June Gets Even Pt. B

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A possible alternative conclusion to Charley-Ace's tale.
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Way back in 2001 Charley_Ace wrote a little vignette, entitled June gets even reproduced below in full if you cannot be bothered to click on the link to his original posting.

Charley_Ace followed it up, as did a few others, cageytee, MrHands and kellyhockey's three part epic.

I read all of them again recently and noticed that until the last paragraph and an additional line there was nothing to prove to June that she had anything to get even for, certainly something not known at the time she "got even" I also noted that none of the other authors paid attention to those same few words. I am going to do likewise.

I have attempted to contact Charley_Ace for his or her permission to continue the story and failed to get a response.

I have also attempted, and no doubt failed to keep the original American feel with the spelling, grammar and phrasing etc.

I also readily admit to knowing little about the USA legal system, if that matters at all.


© copyright 2001 All Rights Reserved Charley_Ace

Another special and very sincere THANKS to 'Sweet Thang' for her expert editorial assistance.

* * * * *

Jerry and I are in our early thirties, married for 5 years and have no children. We had gotten to be very good friends with Ralph and Mary, our next-door neighbors. They had moved into the area only a month after we did and since we were all new to the area and were about the same age, we all became fast friends.

We often exchanged meal invitations, went out together, etc. During all of those occasions, I hadn't noticed any more than what I would consider normal sexual innuendoes between the four of us. I was attracted to Ralph and I could tell that he was attracted to me, but neither of us said or did anything about it. The same could be said of Jerry and Mary. Ralph and Mary were an attractive couple and so were we, so there had to be some mutual attraction. It's just that none of us made it obvious.

It was about a year after meeting Ralph and Mary that I began to suspect that Jerry was cheating on me. I had found some subtle signs on his dirty clothes. Things like the faint scent of a woman, and cum and lipstick stains on the inside of his briefs. Yes, lipstick. They were faint, but I was pretty sure that they were lipstick stains. He must have been getting some pretty good lip service - no pun intended.

Once I began noticing the signs on his clothes, I began to check them more carefully. I soon noticed a pattern. The subtle signs appeared on the clothes Jerry wore on Friday nights. Coincidentally, Friday night was his poker night with the guys at the club. I would notice the signs about every other Friday. I was becoming more and more suspicious, but dared not confront Jerry with any accusations until I was sure of something.

I didn't know what to do about what I had found. I needed someone to talk to, so I confided in Mary. I didn't want to alarm her since Ralph was also one of the poker gang, but I didn't know where else to turn. I took a chance and told her anyway. She tried her best to console me. She told me that the signs were so subtle, that I was probably mistaken. She also told me not to do anything drastic until I was sure. She convinced me that I could have easily been mistaken. I felt more at ease after our talk. 'Surely Mary was right, I must be mistaken,' I thought.

Still, I wasn't sure. I continued to search the dirty laundry for more signs and found none. Mary had to be right. After all, Jerry was still as attentive to me as he had always been. Our sex life was not lacking. It wasn't great, but it was good. I was just about convinced that I had been wrong, until one Friday night.

I got up about midnight to get a drink of water and just happened to look out of the kitchen window, which faces Ralph and Mary's house. I saw a man walk around the side of their house and enter the back door without even knocking. It was too dark to see who it was, but I knew it wasn't Ralph. Ralph is a big man and this guy was much smaller, about Jerry's size. Then it hit me. He even walked like Jerry. 'Could it be?' My heart raced as I thought the worst - 'Jerry and Mary?'

I watched the house until the living room light went out, soon the master bedroom light came on. 'Not a good sign' I thought. Apparently Mary had a lover, and it appeared to be Jerry.

I threw on some sweats and tennis shoes, exited my house and quietly entered their back door. Luckily, it was still unlocked. I tip-toed up the stairs to the bedroom door. I could hear male and female voices in the throes of passion. Sounded like Mary was having a good time with somebody besides Ralph.

The door was closed. I stood there and listened to determine if I could recognize the man's voice. Mary was doing most of the talking, or should I say moaning and screaming. Occasionally I heard the man. It sounded very much like Jerry, but I still couldn't be sure. There was no way that I was going to break in on them. What if it wasn't Jerry?

