Kicked Around


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Erik takes a copy of all the backups and pastes it onto a red USB Drive. Then, Erik copied the contents of the email to a file called letter.txt and saved it to the USB Drive. Erik adds a note to the file that says: "Keep the USB Drive somewhere safe. This is a full offline backup of your website."

Erik rips out a blank piece of paper from his notebook. On the paper, Erik writes a short note that says:


Your website is on this drive.

Read letter.txt.

Good luck.



Erik pulls the USB Drive from his computer and wraps the paper around it. There was a crack of thunder and rain was pouring outside. Erik could see that the wind was carrying the rainwater in through the window screen and onto his floor. Erik walked over and shut the window. He looked at his alarm, and it read 11:00 PM.

Erik put the paper wrapped USB drive in his pocket and ran to Lara's apartment in the pouring rain. Erik arrived at Lara's front door, completely soaked. He stepped out of the rain, blocked by the overhang above her front door. The front light at the door was tinted red making the door look like it was painted red. Erik walked right up to the front door. His shadow casts upon the red door, painting it black. Erik reached into his pocket and pulled out the paper wrapped USB drive and paused.

"This is it," Erik thought. "My last chance to turn back. If I give her this drive, the story ends, and I wake up tomorrow without her in my life. If I knock on the door, I stay here, and I see what the possibilities are. Fuck. Do I want to go down this rabbit hole?"

Erik clenched the USB drive in his hand tightly. Then, he dropped it in the mailbox next to the door.

The street light was tinted blue, giving the street a lightish blue hue. Erik walked backward from Lara's doorway back into the rain. Erik stood in the light blue street looking at Lara's red door. Then, he turned to run back towards the dorms.

Chapter 23

Erik was walking on campus in the middle of the day when he came to an open courtyard. He saw two girls sitting together on a bench, talking. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, and the faint sound of birds chirping could be heard. As Erik walked closer, he could see that the two girls were Jessica and Lara. Lara was wearing a skintight red dress that was sucked onto her body. Jessica was wearing a modest blue sundress that had a floral pattern. Lara was smiling, but Jessica looked unhappy. As Erik approached, they both looked at him. Erik stopped and stared back at them.

"She's nice Erik," Lara says. "But, she can't give you what you want."

"I can't compete with her," Jessica says. "And, I don't want to. You need to choose."

"You don't need to choose with me," Lara says. "Do whatever you want."

"I chose," Erik said. "Jessica, I..."

"You didn't choose her," Lara cut him off. "You chose me, and I gave you everything you wanted."

"It's all a lie," Erik said.

"It's what you want," Lara said. "You don't want her." Jessica brought her hands to her face as she started to cry. She quickly stood up and ran away.

"Jessica!," Erik yelled running after her. Lara ran after him. Erik was gaining on Jessica. Off in the distance to the right of Jessica, Erik saw a figure in a green hoodie. Suddenly, he materialized into a puff of smoke, dropping the hoodie to the ground. Out of the smoke flew a purple butterfly which flew toward Jessica. The sight of this metamorphosis amazed Erik, but he was still running toward Jessica. He was catching up with her. However, the scene of butterfly creation distracted him and didn't notice Lara, who suddenly tackled Erik to the ground. Lara took him by complete surprise and was overpowering Erik. She turned Erik onto his back and held his wrists down as she straddled him. The red dress was nowhere in sight, and Lara was now naked.

"This is what you want Erik," Lara said. "This is what you need." Erik looked down and realized that he was now naked as well. His erection was standing at attention and Lara was backing into it. Lara's eyes were darkening to a deep purple, and she had a devious smile on her face.

"No!," Erik yelled. "I don't want this! I want to be with Jessica! I chose her!"

Lara pulled both of Erik's arms together over Erik's head. With one hand, she was able to pin both of Erik's wrists together against the ground. She raised her ass in the air and then slammed down hard onto Erik. The action slammed his dick into her pussy. His cock was deep inside her. Within a few seconds and with no movement at all, he came inside her. Erik was frozen in a state of confused, terrified pleasure. His mouth was open taking short, shallow breaths as he continued to cum, over and over again. The cum was overflowing and now leaking out of Lara's pussy, down Erik's balls, and dripping onto a puddle that was forming beneath them.

