Just What The Doctor Ordered

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Jill's doctor prescribes the perfect cure!
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Jill Stevens is the office manager at a local insurance agency. She's 31 years old, dark blonde hair, 5'9" and 143 pounds which she carries well on her larger frame.

Jill has average looks, not 'pretty' but not unattractive either. Her one outstanding physical feature is her 36DD breasts. However, she doesn't consider her chest size to be an asset in the workplace so she always dresses very businesslike, (you might even say severely), in order to avoid calling attention to her endowment.

Jill was a handsome woman, but few people would ever think of her as sexy. In fact, she does not consider herself sexy. Unfortunately sex had never been very exciting for Jill. Dan (her husband)was a boring lover. "In out and asleep" is how she thought of him. And the few experiences Jill had before marriage hadn't been any better. The only orgasms she had ever experienced were from a shower wand or her own fingers. No, Jill had long since concluded that sex was just something women were supposed to pretend to like.

One day at work Jill was reviewing some new policies when her phone rang. It was Jill's OB/GYN's office. "Mrs. Stevens will you hold for the doctor please?" The caller asked. Jill's doctor, Dr. Diane Westbrook, was fairly new in town and the only female OB/GYN.

Finally the doctor came on the line. "Good morning Jill this is Dr. Westbrook. How are you this morning?"

"Uh, fine", Jill hesitantly replied.

The doctor chuckled as she said, "Don't worry Jill, this isn't anything bad. But I would like to meet with you. Could you come in tonight about 5:30? You'll be my last appointment of the day."

Jill got off at 5:00 and she had no after work plans so she said, "Ok I'll be there."

At 5:15 pm, Jill entered her doctor's office. The receptionist was just gathering her things to leave when Jill walked in. "I have an appointment with the doctor," Jill said.

The receptionist said the doctor would be right out and that she should have a seat. With that, the receptionist left.

A couple of minutes later Dr. Westbrook came out. "Hi Jill," the doctor said as she walked around the corner. "I appreciate you taking time to come see me this evening. Please let's go to my office."

Jill followed Dr. Westbrook to her office and they both sat down. Dr. Diane Westbrook was a woman in her mid forty's, reasonably attractive and petite.

"Was there a problem with my examination?" Jill anxiously asked.

"No, nothing serious," Dr. Westbrook replied. " I did notice that your blood pressure was just a little on the high side. And your stress levels are high. When you were in last week you told me your husband was out of work and you were experiencing serious financial problems. Is that still the case?"

"Yes it is," Jill replied.

The doctor went on, "I suppose that could be the cause."

Jill joking said, "All I have to do is find a rich benefactor and I'd be in perfect health!"

To that the doctor just smiled.

"Jill, I need to ask you some personal questions. And please just bear with me, ok?" The doctor asked.

"Ok," Jill replied.

"First of all," the doctor began. "How often do you and your husband make love?"

"Not very often," she replied. " And we don't make love anyway - he has sex. If you know what I mean."

The doctor nodded and continued, "How would you describe your sex drive?"

Jill answered, "I think I'd describe it as; what's the use?"

Dr. Westbrook looked at Jill for a few moments before continuing. "Jill let me tell you a little something about myself. A couple of years ago I had vaginal surgery. The surgery left some nerve damage that makes it unbearably painful for me to have sex."

"On the other hand," the doctor continued, "When I examined you last week, I found that you are one of those women who are uniquely built for sexual intercourse. Your vagina is deep and you can accept a large penis. And your reaction to stimuli is very high indicating the ability to have powerful orgasms."

"Doctor, where is this leading?" Jill asked.

Dr. Westbrook continued, "My husband and I haven't had sex in over two years. I do what I can but oral and hands aren't enough for a healthy man like him. Jill, I've examined several women and you are, by far the best candidate."

"For what?" Jill demanded.

The doctor hesitated then said, "For servicing my husband's needs. In other words Jill, I'm asking if you'd consider letting my husband have sexual intercourse with you. In return, we can help you with your difficulties."

WHAT"?" Jill said, not believing her ears! Jill shot up out of her seat. "What kind of woman do you think I am?" she said.

"But Jill," the doctor began, "Let me explain."

Jill shot back, "Explain it to the AMA after I report this." Jill stormed out to the waiting room and practically ran for the elevator.

Jill was furious as she began the drive home and was thinking of the complaint she was going to write. However, by the time she was pulling in her driveway she was thinking, "What good would it do? I have no proof – and without proof, who would believe such a fantastic claim?"

Dan met Jill at the door. Jill started to tell him about this when he cut her off. "I just got off the phone with your sister. "She's really pushing us for the money we borrowed a couple of months ago," Dan said.

Jill told Dan, "I'll call her later."

"By the way", Dan went on, "The bank called again. They said if we don't get the car payments caught up by the end of the month they're going to repossess it."

Jill just shook her head as she walked toward their bedroom, deciding not to bother telling him about the meeting with Dr. Westbrook.

During the night Jill tossed and turned, thinking about their financial problems. She also found herself thinking about the doctor's offer.

"How bad can it be?" She thought. "I could just lay there and take it. Pretty much like I do with him," she said to herself, looking at Dan's sleeping figure.

As Jill drove to work the next morning, she came to a decision. Promptly at 9:00am, she went on break and called her doctor. "Is Dr. Westbrook in yet?" Jill asked.

"Oh Mrs. Stevens, doctor said if you were to call I was to put you through immediately," the receptionist said.

Jill heard the click of the hold button and then the doctor came on the line, "Good morning Jill," the doctor said.

"Doctor, can we meet, uh, to talk about, uh..." Jill stammered.