I finally went back home and took my position in front of the kitchen window and turned the light out. I waited for over an hour before I saw the man leaving by the back door. I watched as he went out to the street and turned right, toward our house. I quickly moved to the living room window where I continued to watch. I saw him turn onto our sidewalk and move toward our front door. 'Not much doubt now,' I thought.

I hurried back into the bedroom, hopped into the bed and waited. I heard a key entering the lock and the front door opened. It was Jerry! 'The bastard has been fucking Mary. No wonder she tried to convince me that he wasn't cheating on me! That whore! I thought that she was my friend! What do I do now?' These and other thoughts were swirling around in my head.

I pretended to be asleep as Jerry climbed into bed and immediately dozed off. I couldn't sleep at all. I lay awake feeling sorry for myself, feeling anger toward Jerry and Mary, and plotting revenge. I loved Jerry, but couldn't stand the fact that he was cheating on me. I could think of nothing else but how I might be able to get even with them.

Saturday morning, I pretended to be asleep as Jerry got up, got ready and left for his usual golf date. I had spent the entire day formulating a plan to get even with Jerry and Mary. I needed an accomplice for my plan.

I watched out of the kitchen window until I saw Mary leave for her weekly trip to the gym. I immediately called Ralph.


"Hi Ralph, this is June."

"Hi June, good to hear your sexy voice on such a beautiful Saturday morning."

"Thanks Ralph, but it doesn't look like such a beautiful day to me. I have something serious to talk to you about. I know that Mary's not home and wondered if you might be able to help me with a problem that I have."

"You know I'll do anything I can for you June. Just name it."

"I'd rather not discuss in over the phone. Could you come over?"

"Sure, be over in 15 minutes."

"Thanks, Ralph. See you in a few minutes."

When Ralph arrived, I let him in and asked him to have a seat while I fixed him a drink. "Just a ginger ale," he said.

I wanted something stronger, but settled for a ginger ale also. I took the drinks in, handed him his and began. "Ralph, I have a problem that I'd like to get some advice on."

"Sure, I'll be glad to help if I can."

"Well, this is very difficult for me to talk about, but since you're one of our best friends, I hope that you can give me some sound advice."

"Shoot. Tell me all about it."

With a slight pause, I did just that, "I think that Jerry is having an affair. Actually, I don't just think, I know."

"What! Are you sure?"


"I just can't believe it. You two seem so happy together. He'd be the last one that I'd suspect of cheating on his wife. After all, you're not only one of the most beautiful women I know, you're also a very nice person. Jerry's got to be a real idiot."

"Well, thanks Ralph. I'd like to ask you for some advice. I still love Jerry, but I can't tolerate his fooling around. What do you think I should do about it? I mean, if you were in my shoes and you found out Mary was fooling around, what would you do?"

"Boy, that's a tough one. I admire you for sticking by Jerry. I mean it's not easy to accept the fact that your spouse is cheating on you. What would I do? I'm not sure. Yes, I love Mary, but it would be a very tough decision."

"Do you mean that you'd consider divorcing her?"

"Yes, I'd think about it, but when it comes right down to it, I'd probably try to work it out somehow."

"I'm glad you said that, because my problem is also your problem, Ralph."

"What do you mean, my problem too?"

"Jerry is fucking Mary."

He was floored. "What! You're kidding, right?"

"No, I'm not. I wish I was, but unfortunately I saw, or I should say heard, them last night. They didn't see me, but I heard everything. Jerry's been leaving the poker game early and going to your house. He seems to be doing this a couple of Fridays a month for some time now."

His expression changed from shock to anger. "That son-of-a-bitch! He has been leaving early frequently. The bastard said he wanted to get home to his sexy wife. So he's been fucking my wife, has he! I'll kill the son-of-a-bitch!"

"Just a minute, Ralph. I have a proposition for you. I want to get even with both of them and teach them a lesson at the same time. If you're willing, we could have some fun, and get revenge too."

After he calmed down, Ralph agreed to listen, "OK. What did you have in mind."

"Before I tell you my plan, I'd like to ask you a personal question."

"Ok, go ahead."

"Do you find me attractive? I mean, you know, have you ever thought about having sex with me?"

He was a little taken back. He paused, smiled and responded, "You caught me by surprise again. I could lie and say no, but the truth is that I've fantasized about you many times. You're a very beautiful woman. I want you to understand that I've only a fantasized about you. I've never seriously considered doing anything about it. Why do you ask anyway?"

