Junky Chronicles Ch. 02


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Natalie started hallucinating, at first she saw different shapes and it looked as if the surfaces were breathing. Colors were bright and the world suddenly felt like a happy place again. Tiny creatures appeared and Natalie stared blankly at them. They spoke to her, but Natalie did not understand what they were saying. Nothing made sense.

Alice saw similar things, when she looked at Natalie she saw Natalie's face distort and morph into different shapes and forms. Every breath Natalie took made her face change, for about an hour they simply stared and eased into their high. Natalie looked at Alice and Alice saw a strange look in her eyes, undying love and recognition.

Chapter Twenty August 2006

Natalie saw Alice, her face morphed and before her sat Megan. Her soft features and her soft voice asking her if she was okay.

"Where have you been?" Natalie asked.

"What are you talking about, Nat? I have been right here," Megan smiled.

"No, baby girl. You left me here alone, you were gone!" Natalie almost shouted.

Alice immediately knew what was going on, "I'm sorry baby, but I'm here now."

"I went to your funeral, I buried you," Natalie said not believing anything.

"I'm here now baby. I'm right here," Megan said, running her fingers along Natalie's cheek.

"I missed you, don't leave me again," Natalie begged, tearing up.

"I missed you too and I won't leave baby," Megan smiled.

"I love you, so much," Natalie said, taking Megan's face in her hands.

"I love you too," Megan said, Natalie leaned in and kissed the lips she had missed so much.

Tenderly she let her mouth explore Megan's as if for the first time. Natalie's touch was soft, loving, caring and protective. She pushed Megan down onto her back, resting her weight on Megan's body. She kissed down her jaw line, her neck and nibbled on the soft skin that covered Megan's collarbone.

Natalie took the hem of Megan's shirt in her hands, slowly lifting the shirt, revealing soft, tanned skin. Megan lifted herself and let Natalie remove her shirt. Natalie threw the shirt one side and explored every bit of revealed skin. Kissing over the soft mounds, still covered by a black, lacy bra, between the valley and planted butterfly kisses all over Megan's soft abdomen.

Megan moaned in pleasure when Natalie softly bit her way up, soothing each bite with a lick. She reached behind Megan's back and unclasped her bra. Megan in turn removed Natalie's shirt. Natalie stared at the beautiful breasts she had been missing, softly making love to each in turn. Taking a nipple into her mouth, she gently sucked while running her tongue over the rough surface. Her hand cupped the other breasts, softly kneading the flesh.

Megan moaned in pleasure, clasping her lover's head in place and arching her back as the sensations ran through her trembling body. Natalie switched breasts and spent an equal amount of time on each breast, leaving wet trails as her mouth traveled. Natalie slowly kissed down Megan's abdomen, kissing every inch she could possibly reach. Her hands busied with the button on Megan's pants, all the while lovingly kissing every piece of exposed flesh.

The button and zipper came undone and Natalie slowly pulled the jeans down, kissing down Megan's left leg all the way down to her feet. She kissed each toe and repeated the motion on the other foot, kissing up the right leg. Natalie took her sweet time kissing the velvety thighs, savoring each moment.

Megan rested her hands above her head, knowing better than to rush her lover while she inflicted this sweet torture on her body. Natalie's thumbs hooked into the elastic band of her lover's underwear and pulled it down, revealing a cleanly shaven, glistening mound. Natalie inhaled sharply, how she had missed that smell.

Megan lifted herself and undressed her lover, her wife, slowly. Removing each item of clothing with care, once Natalie was completely undressed she laid back down. Natalie kissed over the mound, her mouth watering in anticipation. Megan sharply inhaled when she felt Natalie's hot breath on her wet sex. Natalie soft lips made contact with the velvety flesh, savoring the taste that she craved everyday.

Natalie ran her flat tongue up her lover's slit, eagerly swallowing each drop of nectar that landed on her deprived tongue. She sucked one of her lover's labia lips into her mouth, sucking and softly biting down on the hot flesh. She did the same to the other lip, Megan's breathing had become shallow, her fingers tangling into Natalie's hair.

Natalie kissed down to Megan's entrance, sticking her tongue out and pushing it deeply into her lover's hot sex, rewarded with a load moan. Natalie slowly pumped her tongue in and out, her fingers finding he erect and engorged clit. In circular motion Natalie gently massaged the little nub, pushing her lover closer and closer to the edge.

Megan's breathing became desperate and Natalie increased her pace. Her tongue pumped faster, her fingers working in smaller, more concentrated circles. Soon Megan let out a loud yell, her muscles clenching around Natalie's tongue. Natalie eased Megan down, eagerly drinking all of the heavenly juices that now flowed freely. Once Megan's body calmed some, she latched her lips around Megan's clit, sucking softly while her fingers replaced her tongue.

