especially ones as strong as you talked about, then we have to link the doll to the warded area as well, not just his body."

"Come ON, Minerva," Lilith goaded her. "Do you want us to do your idea or not?"

Minerva groaned, then went to grab a paper towel. She stared down at the gunk in the drain with a disgusted look. She reluctantly got down on her knees and reached for it, gagging loudly as she scraped it out of the filter.

"But that hair could be anyone's," Medea continued. "You'll need to pick it out of the... uh... sample."

Minerva dry-heaved.


Back in Medea's room, the young witches worked diligently on creating the voodoo doll. Aurora had stitched the doll's body together, sealing the 'sample' deep inside. Meanwhile, Lilith used her artistic skills to draw a face on the doll.

"How much like his actual face to I need to make it?" she asked.

"Honestly, not much at all. We've already got his literal DNA inside this thing. Unless we're planning to do specific things to his face, it's not important. Think of the doll more as a graphic user interface for the spell."

"Not all of us are computer science majors, Medea!" Lilith complained.

"It's like... the doll itself doesn't have any special power. The doll is just how we communicate what we want the spell to do to him. Because we want to do things to his dick, we'll need the doll to have a dick, and one that's a fairly good representation of his own. More detailed effects are going to require a more detailed representation."

"Did you hear that, Minerva? You get to give Sebastian Jr. a nice, long foreskin!"

Thankfully, Minerva already had an idea of what she wanted to do. She pulled out a small party balloon, and snipped off the stem. She filled it up three-quarters of the way with material to act as the shaft of his dick, leaving just a little bit of the stretchy rubber hanging off the end. Aurora took Minerva's handiwork from her and pinned it to the doll's crotch, completing the effigy.

Minerva reached over and flicked the tip with her finger a couple of times, causing the flared-out tip to wiggle back and forth. "It's perfect!" she declared, smiling broadly! "Wait, he can't feel that yet, can he?"

"No. We still have a lot of work to do."


That Friday night, Sebastian gave one last sweep of the athletics building to make sure the place was really his. As he locked the main door, he could already feel himself getting erect with excitement just thinking about what he would do!

He didn't waste another moment before stripping off all his clothes, then began snooping around. But he found his opportunities were even more scant than yesterday. So many more of the girls seemed to be locking their lockers this week. Was it possible the girls were starting to suspect what he was doing? He stopped in the aisle and thought about what this might mean.


Meanwhile, the witches watched through the crystal ball.

"He's not doing it," Minerva fretted. "What if he doesn't rub his dick against the wall? Are we going to be able to do anything to him at all?"

"Damn it! He suspects something!" Lilith announced. "We shouldn't have warned the other girls so soon."

"And let them continue to be victimized?" Aurora retorted. "Sorry, I had to warn them someone might be going through their stuff. It was the right thing to do, and you know it!"

Medea spoke in her usual calm and in control manner. "There's no way he suspects WHAT we are about to do to him. Be patient, sisters. We will find our moment to spring the trap."

But as Sebastian made his way down the aisle, one locker at a time, he found every single one locked. He seemed to be getting frustrated. His erection was already fading. By the time he had finished that aisle, not a single one had been left unlocked for him. He punched the last locker in anger, then spread his arms out in a gesture of exasperation. He moved to the last aisle, but by now he seemed to be losing hope. He wasn't even trying every locker anymore, but desperately tried random ones.

"He looks like he's about to give up! He's not going to do it!" Minerva complained.

"Okay, shoot. We need to spring the trap now if we're ever going to." Medea agreed. "I have an idea that could work."

Medea grabbed the voodoo doll and uncapped the tube of super glue, then waited. Sebastian walked up to another locker and tried it unsuccessfully. His dick was almost entirely flaccid now, dangling between his legs. He groaned in frustration, standing there for a moment, but a moment was long enough.

Medea positioned the voodoo doll in front of the mock-up 'wall' they had constructed in a rough approximation of where Sebastian was standing in front of the locker. With her other hand, she pinched the doll's foreskin and stretched it against the wall. She blew on it gently as she held it there to dry the glue.


Sebastian stood there facing the locker that housed the now inaccessible objects of his desire. But as he stood there, contemplating what to do, something very strange happened. His flaccid dick was suddenly sucked forward, as if by a magnet, and the tip of his foreskin smacked into the locker door and stuck there.

"What the..." he shouted in surprise!