Keeping It in the Family Ch. 03

Story Info
Ruth becomes pregnant; Kelly obtains evidence; Kendall plots.
3.6k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/30/2018
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Ruth was proud of the marked strides in performance Scott and Jordan made in recent days. Generally, they could only last up to a few hours with the woman, but she couldn't hide her pleasure in knowing that, as of now, the trio had spent four straight days and nights together, kissing, riotously fucking and caressing non-stop. Their daily schedule be damned! Ruth was of the mind that the two men had by now more than deserved some leisure time outside their timetable.

She was tongue-deep in her son's throat, violating the oxygen that tried vainly to escape from his lungs, but every expel was greedily swallowed up by her. As this happened Jordan knelt behind, rimming her in such a manner that it looked almost casual—which it was for the family, to say the least. Their four-day sex binge didn't seem to show signs of stopping anytime soon—Scott's dick was still erect as ever, pressing against his mother's belly, whilst Jordan's lurched closer to Ruth's waiting ass. It almost looked as if she was waiting for his meat to enter her. He didn't want to take advantage of the situation no matter how eager he was.

Ruth's lips pulled away from Scott before a smile formed. "You really are starting to improve in the sack, sweeties. You'd be out for the count days ago, if not." As impressed as she was, a quiver of doubt laid in the back of Ruth's mind that the fine gentlemen would eventually capsize and withdraw from the otherwise incredible sex—something the woman wasn't all that ready to accept. She took hold of Scott's cock and traced the length of a prominent vein across the shaft with a finger, teasing his manhood until it pulsed with anticipation. Scott had trained well enough to keep himself from releasing, but it didn't stop the feeling itself from coursing through him.

Jordan took to kneading his grandmother's shoulders as best he could. He thought, 'Maybe if I massage her well enough, she'd turn her attention to me'. Ruth joined in, rubbing her nipples until they doubled in thickness and a hint of breast milk oozed from them. Lustful moans came as the gentleness of Jordan's palms rubbed her shoulders.

Scott tried pushing up to get a better view of the spectacle between his mother and son, but her weight bore down on him, pinning the father into position, her clit pulsing as it rubbed against his chest energetically. Her body rocked to and fro rhythmically as her pussy ground against her son's abs, moving the bed with her. Scott wasn't going anywhere. All he could do was watch—which wasn't all that bad actually.

From the corner of his eye, he saw her clit throb before doubling in width! To say it took Scott by surprise would be an understatement, but the display only amplified his lewdness, heightened his arousal and thickened his cock until the meatus was level with her belly button. Ruth thought it was almost teasing her as she licked her lips. But she had other, better ideas.

Grabbing Jordan by the ankles, she pulled his body underneath her until his face met her clit. Before he could respond in any manner, Ruth lowered herself down on Jordan so his face was invaded by the pulsing majesty of her clit. Before long, she could feel Jordan's tongue inside her; long and wet, gently caressing her insides. Then she smiled.

"Mum!" The jealousy in Scott's voice was obvious. But even if it wasn't, the face he made certainly would've given him away. It had been weeks since he found himself in Jordan's position and was looking forward to being in it once again. He heard the muffled moans from his son as Ruth's clit pulsed and flexed in his face, swelling until the muscles themselves started pressing against her skin.

"Don't worry sweetie, you'll get your chance later tonight. Now c'mere."

Ruth pulled Scott over to her so his own face met her breasts. He wasn't all that sure what he was to do, but once the behemoth mother cupped her left tit, the son knew what was being implied. Scott didn't even hesitate, approaching the mother's nipple from which a faint trickle of milk oozed and taking his mouth to it like a baby. Truthfully, Scott was, until now, unaware his mother was—somehow—capable of producing milk from her breasts at such an advanced age. He tried thinking about it for a moment, but the thought process soon died once Ruth's milk touched his tongue. It came in large quantities, forcing the man to swallow hard, loudly and seemingly at a quick pace.

It wasn't long after the first few gulps that Scott curled up in his mother's arms like a baby, still drawing milk from her breast which never seemed to hint at sagging anytime soon. Jordan was still eating her out, of course, starting to struggle for breath as his grandmother's clit ceaselessly pulsed. They'd been at this grand sexual endeavour for days now, and yet, Ruth still hadn't hinted at approaching climax, let alone reached it.