"I've had similar thoughts about you. You're a very sexy man. I guess just about everybody fantasizes about some other attractive person at one time or another. It's the forbidden fruit syndrome."

"I'm very flattered, June. I had no idea."

Knowing for sure that Ralph was attracted to me, I outlined my plan. He became enthused and excited, he was sure that we could pull it off. We talked for the better part of the next hour and worked out all of the details. He left with a big grin on his face. I have to admit I had one too.

I gathered all of the materials that I would need and waited for Jerry to return from his golf game.

Jerry arrived, showered and we ate dinner. After dinner he sat down in his recliner and dozed off, as was his custom. I continued my preparations. When I finished, I put on my sexiest negligee and waited for Jerry to wake up.

It wasn't long before he stirred. As soon as I saw him stirring, I went into the bedroom and lit the candles that I had placed there earlier. I then sexily strolled into the living room and sat on his lap.

"Ummm. That's a very sexy outfit," he said.

"I'm in the mood for some fun and games. Are you?"

"Oh, yeah. I can't guess what you have on your mind."

"Well, I thought it might be fun to try something a little different. You know, to liven up our sex lives. Are you game?"

"Sure, anything you say, baby."

I could feel his hard-on poking me in the ass as he spoke. 'Men are so easy,' I thought.

"OK, here's what I had in mind. I'm going to blind fold you and have my way with you. Then when I'm finished, you can do the same with me."

"Sounds good to me." He took the bait.

I put the blind fold on and proceeded to remove his clothes, very slowly and deliberately. I then led him up to the bedroom and sat him on the chair next to the bed. The next step was the critical one. If he had resisted, I would never have been able to tie him to the chair. He didn't. He was more than willing to play the bondage game. I tied his hands behind the chair back and his legs to the chair legs.

"That's a little tight, isn't it?" He asked.

"Not at all. If we're going to do this, we're going to do it right. I'm planning on putting on a show for you that you'll not soon forget. Don't go away, I'll be right back."

I left him, went to the kitchen and phoned Ralph. He had succeeded in tying Mary up the same way. We were now ready for the main events.

Ralph arrived a few minutes later. He removed his clothes in the living room. I watched as his cock sprang out when he removed his briefs. It was hard and ready. I was impressed. My pussy was getting wet just thinking about his cock. I was more than ready to enjoy the rest of the evening with Ralph.

I removed my negligee and caught Ralph staring at me, also.

"You're unbelievably beautiful. I'm almost glad that our spouses have been having an affair."

I smiled and said, "Me too, Ralph. Me too."

We were both ready.

I led him up to the bedroom, but instructed him to wait just outside the door. I went in to Jerry, removed the blind fold and lay back on the bed.

"Now honey, I'm going to put on that show I told you about. Are you ready?"

"Oh, yeah."

I could see that his hard-on had not softened any, in anticipation of the show.

I started to play with my nipples and my pussy. I did that for about 5 minutes, then said, "You know what? This just isn't as much fun as it could be if I had some help. What do you think?"

He was anticipating that I would untie him and answered, "You bet. Just untie me and I'll give you all the help you need."

"That's not exactly what I had in mind." I motioned for Ralph to enter.

Ralph walked into the bedroom very slowly and confidently. His cock stood out like a horizontal flagpole. The look on Jerry's face when he saw Ralph was priceless. Soon his expression changed from astonishment to anger.

"Ralph! What the fuck are you doing here? June, what's going on? Untie me!"

"Not yet, my love. I want you to know that, in spite of what is about to happen, I love you very much. I hope your love for me will survive what you're about to witness."

As I was speaking to Jerry, Ralph climbed up on the bed, put his arms around me and began to fondle my nipples and nibble on my ear.

"Ralph! What the fuck are you doing?"

"Will you still love me even if what you suspect is going to happen, does happen?"

His expression changed from anger to one of a helpless child trying to plead his case. "I-I don't know. Don't do it. Please!"

Ralph continued his manipulations. "Ooooh, that feels so good. I don't know if I can resist, even if I wanted to. Just to set the record straight, I don't want to resist. I really want to fuck Ralph. I've been having fantasies about him for some time now."