The doctor cut in, "Jill, why don't you stop by the office tonight about 6? I'll be waiting on you."

"Thanks," Jill said. The phone went dead.

After work Jill again found herself sitting across from the doctor. "About your offer," Jill began. "Why don't you two just hire a prostitute?"

The doctor replied, "Quite simply because my husband has no desire to have sex with, to put it bluntly, a whore."

"You, on the other hand are a decent, proper woman , who isn't even aware of her own sexuality, right?" Jill nodded.

"Your passion would be real, and most important to me, the kind of woman I'd be ok seeing my husband with. And of course, you are someone who we can actually help in return," the doctor explained.

"Exactly what would I have to do?" Jill asked nervously.

The doctor answered, "We'll do it right here in the office." You'll lie down on the exam table and my husband basically will... well, have sex with you. I've already tested you both so I know you're both clean. And you're on the pill, so there is no risk to him entering you bareback, as they say."

"You said that you'd be able to help me?" Jill said.

Dr. Westbrook smiled and wrote a figure on a pad. "The conditions are that my husband has sex with you once, and if everything works out, maybe more later on. In return we give you this." And the doctor slid the pad over to Jill.

Jill gasped at the amount. She looked up and saw the doctor writing a check.

"Jill, I'm giving you a part of this now, to show good faith. I'll give you the rest after the, 'session,' so to speak. Do we have a deal?" the doctor asked, holding out her hand.

Jill took her hand barely whispering "Yes."

"By the way," the doctor said. "Why don't you start calling me Diane?"

The next morning Jill told Dan she had some things to do after work and didn't know how late she'd be getting home. Dan muttered, "OK." He was seldom interested in anything that didn't concern him.

Jill could barely concentrate on her work that day. She actually considered calling it off, but she'd already spent the money on their past due car payments. So when quitting time came, for the third night in a row, she drove to the doctor's office.

"Hi Jill," Diane said as she met Jill at the door. "If you'll just come with me, we'll get you ready."

Jill followed Diane to the exam room.

"Now take off all your clothes, and get on the table." The doctor handed Jill a gown. "You can put this on temporarily, to stay warm. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Jill removed her jacket and laid it on the chair. She kicked off her shoes as she was unbuttoning her blouse. After removing her blouse she laid it with the jacket. Next she unzipped her pants and stepped out of them, also putting them on the chair. She slipped her half slip over her head and was now standing in just her bra and panties.

Jill reached behind herself and unsnapped her bra, letting it drop down her arms, her heavy breasts bouncing free. Lastly, Jill hooked her thumbs into the waist band of her panties and pushed them down her legs,kicking them off her ankle.

Standing there completely naked she wondered, "Can I really go through with this?" But then she thought of the money and their dire situation and knew she had little choice.

Jill was sitting on the side of the exam table when Diane re-entered. Diane told her to remove the gown, lay down and put her feet in the stirrups. Diane extended arm rests out from the table and told Jill to lay her arms on them. Diane then began strapping her wrists down. She walked to the end of the table and also strapped her ankles to the stirrups.

"Why are you doing that?" Jill asked.

Diane said to her, "This is for your own benefit Jill. Being helpless and unable to resist will help ease any feeling of guilt you may have. That's important to a good girl like yourself. Don't worry dear, everything is going to be fine."

Diane covered Jill with a sheet and then opened the door. "She's ready now," Diane said.

It was then that Diane's husband entered. Ethan Westbrook was a very handsome man, 49, 6', 190 pounds of solid muscle, slight graying at the temples. "Jill, this is Ethan. Ethan, this is Jill." Diane introduced them.

Ethan smiled then began undressing. Jill saw his hard abs as he took his shirt off, and when he turned his back to her she saw his tight butt.

Ethan removed his briefs and then turned to face Jill. Jill gasped at the sight of his penis. It was at least 9" and only partly erect.

"That's too big," Jill said to the doctor, who was sitting on a stool where she could watch everything.

"No Jill," the doctor replied, "When I examined you I made a point to see if your vagina could accept a large penis. You'll be fine."

Ethan approached the table and Jill closed her eyes expecting him to immediately start fucking her like Dan does. But instead, Ethan took hold of both of her outstreatched hands and began lightly kissing her forehead and her cheeks, even kissing her tenderly on her mouth.

Ethan outlined her lips with his tongue until she involuntarily opened her mouth and allowed his tongue to enter. He sucked her tongue into his mouth sending shivers all the way down to her toes.

Ethan circled her ear with his tongue, causing an arousal in her she'd never felt before. Slowly his mouth worked down to her neck. She couldn't help bending her head sideways to give his amazing lips more access to it.

Jill felt the sheet being slowly lowered to her waist, exposing her large breasts. She felt herself blushing when he said, "Oh my, they're beautiful." Then Ethan's hands went to work, rubbing and squeezing her titties, massaging them thoroughly.

Jill gasped just a little when she felt a nipple being sucked into his hot, wet mouth. Ethan paid equal attention to both nipples, sucking and gently biting one while caressing her other breast.

His hand moved down her body, massaging her tummy. Then, instead of moving the sheet, he started rubbing her pussy through it. Jill had not expected this kind of attention. She felt stirrings of excitement forming in the pit of her stomach and she was afraid there would be a wet spot on the sheet where he was rubbing it between her legs.

Ethan walked around to the end of the table and stepped between her spread legs. He ran his hands up and down her calves causing her to shiver as he traced his fingertips over them. Jill felt the cool air of the room as he pulled the sheet completely off of her.

Ethan leaned forward and ran his tongue over the outer folds of her pussy. Jill couldn't stop herself from raising her hips to his tongue. Then Ethan started licking her clit. When he sucked it into his mouth, Jill arched her back as the thrill shot through her.