Scott's swallows continued, ever eager to take his mother's milk. She watched with a smile as he closed his eyes, cosily coming to terms.


It was the discernible wince that woke Jordan from his slumber, eyes blinking to find his father Scott naked, casually curling a weight, veins mapping across his biceps like snakes coiling around a thick branch. Then Jordan noticed. Scott had somehow grown thicker, meatier and longer. His son questioned how this happened before the dots seemed to just connect on their own. Ruth's breast milk was the catalyst - right?

Then another wince came, but it wasn't from Scott, rather Ruth, who stood at the mirror near the dresser, her turned to both men, equally naked. Jordan wasn't sure whether he should be curious or worried by the noises from his grandma, looking over her shoulder to find the reflection of a needle in her hand peeking back at him. It was filled with the same pasty white liquid blended with the yellow one as before - filled with his and Scott's cum and...something else, only there was far more of that 'something else' than last time. She'd gathered their latest batch of the sexual liquid by stroking them both off at once when they fell asleep, a cock tucked in the crook of each arm.

Without a moment's hesitation, she jabbed the needle into the thick bulging base of her clit, injecting the curious liquid like her life depended on it, genitalia throbbing in anticipation as the dregs vanished and flowed through the aged woman's system. As the pulsing continued, she observed a makeshift timetable rested on the dresser marked 'Menstrual Cycle Dates,' the latest of which was today. Ruth was no stranger to needles at this point in her goal. The first she injected was when a serum capable of reactivating her period was made, following that was a serum created to revive fertility. The current injection Ruth just subjected herself to was designed to quicken...something, among other things.

The dumbbell still in-hand, Scott's attention drifted to his mother's naked reflection. The broad-shouldered and bearded male smiled lewdly as thick veins burst to the surface of her genitalia, writhing and pulsing in unison before her pussy doubled in size again in mere seconds. Love juices funnelled down her legs in sync with the arousal-induced saliva lightly gathering at the corner of her mouth.

"It works." Scott always doubted the veracity of his mother's goal, but to see it unfold, to bear fruit was enough for him to ensure he would never doubt the woman again. He watched her gut gently as it too started audibly swelling outward like leather stretching. "It actually fucking works."

Both males were surprised Ruth hadn't uttered a single word since the changes started. That said, there was little need to say anything, given it was laid before them in bulges and swells. It was truly a sight to behold.

When the changes stopped, Ruth turned to her son and grandson with a smile, a hand on her swollen, gravid gut. A hand at her belly button, she chuckled, looking down at her new rapidly-developed pregnancy. "Say hello."

Jordan blinked, surprised by the sudden development that came from Ruth's stomach. It wasn't enough that the being inside her had developed in mere seconds, but that her stomach made a weird noise similar to stretching too. Scott's attention was elsewhere, focused on the flaps of his mother's clit. Given its increased size, there was no reason to think two cocks at once couldn't fit in there now.

Jordan's worry was valid. Just who was the father, considering Ruth had her fair share of him and Scott? The fact was, in a way, they both were!

Both fathers cautiously approached the mother-to-be with open arms, completely unaware that above them on the skylight, was pepping Tom Nick Dawes with a camera in-hand.

Detective Kelly was going to have a field day with this!



Being stressed: that wasn't something Kelly handled particularly well, which was especially true when around colleagues. Doubly true when around colleagues who talked behind her back. The only way the Irishwoman knew how to beat her anxieties was throwing blows at a punching bag. If anything, she always looked the part - tight black shorts allowing her modestly sculpted calves and thighs to flex and breathe as she moved, hand-in-hand with a turquoise sports bra that had a hint of green at the sides that always reminded her of home across the pond, worn hand wraps covering her knuckles.

She was a raw fighter - and it showed. Sweat matted her otherwise perfect red locks and the back of her bra, barefooted strikes to the bag so powerful, it bent inward to one side as she pounced to her left, arms ever up and guarding. Boxing was something Kelly's father would probably object to, given its violent nature, but it wasn't her fault he could never see the defensive side of things, always the offensive. She learned to pace herself; her breathing always steady, strangely similar to the resting heart rate of a serial killer.