"You'll never have her," Lara's voice said demonically as the world turned red and the ground erupted in flames around them. Lara leaned down, getting closer to Erik's face as she continued to speak calmly in her demonic voice. "You don't really want her. All you want... All you need... Is right... here..." Lara held up the middle finger of her free hand, palm facing inward. From Erik's point of view, it's as if she was saying "Fuck You" to Erik by giving him the finger. With a flash, the hand suddenly erupted in fire. Erik's eyes refocused, but Lara was no longer visible. Instead, there was a female creature on top of him that was black as night, like a solid shadow.

The head of the creature looked like that of a dead cow that was on fire. Its breasts were larger than Lara's and the nipples were sticking straight out. The stomach of the creature was very large and curved out forward beyond its breasts. Erik could see outlines of something pushing at the creature's stomach from the inside. Erik would see the outline as a lighter color. It would drag across the creature's belly and then disappear. Then, a new outline would appear for a second and then disappear.

Erik could feel the heat of the flames from the creature's hand on his face. The creature's middle finger was glowing red hot. It brought the finger up to the side of Erik's head and began to burn into his skull. The pain was searing but caused Erik to cum even more. The puddle of cum grew quickly and had spread all around them. Erik's whole body was laying in the large puddle of his cum. The creature's finger burned deeper into Erik's head until it was completely inside his skull. Erik's eyes turned black. Erik was in immense pain which spread to his entire body. His dick began to expel blood, which overflowed out of the creature's pussy and into the pool of cum beneath them. The blood surrounded the inner edges of the pool, with the white cum on the outside edge and Erik and the creature in the middle.

Suddenly, the creature's stomach tore open. Black blood overflowed out of the wound as a tiny, red hand emerged. A smaller version of the creature's head became visible. It was finding it's way outside of the larger creature's belly. When it was free, the smaller creature's head erupted in flames as it cried out with an ear piercing sound. The fire around all of them intensified, and the flames consumed them.

Erik jolted awake to his alarm clock. He was breathing heavily, but quickly realized it was all a nightmare. However, this realization was not enough to calm himself down. He was naked in bed, except for his socks, and his dick was as hard as a rock. He ran out of his bed to his chair, opened the first porn video he could find, and relieved himself. He sat there, reflecting on his morbid, delusional fantasy, and coming down from his orgasm. The calming effect gave him the rational moment he needed to convince himself that it was just a dream that meant nothing. Once he finally came to this realization, Erik started his day. He showered and got ready for class. Erik took the bus to class, and when he arrived, Jessica was already in there. She was speaking to the same boy from the day prior.

Erik sat behind Jessica and watched the two of them talking. They were both having a conversation about some movie that they had seen years ago. They seemed extremely friendly today, which was a big difference from their interactions the day prior. They were gushing over each other to the point where Erik was getting jealous of their flirtatious mannerisms during the exchange. That's when Erik noticed something. "Wasn't Jessica wearing those same clothes yesterday?" Erik looked at the boy. The boy was smiling as he talked to Jessica. Erik noticed that the boy wore the same shirt as he did the day prior, a white shirt that had this writing on the back: "Will you, won't you join the dance?" Then, he looked at Jessica who was also smiling back. They both looked tired, but very happy.

"FUCK!!!!!!!!," Erik screamed in his head. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!!!!" Erik sat back in his chair and felt like he was going to cry. "Maybe we can watch another movie tonight?" the boy said. "I can make you some of the beautiful soup." They both smiled at what appeared to be an inside joke. Erik silently mouthed the words "beautiful soup" in disgusted confusion, followed by "what the fuck?"

"Maybe," Jessica said. "I'll have to get back to my room first and check my schedule."

"Alright everyone," Professor Hand said. "Come on. Come on. Let's get started." He was attempting to get the classes' attention to begin.

Erik put his head in his hands. "I can't fucking believe I blew this already," he thought. "Fucking amazing. Just fucking awesome. Fucking incredible. Fucking unbelievable. Fucking... Fucking... FUCK!" Erik zoned out. He didn't notice class started. He didn't notice class was in session. He didn't notice class ended. He wasn't finished punishing himself for messing this up.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck...," he just kept saying to himself in his head, over and over again all the way back to the dorm. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck..." Erik went up to his room and locked his door. "Fuck, Fuck..." Then, he took off all his clothes and started binge watching porn. "Fuck..." All he wanted to do now was fuck the pain away. "Fuck... Fuuuckkkk... Fu... ck..."