Ethan sucked and nibbled her clit in a way she had never felt before. He continued licking her as he inserted first two fingers,then three into her.

Jill hadn't expected to necessarily enjoy this so she was surprised to feel an orgasm building. Ethan's fingers pumped into her faster and faster until Jill could no longer hold back and she started cumming hard, covering his face and hands with her juices.

Jill was shocked at her wanton behavior. As she came down from her high she felt Ethan licking her juices from her pussy and thighs. She uncontrollably let out a loud sigh.

Ethan smiled at the pleasure she was feeling and continued bathing her thighs with his tongue.

Jill wanted the sensation to go on forever.

When she felt him stop, she opened her eyes to see what he was doing. He was standing up now, with his fully erect penis pointing right at her pussy. He smiled at her lovingly as he rubbed his cock head up and down her slit, getting it very wet from her lubrication. then Ethan began slowly pushing his cock into her.

Jill strained against the straps as she felt herself being filled with his big cock. Deeper and deeper it penetrated her, touching her deeply where she had never been touched before. When he had it all the way in he paused, giving her a chance to get ready for what was to come.

Holding onto her hips, Ethan started pushing his cock in and out. Soon Jill was rocking her head back and forth and her large tits were bouncing as the penetration continued. She had never had a cock this large in her and certainly no one other than her husband's since her marriage.

Over and over Ethan's cock pounded into Jill's pussy, his balls slapping her ass each time. Ethan's grip on her hips tightened as he continued giving her the fucking that he had been denied for two years.

Every time Ethan got close to cumming, he'd stop, allowing himself to calm down. This also pulled Jill back from the edge of her own climax again and again. The fucking seemed to go on forever.

Finally Jill could sense his orgasm building again and whispered, "Don't stop".

And he didn't stop. The tempo of the fucking increased to a fevered pace until Ethan pushed his cock deeply into her and began emptying his aching balls.

Stream after stream of his hot cum shot inside her. Jill was delirious with passion as an orgasm more intense than any she'd ever experienced racked her body.

Her wrists and ankles strained painfully against the straps as her body tensed. She blurted out: "YOU'RE MAKING ME CUM!!YOU'RE MAKING ME CUM ON YOUR COCK!"

After what seemed an eternity of being filled with his seed, Jill felt Ethan pull out of her. Ethan bent over her and gave each breast a tender kiss on the nipples. Then he gathered up his clothes and left the room.

Diane began unstrapping Jill and said, "You can get dressed now dear. I'll be back in a minute."

As the door shut, Jill was again alone on the exam table. Only this time hot cum was leaking out of her pussy and down the crack of her ass. Her nipples were pleasantly sore. Aftershocks from that amazing orgasm were still tingling deep within her womb. Red strap marks outlined her wrists and ankles from where she had been straining against the restraints, apparently harder than she realized.

For the very first time in her life, sex causd her to be consumed with lust.

Diane reentered the room just as Jill was finishing dressing. "Well Jill," she began. "I would say our first session was a success. Would you like to meet again, same time next week?"

Jill embarrassingly replied, "How about same time tomorrow?"

Diane smiled broadly, "Ethan was hoping you'd say that!"

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imhaplessimhaplessover 2 years ago

Cute and original -- I like cute and original. 5*

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

Well that was the literary equivalent of HIV.

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago
As ridiculous

Almost as silly as your house plant stories. You are an idiot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Pretty sure you could disappear into the haze, and not be missed. Nothing wrong with the story. 5*

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
The comments

The comments on this steaming pile.of a story are amazing. Annony 2/18 write a story/comment 5x longer than your story. Comment was totally full of shit, just like the story. Glad you disappeared into the haze. You are not missed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Different scenario

Many years ago my live in girlfriend at the time went to her Doctor for birth control pills, since we both hated the condoms. It was quite awhile before she finally admitted the young Physician used his fingers on her, that was expected, her massive orgasm wasn't. He knew, of course, and when she came back the next week for a "follow up" he had that figured out also. It took me a few weeks to figure it all out, we had a long difficult talk and she moved in with the Doctor and I went on my way. No way could I bat with that guy, it seemed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I want my wife to be seduced like this. Her OBGYN, years ago, spent a lot of time examining her young, tight, married pussy. She told me it happened several times, but I just blew it off, thinking there's no way a doctor would take the chance of being accused of molestation. Looking back, she did see him once a week! We're elderly now & recently she told me what actually happened way back then. The more questions I ask, the more she tells me. She was 22, he was 35. She said he was a good looking man. She told me he would "examine" her boobies, caressing them, telling her he needed to check for lumps. When her nipples got hard, he would pinch them, making her horny, saying "you have magnificent breasts Cheryl, there seems to be no issues with them." She would close her eyes as he maneuvered between her wide open legs, up in the stirrups.

Her hairy, moist, tight vagina exposed to him. She says he would sit there touching, rubbing and caressing her pussy for what seemed like an hour. He never used a glove as he would slowly, gently insert a finger into her. She said he would move it in & out a lot & rub his thumb on her clit. She would moan and squirm each time. She had an orgasm the first time he performed his "exam" on her, then asked if she would like to have sex. She abruptly got up, said "No! I'm married!" got dressed as he remained in the room. She saw a bulge in his trousers as she dressed. "See you next week Cheryl, same time." he said with a demanding tone. She gathered herself & her thoughts & said. "Ok Dr. Adkins."