She curved her fingers and rough flesh gave way to smooth flesh and a nub that would extract extreme pleasure. The moment her fingers made contact with the nub Megan gasped, Natalie sucked harder, flicking her tongue over Megan's clit. Within minutes Megan was screaming incoherently, her body trembling and shaking.

Natalie drank every drop she could get and kissed her way up to her beautiful wife, they shared a long, passionate kiss. Their breasts mashed together and their bodies ground against each other desperately.

Megan turned Natalie around and made love to her with every ounce of strength she possessed. Their love making lasted well into the night, they pushed each other over the edge more times than either cared to admit. After they collapsed exhausted, Megan crawled into the warm body of her lover. Natalie pulled Megan into her harder, holding close, afraid that she would run off during the night.

Natalie jerked awake, she had no idea what woke her, but her muscles were twitching and her heart pounding. She smiled to herself, her eyes still tightly shut, she felt happy. Suddenly, she realized that it had been a dream, all the bad things were simply a horrible nightmare. The warm body next to her was proof of that, she pulled the body closer to her. But the smell was different, the body felt different. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw Alice sleeping soundly in her arms. She looked so peaceful.

Natalie's stomach started churning, the contents of her stomach threatening to spill. She got up and sprinted to the bathroom. She buried her face in the toilet bowl, spilling the contents of her stomach into the water at the bottom. When nothing came out anymore she lifted her head, flushed the toilet and rinsed out her mouth. After she splashed water on her pale face, she looked hard at herself in the mirror.

She felt more content than in a long time, even though Megan was only illusion, at least she felt real and Natalie got to be with her again. She needed to feel that again, even if it will only be fantasy, it felt real to Natalie. That's all that she needed, the illusion of the woman she loved. She needed more, she needed to feel that again and to see the love of her life again. Living in a fantasy was better than living in depression.

She made a mental note to get more heroin.

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okami1061okami1061over 1 year ago

Upon a second reading, I am sure they should have just left her in the bathtub.

They saved her for *this*?

okami1061okami1061about 2 years ago

Yawn. Boring. Don't care to read about a half dead character slide into oblivion. It's not a story. It's meaningless detail.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 2 years ago

This is not only a little scary ...... If you really experienced some horror trip loosing a family on one moment, the guilt will overtake right away after coming back to senses and the knowledge of the happenigs will start to kill you, to cheat your soulmate after some weeks after an horrible death ...... If this scenario would be settled one year after , ok , but weeks ...... And with the suicide already in the background, this is strange

This story is based on a borderline with happenings to survive such drastic horror trip and you scripted this Into an intense extraordinary tale ...... 💝💝💝💝💖💖💖💖💖⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

jenorma2012jenorma2012over 5 years ago

aside from the drug use this was just as good as the first one

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 10 years ago
To Anonymous who wants more Alice, less drugs

Without the drugs there will be NO Alice!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 10 years ago

If she ends up with Alice after Alice took advantage of her drugged out state (her own drugged out state is no excuse), then there is something wrong.

She should be with Dr. Simon,, or maybe the lawyer.

adidasgaladidasgalalmost 11 years ago

PHEW! hectic ................ {awesome}

SAbitchSAbitchover 11 years agoAuthor
On its way

Part three has been posted and is pending authorization.

There might have been some mistakes that slipped through, my editor was unavailable and I didn't want to you all waiting any longer. Hopefully it was worth the wait

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
chapter 3

Its been quite a while? Hope ch.3 is on its way .............. Still love it :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I have never posted a message back on here before but I felt compelled to do so, this is by far one of the best stories I have ever read and can't wait for part 3 please x

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Wow, just wow! The range of emotions shown in this story is incredible. Absolutely can't wait for part 3. Keep up the great work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

with what nat went through its very painful way beyond you can imagine.yet what i am anticipating now is the fact on how nat and ash get hooked with each other...to SABITCH a salute for your writing hope to read the sizzling next chapter soon.(cinder)

Parkerslove40Parkerslove40almost 12 years ago
Very good

Keep going wish she would give Alice a chance but that's wishful

Thinking so that's it wonderful

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

brilliant im hooked cant wait for the next chapter

Qui3t0n3Qui3t0n3almost 12 years ago
best feelin

n the worst good story keep doing ya thing

BahamaBahamaalmost 12 years ago
Mudder sick

Man , you gat me hook ! That was abosoluty amazing ! Please , part 3 . Soon :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

The story is building up nicely n I luv Nat bt damn those drugs wil destroy her, she needs help from Dr. Ash!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

More alice liss drugs! next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

nicely written,even with flashbacks.tnx hoping for the nxt chapter soon.(cinder)

MiliGirlMiliGirlalmost 12 years ago

Love it! Hope the next one comes soon! And I agree she needs to slow down with all the drugs but I think she should give Alice a chance the girl has been in love with her forever! Although I would like to see something to happen with the doctor :)

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