Moving in for another hit, she saw her father's face in the bag, heightening the anger that already swelled within; the Hines' were surely going to be behind bars sooner than they thought. They might be the central pillar to keeping Bridgewood on its feet, but pillars could always be replaced, rebuilt. The town would do better without them.


The voice was familiar, but admittedly a distraction from the one she already planned for herself. Kelly needed this time alone, but it looked like it was going to be interrupted anyway. She didn't exactly hate Nick Dawes. It was just - her words of advice to him seemed to always fall on deaf ears, which was a pity because he was actually a good-looking guy.

"What is it, Nick?" Kelly seemed to up the pace of her routine, now always on the move, never staying at the one spot like she would otherwise be, easy to pick off, her breaths unyieldingly even. She hoped Nick's reasoning for visiting was justified, not be there to perv on her like last time.

"It's the Hines'. I caught them doing something." The words were out quicker than Nick had time to process them. They were incriminating, to say the least, which would not particularly look good in his favour. But, he pulled out the camera in the hopes that it would be his trump card. "You won't believe it either!"

It was hard to tell whether Kelly knew about the smile that crept along her lips. Besides, she was pretty certain the contents of the camera would, in fact, be believable, at least to her. Obviously, the townsfolk of Bridgwood knew what the Hines' did, probably even the courts. But the detective didn't plan on handing this crucial evidence to the Bridgewood tribunal. Rather, her mind was set on giving it to those even higher.

The video started off how Kelly predicted it would - Scott and Jordan porking Ruth. The total runtime of the video came up to two hours, enough footage to truly put the Hines' behind bars. The orgasmic moans compelled Kelly to hastily turn the volume down as her eyes were glued to Ruth's chiselled stomach swelling with cum at a rapid rate, creampieing her fast as an eye could blink. Kelly felt her stomach churn as a build-up of bile made itself known. If she watched anymore, it wouldn't be sweat on her feet.

Nick snatched the camera from her and scrolled through the video until it came to the last few moments: Ruth having her back turned to Scott and Jordan and was injecting something into her clit.

Then everything seemed to change, the criminality of the Hines' actions clear as crystal.

Kelly fought back the need to regurgitate her lunch as she watched Ruth turn to Scott and Jordan, her stomach swelling again, this time moving in a sort of flex-like motion, growing and taking shape in such a way that it almost looked like she was— "Is that"

Nick stopped the video. He'd watched it a few times already in an attempt to get his head around it, but honestly, even now still couldn't tell. He shrugged, clueless. "Maybe. Maybe not. I dunno."

"I'll take that." Kelly snatched the camera off Nick and stashed it in her gym bag. It was crucial evidence against the Hines'. In fact, frankly, the only evidence. She had to be very careful not to lose it, and make sure to copy it at least once. Else it all amounted to nothing. "Would you mind making a statement?"

Nick knew better not to. What was he going to say? That he was perving on the Hines' incestuous sex? That would make him just as guilty. He shook his head no with a condescending laugh. "Nah, you're alright, Kelly."

She knew he was expecting some form of reward for what was provided. There was an essence of predictability about him too, with the way he stared at her arms. Sighing dejectedly, she flexed her right arm to give Nick his reward. Her bicep equated to the size of a lemon, which was reasonable for someone like her, adorned with the gentlest layer of vascularity. To Kelly, it felt like she was whoring herself out, but this was the lesser of two evils.

"Not bad." Nick squeezed the detective's arm hard. It wasn't long before he was too, but managed to hide it well enough. "A bit small for my tastes, but I'll reckon you'll get there in time."

Kelly was irritated but managed to hide it. What was the point of Nick staring at her arm like a weirdo, hinting at the quick copping of a feel, if all he was going to do was be an asshole about it? "Anything else?"

"Can I get a quick flash of yer tit?"

Kelly snapped. Keeping her pacing in check just enough to make her point, she lunged forward to scare Nick away. The door slammed shut loudly, a sort of metaphor for the detective's yet-lingering anger. She threw a blow at the punching bag, so hard that a small hole ruptured through it, sand pouring gently onto the mat. The sudden memory flash of her father's face burned into her eyes.

She didn't need the memories, but ironically, needed him, looking at the camera poking out of the gym bag.


Doctor Baisden pressed his thumbs against Ruth's gut gently, watching the writhing and squirming continue with reckless abandon.