Same time the next week, same ritual, her naked, him playing with her boobs, then her pussy. This time he touched her butthole with his free hand, while he was fingering her and rubbing her clitoris. She screamed "Oh shit! Oh! Doc... tor... mmm...I'm... cum... cumming!" as she writhed and pushed her butt toward him, climaxing in only a few seconds. As she was cumming, he lowered his head and licked her butt hole, "Oh! my!", she moaned, then up he licked, through her drenched pussy lips, to her clit, sucking on it as she moaned and pulsed in pleasure. "Oh! Doctor Adkins! I... I'm... sorry! I... um... that just.. felt so... mmm.... good!"

"Oh Cheryl, it's ok, it's a very common and natural thing for a woman to have an orgasm while being examined. I thoroughly enjoyed it. You have a very tight vagina Cheryl, it's delicious too. Do you & Jim have sex a lot? Because you're very sensitive and climax really quickly." "Um, no. hardly at all... um... he's always too busy... I'm so sorry, I shouldn't be telling you this." "Oh, to the contrary. That's what our time together is all about, you see. I'm supposed to check you routinely, make sure you're healthy, make sure you're organs, especially your sexual organs, are in good order." "But... I'm Married! and... I...... um... had a... a climax!"

"Perfectly normal Cheryl, now, since you're here, we should perform your anal exam." "My, um... what?" "Yes, we need to check your anus Cheryl, to make sure you're able to have a normal bowel movement. Now, keep your feet in the stirrups and scoot all the way forward. Here, let me help you." He reached under her, grabbed her butt cheeks in his big hands and pulled her forward. "Ok, now put your butt at the edge of the table, yes, that's it." He sat back down between her legs and moved his stool up. Leaning in, he placed his face so close she said she could feel his breath on her pussy, his nose touched her clitoris. She said her body tingled and she felt so exposed, nervous, anxious, ashamed. She heard him inhale. "Mmm... Cheryl, you have such a beautiful vagina. Smells so good." "Oh Dr. Adkins! I'm... a married... woman!" He licked her damp pussy. "mmm you taste so good. Jim's a lucky man." "Oh Doctor! please don't... do that, just please... finish the exam."

He reluctantly pulled his face back from my wife's pussy and placed his hands under her, holding her fat butt cheeks, spreading them apart, pulling her butt over the edge of the exam table. "Hmmm." "What's the matter Dr. Adkins?" "Oh, nothing seems to be out of order here, it's just... well." "What!, is there something wrong?!" "To the contrary young lady. Do you have normal bowel movements Cheryl?" "Um, I... um... I guess so. why?" "Well, forgive me for being blunt, but in all my years of performing examinations, I've never had the pleasure of seeing a patient's anus as beautiful and as tight looking as yours. Cheryl, it's a perfect specimen. Lay there, just like that for a minute, I'm calling Dr. Jansen." "What? For what?" "He Has to see this Cheryl."

He txt and within 10 seconds, a big old man, six five, maybe 70, with full doctor garb entered. "Dr. Jansen, this is Cheryl, Cheryl, Dr. Jansen." She was horrified and started to get up. "No! stay put young lady", Dr. Jansen firmly stated as he stood behind the now re-seated Dr. Adkins. "Look at the symmetry, the color. It looks like she's never had a bowel movement!" "Ummm, yes, you're right Dr." stated Jansen. "Let me have a closer look." the doctors changed places. "Is everything ok doctors?" "Oh yes" stated Jansen. "You have a beautiful anus Cheryl. I've never seen anything like it. It's perfect. May I have the honor of giving her her first anal exam Dr. Adkins?"

"You're the senior Dr. here, I suppose." Dr. Jansen leaned in and kissed her butthole. "Oh doctor! is that part of the exam!?" "Yes it is my dear, just relax, I'll be gentle." He licked and kissed her hole until she started moaning. "Delicious, young lady." He lapped at it, licked it, then pointed his tongue and pushed the tip just inside. He touched her now leaking pussy then gently began stroking her clitoris.

Dr. Adkins moved to the side of the table and pulled his penis through his scrub pants. She said it was hard and big. Twice the size of mine. She said it looked to be nearly 6" long and was bouncing on it's own. She described the head as being the size of a plum, "really big, and the shaft was so thick."

Dr. Adkins took her hand and placed it on his throbbing, hard, hot piece of meat. She pulled back. "It's ok Cheryl, you can touch him." placing her hand back onto his manhood, he moved closer to her, putting the head on her left boobie. He felt her squeeze his shaft as Dr. Jansen continued to lick her butthole and rub her pussy. "Oh God! Oh God! I'm gonna... cum..." "Stroke my cock baby, I'm cumming!" She felt Dr. Adkins cock enlarge in her hand, then pulse. As she looked over at it, he squirted several thick globs of sperm onto her boobie. "I'm Cumming! oh God! I'm cumming!" she screamed as her tight little butthole clenched around Dr. Jansen's tongue. He pushed more into her extremely tight sphincter as she came.

She held onto Dr. Adkin's thick cock and rubbed the head all around her boob, rubbing his cum all over her nipple. She said there was more cum than she's ever seen. Dr. Adkins put his thick penis back into his pants as she slowly released it from her grip. Dr. Jansen continued to lick her butt hole as she was coming down from her extreme climax. Her body was tingling in post orgasmic bliss. She said she must have passed out from her intense orgasm. When she came to, Dr. Jansen was standing beside her, her hand wrapped around his short, but very thick, hairy cock. Dr. Adkins was still in the room.