After his 4th straight orgasm, his brain had silenced, and he was exhausted from the emotional defeat and his physical masturbation. He was so tired that he decided to take a nap. He crawled into bed, pulled the sheet on himself, and fell asleep. Erik slept straight through his 2nd class and woke up just in time for dinner. He dressed, walked downstairs, and ate alone in the cafeteria.

Then, Erik decided to walk to the convenience store across the street. He bought a pack of cigarettes (the same brand as the pack that Bret gave to him) and sat outside in the courtyard, chain-smoking cigarettes one-by-one. This gave him a perpetual "buzz-like" feeling which helped numb his pain. He smoked until he felt sick to his stomach. Then he stopped, laid down on the ground, and looked up at the sky as the sun was setting. Erik tried to stay still or else he felt he would throw up all over himself. After about an hour of wallowing in self-pity and nausea, he felt it was time to "go somewhere else." Erik decided to go back to his room.

Erik rode the elevator up to his floor. He walked down the hallway toward his room. As he moved closer to his room, Bret exits the bathroom wearing nothing but boxers and flip-flops.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Bret asked.

"I'm going to my room," Erik says confused.

"I thought you were busy tonight."

"I'm not," Erik said. "I was just... out..."

"So you're free?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Jessica was asking about you," Bret said.

"Really?" Erik asked, his heart racing at the thought that Jessica wanted to be with him.

"Yeah," Bret said. "At dinner."

"Where is she?" Erik asked.

"I don't know; she's gone now..."


"I gotta go," Bret says. "I'll catch up with you tomorrow." Bret walked back to his room and locked the door.

"Alright," Erik said as Bret walked away. Erik stood there, confused about the information he was just given.

"Did I just fuck this up AGAIN by not being around?" Erik thought to himself. "Can I fucking do anything right?" Erik turned around and walked to his room. He closed the door behind him and sat at his desk. "This day can't get any fucking worse. I'm just staying here where I can't miss anything or do anything else stupid."

Erik sat down at his desk and stared at his laptop. As usual, his mind wandered toward sex. "Ah, Fuck it...," he thought to himself, getting hard. Erik opens his "Jessica Porn" folder. He stood up and locked the door to his room, as he prepared himself for a night of masturbation. He takes off his clothes and sits back down at his desk. He opens a video and fast forwards to the end where the guy prepares to give fake-Jessica a facial. Erik begins jerking off frantically. He quickly shoots one off and cleans himself up with a tissue.

Suddenly, Erik hears a knock at the door. He ignores it as he keeps jerking off, thinking that it's Bret again.

"Erik, it's Jessica," a voice says from the other side of the door.

"Wha... Fuck!," Erik thinks releasing his grip on himself. With a sudden burst of panicked energy, he plants his feet into the ground to stand up. Instead, his chair launches backward and falls on the ground with Erik still sitting in it. Erik's arms and legs stand straight into the air, like a turtle laying backward on its shell. Erik's arms and legs then collapse downward as he rushes to stand himself up. Erik stands up in a daze and lifts up his fallen chair. Erik then rushes to put his clothes back on, even though he still has a raging erection. He pulls his clothes on quickly and runs to the door, red-faced, breathing heavily with sweat lightly glistening on his forehead. Erik swings the door open very fast in one sudden movement, which startles Jessica.

"Hi!," Erik says loudly.

"Hi. Are you ok?" Jessica asks.

"Yeah, why?" Erik says breathing heavily.

"Were you... busy with something?" Jessica asked curiously.

"Umm, no," Erik says quickly shaking his head. "Nope, nope, not at all."

"You weren't like jerking off or anything right?" Jessica says jokingly with a smile.

Erik freezes in panic. His face couldn't get any redder, but he could feel the heat radiating off his pores through his lips and eyes. "... Ha... ha... Haha...," Erik laughs nervously. "That's funny. I was... Cleaning up... Yeah..."

"At 11:30 at night?"

"Yeah," Erik says. "Never too late... To... clean up..."

"I think I left something here. Can I come in and look for it?"

"Sure," Erik says stepping back from the door. She walks in and Erik adjusts himself since his dick was bulging through his pants. There are clothes scattered all over. The foam couch is still flipped out on the floor in the bed mode from 2 nights ago.

Jessica notices that the room was in disarray. "I thought you were cleaning up?" she asks.

"I was...," Erik said. "But then you knocked... And I stopped..."

