Just a Jab Ch. 02


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At this point he slipped into a fitful sleep tossing about the bed.

One hour later he woke up screaming, in severe pain. The only thing on his mind was, "Not again!" as he managed to press the call button. The duty nurse, Francine Lovejoy, came into the room a minute later and, seeing John in pain, she quickly checked his vital signs, looked over his chart notes and left to return to the nurses station. There she asked nurse Felicia Handsover to get help get the pain relief injection ready for Mr Smith as she rang the doctor on call. As it happens this was Dr Philipa Kendall and she confirmed the pain injection and would be in there within thirty minutes. Philipa was concerned about John as she had thought he was recovering, so she made every effort to get to the hospital as quickly as she could. Meanwhile the two nurses went to John and while Fran held him still and quietly talked to him to help calm him Felicia administered the shot. Making certain the chart was updated Felicia returned to the nurses desk while Francine stayed to monitor the patient's condition. John was unable to relax as the pain was only marginally reduced by the medication. Nurse Francine talking to him was able to keep his mind occupied, although it was mostly the way her breasts strained against the uniform and presented an impressive cleavage that kept his mind off the pain. At about 9 pm Dr Kendall walked into the room and after a quick greeting got down to reading the chart notes and asking questions of John and the nurse. She left the room for about ten minutes to check the nurses station in-tray and computer for any further test results. Philipa was very thoughtful as she returned to John's room and sat in the visitor's chair.

"Mr Smith, can I call you John?" and at his nod she continued, "We will need to carry out further tests as I have already prescribed but we have enough information now to diagnose your problem. I would normally prefer to wait for the other test results before talking to you on this, but they are really to determine the scope of the problem and exactly what chemical is involved so we can determine full treatment. I can, however, let you know what the problem is and we can carry out some interim measures to ensure you can be more comfortable and in less pain. Before I continue, would you prefer your wife to be present?"

John considered what was being said and, more importantly, not being said. He felt this was quite possibly really bad news and that Linda should be here, but he also thought that this time of night she could be better getting a night's sleep.

"Can you just provide some relief for me now and we can discuss everything in detail tomorrow. I have just had an injection which is having an effect on me, and with this pain I am having trouble following much of what you are saying. I trust you, Dr Kendall, to know what is best for my treatment," he said.

"OK John, but call me Philipa please as what will need to be done will make us closer together than the normal doctor patient relationship. In short you will need to have an orgasm to release the tension in your scrotem. Your testicles have become dilated with an overproduction and this causes your pain and, as the pain becomes severe and unbearable, eventual unconsciousness. Now I think you can just do this by yourself but the relief would only be very short term because the amount you express would be smaller than it would be with a partner. In short you would be better off having another person helping as this would heighten your sexual peak, and the higher your peak the more you will express and the longer you will get relief."

John just looked at her with a startled deer in the headlights wide open stare. Nurse Francine tried to look unfazed and professional, but was not very successful. Philipa just calmly looked at John, although her mind was anything but calm.

"Perhaps we can get Linda on the phone and see what she suggests," he advised.

"An excellent idea John," Philipa responded and she retrieved her hospital phone from a pocket and passing it to John for him to dial his wife.

When Linda answered, initially shocked at who was calling at this time of night, dreading that this was a phone call nobody wants to get for a hospital. Dr Kendall took over from John and explained to Linda what she had all ready told John. She was just getting to needing another person to help John, when he suddenly went into shock and his body shuddered as he groaned with severe pain. Dr Kendal looked at him and briskly told Linda that they had no time for further discussion and that she should come in now. They will have to administer emergency treatment straight away and could not wait any longer. Philipa handed the phone to the nurse and proceeded to prepare for the treatment.

At home Linda was dumbstruck, but only for a moment as Nurse Francine came on the phone to assure her that all was under control and they were proceeding, they would see her in a short while. Philipa removed the sheet from John exposing his turgid member and advised the nurse to get the medication trolley. Francine quickly pulled the cart in from the nurses station and returned to the room with Felicia following to help. Francine pulled on some gloves and Felicia grabbed a pair for the doctor and helped both get their hands in. Philipa picked a bottle of antiseptic cream and squirted it onto John's mid section. Pausing for a moment she looked at the nurses.