"Will you suck him for me Cheryl? It's been a very long time since I've had a blowjob." "Oh Dr. Jansen! I can't do That! I'm married!" "So am I. It's not sex, don't worry, no one will ever know. Just give him a kiss then, please, just for me." She turned her head toward him, looked up into his eyes and saw his need. "Just a kiss. Please don't tell Jim." She held it in her soft hand as he moved closer to her. She scooted over, turned on her side and allowed him to put it on her lips. She actually held him as he placed it to her mouth. Smooch. "There, I did it, I kissed him like you asked. Ewww. it's all wet. is that cum? Can I go now? I gotta get home to Jim." "I'm gonna cum Cheryl, it's been so long, just another kiss. For me. Please, your lips are so soft. You've made this old man so horny today, it'll only take me a minute I promise."

"Ok, one more kiss, then you guys gotta let me go! I'm a mess, I can't believe I let you two do this to me!" She leaned forward as he leaned in and with her lips slightly open, anticipating to kiss the head again, it 'accidently' slipped into her mouth. "Mphh!" She pulled back. "No! stop it!" As she was talking, Dr. Jansen grabbed the back of her head, pulled her into his crotch and pushed his hips forward again. Her hand came off his penis and she placed both of them on his groin, trying to push him away. "Suck me Cheryl! I'm cumming! Mmm, Suck it, that a girl, mmm, yeah, Suck my Cock! Gonna cum in your mouth!"

She pulled back for a brief second. "Please don't cum in my mouth! Please! Pull it out and cum on my boobs." She held still as he forced his pre cum leaking cock back into her mouth. "Mmm, you're a great cock sucker Cheryl. Gonna cum now, got a lot of sweet sperm for you baby, mmm... here it comes!" She moaned but couldn't pull away as she felt his thick penis expand then pulse in her mouth. She said she felt the warm flood of cum fill her mouth over & over. She told me she had to swallow five times he had so much cum. She said he forced her. Had his hands on the back of her head & she couldn't get away. Dr. Jansen leaned down and kissed her. "Thank you Cheryl. You're very special. Amazing. I hope we can meet again. I'd love to explore your incredible body."

Both doctors caressed her boobies, Dr. Adkins rubbed his cum into his boobie, then rubbed her belly together as their hands met at her pussy mound. "Gonna get me some of that sweet pussy next time." "Mmm, me too." "I'm not sure there's gonna be a next time you guys. I feel like I've betrayed Jim. I vowed never to cheat on him & I did!" She dressed as both doctors watched. "Sweet ass Cheryl, I love it." Dr. Adkins exclaimed. "Delicious as well." Dr. Jansen said." This'll be between us. Jim will never know. See you Friday." "What? this is Wednesday. My next appointment isn't for a week."

She came home, cleaned up, showered and was flushed when I got home from work. "You ok babe?" "Yea, had my exam today." "Did everything come out ok?" "Oh, yes, everyone... um, I mean everything, came out just fine." At the time, I was unaware what she had done. She was nervous and stand offish all day Thursday, then Friday morning told me she had another doctor appointment. "Already? I thought you just went." "Um, I did, but they, um... I mean he said he needed to see me again." "oh. ok, well I hope you're ok. He didn't see anything wrong did he?" "No, he said I look good, he just needs to feel me, oh, I mean check me out some more, down there. You know, he's a really good looking man. I told you that before." "I know you've said that before. Well, you be a good girl!"

She arrived on Friday, only two days since she'd been seduced by her doctor & his boss. She told me she was more anxious and nervous than ever before. She knew this visit wasn't scheduled for a simple exam. She remembered what the doctors told her on Wednesday. She had an idea what they wanted to do to her. She held our marriage as a sacred bond in her heart, but her inner desires were overruling her thoughts at this moment. Could she let them have their way with her? She knew what it meant. Adultery, cheating, being unfaithful. Maybe even Fucking another man? Her stomach was churning, her mind racing, her nipples hard, her pussy getting moist. She was a wreck!

Her legs were shaky as she entered the exam room. She undressed slowly. Her mouth dry and her panties soaked as she pulled them over her big butt, down her ample thighs and placed them on the stool. removed her bra, releasing her massive titties from their confines. She was once again naked outside our home. She put on the open back, paper robe and climbed onto the table, laying face up. She was trembling as she heard her doctor talking outside the door. She lifted the robe and looked down at her nipples. They were fully engorged, sticking straight up, her areola were pimply. Oh my! she thought. Well, it is cold in here.Trying to relax and take her mind off what she was possibly about to let happen to her.

As the door opened, she felt an overwhelming surge of nervousness consume her body. Her skin was full of goose bumps. When she heard him lock the door, she sighed, thinking she was trapped, that she put herself in a position she was regretting now. Why? why am I doing this? She looked to her left and her mouth opened wide as she watched her good looking doctor lay his clipboard on the counter and start to disrobe. He removed his shoes, socks, uniform shirt (he had no t shirt on), then he slowly, almost seductively, facing away from her, removed his blue pants. No underwear! Oh my! She thought.

She stared at his nicely shaped, firm butt, and as he bent to remove the pants, she got a quick glimpse of his big, hairy balls hanging between his thick thighs. They're huge! she thought. What am I getting myself into? My doctor is naked! "Hi Cheryl, I'm so glad you decided to come see me." He turned and as he stepped toward my wife, his thick penis swayed side to side. She couldn't take her eyes off it as he continued, "We're gonna have a great time today, Cheryl. It's just gonna be you & I. How are you feeling?" "Oh, um... I'm... I'm ok, I guess." "You sound nervous, no need to be, just relax, I'm gonna take really good care of you today."