"Judging by the rate of your development, I'd say you're already approaching your first trimester." The words that slipped from his tongue were odd, considering Ruth had only just started showing the signs of pregnancy only a few hours prior to the doctor's arrival. It was an especially bizarre case of pregnancy, but he was mostly aware of the circumstances of the Hines' lifestyle, which might've attributed to the one at hand. "If it's maintained, you'll no doubt deliver by the month's end."

Ruth was pleased by the news, to say the least. Being a mother again was, of course, her goal. Jordan and Scott stood either side of the mother-to-be, ecstatic by the doctor's pleasing revelation.

"Remind me of your family's history of pregnancies. Perhaps there's a pattern worth examining." Baisden inquired.

"Well, I married Hank back in nineteen-fifty. In fifty-two Scott was born, and Hank tragically passed in fifty-five. When Scott turned eighteen, he and I started tussling. We conceived Carolyn in nineteen-seventy-two."

"Jordan and Kendall were born through Scott and Carolyn in nineteen-ninety-three, correct?" Baisden revealed a stethoscope hidden away in a perfectly preserved Samsonite briefcase. It was time to check on the baby's health, although he was pretty sure things were going to be okay. "Which means every generation of your family since the fifties was born through—"

He quit while ahead, knowing he was right anyway. Besides, he was being paid triple the usual amount to keep his mouth shut about it. Truthfully, it wasn't the first case of inter-family breeding Baisden had to deal with, but was when it came to the fastest developing. Removing the stethoscope, the good news was the baby was in good health. The picture of health, actually.

"You said something about Jordan and Scott being the father?" Baisden's confusion only grew stronger the more he repeated the question back to himself, not sure what Ruth meant. Maybe she didn't know who the father was because she was fucked by them both often enough it was impossible to tell without a proper test. At least, that's what the doctor thought. The truth was so much different. "Care to elaborate?"

"Baisden, you're being paid to examine my baby, not ask questions you don't want or need the answers to. Especially when you already know them." Ruth felt the harshness of her words was needed, not wanting to divulge the true nature behind the rapidity of her pregnancy. She just needed to know the gender and state of health of the infant inside her, things she couldn't do on her own. "So - how is my baby?"

"In perfect health." Baisden packed the stethoscope into the case, admittedly thankful the job was done. He felt a dram of whiskey was in order for helping the Hines'. He was especially thankful for the thick wad of cash handed to him by Scott.

"And the midwife?" Scott came between Baisden and the door, blocking the way out. The doctor saw the oddly large bulge in Scott's pants and gulped, mistaking it for an erection when in truth, it was just the abnormally large cock and balls he was lucky enough to possess, thanks to his mother's milk.

"I'll be sure to send her within the week of the delivery."

"Oh, and and be sure to drop in a breast pump when you next visit." Ruth chuckled lightly as she watched Jordan apply oil to her cobbled abs, giving them a golden shine alike the Buddha. "The last one broke."

Braisden paused, seemingly hesitant. But he knew better than to object to the one family that helped him keep food on the table, even if what they were doing was wrong in every sense. "Of course. That'd be Thursday then."

"Precisely." Ruth's one-worded response was enough to help get her point across: Be there. She watched the doctor slip into the gap Scott made, allowing him to make a quick escape, before patting her gut invitingly. "Come meet your daughter."


Kendall huffed angrily, sat on the couch watching TV. Grandma was pregnant? It pissed her off so much her lip bled when she bit it. Kendall stuck true to the family's ways for years, waiting for the fateful when she and Jordan would conceive a child of their own one day. But that plan was now clearly scuppered by her grand being knocked up instead. It especially pissed Kendall off when aware of Jordan's hope that Ruth's child was more his than Scott's. The family didn't often argue over much, so Kendall hoped they wouldn't start now.

"Fucking Jordan." Kendall was never usually this angry, but when she was, it was typically diffused through passionate lovemaking with her brother or father. Sometimes both. "Always thinking with his dick."

As angry as she was, Kendall couldn't deny the sense of delight flutter within like the wings of a butterfly. She was going to be an aunt. Be that as it may, there was something oddly profound about being gravid. It wasn't a total loss either. Perhaps Kendall could mother a child through her father? He often talked in a way that interest certainly oozed from his voice. So long as the family remained pure...