"I do not have much time as Mr Smith is quickly moving to unconsciousness and I do not want this to happen. I must bring him to orgasm to ease the tension. I would prefer the partner or someone close to the patient to do this, but time is not on our side. This is not a standard treatment technique taught in any medical school but this is one I have picked up from my research, the experience of other doctors and what was demonstrated today in this room. Please can you hold Mr Smith so that he does not move too much and cause any injury."

Francine and Felicia nodded and moved to hold him and try to calm him, while John just continued to squirm around the bed groaning in pain relatively oblivious to his surroundings. Philipa added cream to her gloved hands and spread the cream over his extended penis making certain he had a complete coating and lubrication.

Once satisfied she began her treatment of John by applying her hands with a firm grip of his large appendage needing two hands to fully encircle it and held it vertical away from his body. His length allowed plenty of axial movement as she applied all her skills to giving him a therapeutic handjob.

Starting slow making certain she used all his length but concentrating on the sensitive head and shaft just below it to ensure full stimulation. As she gained confidence in her technique her movements became faster and she could see that John was responding to her handling. Checking his scrotem as she progressed there was a discernible amount of tightening, but not enough so she increased her pace. Liquid was now dripping from the opening of his dick as pre-cum oozed out. Her arms were becoming a flurry of motion as they propelled her hands up and down his stiff cock. She was beginning to tire and become worried that this would not be enough when she saw that his sac was squeezing itself around the balls in a preliminary move to the required result.

Sweat was running off her brow and her shirt was damp with perspiration when John's body finally tightened up and his penis went into spasm as he grunted in effort and his bum lifted off the bed. Milky liquid arrived with much force shooting into the air, but before it dropped back down more spurts arrived and Philipa pivoted the penis down along his body. The original spurts came to land on her hands and the rest made globules along his body as the angle decreased. Some even landed on Felicia's and Francine's hands as they were keeping pressure on his body. Both had watched the action with total concentration, both a bit red faced, and were a bit of envious of the doctor as John's penis size and appearance were very appealing to any red blooded woman.

After his orgasm had finished and the pain was gone, John started to relax and he could recover his breath. The three women stood there mesmerised by what had occurred, watching his cock retract from its high and return to a more normal softer mode. There wasn't a dry pair of panties in the room as each had reached a mini orgasm themselves just by being present through this erotic event. They all felt voyeuristic but none would have volunteered to miss this experience.

Philipa was the most effected of the women being the one with the greatest 'hands on' involvement. She sat down to recover her breath and rest her arms and shoulders. The nurses came back to normality and proceeded to clean up the mess. Francine got a flannel and warm water to give John a wash so he would not be sticky or smelly. The room was odorous enough with the smell of sex. Giving a big sniff Felicia went to get a spray from the cleaning supplies to try to disguise the room smell. When finished the gloves were removed and disposed of together with the soiled cleaning items. They gave each other a look that spoke volumes of this shared time, and when Philipa thanked them for their assistance the nurses returned to normal duties without a further word. After this, normal would be a bit mundane for the rest of the night. Philipa got a bottle of water from the ward lounge and returned to the seat beside John.

John just remained quiet without moving, staring at the ceiling. He was not sure what to make of this experience, even though he was only vaguely aware of most of it, he did know what had happened and was worried about what Linda would think and do about it. He was scared she would think he had betrayed her and would never trust him again. Worst case would be she would leave him and never want anything to do with him. He could not bear that and thus he fretted and worried.

Linda arrived a little later looking worried and frazzled expecting the worst possible outcome to have happened. The nurses saw her come down the passage and both smiled at her and welcomed her to the ward. She barely slowed as she acknowledging their greeting, although the smiles did help to ease the worry eating away at her. Entering the room she noticed Philipa in a chair, but all her attention was centred on John lying there in complete stillness, not even moving his eyes to look at her. This made her more worried and she raced to his side putting her arms around him squeezing him with all the love she could muster as tears flowed from her eyes. She buried her head next to his and stayed there with her body over his. Slowly he responded and returned her hug whispering to her.