"Why don't you go ahead and take that robe off now, we won't be needing it." She sat up, untied the back and slipped it off her shoulders, dropping it to the floor. Her big natural boobies, once again exposed to her dreamy doctor. "My, you have very nice breasts Cheryl. Your nipples are spectacular. Here, stand up with me. I want to start our time together a little differently today" He reached to her and helped her off the table, his hands brushing her boobs. He towered over her small 5'2" frame at 6'3". She stood facing him, looking up at him with her deep hazel eyes.

He pulled her into him, put his arms around her, her face resting on his chest, she closed her eyes. "You're a beautiful, voluptuous woman Cheryl, Jim is a fortunate man. I'm not going to perform an exam today, my purpose is to make you feel good, to feel like a real woman. You deserve this. I want to make love to you Cheryl." She sighed, feeling his warm, thick, semi soft penis resting between her boobs. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. If you say no, I'll respect your wishes. I think you need some good lovin',"

"I told my wife about you. Told her I want to have sex with you. She's behind me 100%. She wants you to be satisfied too. She loves me and told me you would be the perfect woman for my first time. I know you love Jim, that's why I think, no, I know, when we do this, it'll be a beautiful thing. It's just sex Cheryl. You'll go home to Jim & I'll go home to Amanda. I told her it may not be a one time thing. I know I don't want that & hope you'll feel the same." He squeezed her body into his, feeling his hardening cock getting sweaty between her boobs.

She put her arms around him her hands onto his round, firm butt. She caressed his cheeks and moaned. "Let's get comfortable." He led her by the hand into a dimly lit room, the sun shining through the semi-closed curtains, the only visible light. Her eyes glued to his bottom as he walked in front of her. He closed & locked the door. Her eyes adjusted as he led her to the queen bed. She sat on the edge. He stood proudly in front of her. His beautiful thick penis hanging down.

"Wine?" "Please" She gulped it down as he sipped. "Another?" "Yes! please, I need to calm down." He filled her glass, she drank it, he re-filled it. "It's ok baby, relax. I'm nervous too. I'm going to make love to you like you've never been made love to before Cheryl. I've been waiting for this moment since I first laid eyes on you three years ago. You are so beautiful."

She drank that glass down. "Go easy baby or I'm gonna have to drive you home." He refilled her glass. She took a sip and sat the glass on the table. He finished his, then gently laid her back, onto the bed. She gazed into his eyes as he climbed in, next to her. "I can't. I can't do this." The first words from her since he entered the exam room. She realized she was naked, in bed with a naked man, a man other than her husband. As she started to get up, he turned over top her and held her shoulders, leaned down and kissed her supple, pouty lips. "I need you Cheryl, you have me so horny right now. I need to be inside you."

"I can't Dr. Adkins. I just can't do this." "Please Cheryl, John, call me John." She glared at him, sat up and got off the bed. The wine had her a little dizzy. She stumbled toward the exam room door. He jumped up and reached out to catch her before she hit the floor. His hands found her boobs and he held on tight. Leading her back to the bed, he lay her back and arranged her so she was comfortable. He began kissing her as he lay beside her, caressing her left boob, then pinched her nipple. She moaned into his open mouth. His hand moved slowly down her belly to her pubic mound. Her body quivered as he slid his fingers down, parting her moist, vaginal lips. He looked at his finger as a strand of her mucous stretched from her married pussy.

Even though he needed to fuck her badly, he repositioned himself beside her. He had to eat her pussy. He flipped around and placed his face at her closed legs. He kissed her mound, over & over. She looked to her left and saw it. His penis. His glorious penis. Hard, thick, glowing in the sunlight. A droplet of pre-cum hanging on its huge, bulbous head. She groaned as he licked down, trying to get to her pussy, her legs parted slightly. He placed his hands between her thick thighs and helped her. "Relax baby, I'm gonna make you feel good."

Her left hand accidently fell onto his thigh as she felt him licking her clit. Her legs parted, he got his angle and nibbled on her little button, his finger found her opening and he slid it in, gently. "Oh God Dr. Adkins!... mmm... feels... good." He lifted from his little piece of heaven. "John. God, you're so tight!" He went back down and began an oral assault of my wife's pussy. She began squirming as he ate her with passion. Her little hand "found" his cock. She wrapped her small fingers around the thick shaft, gently holding her new friend. She told me it was more than twice as thick as mine and felt so hot in her hand. She said she felt so guilty touching another man's penis, but it felt so right.

"I'm cumming! Doctor... Oh God! Yes! lick me! Oh God! I'm Cumming!" She squeezed his cock as her orgasm wracked her body. "Shit! mmm... cumming... mmm..." She looked at his penis and saw the copious amount of cum that was streaming down over her hand. "You taste so good Cheryl. I love eating your pussy." "Oh God!... that was amazing. You make me feel so good doctor." "John, Want to kiss him? He'd like that. It'd make him feel good." "Oh, I'm not... sure... I should." "It's ok baby, told you, it's just sex." She stared at his cock as she held it in her hand, turned onto her side and moved close to it.

"Kiss him Cheryl. It's ok, he won't hurt you. Just a little kiss." She said she was still so horny, even after her climax, that she seemed to be in another world. Maybe it was the wine. maybe it was because it was her first time to stray, maybe it was the fact she was naked, in bed with another man, her doctor, her hot doctor. Maybe she liked him. She knew she liked him making her cum. She knew she liked touching his big 6 inch, thick, hard penis. He scooted closer to her and she leaned further toward her prize. She guided his dick to her mouth, pursed her lips and planted a long, soft kiss on his big warm cock head. The clear pre-cum hung on her lips. She licked them, tasting his sweet juice. "Mmm, that a girl Cheryl, feels good, you like him don't you? Tell me, tell me you like my cock. Kiss him again!"