"O... K...," Jessica says slowly.

"So... What brings you by? Oh, you left something... Right... So... What was it?"

"I think I left some clothes here?" Jessica says. "Did you see anything that wasn't yours?"

"Umm, no," Erik said. "But, I hadn't made my way over there yet." Jessica walked over to the foam couch that they sat on yesterday. Then, she picked up two socks. "Found them," she said.

"Oh, good," Erik said confused.

"She came back for socks?" Erik thought.

"I should go," Jessica said.

"OK," Erik said. Jessica walked to the door and Erik followed behind her.

Jessica walked back out of the door and then turned around to face Erik.

"Good night," Jessica said.

"Good night," Erik said. Jessica slowly turned to leave. Erik walked out of his room and watched her walk down the hall. When she was out of sight, he stepped back into his room and closed the door. Erik was tired but was happy that he was able to see Jessica, even if it was for only a moment.

"She could have been with that other guy tonight, but instead she was by herself," Erik thought. "Maybe she does like me?" Either way, Erik felt like he needed to finish what he started before the interruption. Erik sat down at his computer. He opened his "Jessica porn" folder, and he resumed fucking himself.

Erik's erection was coming back as he watched "fake Jessica" eye fuck the camera while blowing the cameraman. But then, Erik began to feel strange about what he was doing. He couldn't put himself back inside his fantasyland. For some reason, it was now too real to be a fantasy. He stopped masturbating and paused the video, staring at "fake Jessica" with cum all over her face and a seductive, "come fuck me look" in her eyes. Erik continued to stare trying to get back there; trying to bring himself back there where he could feel "fake Jessica" sucking his cock. He tried and he tried, but he couldn't return himself to this fantasy.

Erik looked down and his dick was softening. He felt that something wasn't the same and he didn't know what or why. Erik opened up a tube porn site and searched "Asian reverse cowgirl anal", his personal favorite. Erik watched the video. Slowly, his erection came back. Erik was able to put himself back in the zone. He was there, fucking the asian porn star, and cumming in her ass.

Erik woke up Saturday late morning and walked to the bathroom. Bret was standing at the sinks in a towel, brushing his teeth.

"Hey," Erik said.

"Yo," Bret says. "So... Why aren't you making a move on her?"


"Why aren't you going after her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Dude," Bret says. "C'mon man. She comes to your place at 11:30 to pick up her socks? And you don't even fucking touch her?"

Erik was shocked that news of his night with Jessica had traveled so quickly. "We talked for awhile," Erik responded.

"We talked for awhile," Bret says dopily, mocking Erik. "Are you in the 1st grade? Dude, she wants to be with you."


"What the fuck," Bret said in disbelief. "Are you that fucking dense? She's throwing herself at you, and she wants you to take charge."

"Of what?"

"Of her!"

Erik was confused. "Like manhandle her?" Erik said.

Bret paused and stared at Erik. "Do I really need to explain the fucking birds and bees to you?" Bret finally responded.

"I'm not good with girls.," Erik said.

"No fucking shit."

"I don't know what to do."

"How about trying to kiss her to start?" Bret said. "A girl doesn't come over to your place that late just to pick up her fucking socks. She wants to be with you. She wants you, to want to be with her. Fucking take the bait and go fuck around."

"Fuck around?"

"Mess around, fool around, whatever you want to call it. Just... have fun and stop acting like a little bitch."

"So... she wants me... to take charge... and just do it?" Erik said slowly.


"Alright. I can do that."

"Good. Call her.," Bret said.


"Call her. Now. Tell her you want to hang out again tonight."


"YES!," Bret said.

"Will that work?"

"YES!," Bret said again.

"That's all I have to do?"

Bret had lost his patience. "Sprechen zi Deutsche you fucking douche?" Bret said. "Si! YES, mother fucker! What fucking language do I need to say it in! YES, now go do it!"

"OK," Erik said. After Erik used the bathroom, he went back to his room and paced the floor for awhile.

"She wants me to take charge?" Erik thought. Erik's daydreams went to images of him grabbing her hair and yanking back as he fucked her from behind. Erik sits down as he dreams of pushing her over his desk and fucking her deep and hard.

"Oh Erik!," Jessica says in his daydream. "Your cock is so big!"

Erik slaps her ass hard as he continues to fuck her, the sound of his thighs and balls smacking against her ass echo throughout the room.