"I'm so sorry dear I don't know what to say. Please forgive me," he appealed.

"John dear, what are you talking about, I love you and always will," Linda replied. At this point Philipa stood from the chair and gave a small cough to get their attention.

"Mr and Mrs Smith, John and Linda, please give me a minute. John you had no reason to be guilty over anything. What happened was just the need to give you necessary treatment, albeit perhaps not a normal run-of-the-mill method. Your ailment became quite critical and I had to act straight away. I would have preferred that Linda perform this herself but we did not have the time. I am afraid that if you go to unconsciousness again there is a possibility you may not recover and that would lead to you passing into a coma. Sorry if this sounds alarmist but it is a distinct possibility. Your problem whilst not totally unheard of, is very rare and you seem to have an extreme case.

"Perhaps I should give a bit better explanation in as simple language as I can. Something has triggered some radical changes in your reproductive system. We are still checking for what has caused this, and thus the tests over the next couple of days. Your system has become extremely over active. You are producing a lot more seminal fluids than normal. This higher production is triggered by larger glands, your testicles and prostate have grown. A larger delivery system is needed for this extra fluid and so your penis has grown. Something acting like a steroid on steroids is pushing this area to the max.

"The one major problem is that your body can no longer remove the amount of seminal liquids that are being produced during everyday life. Normally any liquid is absorbed back into the body or can be discharged mixing in when you urinate, or just weep out. Often you can also reduce the build up overnight in what is called a wet dream. All of these natural methods cannot cope with what you are now producing, and in the case of wet dreams, this function no longer works at all. I assume this can be a silver lining in the dark cloud as it saves waking up to messy bed clothing as any teenage boy will attest, but the dark side is that it can be a good way for the body to relieve excess pressure in men.

"Not all is problematic as you can still ejaculate as normal provided you have stimulation. This can be by masturbation, a blow-job or with sex or any other way you can dream up. It must be by something being done physically directly to your penis. The other thing to take into account is that the more you are sexually motivated the longer the effect will remain. In other words generally I would consider self masturbation would need to be done the most often, followed by handjob then blowjob and full sex allows the longest delay until you will need to come again. The greater you are turned on the better you will be. How long between orgasms is hard to say without more time to observe and record your requirements, but your own physical activity, stresses in your life and sexual stimulation you get will alter the time gaps. The healthier you are the better off you will be, but high energy activities like strenuous workouts, or being under heavy emotional or work stresses will bring on the need to orgasm sooner. As would going to a strip club or watching women dance at a night club in their sexy club attire would bring on a need to orgasm sooner. You would have to be careful as masturbating on the dance floor could get you arrested, evicted or worse."

The last said with a grin to which a stunned pair responded without realising they each grinned. It took a few minutes of silence but eventually Linda spoke up as she turned back to look into John's eyes.

"Thank you Philipa, that is a lot to take in and understand. John, I love you with all my being and you have done nothing to ever break my trust in you. Tonight was just a necessary event, although I am jealous I could not be here to do it. If you think I am leaving you alone tonight you have another thing coming."

Then looking back at the doctor, "I assume it is OK for me to be here tonight?"

"Of course it is Linda, I will arrange with the nurses to make some arrangements for you," replied Philipa, "I will leave you for now and we will get together tomorrow as I am sure you will have questions by then."

Dr Kendall left the room to talk with the nurses and complete her notes on this weird evening. Linda cuddled back into John and moved her body a bit to stretch out completely on her side leaning against him and her left leg over his legs.

"I think we both need some time to sort this out, but I will not leave you tonight. I have to be here in case you need more help, just don't wait too long to tell me if you have any problem," Linda advised him.

"No problems here dear. I love you and thank you for being here in my life," John told her.

"I love you too. Just shut up for now before you start me crying again," she whispered back.

A short time later the two nurses came in pushing a bed into the room and Felicia said, "Just in case you need a bit of space to sleep tonight."