She stared at it, held it, then another, more passionate, loving kiss, this time her tongue licked the stream of pre cum leaking out after her kiss. Tasting and savoring the cum before swallowing it. "Mmm. feels so good baby, kiss him again!" She removed her hand from his cock and licked the cum from her hand. She then stuck out her tongue and licked from the bottom, just above his big balls, slowly, all the way up the underside of his pulsing shaft. His cock jumped and more pre cum leaked out. She licked it up and moaned. "Mmm..." "Oh Cheryl, lick me, Suck my Cock! Please suck me!" She put her little hand on his balls and began to caress them. She told me she surprised herself with what she did next. She's not a blowjob lover.

She took the head of his cock into her mouth, hummed, and slowly lowered herself down, taking half his thickness in her married mouth. She tasted his clear semen and sucked his cock like she was in love with it. Maybe she was. "Shit! Stop Cheryl! I'm gonna cum if you don't stop." She hummed with pleasure as she passionately made oral love to her doctor's penis. He abruptly pulled out of her mouth. "Need to fuck you now." He got right between her legs, forcing them apart. He fought her resistance. She looked down between them and saw his hard, thick penis bobbing just inches from her married, never used by anyone before sweet little pussy. She felt a wisp of cool air across her damp pussy lips.

She knew this was it, the point of no return. Her mind said no. She said "No!", but her body said yes. Her pussy was in heat, throbbing, her nipples hard as rock, the feeling of him dominating her overtook her senses. She looked into his eyes, his met hers. He leaned forward and as if it was meant to be, his perfect cock aligned with her perfect pussy. She felt the tip touch her lips. It was hot, really hot. She said it almost burnt her vagina. No words were spoken as he gently pushed forward, the big head of her doctor's cock was attempting to enter my wife's pussy.

He leaned down and laid the most passionate kiss she's ever experienced on her married lips. Their tongues twirling in each other's mouths. He was laying on top of her now. She wasn't resisting any longer. She knew she needed this man, he needed her, they needed to make love. He pushed a little harder, trying to enter her. "Damn Cheryl, you have the tightest pussy I've ever felt! It's like you're a virgin. Relax baby, let me in. let me have that sweet pussy." "Oh Dr. Adkins! It's so Big!, never... never felt this before... mmm... not... sure... it's gonna... fit!...ungh..." He pushed harder and the moment of truth... Her pussy burned. She felt the 'pop' of his huge cockhead as it broke her barrier and slid inside. Her eyes opened wide. "Oww!... oh God! it's too big! take it out! take it Out! It Hurts!, Oh God!"

"Stay still baby, I'll be gentle, I'll go slow." "It Hurts! Please stop! take it out!" he held still, the huge head, just inside her, then pushed in an inch. "Mmm... oh God!" He lay back down on top of her and she let him kiss her. He started a slow, rhythmic motion as they slobbered into each others mouths. He had her now. She was his. He reached between them and pinched her nipple. She groaned into his mouth. He slowly pulled his cock almost out, then slowly pushed it in, this time, all the way in. His balls touching her butt hole. "Oh doc... you're so big! feels... so... good... mmm... I'm gonna cum!... fuck... me... Fuck me John! Fuck Me!"

His steady slow, fucking put her over the top, her body started convulsing, shaking, she was screaming his name, telling him to fuck her. He pinched her nipple harder and that was it. "Fuck Yes! I'm Cumming John! fuck.. Me! Fuck me John! Oh god, don't... stop! I'm Cumming!, oh God!... mmm... mmm... mmm..." Her head fell back, eyes closed and she lifted her legs up & around his, placing them on his back, pulling him deeper into her womanhood. "Don't... Stop... fucking... me!" She started fucking him back, like she was never going to get cock again in her life. "Fuck me John! Shit, I... love... your... cock John!... fuck... me, Harder!"

"Fuck Me!, Oh GOD!... I'm cumming Again!... fuck... ungh... ungh... ungh... fuck... me... fuck... me... with... your... Big... Cock John! Shit! I'm coming again!... Oh God!, Yes! yes!... mmm... yes... fuck... me... mmm... shit... I'm... cum... cumming... again!" She came within a minute of her first orgasm!

"Gonna cum baby, ungh, yea, fuck me Cheryl, fuck me baby! Gonna cum!" "John! Please pull out! You can't cum inside me! Pull out!" She tried to get out from under him, but he planted another kiss on her and ground his pelvis into my wife, giving her the cock she so desperately needed. "I'm cumming Cheryl, tell me you want my fertile cum inside you baby, Ungh, your pussy feels so fucking good, so fucking tight! Here it comes Cheryl, gonna fill you up Ungh! Ungh! Fuck! I'm Cumming! baby..."

"NO JOHN! NOT INSIDE ME! PLEASE! NO!" She put her hands on his chest, trying desperately to push him off her, to no avail. She felt him throb deep inside her pussy, then jerk as he pumped harder and faster, filling her fertile womb with load after load of pent up, passionate sperm. He collapsed on top of her, his thick cock remaining inside my wife, depositing the last of his cum in there, in my pussy.

They laid in post coital bliss and kissed for another ten minutes. Her feeling his cock inside her, never fully going soft. He pumped her the entire time they were kissing, she let him, her legs still wrapped around his back. "I love you Cheryl. I never want our relationship to end, I want to make love to you forever. You're amazing." "Oh John, I love Jim and I know you love Amanda, mmm... you feel so good inside me, never felt... mmm. anything like that before, you have an amazing cock John. I love your cock. I... um... oh please never let Jim know I said this... I... love you... too John."