"Noooooo! Don't do it! I don't want you to fuck Ralph. I love you. You're my wife."

"Yes, I'm your wife. Are you not also my husband?"

"Yes, of course. What do you mean?"

"I mean what gives you the right to think that you can fuck around behind my back and I can't do the same?"

He still wasn't sure how much I knew. "I-I don't know what you mean."

By this time Ralph had one of my nipples in his mouth and was sucking away. I spread my legs and showed my sopping-wet pussy to Jerry.

"You know damn well what I mean. Look honey, is my pussy getting wet? I'm really getting turned on. There's no way that I can stop now."

By this time I had reached down and began stroking Ralph's cock. He in turn began fingering my pussy. I was really turned on, not only by Ralph's expert stimulation, but also by the fact that my husband was watching.

Jerry continued to plead with us to stop, but we ignored him.

Ralph positioned me such that we were both on our sides, heads to genitals. We began sixty-nining in earnest. I was sucking on his wonderful cock while he was eating my pussy. He brought me to my first orgasm in only minutes. I had another one a few minutes later just as he shot his load into my mouth. I swallowed every drop. It tasted good, just different than Jerry's.

I looked at Jerry, licked my lips and said, "Umm, umm good!"

By this time, Jerry had given up and quieted down. He just sat there and watched, helpless and sullen.

I continued to suck on Ralph's cock, getting him hard again very quickly. He maneuvered me on my knees and positioned his cock at the entrance of my pussy. I begged him to fuck me, just to piss Jerry off more. I moaned with delight as he shoved it into me. I had made up my mind to vocalize as much as I could to make Jerry suffer as much as possible, but I didn't need to fake it. Ralph was very good and I let him know it. We also talked dirty to one another, something Jerry and I had never done. It heightened the pleasure for me.

I had two more orgasms as Ralph pounded his hard cock in and out of my pussy. After the first one, he flipped me over and entered me missionary style. He then began to squeeze my left nipple as he fucked me.

"Fuck me Ralph! Fuck me harder! I want you to pound that beautiful cock of yours into me as hard as you can!" I screamed. I wasn't faking it. I loved the feel of his cock pounding in and out of me.

He did just that until we both came again, his second and my fourth. The last was the best one that I had ever had. I screamed so loud that I think that most of the neighbors heard me.

As we both lay there recovering, Ralph finally spoke. "June, you're fantastic. That was the best fuck that I've ever had, bar none."

"It was the best for me too Ralph," I said with conviction, looking at my husband as I spoke. "You're only the second man that I've ever fucked, and I can say that the first one can take some lessons from you. Makes me wonder what other men are like. Maybe I'll try a few others out. What do you think, Honey?"

Jerry just sat there with his head hanging down, not knowing what to say.

I swung around facing Jerry and opened my legs up wide. "How do you like the sight of another man's cum oozing out of your wife's pussy?"

He didn't even look up.

I decided to wait until later to admonish him further.

Before we left the bedroom, Ralph had to speak his piece to Jerry. "I just want to thank you for fucking my wife behind my back. If you hadn't, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to fuck June. This was indeed the greatest sexual experience of my life. If June's willing, it's not going to be the last with her. You cuckolded me behind my back. I did it to you in front of your face. How do you like it?"

Jerry just continued to hang his head and say nothing. What could he say? I was glad to hear Ralph say that he wanted more. I did too!

I threw my robe on and gave Ralph Jerry's to wear for the trip over to his house. We left Jerry tied up and proceeded to Ralph's where Mary was in the same predicament as Jerry.

We repeated our performance for her. This time Ralph only came once, but I came at least four more times. I lost count. I really enjoyed Ralph's expert love-making.

When we finished, I again complimented Ralph on his expertise, and he on mine. Mary wasn't happy, but what could she do?

After we had rested up some, I gave Ralph a long, passionate kiss.

Before I left, I had to give Mary my two cents worth, "I hope you enjoyed the show. We put one on earlier for your lover. Ralph told Jerry that he has no intention of stopping with this evening's performances. I heartily agree with him. We have a little catching up to do. You two have been cheating on us for some time now."

I paused, then continued, "You used to be my best friend, but best friends don't fuck the other's husband behind their back. I sincerely hope that you and Ralph will be able to work things out, but I have my own problems to concern myself with."