They proceeded to make up the bed with clean sheeting and the usual cotton blanket. Linda thanked them as they finished and were leaving the room. They bid the loving couple a good night and reminded them to tell them immediately John had any sort of re-occurrence. Both John and Linda promised they would and they returned to their cuddling. Eventually John fell back to sleep as he was exhausted, but Linda was awake for longer. As the worries slowly left her, she too went to sleep still holding tightly to John.

DAY 4 Thursday

It was still night time when John awoke to a familiar tingling sensation. His penis was as hard as it could be and he knew the tingling in his groin area would soon develop into pain. He became a bit unsettled and his movements brought Linda out of her light sleep. A moment after waking Linda lifted her head to look towards John, barely making out his features in the dim light coming from the passage through the doorway.

"John, are you OK? IS it starting up again?" she asked.

"Yes, I am afraid it is happening again," he answered with a slight grimace.

Linda reached for the nurse call button to request help. A different nurse attended them from the late night shift. When Linda explained the situation, Nurse Rhonda went to check the notes in John's chart. Left in the room Linda starts to get anxious as she recalls what the doctor had told them. She cannot just wait for the staff to work out what is the best course of action, so she takes things into her own hands and starts her own treatment of John. All the worry and concern she has been through this week has built up a deep need for her partner. A need to have him inside of her so she can feel that he is with her in every way, so Linda slides her body down the bed making sure the sheet is thrown out of the way. She is so focused on what she wants that she does not even consider they are in a public hospital with the door open and a nurse due back into the room shortly. What she thinks about is that it has been altogether too long since they have consummated their marriage properly. She is kissing his body as she proceeds down towards his groin.

"Linda, are you certain you want to do this here and now?" John asks.

"Shut up and get horny," is her only verbal response.

As she reaches his groin his larger than normal erection takes up her entire vision. Running her hands up and down it in a loving caress it is as though she is making love to just his penis. Her lips and tongue soon join her hands and she focuses her total love and lust toward this object. Her hands wander down past the base of the erection to gently rub and cup his testicles as her lips surround the bulbous head of his cock. With a good grip in her mouth she provides suction and slides her lips down toward the base. All John can do is close his eyes and moan silently as the wonderful sensations pass though his body from what Linda is doing. His longer erection hit the back of Linda's mouth and she gags as she has never had to contend with anything this long before. Her mouth hurts because it is stretched beyond what it previously needed to with his now much larger cock. She bobs up and down on it for a while letting her saliva run from her mouth down his penis. Her hands have kept his balls cradled and they return to the end of his cock as she lets it slide from her mouth. John was enjoying the attention, but as his desire rises the tingle in his groin becomes an ache.

Linda could feel John becoming tense and from years of experience with his body she could tell he was physically uncomfortable. She stopped her ministrations of his boner and crept back up to kiss his mouth with a strong lip lock and removed the bit of hospital gown from over his arms. Very quickly his tongue slipped out to lick across her lips and she opened her mouth to give him a tongue wrestle. By this time she was very much in the mood for him to fill her empty space, she needed something in her and not in the mouth. Reaching down between them she grabbed his cock and moved her body up a bit to get his manly bit between her legs, then giving her hips a wriggle to get everything aligned she plunged down to get him inside her vagina. Unfortunately she had again forgotten how much bigger he was so only the head entered. It took her a bit of time and effort to get him completely in. Of course John had not been idly lying there, he had been pushing his hips up to get more of him within her. After some grunting and shunting back and forth they finally gained a full coupling, whereupon they took a few moments to enjoy the contact and intimacy. He could feel her vagina walls massaging his penis wanting him to give up his fluids and compressing against his dick head. Her vagina was being touched in places never before reached. It was like she was a virgin again with all new sensations. They were both reaching new heights of sensual awareness, and their movements began together to increase the tactile sensations. These motions became faster as they were overcome with the action of having sex causing them to breathe heavier. They were oblivious to where they were and why they were having sex, being only aware of each other and the intimate joining of their bodies.