As they kissed, she raised her hips up, wanting, needing his gorgeous cock to fuck her again. She pulled him into her and his penis started to get hard, the beauty of youth. He started fucking her, she fucked him back, then said "Let me turn over, I need to feel you like this." She got on all fours and took his cock, guiding it to her pussy. Just before she let him in, she pushed it upward & rubbed it over her virgin butt hole. "Mmm, I like being touched back there. The slick head flicked all over her brown eye as she moaned. "Can I fuck you there?" "Oh God! No!, you're way too big. I've never had anything in me there, just like to have it touched, rubbed. Now fuck me John!"

She guided his thick meat back down and put the head at her opening, She pushed back and the head once again, popped into her tight vagina. "God Cheryl, you're so damn tight! I can't believe it! I Love your pussy!" "I Love your cock John. Now fuck Me, just fuck... me!" He pushed it in, feeling the tight walls of her vagina tight around his cock. She said he told her he'd never felt a pussy as good as hers. He slowly fucked her doggie style, she came twice. Both times as he rubbed her butthole with his thumb and after their newly found lovemaking, lasting more than thirty minutes, he announced he was cumming.

"Cumming baby, gonna cum in your married pussy again Cheryl. Ungh... ungh... ungh... shit!... here it comes baby... Cumming, I'm Cumming baby!" "Cum in me John! yes... mmm... fuck me!... I'm cumming... too!... oh God Yes!... Fuck... Me!, I'm cumming! shit... shit... yes! fuck... fuck me John!" they came together, both grinding into each other, his thumb nearly penetrating her anus as she climaxed & tightened her sphincter, then loosened it. She felt his cum flood her married pussy as she convulsed in her orgasm. He stayed tight against her, keeping his softening cock inside her as long as he could. Eventually it softened & slid out, followed by a river of his sperm, onto the bed. "Mmm, that was incredible John."

"I love you John." "I love you Cheryl, please promise me that we'll do this again." "Oh God, I don't know how I'm gonna tell Jim, but I want to be with you again." "Don't tell him anything! This'll be between you & I. I know Amanda knows I wanted to be with you, but I can just tell her that you were too shy, scared and couldn't go through with it. No one has to know. ever."

He bent and licked her butt hole before letting her get cleaned up. "I want that sweet little butt of yours Cheryl. Think about it, I think you'd enjoy it." "Oh John, that'll never happen, but you can play with me back there, next time." "See you Monday?" "Um... Monday?, ok, same time?" "Yes."

She never got pregnant by him, at least I don't think one of our girls is his. I don't know how many times they met & she fucked him. Not sure she ever let him get her in the butt, or if Dr. Jansen ever got to fuck her... I'm still asking questions and will tell the details if anyone wants to hear more about my wife & her doctor.

brownibleu44 at the hoo.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I think the author is a wimp pussy and should ignore the last anon comment, he is obviously a fag loving cuck as well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I normally don't comment on these, but I'll make an exception. This story was well written and I liked how the characters were portrayed. If the author sees this, please ignore all the pessimistic comments because this was a very sexy story!

amyyumamyyumover 7 years ago
What an original outlook;

very entertaining to boot. 5*

amyyumamyyumalmost 9 years ago
Cute and entertaining,and a new slant on things

I really liked it!5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I have been there

Financial problems can wreck an otherwise good marriage and hurt beautiful children. I have fucked for money and sometimes enjoyed it very much. My husband suspects the money is ill-gotten, but he has ED and we can't afford the pills. I have a huge sex drive and I fuck hard and good. Screw you if you think I am a whore.

diegotoadstickerdiegotoadstickerover 10 years ago
Nice Story

I liked it but couldn't figure out why she was married. There was no indication or set up and he was just a whining useless drag on her. No indication of any love, past or present.

PymGordon777PymGordon777about 11 years ago
Nice story, but...

Dan's character is exaggerated. If I was Jill I would've divorced him well before.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Dwornock, go somewhere else until you have some experience in life.

My wife has had at least four 9 inch cocks in her from 4 of her lovers. Loved it when I tied her to a bed and let one of them fuck her with his. God was good to that young man and it was hard as wood when he fucked her. All she could do was tell him how much she loved it. not all of the big ones are hard as wood but they all brought her lots of pleasure and stretched her pussy. Damn but she has some fun in those ten years of fucking large cocks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Interesting story .

Honestly the comments are just as interesting and are also uninformed and judgemental . The one about the 9" cock being a world record was beyond silly he must have one small willy as mine's only a little smaller and I've heard of 11" cocks and the record may be larger then that . As for your character being a whore , really who can say .Selling your body for money is being a whore . If you work for anyone else then you are selling your time and body for money and are therefore a whore . Basically if you provide any type of service for money you are a whore .Join the club folks . I think you did a good job of writing a sexual fantasy , keep it up . If these people are so uptight why are they even reading this stuff ?

DWornockDWornockabout 13 years ago
"It was at least 9" and only partly erect"

That would be the largest human cock in the world and would not properly function. Therefore, since they don't exist, instead of 5*****, I rated it 1*.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
wouldn't it be fun if...

Some of these anons are so judgemental and self-righteous that it would amuse me to have their wives/girlfriends/boyfriends approach them with a "loving wives" proposition, or an after-the-fact revelation.

Good story.

chytownchytownabout 14 years ago
Good read!!

Different story line. "Thank You"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Seems like there are a few Anons who forget this is erotic fiction

and lack of morality plays a major issue in these stories. Loving wives is a genre were cheating is the main attraction and morality is almost non-existent. If some of you readers don't understand that by now, I suggest you read mild romance or non-erotic and save us your outrage of morality. In another words, for your own good, stay away from the "loving wives" genre, because there are very few stories here that will make you moralists happy.

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